The Bourne Ultimatum

Chapter 6: The dude


At the rear, in the student dormitory of Chongqing University, under the dim light, four boys sitting at a desk in a mess, each holding a stack or two stacks of silver dollars. At the rear where the currency in circulation is legal currency, this is hard currency. It seems that these four are all children of the rich.

Four people gathered around a table, said to be around, but in fact, three people were sitting side by side and the other sitting alone. The one sitting alone had a stack of cards in his hand, and gave a card to each of the three in front of him in turn, and then asked the three "do you want it more."

Those who have a little bit of card skills understand at a glance that they are playing a card called Kan Nine, and the one with the card in his hand is the dealer. This bookmaker is twenty lords when he is old, and of course the other three are also, here is the focus of this bookmaker's bottom: square face, big eyes, nose, thin lips, looks very beautiful. But at this moment, his two eyes were slightly squinted and the other three were slanted, with a good cigar dangling in his mouth, like a foolish pair.

Although the other three also had cigarettes in their mouths, they lost his style, why? One is the cigarettes, but there is too little money on hand. The dealer has two thick stacks on hand, much more than the other three. Obviously he is a big winner, and the other three are losers. Winners and losers can be judged in terms of momentum, and losers can't pretend to be winners even if they want to pretend.

The dealer knew that he was good at playing mental cards. He drew out the top card of the stack of cards in his left hand with his right hand and pressed the card on the left hand side. A face went over and repeatedly asked, "Do you want it, do you want it? Fusheng?"

Fusheng stretched out his hand to open the card in his hand, he pulled it back and held it in his chest with a smile and said, "Want to play tricks? No way. Say it quickly, do you want?"

Lifting the card under his hand to the table, Fusheng shouted: "Eight o'clock", then shook his head and shouted: "No. I don't believe you Qiao Mou is nine o'clock this time."

Qiao asked the middle man again with a smile: "Jian Fei, how about you, are you afraid that one will burst?"

Jianfei opened the card, it was a two, and then took a look at Joe. Qiao gave out a card, the old king, 1 point. Jian Fei took another look at Qiao, and Qiao gave another card, which burst at 7 o'clock. Jian Fei knocked his head and threw a silver dollar to Qiao, who turned his face to the last house.

"Wise, you're firm, show your card."

He smiled, Mingzhi lightly picked up the card and threw it heavily on the table: "Nine o'clock! Where do I see you running this time?"

Squeezing his mouth, Qiao opened his card and threw it on the table: 7 o'clock. He murmured "This time is miserable", and other people urged him not to pretend to be garlic and hurry up to deal with the cards. He drew out a card and opened a corner in his palm, yelling "Old A, God helps me too!"

Fusheng shook his head and said "so evil", Jian Fei hummed in his nostrils and said, "I don't believe that he always has such good luck." Zhizhi pointed to Qiao with some emotions and shouted: "This time I want to You are really an old A, you must be an old one!"

Qiao put the stack of cards in his hand on the table, and the corner of his lips picked up and said, "You can't afford to lose if you win. It's your virtue. Which one of you will wash the remaining cards. Okay, can I just keep the top one and turn it over, right?"

The bright-eyed wise man was really going to get the card, but Jian Fei grabbed it and said, "Don't be full of words, then we will come together to bully you, win or lose, just turn it over."

Qiao muttered to Mingzhi: "You help me turn it up."

Wisely touched the card in his hand, squinted at Qiao and said, "I really turned it over, you don't regret it."

With Qiao Mou's chin raised, he wisely flipped the card and threw it on the table: Old K!

The dealer is the big one. Qiao's left thumb and middle finger twisted to make a beautiful snapping finger. Fusheng, Jianfei and Mingzhi were left with big eyes and small eyes.

As the alarm clock rang, the hour hand of the alarm clock on the table pointed to 3 o'clock in the morning. Qiao put away the two stacks of silver dollars in his hand and stuffed it under the pillow on his bed, shouting "It's time, I won't be with you, and I want to play and wait, don't steal my silver", and went out in a gust of wind.

The three people in the room rushed to Qiao Mou’s bed with eyebrows, took out a few silver dollars from under his pillow and stuffed them under the pillow on their bed, stretched out their arms and yawned, and they were too lazy to wash their feet. Snoring in one click.

Qiao, who rushed out of the dormitory, looked up at the Chongqing night sky, which is rare and clear only in the middle of the night. He stretched his arms and said twice, his eyes swept left and right, no one was seen, and he trot all the way to the courtyard wall. Qing Yizong put his hands on the wall and lifted his long legs, and the person has come outside the wall.

Two hundred meters away, there is a low black hill. A few minutes later, Qiao had climbed to the top of the mountain effortlessly. On the top of the mountain, there is a small ground surrounded by trees. Qiao, who walked into this clearing area, took a deep breath and sat cross-legged, with his hands flat on his knees, as if an old monk was in Zen, he didn't even breathe.

After a quarter of an hour, Qiao's head full of hair stood upright, swaying slowly with the breeze. At this time, if any night travel god saw it, it would be strange not to be scared to death. Suddenly, there was a violent shout in the quiet night, Qiao stood upright, with his hands pulling out a very beautiful fancy, and then wandered along the square inch of the land like a drunkard and a dancer. If he looked closely, he The feet of her feet seem to have never touched the ground.

From slow to fast, from Xu to swift, at first you could still see Qiao's body, and gradually, it turned into clusters of shadows, and again, only to see a tornado-like whirlwind and rustling wind.

Finally, like the wind and the waves, Qiao's spinning body gradually slowed down like a top, stopped, and then waved to the sky, a bunch of looming fingers flashing like sparks of lightning.

