The Bowl of Seven Emotions

Author: 夜凰

Latest: Chapter 337

Status: Completed


Genres: Fantasy, Romance, Supernatural

Tags: boss subordinate relationship  calm protagonist  complex family relationships  confident protagonist  cousins 

It is said that a sage once took water from the Yellow Spring, soil from the Netherworld, and fire from Purgatory, and made a bowl in which he sealed the souls of the divine beast and called it the bowl of seven emotions. Afterward, the bowl of seven emotions entered into the mortal world and tossed and turned in there until it fell into Tang Susu’s hands.

The divine beast sat in the bowl and ordered, “Every day, you must give three burns of incense to this divine beast, and it must be ambergris.” Tang Susu calmly poured in half a bowl of chicken-flavored cat food.

The divine beast was furious. “I’m a very, very fierce peerless beast and I eat dragons!”

Tang Susu poured another half bowl of cat food.

The divine beast raised his chin. “And two small yellow croakers.”

据闻曾有圣人取黄泉之水,幽冥之土,炼狱之火捏成一碗,其中封神兽之魂,碗名七情。 后七情碗流入凡尘,在世间辗转,直至落入唐苏苏手中。 神兽坐在碗里,颐指气使,“每天要给本神兽上三炷香,非龙涎香不可。” 唐苏苏淡定倒入半碗鸡肉味猫粮。 神兽大怒,“我可是很凶很凶的犼,吃龙的!” 再倒半碗猫粮。 神兽扬扬下巴,“再加两条小黄鱼。”

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