The Bourne Ultimatum

Chapter 7: Friends have a gap


The Kuomintang Military Committee decided to hold a public memorial meeting for General Ling Haoran who died in the Battle of Tongling Mountain. His remains are temporarily housed in the Zhongshan Auditorium.

When Qiao returned to his home with Ling Jianfei, Ling Mansion, who had learned the news first, had set up a simple mourning hall for condolences from all walks of life. Qiao couldn't bear to witness the tragic scene of Ling Mansion hugging and crying, and left silently.

When I returned to my house, it was dark, and his father's Ford car was parked at the gate of Qiao's mansion. Old Hantou, the housekeeper who opened the door, saw him, and quickly said: "Master, you are back, Master can't wait!"

"Wait for me? I don't know if I have feet." Qiao Mou replied with a bad mood.

"I heard Ling"

Qiao Mou interrupted him with a wave, and walked straight to the patio. In front of him, a peculiar-looking lady who seemed a little overly wealthy came trotting over, muttering: "Little ancestor, you finally know that you are down, your father is so anxious to jump there!"

"Oh" Qiao said, "I just came back from Ling's Mansion. Mother, dad is going to go there?"

Mother Qiao said: "That's natural, your father has a very good relationship with General Ling, for fear of falling behind."

Just as he was talking, a man in his fifties who was in a long gown walked in the mall and showed his head at the entrance, accompanied by two young enchanting aunts on the left and right. When Master Qiao saw that his precious son was back, he hurriedly shouted: "Binwa, hurry, hurry up and accompany me to the Ling Mansion to pay homage to General Ling. It shouldn't be too late."

His father and Ling Haoran had been friends for many years. Although Qiao was reluctant, he had to accompany him on a walk. In the car, Master Qiao Qiao Dingshan directly complained that his son was ignorant and should have accompanied Jianfei to watch the night. Qiao dealt with it with "the scene where we can't see the crying".

The car was still some distance away from Ling Mansion, and the road was full of all kinds of small cars, making this road blocked. Qiao accompanied his father all the way, people from all walks of life who came to mourn one after another, and more ordinary people were stopped by the police who were transferred to maintain order at the gate of Ling Mansion. The heroic martyrdom of an Anti-Japanese war general not only won admiration from all walks of life, but more importantly, it inspired a wide range of anti-Japanese enthusiasm.

As the night deepened, the crowd of condolences continued to flow, and it was not until midnight, considering that the furniture of the funeral was exhausted, and the door of Ling Mansion calmed down.

Ling Jianfei comforted his mother and father's aunts and wives, and walked silently in the back garden with the Qiao who stayed behind.

Qiao couldn't help it anymore, and stopped his way, saying, "Don't hold back what's the matter, can you tell me?"

I don't know that his words caused Ling Jianfei to cry for a long time, and he covered his face and choked, "You don't know, I think, I feel that his father's death is like a mountain that has fallen and fallen!"

After a pause, Qiao Mou said: "Yes, my father is a mountain in my son's heart, and even my heart feels empty. But at the same time, I have a deep sense of loss. Your father is dead. He was brave and heroic, but he didn't die where he deserved to die."

A trace of disappointment flashed across Ling Jianfei's eyes, and then he said, "According to your usual logic, my father should die in the northeast, in Shanghai, and in Nanjing. That's a good death, right?"

With a wave of his hand, Qiao said, "Today I will not be serious with you, nor will I discuss with you the problems in the front and rear. In just over a year, Chongqing, a small place, was overcrowded, and the devil threw a bomb compared to other places. How many more people are going to die? Why is this? Reap the fruits of it! Now what else to call for resistance, is it too late for my classmates?"

Ling Jianfei immediately said indignantly: "The conflict between me and you is that this is the end of the matter, and the end of the matter is that we will not resist the war? Let the devils run rampant and take the entire China?"

