The Bride of the Serpent Prince

Chapter 41: [039] A date in three lifetimes, love at first sight


Bah, are you kidding? How could she like that evil monster who bit her so viciously yesterday!

But there was no room for her to defend herself. Her little head was pressed firmly against his chest, and she didn't even have a chance to raise her head...

"Is that so..." Xia Tong murmured to himself, as if he finally had a sudden realization. He didn't feel the gnashing of teeth in his daughter's heart at this moment, and completely believed his words.

There is no way, anyone who sees such a stunning face will completely lose their immunity.

He seems to be no king, and his words have dominated everything...

The huge living room seemed to become much quieter in an instant. Boyfriend vs. fiancé, who is better

Obviously, Mo Ranchen is not a fuel-efficient lamp. His fiancée is actually held in the arms of another man. This is no longer a question of whether he likes that woman, but a big issue related to a man's dignity!

He now finally knew where the feeling of surprise and resistance in his heart came from when he first met him. After he returned home yesterday morning, he immediately sent someone to search for his information, but nothing was found. The person seemed to appear out of thin air. generally. But otherwise he is obviously red. The more he is not like this, the more it proves that the strength of the wrong leg cannot be underestimated.

He seemed to have a vague premonition that that mysterious man would really take away everything that belonged to him, including the woman in front of him!

Clenching his fists tightly, he could calm down his chaotic mind. His acting skills were good and he could deceive his aunt, but that didn't mean that he, Mo Ranchen, was also a fool. He looked at Su Feiyue's chest being forcibly pressed. His head was trembling slightly, as if he understood something. Not only was he not angry, but there was a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

It seemed like the little woman didn't like him as much as he thought. If that was the case, he would seize the opportunity even more!

He really didn't understand his own heart now. He suddenly changed his mind and refused to break off the engagement. Whether it was because of his indomitable dignity as a man to compete for the woman, or because... he was really tempted!

"Haha, classmate Su is really good at joking, fell in love at first sight? He and she have known each other for sixteen years, and they were already engaged to the innocent Chun Chun when he was two years old. If she denies his fiancée, how can he be with her? Did I fall in love at first sight?"

Hearing those words, Mu Tangchun shed tears silently in her heart. Finally, someone came to rescue her. No, she would not mistake that evil evildoer for falling in love at first sight. Don't let everyone be deceived by his face that harms the common people. .

"Does Mr. Mo believe in past lives? He has an appointment with Chun Chun III, and they have telepathy with each other. Is it normal to fall in love at first sight?" He is not a demon. Of course he knows that there are real past lives, but he doesn't know about them. Whether the ruthless man in his previous life was a ruthless person or not, that woman was not. When he regained his power, he decided to go to the Book of Life and Death in the Hall of Hades to see what happened.

Pluto Ye Min has been his old friend since childhood, and I believe he will be willing to be accommodating.

"I..." Mo Ranchen was at a loss for words. That man could even say Na Zhi Tong, so he could hardly say anything else.

On the contrary, Su Feiyue directly gave him a provocative look and said, "I am not qualified to grab something from this palace. Obviously, he now thinks that he is not grabbing something. He has never been emotional in 1800 years." I don't know if Hong's feelings for Mu Tangchun are actually cruel.


Hehe, it’s revealed that Ye Minhan will be the male protagonist of Xiao Xia Dong’s story, so stay tuned~