The Bourne Ultimatum

Chapter 19: It's tragic


During the Battle of Tongling Mountain and the subsequent Battle of Changsha, the combat orders issued by the military command used the newly developed blue code. The start of a new code has a certain effective time limit, and it is impossible to decipher it in a short time.

Leaks can only happen inside the military command. The high-ranking officials involved in and issuing combat orders can never collude with the enemy in principle. They are all the mainstays of the war-tested **** backbone party-state. This is beyond doubt.

Then the problem can only arise in the combat department, telecommunications department, and confidential department of the First Department of the Military Order Department in a certain intermediate link.

Wang Yan re-examined the handover chain of the blue code. From activation to storage, the whole process is like a rigorous and complete assembly line operation, perfect. As the inspector of the leak case, Tao Xiangke has an appointment with him for a secret meeting. The subject cannot be separated from the case of the leak, otherwise he would just pick it up. The broken characters he left at the crash site seem to have verified part of Gao Jun's safe.

But there was nothing Wang Yan needed in the safe, and the photos of those beautiful women were all matched with the number after investigation, and they had nothing to do with the mysterious woman. Is there another possibility that Gao Jun transferred a certain secret or evidence involved in the leak case.

However, looking at the entire process of enabling the blue code, Gao Jun's possibility of obtaining the blue code content is zero, only zero.

After a long time, some people may be annoyed. After analyzing and inferring, there is no possibility of leaking secrets at all. It's a test of patience!

Wait a minute, after all, there is a fact that Tao Xiang can meet with Wang Yan alone out of some selfish desire, and there must be important information to tell. The broken word he wrote with his last life force is definitely not something that children play with, nor is it as simple as an insignificant safe behind a picture. Perhaps Fan Xuanjie and Wang Yan’s ability to decipher is limited or Not yet in place. Isn't there such a saying, what a person hides is hard to find for a hundred people, that's the reason.

But Wang Yan locked himself in the office for two days thinking hard, but still had no idea.

At lunchtime, Xiao An brought food and brought the day’s newspaper by the way. After eating and wanting to change his mind, Wang Yan picked up the newspaper and looked at it casually. As usual, the front-page headline is that the Chinese army won a battle in a certain place and wiped out how many enemies to inspire the people's enthusiasm for the war. Other political, economic, livelihood, and entertainment pages depend on their preferences.

Wang Yan also glanced at the front page for a few moments. The battle situation was mixed with water, but it was impossible to deceive where the Japanese army went. At present, he only cares about this. After reading it, he threw the newspaper to the ground. He leaned forward to pick it up. The last version of the corpse recognition notice suddenly caught his eye.

The notice to the effect was that at about ten o'clock the night before, a fisherman was punting down the river, and suddenly two people on the shore threw a package into the river. Out of curiosity, the fishermen struggled to salvage the parcel on board, unpacking the parcel, and looking at it, it turned out to be the corpse of a young man.

Ten o'clock last night

Wang Yan couldn't help but move in his heart. The night before Gao Jun received the call of the death agreement was about ten thirty. Why did the Japanese make an appointment with him so late, and categorically killed him after not finding what he needed? Wang Yan was very troubled. From the time he met with Gao Jun at 8 o'clock to when he received an appointment call when he returned home, he suspected that something irreversible must have happened during the period, and Gao Jun was killed.

Will it be related to this corpse recognition notice? This person died within the time period he suspected. He immediately pressed the summoning bell, and Xiao An almost came in.

Wang Yan pointed to the corpse recognition notice in the newspaper and asked him to immediately find Yan Shengping to ask two people to go to the morgue of the police station with him.

Being swayed by an inexplicable excitement, Wang Yan couldn't think about other issues in his mind. He had an intuition that this dead man should have some connection with Gao Jun, and he was excited that he might have found a breakthrough.

Many people in life are superstitious of a certain intuition. Intuition seems to be a kind of enlightenment like a soul out of one's body. Wang Yan is the kind of person who believes in intuition. I wish him luck.

When he got downstairs, Yan Shengping, the deputy director of the secret service, had to follow him. This was a grassy man. Director Xuan Jialun was dissatisfied with the Second Office of the Military Intelligence Bureau's intervention in the Special Office of the Military Command Department. Yan Shengping was pulled up by Xuan Jialun with one hand, the boss hid away, and he was the only one who came out to fight the thunder. In view of the low qualifications, he had no choice but to do his best to be innocent on both sides, which changed day by day, and there was still room for him to mix his mouth and eat.

The car arrived at the police station. Because Yan Shengping greeted him in advance, the Commissioner Dai Jianlinchu greeted him personally at the door. Yan Shengping gave an introduction to both sides, and after a virtual cutscene, Wang Yan asked Dai Jianlin to lead the way to the morgue directly.

Dai Jianlin went inside and asked Wang Yan to tell him that he didn't need to go, let his subordinates see it. The man was beaten badly, and there was no good skin all over his body.

Wang Yan then said to him that he would not come unless he saw it with his own eyes.

Pushing open the door of the morgue, a cold air hit the door. The veteran forensic doctor in the sub-bureau opened the masked sheet of the corpse on the inner bed. As soon as it touched the face of the deceased, Wang Yan, who was used to seeing the corpse on the battlefield, couldn't help but shudder.

