The Bourne Ultimatum

Chapter 3: Wonderful calculation


Perhaps it was the same time that Yunshan activated the indoor blasting device to blow herself up into the clouds, or in the last beautiful smile she left to the world, somewhere in the Kuomintang wartime capital Chongqing, about 1,800 kilometers away from Nanjing, the Ministry of National Defense The phone in the private house of Deputy Director Kong Zhanquan of the Military Intelligence Bureau rang suddenly.

Kong Zhanquan turned over on the bed with difficulty, reached out his hand to take the microphone of the dedicated line from the bedside table, and let out a lazy "hello".

"Director Kong, I'm sorry, I quarreled you." Telecommunications Director Ge Huzhi's slightly nervous voice immediately awakened Kong Zhanquan from his ignorance. If it were not for urgent information, Ge Huzhi would not come to his doze in the middle of the night.

Ge Huzhi reported to him on the phone: "Blood Rose" called, "Polar Tiger" emergency information.

Kong Zhanquan, who was in his fifties, put down the microphone and got up from the bed with the agility rare at his age. You know, his body is still in a state of exhaustion, and it's really hard for him to have such a quick response.

He turned on the light, grabbed the clothes on the bedside and put it on him, and stretched out a jade-like arm from the bed to hold his hand.

"What's the matter, like you lost your soul in a panic?"

He took this hand and kissed his lips and said, "My dear, there is an urgent business I have to deal with. Be good, keep my bed warm."

The person in the bed immediately sat up, she was a very young beautiful lady, poked Kong Zhanquan's forehead with a finger and said coquettishly: "I want to be beautiful. I have never seen a person like you, who often throws people down in the middle of the night. Ghost. I know which mother-in-law you're going to get under the hot bed again."

Kong Zhanquan panicked with a pair of trousers with one hand and pulled Lao Gao's thin lips with one hand and said, "You dare to think about it, I was drained by you. Do you have to go out? Good, lie back, Ye Liang , I will go back as soon as I go, ah!" From his goosebumps voice, this beautiful lady was spoiled by him naturally.

But he really has no time to spend endlessly with her now. The "Polar Tiger" is the trump card of the military intelligence system. The information he sent is top-secret and top-secret. Except for the on-duty telecommunications officer, the entire bureau is limited to knowing the contents of the secret telegrams between him, the director and the director of telecommunications, Ge Huzhi.

The post of director was held by Dai Li, the chief executive of the military, and he had basically picked up the standing work in the entire bureau. Now he must rush to the MIB as soon as possible. The battle in Changsha is coming, and the late-night call from the "Polar Tiger" is not trivial.

Soothing Mei Jiaojiao, he quickly walked downstairs, four bodyguards were already in the yard ready to go.

Speeding all the way, when Kong Zhanquan's small convoy stopped in front of the MIB building, Ge Huzhi was already waiting under the steps with a message in his hand. As soon as Kong Zhanquan got out of the car, Ge Huzhi immediately delivered the message. Kong Zhanquan took the message and only glanced at it, and his eyebrows frowned.

The content of the telegram did not surprise him too much. The problem was the three words "within seven days" in the telegram. The "Polar Tiger" gave an inaccurate date. It was a lot of thought! As soon as he entered the intelligence analysis room, he stood directly in front of the defense map of the southwest area that occupied the entire southern wall.

Then, Fan Xuanjie, Director of the Special Second Division of the Military Intelligence Bureau, who had been called by him, walked in. Fan Xuanjie, who was in his prime of life, had a burly figure, and his seemingly mild and plump face flashed with sly eyes.

Kong Zhanquan frowned in front of the defensive map and meditated for a while, and asked Fan Xuanjie to immediately call Ma Haibo, deputy director of the first hall, hoping that he would lead his combat division chief Duan Dingyi to come here for an emergency consultation.

Fan Xuanjie called and came to him and asked softly, "Is there such a hurry? The date has yet to be determined!"

Kong Zhanquan shook his head and said, "The'Polar Tiger' is for us to determine. Obviously he can't get the exact date, test us! Remember that there is currently a defender in Tongling Mountain, right?"

Fan Xuanjie nodded and said, "It has always been the strength of a standing division, and ordinary defensive warfare is sufficient."

Shaking his head again, Kong Zhanquan yawned, and Fan Xuanjie immediately went to make a cup of tea and put it on the coffee table aside. The two retreated to the sofa and sat down, Kong Zhanquan asked Fan Xuanjie to give him a detailed introduction of which troops were stationed around Tongling Mountain.

About forty minutes later, Ma Haibo, Deputy Director of the First Department of the Military Command, led his Combat Division Chief Duan Dingyi in hurriedly. The two parties exchanged a little greeting. After Kong Zhanquan dictated the information of the "Polar Tiger", everyone came to the defensive map together.

After receiving the baton handed over by Fan Xuanjie, Kong Zhanquan first clicked on Tongling Mountain and said: "At present, the defense force of Tongling Mountain is the 2nd Division of the Conventional Defense. It is impossible to have an equal force. Since the Japanese are preparing to launch an attack, they must First understand the characteristics of Tongling Mountain that are easy to defend and difficult to attack, not to mention their ultimate intention is to point the sword at Xiangbei. It is conceivable that they will invest several times the force of mine. How much is it? The intelligence did not say."

Ma Haibo, who shook his head frequently, said in a slightly reproachful tone: "How can such important information be so much?"