He is practising a kind of martial arts called Tianlingzhi. He must absorb the aura of heaven and earth yin at 3 o'clock in the morning every day to circulate in the body for a week, vomiting the old and receiving the new. The master told him that it was only three o'clock in the morning, when the heavenly sun and the earth's yin were converging, and the chaos of the heavens and the earth at this time was the most nourishing one.

After a sky-spirited finger shot towards the sky, Qiao sat cross-legged and entered concentration, just like at the beginning. Three minutes later, as if waking up from a dream, he opened his eyes, and a pair of brilliant pupils were shining brightly. They were so bright that they were so admirable and enviable. He wished he had such a pair of cosmetic contacts.

Hehe a long laugh, in fact, Qiao's body is full of yang, and then he makes an alternate slide on the lawn with his toes, and in a blink of an eye, the person has descended the hill, the speed is fast, and the speed is like a meteor.

However, when Qiao, who is sitting in the classroom at this moment, is looking around and looking around in your eyes, it is difficult for you to associate him with the elegant and calm young man on the hill, even though the instructor takes it several times. The pointer tapped the podium to remind him, but he still went his own way.

Who can let him get the first place in the class with his eyes closed, and what can the teacher do

The get out of class bell finally rang, Qiao and Jian Fei jumped up and cheered at the same time, and rushed out of the classroom like an arrow. However, in three or two minutes, the two mischievous young masters each rode a bicycle quickly toward the school gate.

This Saturday, there is no class in the afternoon, and most of the students are eager to return home, but these two are by no means so simple. No, the two beautiful girls standing behind the donation box hooked their souls under the large slogan "Support the soldiers of the Changsha Conference" hanging on the left side of the school gate.

The two bicycles stopped in front of the donation box, and the two girls grinned sillyly at the two beauties. The two beauties both lifted the donation box and made a move towards the two young women, and also pursed their attractive mouths. The two looked at each other, their four hands rushed to pocket money.

Qiao Mou took out a lot, but Jian Fei only had a pitiful ten dollars, which was all silver dollars. Qiao was about to stuff everything into the opening of the donation box, Jian Fei stretched out his hand and said, "Keep a little bit, there's still another afternoon."

Qiao Moun pushed him aside, stuffed all the silver dollars in his hand into the donation box, and surprised a few classmates who came to raise money with a "wow". Qiao Mou turned his head to give them a joy, took out a silver dollar from Jian Fei's hand, and then snarled at him. Jian Fei narrowed his mouth and stuffed the rest of the ocean into the donation box.

The two beauties chuckled and laughed, one of them bit the other's ear: "Look at your two, winking like a broken arm."

This one couldn't help but bends over with a laugh, Jian Fei pointed at the other fakely and said: "What's wrong with us again? Tell me honestly."

This one hid behind the other and said, "Yan'er, help, he wants to hit me!"

Yaner straightened up. Jian Fei pointed to her again: "Quickly, what tongue does she chew?"

After finally holding back the laugh, Yan'er burst out a burst of laughter again: "Qi'er said, she said, she said you two played with a broken arm, you laughed so hard at me!" Then she hid behind Qi'er. Go, all the students who were onlookers burst into laughter.

Qiao turned the front wheel of the car to block Jian Fei's desire to find Yan'er and Qi'er to settle the account: "Don't be ashamed, let's go, go home!"

Jianfei waved his fist at the two of them and followed Qiao all the way out of the school gate.

"Where to go first?"

"Naturally it is Li Ji's red oil beef grocery store!"


Passing through two alleys, a small shop with the sign of "Li Ji red oil and beef miscellaneous" drew the two people's car to ride fast. It was up to the front. Before the two of them could get the car, the owner of the shop in his thirties Yelled at the two young boys: "Come on, what do the two little brothers want?"

Qiao Mou smiled and said, "What else can be born in your store? The same, double."

At lunchtime, the shop was full of people, sweating all over the bowl of beef offal. There is a big iron pot on one side of the store door, full of beef offal stewed white radish. Almost without waiting, Qiao and Jian Fei ate the steaming beef offal, which was so spicy that they breathed in and shouted that it was so enjoyable. After hula la, the boss added another bowl of soup, with a big Kangbing, and the two of them had a round belly.

Qiao threw a silver dollar in the past, and the shop owner raised his hand to take it. He was looking for the money. From nowhere, there was a burst of slogans: Down with the little Japan, comfort my heroic soul! Drive the little Japan out of China and restore my greater China!

The two boys who like to watch the excitement hurriedly urged the boss to hurry up. Qiao couldn't wait to fly into the car, Jian Fei hurriedly took the change, and the two followed the sound along the way.

At an intersection, crowded with people watching the excitement, the two boys stepped on their bicycles and looked over everyone's heads. It turned out that the anti-Japanese soldiers who had returned from the front line were taking regular steps to accept the public's review and welcome. But their faces were full of anger and grief. Could it be that they were defeated!

Qiao yelled "Go", and the two of them got on their bicycles and took shortcuts to find out.

After turning a bend, the alley in front was surrounded by a lot of people, but not too many. The two leaned their bicycles against the wall and squeezed through the crowd, just in time to see the team approaching. Jian Fei seemed to be sharp-eyed, suddenly patted Qiao on the shoulder, and pointed to the almost fragmented banner in front of the team in surprise and shouted: "Binwa, it's my dad's team, come on."

Maybe it was that before the word "Look" was called out, Jianfei squeezed out the crowd violently, ran to the middle of the road, and suddenly knelt down. Qiao also ran with him and looked in front of the team: a huge log coffin was carried on the shoulders of eight young soldiers in officer uniforms. At the front of the coffin, there was a portrait of Qiao on fine charcoal about one meter high. I have seen him many times, sometimes he calls him Uncle Job, and sometimes he calls him General Joe.