The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter 125: Find bones


Jiang Qian was so angry that she suddenly saw a behemoth rushing towards her. She didn't care about her manners anymore, she screamed and turned around and ran away.

The big dog jumped over and pressed a paw on Jiang Qian's skirt, only to hear a sting, and the skirt was shortened.

what is this? Erniu impatiently threw off half of the skirt with his claws.

The small half-sprinkled golden pomegranate dress was thrown directly onto a lady's face.

"Ah—" That noble girl didn't have such a good psychological quality as Jiang Qian, so she screamed and fainted.

Erniu kept his revenge carefully and continued to chase after Jiang Qian.

Jiang Qian screamed as she ran, and a big dog followed behind, trampling the well-tended flowers and plants in the garden.

The ladies were scattered as birds and beasts, and fled everywhere.

"No, the vicious dog hurt people—"

At this time, Changxing Hou Shizi was meeting Zhen Shicheng.

"I heard from my father that the lord wants to see me, I don't know what to do?"

Zhen Shicheng looked at Changxing Hou Shizi coldly.

The Prince of Changxing wore a robe with a blue sky pattern today. Ninety percent of the new robe was decorated with emerald bat pattern buttons, which complemented the clothes. He is thin, his face is somewhat unhealthy pale, but his eyes are deep, revealing a rare calm.

This is a shrewd young man, who often doesn't talk much in front of outsiders, thus giving off a humble and polite impression.

Zhen Shicheng has seen too many people of all shapes and sizes, and he seldom misses the point and draws conclusions in an instant.

This young man should also be very concerned about his appearance. Tianshuibi's clothes are worth a thousand dollars, and the colors are bright. It would be too gorgeous for a man to wear them.

In other words—Zhen Shicheng subconsciously turned his eyes to the direction of the garden, and silently added: Or in other words, when the premise of Changxing Hou Shizi’s pleasure in humiliating and killing women was established, there was a target he was looking for at the flower viewing banquet, so he didn’t realize it. Pack up decently.

Zhen Shicheng recognized this guess almost intuitively.

What he needs now is for the young man in front of him to show his feet.

"I want to talk to the prince about the murder case." Zhen Shicheng deliberately misled.

At this moment, as expected, Prince Changxing Hou Shizi's pupils shrank, and the hand hanging by his side grabbed his shirt unconsciously, and then released it.

Tianshuibi's fabric did not leave the slightest wrinkle.

"I don't quite understand what your lord means." The Prince of Changxing said lightly.

The Marquis of Changxing couldn't help but interrupt: "It's the sudden death of 'Yang Guojiu'. Lord Zhen heard that you have seen 'Yang Guojiu'—"

Speaking of this, the Marquis of Changxing suddenly reacted and smiled awkwardly at Zhen Shicheng: "Don't blame Mr. Zhen, this Marquis accidentally called the wrong thing..."

"Yang Guojiu" is just a folk name. Concubine Yang's elder brother was complimented and fearful when he was alive, but turned into a ridicule after his death. In short, it has been called smoothly. In fact, no matter how favored a concubine is, her elder brother also Can't be called uncle.

Zhen Shicheng smiled: "Understood."

His eyes stayed on the Prince of Changxing Hou.

After hearing the words of Changxing Hou Shizi, the tense body suddenly relaxed, and he said with surprise: "I have never seen him before."

Zhen Shicheng pulled the corner of his lips.

Although Changxing Hou Shizi showed a surprised and confused expression, his whole state was relaxed, and it was an excessive relaxation.

This situation is often revealed subconsciously after escaping some bad events by luck.

What did he want to escape when he brought up the murder case Changxing Hou Shizi? Why did you relax when you heard about the sudden death of 'Yang Guojiu'

Zhen Shicheng gradually became aware of it.

At this moment, a scream came from behind.

The three of them were outside, and the voices coming from them could be heard clearly.

"This is—" Zhen Shicheng was surprised and delighted when he realized that it was the direction of the garden who made the noise.

The surprise is that those little girls have encountered some danger, and the joy is that they can just go and take a look.

"What's the matter?" The Marquis of Changxing, with a dull face, asked the servant who was passing by in a stern voice.

The servant hurriedly said: "Master Hou, it's not good, a vicious dog broke into the garden and is chasing the girls!"

"What?" Hou Changxing's expression changed greatly, he raised his foot and rushed to the garden.

Those girls are all noble girls who are good friends. If there is any good or bad, it will be difficult to explain.

The Prince of Changxing Hou's face was even uglier than that of Changxing Hou, and he hurriedly followed.

Zhen Shicheng stroked his beard, secretly said that God will help me, and greeted the subordinates who were following far behind: "Hurry up and help me!"

This side of the garden is really a chicken flying dog.

Jiang Qian was already sweaty and tired, but the big dog ran after her like a cat playing a mouse.

Seeing that the big dog was about to catch up again, Jiang Qian was about to faint.

Why did this beast chase after her, or give her a bite, but she was embarrassed by chasing and stopping.

The two cows looked serious.

It's easy, you have to obey the hostess's instructions to make things bigger, you have to endure the magic voices of these women, and you have to deal with people who come with sticks.

In the chaos, Jiang seemed to be hiding beside a bunch of flowers and trees not too far away, the corners of his lips flying.

She really did not expect Er Niu to sneak into the Hou Mansion.

With two bulls around, it would be easy to make some noise to attract Lord Zhen.

There should be movement at this time, right

Jiang Si looked in a certain direction, and saw the Marquis of Changxing and his son hurried over, and it was the "Xianwei" who had just said goodbye a few steps behind.

"Er Niu—" Jiang Si whispered softly.

In the chaos, no one heard her soft shout except Jiang Qiao beside her, but Er Niu turned her head instantly.

A dog's hearing is not comparable to that of a human being.

Jiang Si concealed a gesture.

Erniu's front paws landed in an emergency stop and suddenly changed direction.

Jiang Qian was stunned, and she just showed a happy smile, but the smile soon turned to horror.

The big dog ran in the direction of the original peony bush.

I don't know if it's because the "fertilizer" is too good, this large peony flower is too evil, and it still blooms undefeated at this time.

The ladies and ladies in the capital, and even men who have read a book for a few days, are very elegant, and if they are the highest in family or have a good relationship, it is hard to evade them.

The peony flower that buried the body was turned over and over to watch, and the couple was inevitably trembling.

Now the small piece of peony flower where the body is buried has moved a little bit, and it should almost wither after this flower viewing banquet. When the whole piece of peony flower is cleaned up, you can feel at ease.

But now that beast ran to where the peony flower was originally, how could it not make Jiang Qian look pale.

Also the face of Changxing Hou Shizi changed greatly.

"Quickly beat that dog to death!" The Prince of Changxing shouted loudly.

Er Niu glanced at the Prince of Changxing Hou, his body suddenly stopped, and his two front claws were quickly planed.

The dust was flying for a while, and even the ladies who had been scared and fled around quietly stuck their heads out.

Is this big dog looking for meat and bones