Forced by his imposing manner, Qiao took a few steps back and waved his hands straight and said: "Why did you go early? Can you be here? I really feel sad for our country and for our people."

Ling Jianfei couldn't help interrupting him and said, "You are a typical pessimist. You have to get a bright place to promote it, and you are not a traitor!"

Suddenly, a person walked out from under the shade of the trees beside them and disturbed the two friends who were blushing with thick necks. Ling Jianfei turned his head to see that it was Wang Yan, the chief of staff next to his father. Knowing that he might have heard the dispute between the two, he called him "Uncle Wang" in embarrassment.

This Wang Yan took off his military uniform and put on a long gown. He was quite like a literati. A top hat was so low that it did not cover the gauze wrapped around his head, and his right hand was bent, and he seemed to have been injured. Why does he cover up his hurt dress? This matter will be discussed later.

Sure enough, Qiao asked: "Uncle Wang, why are you dressed like this?"

Wang Yan said calmly: "Children, don't be so curious. It sounds like you two are arguing, why?" Qiao Mou often went to Ling Mansion to look for Ling Jianfei to play. Wang Yan felt that this child had a lot of thoughts. Some are clever, I appreciate it very much.

"He actually said that my father was worthless." Ling Jianfei still said in a sorrow.

"I don't mean that, you are totally misunderstanding." Qiaomou distinguished.

Ling Jianfei still wanted to criticize. Wang Yan pressed down his palm and said, "I listened to both sides. Your two views happened to represent the two opposing factions in society. Now unless Chairman Chiang is allowed to be the arbitrator, It’s never clear. There are historical reasons, as well as political, economic, military, and other factors. The subject is too big for you. In short, the War of Resistance is at this stage, although many people including our army. I feel aggrieved and useless, but it must be carried out, and it must be carried out to the end. There is no doubt about it."

His short words seemed to clarify the problem, but he still felt like he wanted to talk, but he was more than enough to deal with two college students who were ignorant about the country, politics, situation, and other concepts.

"I came here because I think you two shouldn't affect the friendship because of the things that these adults are not clear about. It's late, and tired for a long time. Let's go to sleep." Wang Yan didn't seem to care about it. Tired look.

Nodded, Qiao patted Ling Jianfei on the shoulder to show his favor, but said, "I'll just go back and choose a bed, you know."

Smiling implicitly, Wang Yan gave Ling Jianfei a word and asked him to send it off. Qiao is good at thinking about problems, and it seems that he was greatly influenced by the "subjugation theory".

After the two children left, Wang Yan sat down on a stone in the same place.

An hour ago, in Ling Mansion, he took off his military uniform and changed into Ling Haoran's gown to go to an important date. In order not to attract people's attention, he reluctantly removed the bandage holding the injured arm, walked halfway, and deliberately put a pair of sunglasses on the bridge of his nose. With his current special status, it is likely to attract the attention of Japanese spies. Although he is not very sure, there is such a worry faintly in his heart.

The meeting place was in a teahouse called "Yipinxiang". When he arrived, two people he knew were staring downstairs. Seeing him coming in, they nodded without showing a trace. It seems that Lao Fan has also taken precautions in this regard.

On the second floor, there were only a few tea guests. Seeing his left index finger hooked, the guy whispered two words in his ear: No. 2. On the phone, Lao Fan said that the teahouse was one of his contact points and told him the connection code.

Pushing open the concealed door of the No. 2 private room, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes, his old classmate of Huangpu, and Fan Xuanjie, director of the Special Division 2 of the Military Intelligence Bureau, sat steadily on the sofa beside the coffee table. See you When he was busy getting up and greeted him, he gave a light hug, then looked at him again, as if jokingly said: "Old classmate, how can you make such a miserable appearance?"

Taking off the top hat and hanging it on the coat rack, Wang Yan shrugged his shoulders and said, "This is the difference between the front and the rear. I am not as lucky as you."

