The Bourne Ultimatum

Chapter 20: Zero distance


"What you mean is that the Japanese were forced to throw Gao Jun out of desperation, and did not intend to kill him at first. The real reason for his death was that he sent Kong Xiao to monitor the mysterious woman and obtained its image data, which angered the Japanese. Caused by?" Wang Yan invited Fan Xuanjie to the place where Gao Jun was martyred to deepen his interpretation.

"Yes, otherwise it can’t be explained. Gao Jun himself has nothing to do with the leak, but was only involved in it. He didn’t do anything about it, and he secretly investigated the mysterious woman to prove this. He could have lived, but he chose to die. "Wang Yan made a further interpretation with confidence.

Picking up a piece of rock by his feet, Fan Xuanjie's childlike heart shot towards the heart of the river. The rock barely stirred up two waves on the surface of the river, and sank silently to the bottom of the river. He turned to look at Wang Yan and joked: "I think you were irritated by Kong Xiao's death. You gave Gao Jun such a high evaluation. He knows that he should wake up with a smile."

At this time, the two happened to arrive at the scene of Gao Jun's death, and the human figure drawn by the technical department is still clearly identifiable. Wang Yan walked around and said in a painful tone: "Then how do you explain that the Japanese will kill them after they have not found what they need?"

Fan Xuanjie casually said: "There is no use value anymore."

Shaking his head, Wang Yan said, "No, it's his insistence on not surrendering what Little Japan wants. Knowing that the consequence of rejection is death, do you think it is easy for a prodigal who knows how to enjoy life like him?"

Reaching out to him, Fan Xuanjie said sincerely: "Congratulations, you have removed an obstacle. Unfortunately, Gao Jun's secret may become an eternal secret. What point do you focus on next?"

Lightly touching his hand, Wang Yan's expression seemed a little relaxed, and he immediately said, "Don't you think that deciphering Tao Xiangke's broken characters is the only direction? Dude, you don't work hard, so I have to do it myself. ."

Fan Xuanjie immediately defended himself and said, "This is too much. The broken characters are like endgames. Each has its own solution. There is no certain rule. Don't get rid of the jujube and get out of your breath."

"Tom Tom Tom", a black figure ran from the direction of the embankment. It was Xiao An. He excitedly reported the good news that a mysterious woman with the characteristics showed up.

Wang Yan glanced at his watch and asked Fan Xuanjie if he could join in the excitement at 9:50. Fan Xuanjie's words choked him wishing that he could jump the river immediately: "It's better than two stinky men ruining the beautiful scenery here."

In the car, Xiao An told the two officers that this time, the certainty was great. The place where the mysterious woman meets the person has been blocked by the secret service.

Fan Xuanjie immediately yelled "Oops." Wang Yan and Xiaoan looked at him in a puzzled manner. He said angrily, "I don't understand yet. This is equivalent to sending a letter to her. Are you planning to arrest her?"

Wang Yan said that of course there is no such plan at present. Xiaoan said that it was Yan Shengping who reported to Xuan Jialun, who gave the order.

Fan Xuanjie asked Xuan Jialun to get in touch, asking him to remove the person immediately. Xuan Jialun said that the mysterious woman was ready to withdraw Fan Xuanjie and shouted: "Just let her withdraw, and your people will immediately withdraw far away. Don't let her notice."

Wang Yan jokingly said: "She only withdrew after she noticed it."

Kicked the car door bitterly, Fan Xuanjie said angrily: "It's just that there are more guys like Xuan Jialun who are so happy, and the spies can't be eliminated."

Wang Yan asked him if he was still going. He glared at him and said, "Why not? I still have to teach the surname Xuan to my face. It doesn't matter if I occupy the pit and don't shit, it's not a bad thing."

Xiao An immediately increased the speed of the car, wanting to see her true face before the mysterious woman retreats.

In Chongqing, no one can see the real face of a mysterious woman, even face to face with her, except for her accomplices.

If Wang Yan and Fan Xuanjie learn that the person "connecting" with the mysterious woman is the swinger Qiao, they don't know how to think.

It is true that just five minutes ago, Qiao and the mysterious woman Shizuko Shanshan sat opposite each other in a teahouse.

On that night of fright a week ago, Qiao sent Yan'er back to her dormitory, looking at her pale face, he distressedly agreed with her that he must see her again in a week, otherwise, he would do everything. Nothing.

Yana worried that he would be severely punished. Qiao said very manly: "You are so frightened for me. You can't stand by your side and you should have been struck by thunder, let him go."

Therefore, for a week, Yan'er's words kept ringing in her ears, and she stood at the window waiting for Lang to come before it was dark. In the night, when Qiao was sneaking towards the dormitory, she let out a cheer, Yan'er fell into Qiao's embrace like a spring, but when Qiao wanted to kiss her, she tilted her head back and said: " Stay alive. All good things must be made step by step in order to fully enjoy the process. We have not even held our hands. Don't you think that this procedure will bring some kind of regret to your life?"

"Can't hold hands and kiss and pack together?" Qiao Mou teased her.

"Whether holding hands or kissing, the throbbing of people's hearts is different. Just like when I choose between you and Jian Fei, different feelings will bring me different pleasure." Yan Children cruel "teasing him".

