The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter 51: Lucky Dog


A Man, who was standing in front of the window on the second floor, tugged at Jiang Si's sleeve: "Girl, did you hear, those officials are going to beat Er Niu to death, is there any way for its owner?"

Since Yu Qi appeared, Jiang seemed to have lost the calmness he had before, and his hands were so hard that his knuckles turned white.


Aman held his forehead: "My girl, why are you still distracted? Erniu will be beaten to death by those officials."

"No." Jiang Si muttered.

A'man's eyes widened: "Why not? Two fists are hard to beat with four hands, not to mention Er Niu is just a dog, and he will definitely not be able to escape against so many officials."

Jiang Si gradually calmed down: "Look, its owner should have a way."

Yu Qi is different from other princes. For some special reasons, he lived outside the palace since he was a child, and later went to the South. This year, he should have returned to the capital from the South. It didn’t take long for this unknown The seventh prince disappeared from the capital like a flash in the pan.

At this time in her previous life, she naturally didn't know Yu Qi. The reason why she knew this information was after the wedding.

Yu Qi's mother concubine Xian Fei was born in Anguo Gong's mansion and is Ji Chongyi's own aunt. After all, she still has to call Yu Qi her cousin along with Ji Chongyi.

On the wedding day, although she covered her head and didn't know anything about the outside world, she later heard about Yu Qi's coming to the wedding from the gossip of the maids and servants.

Concubine Xian has two sons, the fourth prince and the seventh prince.

The wedding of her family’s nephew, although Concubine Xian is inconvenient to go back, the fourth prince will definitely be there, but the seventh prince rarely appears in front of people after returning to Beijing from the south, and he has never attended any banquets. People secretly say that this prince With a cold and eccentric temperament, he greatly satisfied people's curiosity when he appeared at the wedding banquet of the Duke of Anguo.

It is said that the seventh prince was happy that day and drank too much.

Jiang Si recalled the past and hid behind the window to look at the noble young man on the street downstairs.

Yu Qicai returned to the capital, and the officials of the five-city army and horse division must not know his true identity, but he has never been a disadvantaged person, and it is not so easy for others to hurt Erniu in front of him.

Thinking of this, Jiang seemed to become more and more calm, but instead was interested to see how Yu Qi escaped.

She held on to the carved window lattice, her face slightly sticking out.

The pine-like youth downstairs seemed to sense something and looked up in that direction.

At a glance, the young man felt his heart beating like a drum, and his face as cold as jade was stained with a slight blush.

"Take it away!" Unable to feel the turbulence, the leading officer waved his hand, and immediately many officers surrounded Yu Qi and the big dog with knives and guns.

"Let the dog commit murder?" Yu Qi's expression returned to normal, with a casual smile in his slightly cocked phoenix eyes, "The messenger has just come, which eye saw me committing the murder with a dog?"

The leading officer sneered: "We are not blind, we just saw your dog throw Cui Gongzi to the ground with our own eyes. This is not what a vicious dog hurts? To ensure the safety of the people, such a vicious dog will definitely be killed!"

When the crowd listened, they nodded secretly.

This big dog is really scary, watching it toss these dudes is happy, but in case it goes crazy and bites others...

Yu Qi gently stroked the top of the big dog's head and smiled lightly: "The poor man made a mistake, my dog won't bite for no reason, it is forced to defend itself."

Having said this, Yu Qi's expression froze, and he said coldly: "These two evil servants intend to hurt the court officials, what crime did the messenger say?"

"Imperial court official?" The leading officer could not help but straighten his expression, and his tone became polite, "I dare to ask you who is—"

There are not many things in this capital, but there are many officials. Any tile that falls on the street can hit a fifth-rank official. If you want to live long in this realm, you have to be flexible.

Yu Qi ignored the leadership and pinched the thick hair on the back of Er Niu's neck.

Er Niu got up and shook the dust on his hair, and his two front legs suddenly lifted up and rested on the shoulder of the leader.

