The Bride of the Serpent Prince

Chapter 15: [013] Ink dyes Chen


Mu Tangchun looked at the faintly painful wound on his leg and wrist, but his eyes were a little disappointed.

Stingy snake, is it really too much? You don’t even know how to ask for permission to leave, at least she was so wrong yesterday morning! A certain woman automatically ignored the fact that she stepped on it...

At the door of a certain luxurious villa, stood a young man who was more dazzling than the sun.

The beautiful flaxen hair hangs down on the side of her delicate and charming face, her thin lips are slightly raised, her charming smile is heart-stirring, her long, narrow and deep eyes are captivating, and her slender figure is shining in the sunshine. It seems to be plated with gold, so dazzling that people can't take their eyes away...

"Master, according to the wishes of the president and his wife, you have been transferred to the Shengyi Noble Academy where your fiancée is. When you arrive at the school, you can meet Miss Mu!" The old butler said dutifully. There was no other way, the president and The wife didn't have time to return due to career issues, so she sent him to follow the young master.

Thinking of the young master's flirtatious personality in the French school, he couldn't help but sweat nervously. He knew the seriousness of the matter. Miss Mu had not been with the young master's fiancée since he was a child, and she had been dating him regularly. Those women are all different, so he must persuade the young master to restrain his temper.

"He knows, aren't you annoyed?" The young man frowned his overly handsome eyebrows and said extremely impatiently. He was just perfunctory about whether or not to avoid being verbose. In fact, he didn't take the old butler's sincere words to heart at all.

That's right, the stunning young man in front of him is Mu Tangchun's actual fiancé, Mo Ranchen.

Originally he was having a good time in France, but his parents suddenly forced him to transfer there to study, and told him that he actually had a fiancée, which was completely shocking to him.

He had to convince his scheming parents to follow their wishes first, and then ask him to marry a woman he had never met before. There were only three words - no!

It's really ridiculous. He has never even met that woman. He doesn't know what kind of woman wants to be his fiancée, Mo Ranchen. How can it be so cheap? In short, it's the fault of that woman who suddenly appears and ruins his luck. Of course, he definitely doesn't have any affection for women.

And no matter what era it is now, people should advocate freedom whether they are in love or married, and it is not in the ancient feudal society. How can he obediently obey the arrangements of his parents? That is not the way he behaves. .

His beautiful and narrow eyes narrowed, and he suddenly had a plan in his mind. Since his parents couldn't explain it, he would just let the woman live in the east. I believe no one can accept his fiancé being with someone else. Women are so close together, right? Then he would just try his best to make her give up when she is in trouble. It would be better if she could not bear it but cried and begged to terminate the engagement. Mo Ranchen was thinking in his mind...

He raised his head and looked at the clear and cloudless weather. The depression in his heart was completely gone. He couldn't wait to go to school and meet his... fiancée!


The second male lead in this article has already appeared. Hey hey hey, Snake Palace Toya will appear in human form soon. Dear friends, are you looking forward to it? Please bring it in our recommended collection and leave a message to welcome the arrival of this beautiful man!