The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter 23: The color from the second wife


Anger flashed in Ah Qiao's eyes, and she put a food box in front of Qiao Zhao: "Look, girl, this is the meal that Red Line brought back from the big kitchen."

There are rules for meals in Bo's Mansion. The girls' dinner is four dishes and one soup, plus a snack.

Ah Qiao put out the food in the food box one by one, one dish of simmered chicken with mushrooms, one dish of Kung Pao rabbit meat, one dish of stir-fried rapeseed, one dish of cold fungus shreds, the soup is Sanxian soup, and the dessert is Ruyi rolls.

"What is this, why are there only two chicken heads in the simmered chicken with mushrooms?" A Man was angry when he saw it, and his face turned black as he pointed at the simmered chicken with mushrooms.

Jiang Sijing took over, picked up the chopsticks and paused, then picked up the wishful rolls and slowly ate it, the four dishes and one soup were not touched from beginning to end.

"Girl, although you can't use chopsticks for this simmered chicken with mushrooms, the other three dishes look pretty good. You can use a little bit." Ah Qiao advised.

"Sanxian soup is too salty, Kung Pao rabbit meat is too sweet, stir-fried rapeseed is still alive, as for cold fungus..." Jiang Shi used chopsticks to pick the evenly sliced shredded fungus, and said lightly, "Add more mustard, I'm afraid tears will flow down one bite."

"Girl, how do you know..." Ah Qiao asked in a daze, looking at the good-looking food.

Ah Man is impatient, he immediately picked up his chopsticks and tried them one by one. He threw up when he ate the shredded fungus, and said with tears in his eyes, "It's really as the girl said, is the kitchen changed today?"

Jiang Si put down the chopsticks and said with a smile, "It's not that the cook has changed, but our Haitangju has been specially taken care of by the cook."

"Does the girl mean they did it on purpose?"

Jiang Xi smiled.

She only offended Jiang Qian, and the food has a variety. This method is really boring.

"That's outrageous, the maid will go to the cook to settle the bill!" A Man angrily rushed out.

Ah Qiao grabbed her and said, "Don't be impulsive, the cook may not have the courage."

As she spoke, she gave Jiang Si a worried look: "Girl, did the second girl come back, and the second wife heard some gossip—"

Jiang Si nodded approvingly: "Our Ah Qiao is really smart."

Ah Qiao's eyes turned red instantly: "Girl, why are you joking at this time! The second wife has been the housekeeper for so many years, and everyone in the house wants to please there. If she deliberately embarrassed you, you will be sad in the future."

A'man was already furious: "The maid told the eldest master to go, the eldest master loves the girl the most, and he will definitely vent his anger for the girl! Those who have black hearts, if the eldest wife is still where the second wife is the housekeeper, now they But bullied our girl without a mother-"

Ah Qiao suddenly gave Ah Man a hand: "A Man, don't say a few words."

"Okay, it's worth talking about such a thing." Jiang Si smiled, and there was no trace of anger in his tone.

"Girl, do we just endure this?" Aman stomped his feet fiercely, "My father once said that Ma Shan was ridden by others, and Ren Shan was bullied by others. After we endure it once, we must endure it all the time, and endure it as a grandson. No one cares."

Jiang Si chuckled: "Uncle Jiang's words are not rough."

Seeing Jiang seemed not to take it to heart, Ah Man looked left and right, and suddenly lowered his voice: "It's better to have the maid use a sack to put the cook on and beat the cook, the maid promises that no one will catch the braid. ."

Ah Man's father was Jiang Ancheng's companion, and he was good at martial arts. Ah Man had learned boxing and kicking from his father since he was a child. With her current skills, it would not be a problem to beat two or three ordinary men.

"Treating the symptoms, not the root cause." Jiang Si patted A Man's arm and smiled, "A Qiao, put these dishes without chopsticks in the food box before throwing them away. Aman, you need to go out to buy some things in the afternoon, I'll write a list for you later."

Ah Man had to say more, but was dragged out by Ah Qiao.

Standing under the eaves of the porch, Ah Man said angrily, "Is it possible that this is the case?"

Ah Qiao glanced at the door and said in a low voice, "What's the hurry, the girl must have a good idea."

Aman was startled.

She still remembered that day, the girl who had been sullen for a long time suddenly had a look in her eyes, and she said firmly to her: "I want to retire from my relatives, Aman help me."

She nodded hurriedly, but was apprehensive. But now the girl has really quit her relatives smoothly, and she hasn't let the Duke Anguo have any good fruits to eat.

"You're right, the girl must have a way." Ah Man finally smiled.

Jiang Xi went to the study, picked up a pen and wrote down a list.

As long as she buys all the items on the list, she can dispense medicines according to those prescriptions. Those "medicines" are the foundation for her to settle down in the future. As for the little tricks of the second wife, don't take it to heart, just move her eyebrows. It's all a waste of time.

Of course, it's one thing to think it's a waste of time, and she has no intention of swallowing it up.

Jiang Si spent the whole afternoon playing with the white-horned grasses that he picked up, and unconsciously the light from the window lattice turned into a soft orange-red color.

Ah Qiao brought dinner from the big kitchen. As usual, it was four dishes, one soup and one snack. This time, I didn't have to taste the taste, and even the appearance was not so good. Most of the lotus root balls were fried and burnt, and the ginger was like a nose. , it smells like a thick paste.

"Those who killed a thousand knives, are you going to eat the leftovers for the girl tomorrow!"

"Put these in the food box, and even bring the lunch. Follow me to Cixintang to greet the old lady." Jiang Xian didn't want to abuse his stomach the next day, so he naturally wanted a quick solution.

Mrs. Feng enjoyed the feeling of being greeted by her grandchildren, but after all, she was old, and she felt a little sluggish to deal with the greeting twice a day, so she waived the greeting at night.

At this time, when the maid came to report that the fourth girl came to greet her, Mrs. Feng didn't plan to see her, but she thought that Jiang Xi had the same dream as her, and nodded to let her in.

"Granddaughter greets grandmother, I don't know if grandma's dinner is good?" Jiang seemed to be saluting in a well-mannered manner, and there was not a single mistake in his manner.

"At my age, no matter how good the food is, I have no appetite. It's not like you teenagers." Old Madam Feng sighed, raised her hand and rubbed her left eye lightly.

For some reason, when she saw Jiang Shi, she thought of that dream again, and when she thought of that dream, her left eye seemed to hurt.

"Take the opportunity of greeting, my granddaughter has something to discuss with grandmother."

"Can't you say something tomorrow morning?"

Jiang Si smiled: "The granddaughter can't wait for tomorrow morning."

"Oh?" Madam Feng narrowed her eyes and became serious.

"The granddaughter remembers that after the mother went, the dowry eldest sister took half of the dowry she left behind when she left the court?"

Old Madam Feng stared at Jiang like a knife.

The three children of the big house, according to her wish, the Su family's dowry is divided into half to Jiang Zhan, and the other half is divided equally between the two granddaughters. But the eldest son disagreed. He insisted that a good man was useless with his mother's dowry, and insisted on dividing the dowry equally between the two daughters.

Because of this, she was very sullen for a few days.

What does the four girls mean by mentioning this well

"The granddaughter is an adult and wants to learn to take care of her dowry." Jiang Si ignored Old Madam Feng's sharp eyes and said confidently.