The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter 49: someone else's dog


There was a commotion in the street.

Jiang Si quickly walked to the window and looked down.

A few thugs surrounded Er Niu and approached it cautiously, each holding a thick wooden stick in their hands.

Not far away, two people stood side by side, one wearing a brocade robe holding a folding fan, the other wearing a moon-white straight robe.

The two Jiang seemed to know each other.

The one wearing the brocade robe is Cui Yi, the son of Princess Rongyang and the general Cui Xu, who was bitten by Er Niu in the street not long ago, and Yang Shengcai, the grandson of the Minister of Rites.

Jiang Si's eyes stopped for a moment on Yang Shengcai's face.

The boy who didn't seem to be much older than his brother, also looked like a dog, but he was the murderer of his brother.

But she only knew that the death of the second brother was related to Yang Shengcai, but the specific circumstances were unknown.

"Girl, that dog will be beaten to death by them, do you want a maid to go down and help?" Aman stuck his head out, worried.

Jiang Si looked down and pursed his lips: "Let's take a look for now."

Based on her knowledge of Erniu, those thugs were not necessarily Erniu's opponents.

"Girl, seeing the dog surrounded by them, the maid is very nervous." A Man unconsciously grabbed the edge of the window.

"It's called Erniu."

Ah Man looked at Jiang Si.

Jiang Si smiled: "That dog is Erniu, it has a name."

"How did the girl know?" Aman wondered.

Jiang Si choked and coughed lightly: "I heard its owner call it that day."

Aman rolled his eyes, remembered the boy who was a little more handsome than Jiang Zhan, and blurted out, "It's that good-looking Dengzi!"

Jiang Xi's face became hot, and then turned black: "What description is this!"

Could it be that he looks better, and it is excusable to be a disciple

Aman blinked, very innocent: "The maid thinks the description is very appropriate."

"Don't talk about it!" Jiang Si gave a light drink, and his attention was attracted by the commotion downstairs.

A thug let out a roar, whipped up a stick and hit Er Niu.

Er Niu flexibly avoided, then jumped up and opened his mouth to bite the man's wrist.

The man screamed, and the stick in his hand fell to the ground.

When the others saw it, they immediately beat him with sticks.

Er Niu bit the man and didn't let go, his two hind legs kicked hard on the face of a man who was close to it, and then a few jumps nimbly shuttled between the thugs.

When the people watching the excitement reacted, several thugs had fallen to the ground, clutching their wounds and screaming again and again.

People couldn't help rubbing their eyes.

This dog is god!

The big dog raised his head and barked, and walked towards Cui Yi and Yang Shengcai step by step, stepping on the face of a fallen thug, without even looking down.

The onlookers were all stunned.

This dog is not only divine, but also very charming. Whose dog is this

"Girl, why does the maid think that Er Niu called you just now?"

Jiang Si didn't answer, his eyes chased the figure of the big dog.

Just now, she heard the meaning of comfort from Erniu's cry.

Are Er Niu afraid that she is worried

"Don't come here, don't come here—" Facing the approaching Er Niu, Cui Yi obviously had a large area of psychological shadow, and stepped back with a white face.

"Cui Yi, your people are not very good. Several people can't beat a dog." Yang Shengcai rubbed his chin and laughed.

"Cui Cheng, Cui Gong, you are all dead people? Why don't you come out quickly!" Cui Yi shouted.

The two figures fell in front of Cui Yi almost simultaneously.

Cui Yi looked relieved and shook the folding fan.

Fortunately, he had foresight. After being besieged by a group of dogs, he knew that these servants were unreliable, so he stalked and begged two old guards who had retired from the battlefield from his father.

These two old guards were experienced in many battles and killed without blinking an eye, and it was a piece of cake to deal with a lame dog.

Jiang Shi, who had been watching the play all the time, looked dignified.

She smelled the battle-hardened smell from these two people.

"Girl, do we want to go down? The maid thinks that these two are very difficult." Ah Man became nervous.

"No, we won't be able to help if we go down. It's better to stand here and be condescending." Jiang Si pondered for a moment, dispelling impulsive thoughts.

She used to follow Yu Qi to learn a few tricky moves, and it's okay to use them to surprise ordinary people, but it's obviously not enough to match them up. I'm afraid it can only be regarded as Huaquan embroidered legs.

Erniu was obviously very sensitive to the breath of the two middle-aged men, and his hair stood up at the moment, and a low cry came out of his mouth.

The two and one dog quickly hit it off.

The spectators held their breath and saw the tragic ferocity of the golden horse from the melee between the two people and one dog.

One of them was bitten off by Er Niu's calf, and blood was dripping down, and Er Niu didn't have the calmness to deal with a few thugs before, he opened his mouth and gasped for breath.

That lame leg slowed down the big dog at the critical moment.

"Girl, Er Niu seems to be at a disadvantage." As the situation downstairs became more intense, Ah Man couldn't sit still.

Jiang Si shoved a teacup into Aman's hands: "Once you have it, when Er Niu can't stand it, he smashes it on the man in the brocade robe."

Jiang Si was referring to Cui Yi.

Of the two, she hated Yang Shengcai more, but the two middle-aged men belonged to Cui Yi, and undoubtedly paid more attention to Cui Yi's safety.

"Beast, you're still arrogant!" Xu Shi was really annoyed by being so embarrassed by a lame dog, one of them suddenly pulled out a gleaming dagger from his leggings and stabbed Er Niu.

"Kill it and eat dog meat today!" Cui Yi shouted excitedly.

The beast should have been skinned with a knife a long time ago, the two old people had to die.

According to the Great Zhou Law, ordinary people are not allowed to carry sharp weapons, but the privileged class like Cui Yi is obviously not restricted.

The dazzling dagger reflected cold light in the sun, and the audience involuntarily stepped back.

Without hesitation, Ah Man threw the teacup out.

The sky-blue teacup made an arc in the air and hit Cui Yi's forehead exactly.

Cui Yi screamed and fell back.

The two who were fighting with Erniu quickly rushed in the direction of Cui Yi.

Unexpectedly, a black and yellow figure did not show weakness, and rushed there one step ahead of them.

The half-human-height big dog pressed Cui Yi, who was bleeding profusely on his forehead, with one front paw, and wagged his tail leisurely as he looked at the approaching two.

Cui Yi was so frightened that he couldn't feel the pain in his forehead, so he stammered and shouted, "Quick, save me—"

"Beast, get out of the way!" a middle-aged man shouted.

Erniu glanced at him.

The man was startled, and instantly had a dazzling illusion.

Why did he actually see contempt in this dog's eyes

Must be wrong.

Then, the man saw the big dog lift its paw and slowly press it on Cui Yi's throat.

The whole place fell silent immediately.

This dog must be fine!