The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter 57: got rich


Can the eyes see

You could hear needles falling in the house instantly.

Madam Feng blinked her eyelids with difficulty: "Is that... the fourth girl?"

The position where Jiang Si was standing just happened to be seen by Mrs. Feng at a glance.

The girl smiled and rushed to Mrs. Feng Yifu: "Congratulations to grandma's recovery."

She was standing in the courtyard. Although she was confident that Mrs. Feng's eyes would recover, she felt uneasy without seeing it with her own eyes, so she squeezed in while taking advantage of the chaos.

Originally a bright and attractive person, with a smile like the beginning of a spring flower, Mrs. Feng's still somewhat cloudy eyes immediately brightened up.

She saw it, she did see it!

A room full of people woke up like a dream and congratulated Mrs. Feng.

The second wife, Mrs. Xiao, was caught in the middle. Although she had a happy smile on her face, she couldn't wait to slam her head into the wall.

It's over, in this way, Qian'er's reputation of being possessed by evil spirits will be ruined!

Jiang Qian is the wife of Changxing Hou Shizi, a real noble lady, with such a reputation, I don't know how much idleness I will have in the future.

There were tears in the corners of Mrs. Feng's eyes, and she was very excited.

It is difficult for people who have not experienced darkness to appreciate the maddening pain.

Fairy, yes, Fairy!

"Where's Xian Gu?" Madam Feng looked around in an eager tone, and finally saw Liu Xiangu in the corner.

Liu Xiangu was in a state of embarrassment at the moment, and there was still dried rotten duck egg juice on her face.

Mrs. Feng was shocked: "How did Xian Gu become like this? Xiao Shi, how did you entertain Xian Gu for me!"

Mrs. Feng's words reminded everyone, and several eyes fell on Liu Xiangu.

Liu Xiangu's true skills are not mentioned first. She is very good at pretending to be a ghost. She recovered from the shock in a very short time, with a reserved smile on her face, like an expert outside the world.

The three Jiang Ancheng brothers don't believe this much. The biggest mood at this moment is surprise and doubt. The eyes of Xiao Shi and others looking at Liu Xiangu are suddenly different.

The old lady's eyes really got better within three days, doesn't this mean that Liu Xiangu has fairy-like means!

At this time, Mrs. Xiao didn't dare to neglect how complicated Liu Xiangu's mood was, and hurriedly greeted her with a smile: "Xiangu is wronged, don't blame Xiangu."

After she finished speaking, she glared at the maid: "Don't hurry up and lead Xian Gu to bathe and change clothes."

Mrs. Feng answered, "Take care of the fairy, and don't neglect it any more."

"Xiangu please." Several maids rushed to Liu Xiangu to get a blessing.

Liu Xiangu led the girl out, as if her feet were on cotton.

My God, how on earth did Miss Jiang Si know that Mrs. Feng's eyes will get better in three days

Thinking of Jiang Si's preemptive strike to find her, he obviously had insight into what Xiao's wanted to harm Jiang Er Gongzi, and also knew her secret, Jiang Si became more and more unfathomable in Liu Xiangu's eyes.

Could it be that Miss Jiang Si is the one who can truly communicate with ghosts and spirits

Liu Xiangu couldn't help looking in the direction of Jiang Si.

The tall and upright girl lowered her eyes and closed her eyes, with a well-behaved look.

Liu Xiangu shuddered and quickly retracted her gaze.

I don't want to, try to stay away from this monster in the future.

Later - Liu Xiangu thought of these two words, the corner of her mouth couldn't help but smile.

After this encounter, she will be in the limelight in the capital, and she will gain both fame and fortune. Anyone who sees it in the future will respectfully call her a fairy!

Liu Xiangu fluttered out, and the room fell into an instant silence.

Mrs. Feng's eyes have improved so much, and everyone still has an unreal feeling.

"What are you still doing, help me to take a shower and change clothes, by the way, get two firecrackers and put them outside the gate, go and get rid of the bad luck!" Madam Feng couldn't help saying.

The dark crowd outside the gate of Dongping Uncle Mansion still did not disperse. At this moment, people began to discuss whether Mrs. Feng was worried about her life.

Suddenly, several servants came out, and several trays of firecrackers wrapped in red paper were placed, then lit, and the crackling sounded.

The children among the onlookers screamed and covered their ears with their hands while laughing.

People looked at each other, and someone close by asked loudly, "Why did your house set off firecrackers?"

The servant of Bo Mansion smiled and said, "Our old lady's eyes are getting better!"

What? Mrs. Dongping's eyes are good

The exclamations of the onlookers instantly overwhelmed the sound of firecrackers, and then a cry sounded: "It's over, it's over, my wife has lost everything!"

Through this voice reminder, the scene suddenly screamed.

The sound was so loud that even Mrs. Feng, who was bathing and changing clothes, heard it, and she couldn't help but feel blocked: "What is the mourning outside?"

A'Fu smiled and said, "I think it's those people who bought and lost miserably."

Madam Feng pondered for a while to understand what was going on, and sneered: "Deserving it!"

On this day, the entire capital was in a state of mourning. Outside the major casinos, there were people who ran naked, bumped into trees, and choked to death by eating a few steamed buns.

A Fei got the last bet, and had the urge to join the streaking team.

Two hundred and fifty taels, one loses ten, my God, how much does this cost

He is a bastard who lives in a corner like a mouse and no one wants to take a second look. Now he actually has more than 2,000 taels of silver in his arms

Don't get excited, don't get excited, this huge sum of money is not his, and he even lost his wife.

Ah Fei stumbled out of the casino as if he was drunk. He looked the same as those who lost miserably, and didn't attract anyone's attention at all.

The long night has finally passed, and Tianxiang Teahouse is even more lively than before.

"Girl, shouldn't Ah Fei run away with a huge sum of money?" Ah Man asked while covering his heart.

She couldn't think of this possibility at all, just thinking about it gave her angina.

Jiang Si sighed helplessly: "Aman, you have asked for the sixth time."

"I'm not worried, maid."

That was more than 2,000 taels of silver, did the girl figure it out

When the two master and servant entered the private room, Ah Fei greeted him, apparently waiting for a long time.

Aman let out a long sigh of relief.

This kid is quite sensible.

"Girl, this is your money—" A Fei took out an oiled paper bag from his heart with trembling hands.

Ah Man took it and opened it, and after counting it three times, she smiled, "Miss, that's right."

Jiang Shi slightly raised his chin.

Ah Man understood, took out a silver note with a face value of 100 liang and reluctantly handed it over: "Well, we agreed."

"How embarrassing is this—" A Fei hurriedly took the bank note.

"Give Ah Fei another hundred taels."


Jiang Si raised his eyebrows.

A Man was discouraged and took out another hundred taels of silver bills and handed them over.

This time, Ah Fei didn't answer: "Girl, we agreed on one hundred taels..."

"It was 5 to 1 at that time. Your betting timing was very good, and I made a lot of money. This one hundred taels is a reward."

"That villain is welcome." Ah Fei was very thick-skinned in the market all year round. Hearing Jiang Si's words, he was very happy to pick up the banknotes.

Pulled, didn't move.

A Fei glanced at A Man and reminded: "Sister A Man, the bank note is about to be broken..."