Sure enough, Qiao Mou said with an injured look: "You bad girl who steps on two boats, why can't you love me wholeheartedly?"

With a wicked smile, Yan'er said: "Who made me meet you two at the same time, and there are some things that girls like. Jianfei is mature and stable, you are smart and bold, so my two shopping baskets are difficult and difficult. , It’s hard to choose, my nature is not bad."

Qiao said tastefully: "Beware of the day when the left is empty and the right is empty."

Yana confidently said, "It's absolutely impossible."

Qiao Mou attacked her and said, "Don't take yourself too much as a green onion. Don't you think Jianfei doesn't care about you? People won't play with you anymore."

Putting her little hand into his palm, Yan'er said, "Isn't there you still?"

The body couldn't help but feel crisp. This was the first time Xiao Nizi took the initiative to hold his hand. Qiao couldn't help but give a deep kiss on the back of her hand.

There was still Yan'er's warmth in the palm of her palm, her body scent faintly remained in her nostrils, Qiao Mou was walking happily on the street with few passers-by, she took her hand, she will be her own from now on. How beautiful!

But when he was immersed in the beautiful and romantic reverie, he didn't even notice a few dark shadows coming to him. When he heard the sound of his clothes, he was surrounded by four black scarf masked people.

Calm down, he asked leisurely: "Everyone, what do you mean?"

"I want to ask my brother to take a step to speak." One of them said humanely.

"What if this little brother doesn't have this idle time?"

"Wen please don't move, you can only use military force."

"I'm afraid I'm afraid the same, please don't move."

The four of them made a false move at the same time, and said in the same voice: Brother please!

Qiao stepped down and pulled out a beautiful fancy with one hand in the air: please!

After a dazzling reshaping operation, Qiao was unmoved, and the two front and back cut his chest and back straight. One of Qiao leaned back, his body volleyed into a line shape, his palms and fingertips struck the eyes of the person facing the back, and his feet hit the door of the person facing him; the two left and right looked straight, grabbed both of them, and punched hard. Pushing towards Qiao's waist and abdomen, he was nailed to death.

Unexpectedly, Qiao quickly retracted his body by kicking the person in front of him, and he was concave into a bow shape. With his arms around his two heads, he made a little effort to make the two kiss each other.

In the shadow of a street corner, Shizuko Shansugi, who was covered by a veil, asked a very strong man standing on one side: "What kind of evil is he playing? Only one move broke our East-South Flanking Art?"

The man said: "You can't see the way with just one move. Chinese Kungfu is so extensive and profound. If you are not capable, you can't touch the door with a hundred moves."

Shizuko said: "Mizino-kun, are you confident that you can beat him?"

Mizuno Yazhi said, "Any Chinese Kungfu will be invisible and vulnerable under the martial arts of the Great Japanese Empire."

Unexpectedly, the Jingzi behind the veil gave him a stern look, and whispered: "Blind self-confidence is tantamount to digging a tomb. Haikou will be overly boastful and will insult itself!"

Mizuno Yazhi had to lower his head even more. In the stubborn hearts of the Japanese, Shangfeng is the parents, and it is irreversible, even if you refuse to accept it.

Shizuko walked out of the shadows and praised: "Little brother's good skill, really did not disappoint my good eyesight!"

Qiao Mou paused in his stature and said with pride: "What is your skill, what is it with you, so entangled!"

Jingzi said bluntly: "I just want to cooperate with you to create a better future."

With a cold smile, Qiao said awe-inspiringly: "On this scorched earth, I will never cooperate with your Japanese. I'm sorry, I don't have enough money with me today to pay for medical treatment for your compatriots." Stop, I want to go away high.

Mizuno stopped and said, "Then you have to pass my level first."

Shizuko yelled "Mizino-kun", and Mizuno withdrew. Jingzi walked to Qiao Mou face to face, still softly said: "You rebellious brother brother, do you have to ask me to invite your little cute Miss Yan'er together?"

After a pause, Qiao said calmly, "Please lead the way."

"There is a tea house around the corner, it closes in the early morning, please!" Jingzi took a half step ahead, and the two of them walked straight into the tea house named "Qing Ming" at the corner. The two little generals invited them upstairs, and Jingzi asked for Hujun Shan Maojian very ably.

"It's a pity, brother, I can't show you tea ceremony skills for a while, I hope I will serve you in the future." Shizuko seemed to lament.

"I said you can take off the ugly veil. Don't worry, I won't say it." Qiao Mou ridiculed.

"I'm not ugly, and I'm beautiful. But I shouldn't be peeked at what I am doing. Please forgive me, brother."

"So there is something to say?"

Xiao Er brought the teapot, Jingzi waved him to retreat, got up and poured a cup of tea for Qiao. Qiao took a sip and said, "This tea is a little bit old."

Jingzi took over and said: "Naturally, it is not as good as the new tea that Qiao's mansion must change every season. I like your name Qiao, which is generous and unrestrained; I also appreciate the professional agent you are about to be engaged in. It is loud and mysterious."

Seeing Qiao Mou's eyes straightened.