Although the forensic doctor had done a simple cleaning treatment, the deceased's head was covered with wounds, and it was more swollen than ordinary people's heads.

Lao Xiang gave a simple introduction and said: "I have seen carefully, the swelling of his face and body, apart from being soaked in water for too long, is mainly caused by wound infection. All his teeth fell off. , There are signs of pepper water in the nostrils, and there are two serious bruises on the scalp"

Wang Yan waved him to wait, and asked Yan Shengping and the two who came with him to come forward and recognize. Yan Shengping shook his head before seeing it, and turned away, asking the other two to identify carefully. The two looked around the corpse from left to right. One of them said that it would be difficult to identify people who were not very close, and they were basically out of shape.

After thinking for a while, Wang Yan asked Xiao'an to call the confidential office to ask about the attendance in the past two days. If anyone hasn't shown up in the past two days, ask two people who are familiar with this person to come over and acknowledge it quickly.

After Xiao An ran away, Wang Yan asked Lao Xiang to continue. Lao Xiang suddenly said: "You have to be prepared, if you have poor tolerance, you'd better retreat."

These words are too embarrassing and too beating, but out of professional attributes and curiosity, naturally no one in this room is scared off by him.

He picked up the sheet that had faded under the deceased's neck with one hand, as if he couldn't bear it. Old Xiang suddenly pulled the sheet in the air, and the deceased's body was suddenly exposed to everyone's eyes. Everyone's eyes were closed tightly after a sudden opening, and it was unclear whether their faces were scared, shocked, or extremely painful.

Lao Xiang said with endless sorrow in his tone: "The hands, legs, feet, abdomen, chest cavity and even fingers and toes were all injured. I have been in the industry for more than 20 years and have examined countless corpses. The extent of the damage to this corpse Guang Zhi Shen is unique! His whole body is burned with iron, electric shock, knife gouge, and heavy hammer wounds. The main wounds have been soaked in salt water. Iron men can't bear it!"

Can't bear to listen any more, can't bear to look at it for a second time, Wang Yan walked out of the morgue and rushed to the gate, the air seemed to be full of blood. He couldn't help nausea, and ran to a corner quickly, before squatting down, all the food he had just eaten at noon was vomiting, and the spasm in the abdominal cavity almost shut him out.

There is such a word, the body is incomplete. Wang Yan has said and heard it before, and today is the first time I have seen it. He vomited loudly, and a thought came to his mind: Little Japan, I'm never finished with you.

The two people from the confidential office arrived. From the two moles on the neck of the deceased, they confirmed that the deceased was confidential and was Gao Jun’s most capable assistant Kong Xiao.

The answer basically came out. Kong Xiao, who could not help being tortured, betrayed Gao Jun and caused Gao Jun's death. Why did he betray Gao Jun? How was he discovered and arrested by spies? I am afraid that the exact answer is not available, because everyone in the confidential office or even the first hall does not know what Gao Jun asked him to do. But what he must be doing is in a state of top secret.

Only Wang Yan can guess a lot of things. According to Qiao's description, the Japanese are anxious to obtain something confidential or life-and-death from Gao Jun. This thing is not big, or very small, as small as a microfilm. If Gao Jun asked Kong Xiao to monitor or track a person, he would definitely let him take pictures and leave a moving image of this person.

So who will this person be? If not unexpected, it should be the mysterious woman who intervened in Gao Jun's emotional life. Because she is mysterious, Gao Jun wants to understand her. This is a kind of professionalism and Gao Jun's personal defense. In Chongqing, a place full of spy days, Gao Jun shouldn't be ignorant of her because he has made a beautiful woman. When he does things that hurt the country and the nation, he is too late to regret.

That night, when he received an appointment call, Gao Jun should be aware of his situation. He shouldn't have gone to the appointment, but he still went. Why

In the car returning to the first hall, Wang Yan confessed that Yan Shengping notified the General Affairs Office to give Kong Xiao a thick burial. Yan Shengping said, there are many doubts behind Kong Xiao's torture, Gao Jun is likely to die in his hands.

Wang Yan said, "Okay, I'll leave this to you to investigate."

Yan Shengping hurriedly shook his head and said, "How to find out!"

Even if Gao Junquan knew that it was Kong Xiao's betrayal that caused his death, he might forgive him. Wang Yan's mind is full of Kong Xiao's incomplete body, and no one can withstand such torture.

It is basically certain that the mysterious woman next to Gao Jun is a spy, and there is only one purpose for approaching him, to instigate him to do things for the Japanese. In the case of Tongling Mountain leaking secrets, there is a Japanese work in a certain location of the first hall, and Tao Xiang can be aware of this. However, due to an intrigue with his boss and the director of the Special Services Department Xuan Jialun, he was unwilling to give up the credit, and only then did he have a secret agreement with Wang Yan. It was at this point that his behavior was discovered by a spy hidden in a hall. In order not to draw Wang Yan’s attention to himself, the Japanese had to throw out the bait Gao Jun to confuse the audience in a hurry.