The chief officer was horrified.

"Master, don't panic, look at the bronze medal on its neck." Yu Qi reminded softly.

The leading officer looked down on the big dog's neck with a white face, only to realize that the big dog was wearing a collar, but because the big dog's hair was too thick, the collar of the same color as the hair was easily overlooked.

Seeing that the lead officer didn't respond, Er Niu shook his head impatiently, and suddenly the dog's hair fluttered in the sky, and the small bronze medal tied on the neck ring fell out of nowhere.

The leading officer stretched out his hand and flipped the bronze medal over, only to see that it read: The Emperor's Royal Bestowment of Fifth Grade General Xiaotian...

The leader almost shook his hand, and the bronze medal fell back.

Erniu gave a disdainful "wang".

The look in the eyes of the leading officer looking at the big dog was indescribable, and he didn't say a word for a while.

Damn, this bitch is of a higher grade than him!

Cui Yi, whose face was covered in blood, was about to explode with anger: "What the hell is going on? Are you still going to arrest someone?"

The leading official came back to his senses from the extreme shock and waved his hand: "Grab, take away these two people who are hiding sharp weapons!"

"What?" Cui Yi was stunned.

Something is wrong with the script!

Seeing that several officials were really starting to arrest people, Cui Yi grabbed the sleeves of the leading official and said in a low voice, "I said, you took the wrong medicine today, and you arrest my people too?"

For Cui Yi and Yang Shengcai, the best among the dandy, they are old acquaintances with these officials, and they have never been so disrespectful in the past.

The leading officer smiled bitterly: "Young Master Cui, so many people are watching, you have to go through the motions, otherwise my errands will not be guaranteed, and those censors may have to find trouble with the generals."

If such a foolish child was his son, he would have drowned in the toilet long ago.

"That's okay, you can take my people, this dog must be killed!"

"It can't be-"

"Why not? Even if this kid is an official of the imperial court, his dog can follow him to the sky and let you pretend to be a grandson like this?"

The leading official was also a little angry, and said lightly: "Young Master Cui, don't be embarrassed to be appointed, the court order is the dog."

"What?" Cui Yi was stunned.

The leading official took a step forward and whispered a few words in Cui Yi's ear.

Cui Yi suddenly widened his eyes, not looking at the big dog, but Yu Qi.

There is only one dog in the whole world who is his mother's five-rank official, and the identity of the person in front of him is ready to be revealed.

As a gangster who has been domineering and has survived to this day, what is the most important thing? Of course it's good news!

Cui Yi shook his lips, and suddenly squeezed a smile to the big dog: "Well, I'm so offended today, I'm sorry."

"Cui Yi, are you mentally retarded?" Yang Shengcai almost dropped his jaw.

Cui Yi wiped the dried blood on his face, dragged Yang Shengcai and left: "You are busy, you are busy, I will take this mental retardation away first."

"Are you itchy?"

The two quickly walked away, and the thugs hula-la withdrew, leaving only the two old guards who wanted to cry without tears.

Following such a mentally retarded master is really a blood mold!

"You—" the lead officer almost opened his mouth.

Yu Qi shook his head indiscernibly, and patted the big dog on the head: "Er Niu, let's go."

"Girl, Erniu is fine, everyone is gone." Aman stroked his chest, curiosity arose, "Is the owner of Erniu a court official at such a young age?"

Just now a few people downstairs spoke in a low voice, so others couldn't hear it clearly.

Thinking of some possibility, Jiang Si smiled: "Maybe, let's go too."

After the people watching the excitement gradually dispersed, the master and servant went downstairs and walked to Dongpingbo Mansion without any hassle.

It takes several streets to go from Tianxiang Teahouse to Dongpingbo Mansion. When the master and servant were walking near Quezi Hutong, they suddenly heard the familiar "wang" sound.

Jiang seemed to take a step.

Ah Man was overjoyed when he saw the big dog with a sapphire blue purse running towards him: "Girl, Erniu has sent you money again."