The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter 122: The second sufferer


Master Zhen is the county lieutenant who judged the case like a god in Lingwu Temple

Jiang Shi was really taken aback, but he quickly figured it out.

She had always wondered how a county magistrate in a small county could have such skills. If he was Zhen Qingtian, it wouldn't be surprising.

Master Zhen should have just happened to pass by there, and when he saw the case, he appeared as the magistrate of the county.

For the common people, the unreachable Master Qingtian is far less effective than the county magistrate who is in charge of a county's criminal name.

Thinking about it now, a subordinate next to the county captain also said that the murderer would often return to the scene of the murder, and this insight was not something that an ordinary yamen could have.

It turns out that Yu Qi didn't know Master Zhen at this time.

"Master Zhen is surrounded by many capable people, you go tell him, don't want to be discovered."

"Don't worry, girl." After hearing Jiang Si's explanation, Lao Qin clasped his fists and left.

Zhen Shicheng entered Beijing, and only after he went to Shuntian Prefecture to report, he took on a major case: today, the elder brother of the concubine's favorite concubine died violently at the inn.

Zhen Shicheng is worthy of being the eldest master of Qingtian who is supported by the people. When he just took office, he encountered such a difficult case and was in the throes of a lot. He still remembered to settle Mrs. Xi Shixiu tofu, and asked Mrs. Xiu to learn more about the disappearance of her daughter during the investigation period. .

"Sister-in-law said that her daughter is dreaming, this fact is too bizarre-" Zhen Shicheng thought about it.

Although he dared to call the shots for the people, he was not stunned, otherwise he would not have reached the position he is today.

The Governor of Shuntian was already a dignified third-rank official.

Watching her actions, listening to her words, and relying on her years of experience, Zhen Shicheng felt that although Xiu Niangzi's words were bizarre, they were somewhat credible.

Only a little bit of credibility but not sloppy.

Xiu Niangzi sued the prince of Changxing Hou, and ran to Changxing Hou's mansion to dig up the corpse without any evidence.

"My lord, the women have evidence!"

Zhen Shicheng's eyes flashed: "Uh, what evidence does sister-in-law have?"

Xiu Niangzi spread out her hand, and the palm of her hand was a copper hairpin.

"Look, my lord, this bronze hairpin was always worn by Niu Niu, who appeared on the ground in the house after she had given her a dream. My lord, the woman was not suffering from madness, but Niu was really killed to give me her dream. Now, please believe in the women." Madam Xiu knelt down in spite of being stopped, and banged her head to Zhen Shicheng.

She kowtowed, her forehead touching the floor, making a muffled sound, showing the despair and helplessness of a mother.

Zhen Shicheng sighed and helped Mrs. Xiu up with his own hands: "Sister-in-law, this official has already understood the situation. You can stay at ease for the time being. When this official has the clues, I will decide for you."

When Madam Xiu was taken away, her subordinates couldn't help but say, "Please think twice, my lord, this matter is unfounded and unfounded. If you confront the uncle's mansion based on a woman's absurd words, you will be set on fire."

Zhen Shicheng frowned and said solemnly, "Is this official ever afraid of getting burned?"

If he is very sure, he would rather start the fire himself.

It's just that the case of Xiu Niangzi really can't be acted rashly. To deal with the behemoth of Changxing Hou's Mansion, either don't move, and if you want to move, you must hit with a single blow. And now, he is still not sure whether Xiu Niangzi misses her daughter too much and has fantasies, or it really happened.

Are there really ghosts in this world

"Separate the two to inquire about Changxing Hou Shizi's reputation first."

"Take orders."

The next day, the subordinates reported the inquiries to Zhen Shicheng: "People say that the Prince of Changxing is as gentle as jade, and he is a noble son with a good reputation. The Marquis of Changxing and his wife are generous to their servants, and they have no notoriety. Instead, it is the wife of the prince. —”

"How about Madam Shizi?"

The subordinates were busy talking about the fact that Mrs. Changxing Hou Shizi's evil spirit became a joke in the capital.

"How is the relationship between the Changxing Hou Shizi and his wife?"

"It's also very affectionate. When Mrs. Changxing Hou Shizi encountered such a thing, there was no word of Changxing Hou Shizi's dissatisfaction."

Zhen Shicheng shook his head secretly.

It seems that it is difficult to make breakthroughs by inquiring on the surface.

But now a large part of his energy is involved in the sudden death of "Yang Guojiu", and it is difficult to find a breakthrough in the case of Xiu Niangzi for a while.

"Continue to inquire, there is an unusually fast report."

This afternoon, before waiting for a reply from his subordinates, someone beat the drum and complained.

Zhen Shicheng took a look at the letter and stood up.

It was the Prince of Changxing Hou who was sued by the bitter master!

Zhen Shicheng immediately passed the bitter master in.

The bitter master is a slightly prosperous middle-aged man. Unlike Xiu Niangzi, the person who comes here is well-dressed, and at first glance he comes from a wealthy background.

"Sir, Xiaomin is a native of Yanzi Town, Baoquan County, Beihe City. There is a daughter under her knees. She left home for a game more than 20 days ago and has not returned. die!"

The writ only stated that the prince of Changxing had killed his daughter, but the specific reason was not specified. Zhen Shicheng hurriedly asked, "How did you know that the prince was killed by the prince of Changxing?"

Master Chi raised his sleeves and wiped his tears: "Xiaomin originally went out to do business, but suddenly he had nightmares, dreaming that the little girl asked me for help. Xiaomin thought about it and couldn't rest assured, so he went home early, but he didn't expect the little girl to disappear... "

"Since your young lady often goes out to play, why do you decide that she is missing?"

"Although the little girl often goes out to play, she has never been home for such a long time, and she will send a letter to her family for more than five days, but this time she did not say a single word. Knowing the daughter Mo Ruofu, Xiaomin can be sure that the little girl must have encountered something and was arrested. stuck."

"Then how do you confirm that she was killed, and even the murderer knows?"

Master Chi's chapped lips trembled: "Because the little girl entrusted Xiaomin with a dream, it was the little girl who said the murderer herself!"

At this moment, Zhen Shicheng's mood was extremely complicated.

It's still a ghost dream!

Seeing that Zhen Shicheng was silent, Mr. Chi was in a hurry: "Sir, Xiaomin is not crazy, everything he said is true! It was the little girl who told Xiaomin who the murderer was, and said that only the new governor of Shuntian can avenge her! "

"You are also a person who travels south and north. Do you really believe in ghosts and dreams?"

"Then, that's Xiaomin's daughter!" Master Chi felt heartbroken like a knife, tears like rain, "Father and daughter are connected, if the little girl is safe, why would Xiaomin keep dreaming of her asking for help? This time, the fragrance in the room is exactly the scent of dew that the little girl is used to, and Xiaomin will never admit her mistake! My lord, please believe in Xiaomin. Although the little girl is not a lady, she is also raised in the palm of your hand like a jewel. , you can't even find a corpse capital—"

Zhen Shicheng couldn't help grasping the paper.

Whether the ghost's dream is true or not, let's not say for the time being, two unrelated people, Xiu Niangzi and Chi Yuanwai, sued the Prince of Changxing Hou. If he said that there was nothing wrong with the Prince of Changxing, he would not believe it.

How to go to Changxing Houfu to find out

Zhen Shicheng changed his mind and had an idea.