When he fell down on the sofa, Fan Xuanjie looked at him again and said, "You seem to be tired."

"I'm tired," Wang Yan closed his eyes, and the tragic battle at Tongling Mountain half a month ago immediately appeared in his mind. "Eight thousand brothers, in less than half a day, the number of **** is less than three hundred, and Brother Haoran died in my arms, is it just tired, my old buddy!"

"So miserable?" His pupils suddenly enlarged, and Fan Xuanjie's expression was sad. "So you think it's the work of a little devil from the top of the military command?"

"Brother Haoran thinks so too, this is what he specifically explained to me before he was martyred."


Standing up straight, Wang Yan picked up the two cups of him and Fan Xuanjie on the coffee table and placed them at both ends, took a tea tray and placed it in the middle, pointed to the tea tray and said, "This is the main peak of the Tongling Mountain, and the two side peaks are Maotou Mountain. , One is Bailing Mountain. Before the war, the main peak and Bailing Mountain on the right flank were handed over to Zhang Kaiyuan’s three divisions. The number of troops was about 35,000. The main peak was deployed with 4 regiments. Bailing Mountain had three regiments. The other two regiments are reserve teams. Compared with the main peak and the right wing, the mountains of Maotou Mountain are more precipitous, and the upper peak arranges my independent division. In fact, not only the upper peak, but also below us, we all think that the devils will not attack. Maotou Mountain. Two days before the battle started, the devil really caught the main peak and the right wing attack, and he could see that he was in the blood. He went straight to Zhang Kaiyuan to look after each other and lose each other, until most of the soldiers were exhausted, and he successively took his reserve team and 2 defensive divisions. The whole adjustment was up, and there was not much left. At this time, the peak called and asked us to prepare for reinforcement. So at this time, the main attack direction of Guizi suddenly aimed at Maotou Mountain, and the momentum was fierce. And fierce, there is a good chance that they will be able to complete their work in one battle, and they did indeed do it, until I had only three hundred people left as an independent teacher."

After talking about the situation at the time in one breath, Wang Yan paused and asked, "Have I said it clearly?"

Nodding slightly, Fan Xuanjie thought about it, "I heard it very clearly. The Battle of Maotou Mountain is not a tactic in a pure sense, but what words are used to describe it one by one."

"It's been a long time!" Wang Yan blurted out.

"Yes, this word is the most appropriate. The whole battle is interpreted, and it seems to be paving the way for the final Maotou Mountain battle. One is to provide as much energy as possible to reinforce your ministry, and then it is a kind of hidden tactical paralysis. , To fight your independent teacher's mental and volitional surprise. Have you achieved it?" Fan Xuanjie's analysis was rigorous.

"The early stage was naturally achieved. But the little devil still underestimated the fighting spirit of the Chinese soldiers who put them to death and then resurrected. This may be the only factor that we can persist until the reinforcements arrive." A stubborn light was shot in his eyes. Looking at Wang Yan now, he has a bit of a soldier's temperament.

"Brother, you are escaping from the dead this time." Fan Xuanjie was sighing. The door was knocked lightly. A young queen came in and whispered in his ear that there were suspicious people staying around the teahouse. After he went, Fan Xuanjie seemed to appease Wang Yan and said: "It should be staring at me. Brother Wang, there seems to be signs of military leaks in the battle of Changsha. Shangfeng has ordered me to investigate thoroughly."

"It seems that there is such a person."

"Perhaps it is one or several." Fan Xuanjie said. "I have already thought about it just now. I can only take care of it. I can only passively be beaten. In this way, you should be idle in the near future. The spy dug it out. I haven't done this for a long time, is it okay?"

"Human waste craftsmanship is there, that's it."

Nodding heavily, Fan Xuanjie stood up and asked Wang Yan: "I'll go down and lead them away. The guys here will send you out in due course, so I'll take care of the injury first."

The two shook hands at the door and goodbye.