Being awakened at two o’clock in the morning and then being pulled here to concentrate all energy on the war is really not so good. Kong Zhanquan didn’t care about him and didn’t explain, he was going to continue his explanation. The baton in his hand was just tapped. Ma Haibo stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Brother, in my opinion, will you chase a copy of the call right away, so that your people can confirm the exact time as soon as possible. Be careful of the accountability above!"

Kong Zhanquan sent out a wry smile and said: "Why don't I worry about this. I'm just afraid that time is too late! Do you think my information is as easy as digging a toilet?"

"Seat!" Following a cry of grief and indignation, the Director of Telecommunications Ge Huzhi rushed in with a message in his hand, his grief was beyond words.

Kong Zhanquan palpitated and was about to ask him what was going on. He had already passed the telegram in tears, choked up and said: "The rose call came, and the blood rose was besieged by the enemy and pulled explosives heroically, and died together with the enemy. Yeah!"

Kong Zhanquan slammed the baton he was holding into his head, and the baton broke into two pieces. His eyes became wet, and he sighed, "Blood rose, blood rose, you have become a real blood rose." Yeah!"

Ma Haibo, Fan Xuanjie, and Duan Dingyi on one side took off their hats and hung their heads in silence.

After a while, Kong Zhanquan raised his head, stretched out his right hand and shouted "Bring it!" Fan Xuanjie hurriedly took another baton and handed it to his hand. He blinked his eyelids to end the tears, Quandang stood in front of the defensive map again as if nothing had happened, and the baton in his hand pointed at Nanxiatang River again.

"Currently stationed in this area are the Japanese 6th Division, Nara Detachment, and Uemura Detachment, with a total strength of about 50,000. This is also the Japanese army closest to Tongling Mountain. It can be imagined that if the Japanese army uses this 50,000 troops or only need Half of these 50,000 troops launched an assault on Tongling Mountain, and then formed a clamp-on situation on northern Hunan. How will the entire Changsha battle be interpreted, everyone?"

Everyone who heard it looked at each other!

Kong Zhanquan glanced at them with a sharp gaze, his tone became severe, and continued: "The inaccuracy of intelligence sources has its various factors. This is not the time to discuss this, but as long as we deduce it carefully, all the details In fact, it's all in it. It takes four days at the fastest for enemy forces to travel from Tongling Mountain, and the pre-assembly preparation also takes about two days. Therefore, summarizing the time of the Japanese attack as seven days, these factors are included. Combined with our deployment of troops, the nearest 2 and 6 areas from Tongling Mountain have Ling Haoran’s Independent Division and Zhang Kaiyuan’s 114th Army. The journey will also take about three to four days. What is this like? Concept, everyone?"

Duan Dingyi, Chief of Operations Division of the First Office of the Military Command, pondered for a moment: "You mean that if there is no such information, or if the Japanese army is known to me during the attack, Tongling Mountain should be taken by the Japanese within seven days?"

Kong Zhanquan leaned towards him and asked, "How long do you think the defenders of the Tongling Mountain can last under the blitz of the 6th Division?"

On the side, Ma Haibowu said to himself and pondered: "One day? Half a day? Or just two hours? It's possible, but it's impossible to support it for more than 24 hours."

Slapped him on the shoulder, Kong Zhanquan said, "Brother, this is too absolute. As far as the current combat strength of our army is concerned, it may be difficult to change any of the organizational divisions for more than 24 hours. So I bother you. The deputy director immediately called the Ministry of National Defense and the Military Order to request an emergency meeting, and immediately mobilized Ling Haoran's Independent Division and Zhang Kaiyuan's 114 troops to rush to help Tongling Mountain without stopping!"

"Man, are you in such a hurry?" Ma Haibo pointed to his watch and said.

"Under normal circumstances, it seems unnecessary, think about it?" Kong Zhanquan nodded his heart.

Ma Haibo seemed to suddenly realize: "What blood rose do you mean will speed up the steps of the Japanese army?"

Nodded, Kong Zhanquan said, "This is also the subtlety of my intelligence officer's Finger of the Seventh Day. He has already taken in all possible situations."

Ma Haibo also nodded and said, "As the saying goes, interlacing is like a mountain. I'll call the summit."

After the phone call, Ma Haibo explained the situation concisely and concisely. The other end of the phone immediately ordered him and Kong Zhanquan to lead relevant personnel to the military headquarters to attend the emergency meeting.

When the group came downstairs, Ma Haibo pulled Fan Xuanjie before he got into the car, and made a mouthful towards the hole Zhanquan was drilling into the car, and asked, "Who is that blood rose from Lao Kong? Look at him as sad as that."

Fan Xuanjie took out his wallet from his pocket and showed a photo inside. He said sadly: "This blood rose is the flower of our game, a rare beauty in the world. It's a pity, wow, from now on. From now on, I can only deal with the photos!"

Ma Haibo glanced at the photo with his hand, and it was really beautiful.

At ten o’clock in the morning, the Military Order issued Operation Order No. 258: It is hereby ordered that Ling Haoran’s department depart within two hours and arrive at the left wing of Tongling Mountain within 70 hours; it is hereby ordered that Zhang Kaiyuan’s department depart within two hours and arrive within 70 hours. In the middle and right wing of Tongling Mountain, immediately deployed the front and hit the head of the 6th Division of the Japanese Army to invigorate our army!

On the empty page below the battle order, there is a letter written by Minister Xu of the Military Order in Xiaokai and his party: This telegram activates the top secret blue code that I have not yet implemented!