The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter 24: Skyrocketing prices


Although Mrs. Feng concealed it well, Jiang Xi still noticed that the other party's expression stiffened for a moment after she said the words about asking for a dowry.

Jiang Si's mother, Mrs. Su, passed away for many years, and the key to the dowry has always been in charge of Mrs. Feng. Although Mrs. Feng had long threatened to take out the dowry when the three children of the big house were married, Jiang Si knew that the dowry would be arranged in advance. If you want it, it's like asking Mrs. Feng to cut her flesh.

The Su family is the direct daughter of the Marquis of Yining, and the amount of dowry is not small. Although the income of the pavement farms has an account, it is too easy to make money with the white money.

Of course, the money generated will not be included in Su's dowry. As for the whereabouts, it is self-evident.

"Although you are already married, you haven't learned how to be a housekeeper. How easy is it to take care of a dowry?" Jiang Si's words caught Old Madam Feng by surprise, and her tone became colder.

Jiang Si still smiled and said: "It is precisely because it is not easy to take care of the dowry, so the granddaughter wants to learn it now. Previously, the granddaughter was engaged to the third son of the Anguo Gongfu, the third son is the youngest son, and his wife's ability to housekeeper is not a problem. But now the relationship between his granddaughter and his marriage has already faded, and in the future, he is not allowed to marry into any kind of family."

When it comes to marriage, Jiang Si didn't blush at all, looked at Mrs. Feng's expression and continued, "What if the granddaughter is married to a parent who doesn't even have the ability to be a housekeeper, it will definitely make people laugh. It doesn't matter if people laugh, but if people say that our uncle doesn't teach girls, that's the granddaughter's sin."

After Mrs. Feng heard what Jiang Si said, her expression was a little wonderful.

It was the first time she had discovered that this granddaughter was so articulate, but there was some truth to what she said.

However, the marriage between Bo's mansion and An Guogong's mansion has already faded, and Jiang seems to have little hope of getting married within a year or two.

For such a long time, such a large amount of dowry was handed over to Jiang Si, how could Mrs. Feng be willing.

Mrs. Feng pondered for a while: "It's a good thing for you to think so, but everything has to be done step by step, you can't make a fat person in one bite. Well, from tomorrow onwards, you will follow your second aunt and see how she manages the household affairs. Yes, after ten days and a half of school, I will let your second aunt give you a piece of work. As for the dowry, at least you have to familiarize yourself with it first."

Familiar with the sewing room, and shopping, familiar with shopping, and human relationships, as long as she thinks, Jiang seems to need to learn a lot, and after learning these one by one, a year or two will pass.

If Jiang Xi gets married smoothly in a year or two, she certainly can't fall behind the notoriety of embezzling her daughter-in-law's dowry, and those dowries will naturally be handed over to Jiang Xi.

Jiang Si struggled after listening to Mrs. Feng's words, but finally shook her head and said, "The granddaughter wants the dowry left by her mother!"

Old Madam Feng's face sank: "Four girls, grandma has already made it so clear, don't you listen? Do you think grandma will embezzle what your mother left behind?"

"Of course my granddaughter doesn't think so."

Mrs. Feng's expression slowed down: "That's it, then you can do as grandma said, grandma won't hurt you."

"But my granddaughter needs money."

"The rouge gouache and the clothes of the four seasons are all purchased by the government. You still have monthly money, isn't it enough?"

"The granddaughter wants to get a small kitchen and cook for herself in the future."

"Nonsense!" Madam Feng became angry when she heard it, and she dared to make a fuss for a long time because her mouth was in her mouth.

Feng's mother, who was standing beside Old Madam Feng, pouted secretly.

There is a small kitchen in the Cixin Hall in the whole uncle's house, not even on the second wife's side, but the fourth girl is clamoring for a small kitchen. Sure enough, this girl who has no mother's discipline is not sensible.

The eldest maid, Axi, pouted at Afunu.

It seems that the four girls are going to be unlucky.

Jiang Xi didn't care about Madam Feng's anger at all, and said in a light tone: "The granddaughter doesn't dare to mess around, but if she doesn't get a small kitchen, she will starve to death. In order to survive, she has to ask her grandmother."

"What are you talking about? In order to get a small kitchen, you are talking about life and death. What does it look like when you spread it out?" Madam Feng scolded.

"Aman, Aqiao, bring in the food box."

Soon the bead curtain was lifted, and A Man and A Qiao walked in one after the other.

Carrying a food box in each hand, the two maids came to Mrs. Feng and bowed their knees.

Mrs. Feng was too lazy to talk to the maid, and just stared at Jiang Si with a cold face.

"Take out those meals and ask the old lady to take a look."

Ah Man and Ah Qiao quickly took out the food from the food box and filled the table.

"This is at noon, this is at night. Grandma can let someone taste it to see if these meals can be swallowed." Jiang Si finally put away the smile on his lips and said coldly.

Mrs. Feng glanced at it, her eyes stayed on the meal for a while, and she frowned: "Although the sales are a little different, why can't you swallow it? I don't think anyone has touched these dishes."

Since he has never been passive, how does Jiang Xi know that it is difficult to swallow

Jiang Si chuckled: "It is precisely because it is difficult to swallow that I stopped using chopsticks. If my grandmother doesn't believe it, let me try it."

"Axi—" Madam Feng gestured to Axi.

Axi is reluctant.

As the old lady's maid, she is no worse than the girls. Who wants to eat these cold meals.

However, these thoughts can only be hidden in her heart, she immediately answered yes, picked up a pair of clean chopsticks and aimed at the food on the table.

Or try the cold dish, at least this is already cold and the taste will not change much.

Axi picked up a pair of chopsticks and put the cold fungus into her mouth, and when she tasted the taste, she hurriedly spit into the handkerchief, covered her mouth and coughed.

"What's going on?" Madam Feng asked in a deep voice.

Axi choked with tears: "It seems that there is too much mustard..."

"A'Fu, go and try something else." At this time, Mrs. Feng had already made up her mind.

Ah Fu tasted a few dishes. Although he didn't react as much as Ah Xi, his face was also unsightly. He said to Mrs. Feng, "The a little worse..."

"Those women in the kitchen are getting more and more sneaky!"

Jiang Si smiled: "It used to be pretty good, but today it's like this for two meals in a row. Grandma, why don't you call your second aunt over to ask. Could it be that she changed the cook but didn't tell her grandmother?"

Madam Feng didn't respond to Jiang Si's words for a while, and looked at her deeply.

The girl's delicate chin was slightly raised, allowing Madam Feng to look at it.

The eyes of the two collided, and Mrs. Feng couldn't see a trace of retreat from those radiant eyes.

Mrs. Feng put away her scrutiny eyes and said to Ah Fu, "Go and invite the second lady over."

Jiang seemed to curl the corners of his lips involuntarily.

A bastard once taught her that if she wants someone to agree to a small condition, she must first put forward a big condition that the other person is unwilling to accept no matter what.

In this case, that small condition is easily satisfied.

This is the sky-high asking price, and the money is paid on the spot.

It appears that he was right.