The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter 77: Welcome


Seeing Jiang Shi's expression was different, Jiang Qiao hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?"

Jiang Shi regained his composure: "It's okay."

Erniu is as clever, since he can sneak into the Marquis of Changxing's mansion, there is no problem if he wants to come and leave.

"Third sister, what's the matter with the rash on your arm?"

She couldn't believe it was such a coincidence.

Jiang Qiao raised her hand and let her sleeve slip down to her elbow. She smiled and said, "You said this? Isn't there shrimp porridge this morning? I'll take a few more bites, and I'll put this on my arm as soon as I eat shrimp."

Jiang Si suddenly remembered that the bowl of shrimp porridge that was placed in front of Jiang Qiao in the morning was eaten cleanly, and another bowl was added.

Jiang seemed to hold Jiang Qiao's hand involuntarily: "Third sister, thank you."

She has heard that some people will get rashes after eating certain foods, itching all over their bodies, and even fainting in severe cases.

She was determined to leave Changxing Hou's Mansion. Although she could tear her face and leave, she did not expect Jiang Qiao to do so.

"Thank you." Jiang Qiao put down her sleeves, "It's not serious, I'll retire tomorrow. When I think about what happened last night, I feel uncomfortable staying there for a while longer. It's serious to leave early."

After she finished speaking, she took the gift box from Mrs. Changxing Hou and opened it. Seeing that there were hairpin rings and bead flowers and other things girls liked, she couldn't help sighing: "Mrs. Changxing Hou is a good person, it's a pity—"

Jiang Si sneered when he heard this.

Is Mrs. Changxing Hou a good person

In her previous life, she escaped from the Marquis of Changxing's mansion and went to the southern border. After she became the seventh prince's concubine, she returned to the capital and deliberately inquired with Yu Qi behind her back, only to find out that the prince of the Marquis of Changxing had already died.

The state of death was very tragic, and he was chopped up and thrown naked into the downtown area.

The two cases of Changxing Hou Shizi and Liu Xiangu's violent death have become well-known unsolved cases. The murderer has never been found, and the motive for the murder is impossible to talk about.

Jiang Si could have waited patiently for two years, and then there will be an unsung hero who takes over the beast of the Prince of Changxing.

But she was not reconciled, nor could she bear it.

Unwilling to follow Cao Xingyu's death, the things he has done that are outraged by people and gods will be buried in the ground, and people will sigh and regret when they mention it, let alone how many innocent girls will be brutally murdered in the past two years.

As for Mrs. Changxing Hou—

Thinking of her, Jiang Xi couldn't tell whether it was anger or disgust, maybe he could only sigh that it wasn't that the whole family did not enter the house.

Jiang Qian was married to the Marquis of Changxing and had no children for several years, but after the prince of Changxing died, the Marquis announced that she was pregnant, and Jiang Qian would have another posthumous child in the next year.

It is not uncommon for a newly widowed person to give birth to prematurely because of mourning for her deceased husband. Naturally, the world will not be too concerned. However, as she quietly investigated the second uncle's family, she discovered an astonishing secret: the child born by Jiang Qian was not the son of the Prince of Changxing. It was the Marquis of Changxing!

It's more unbearable than expected. Jiang Qian gave birth to Changxinghou's child not because the two had any unethical activities, but because the Changxinghou couple couldn't bear their son to break the inheritance, let alone let the concubine inherit the family's business, so they used the daughter-in-law's help. The belly gave birth to a "grandson".

And all this, the weak and weak Mrs. Changxing Hou was not kept in the dark.

She is a participant.

Perhaps for that woman, she would rather do this than watch Changxing Hou and his concubine give birth to a concubine to inherit everything from her son.

Thinking of these things, Jiang Xi felt nausea in his heart.

She could say unceremoniously that the entire Marquis of Changxing mansion was not clean even with the pair of stone lions in front of the door.

"Knowing the person, knowing the face, but not the heart, you bought the third sister with a box of gadgets?" Jiang Si teased.

Jiang Qiao was stunned for a moment, but quickly reacted: "Fourth sister thinks that Mrs. Changxing Hou also has a problem?"

Jiang Si said lightly: "I think a person's temperament is inseparable from his background. With such a son, is the mother really a bodhisattva-like person?"

Jiang Qiao thought for a while and nodded, "You're right, but no matter how disgusting they are, it has nothing to do with us. It will be far from there in the future."

Of course Jiang Si didn't want Jiang Qiao to get involved too much, and said yes with a smile.

"Fourth sister, how are you going to deal with that beast?"

Jiang Si said vaguely: "I actually haven't thought about it yet. I was scared at the time, and I was in a hurry to leave the Hou residence to say that. Let me go back and think about it."

Jiang Qiao glanced at Jiang Si: "Don't fool me as a child."

Speaking of fear, she was much more afraid than the fourth sister, who was calm from beginning to end, as if she didn't know about it last night.

Seeing that he couldn't get over it, Jiang seemed to have to say: "That method is temporarily inconvenient to mention. If it works, then I will discuss it with the third sister in detail. If it doesn't work—"

Seeing Jiang Qiao squinting at her, Jiang Qiao smiled and said, "If it doesn't work, I'll find a solution with the third sister."

"It's almost the same." Jiang Qiao didn't ask anymore.

At this point, the two of them tacitly revealed it, and chatted casually.

The carriage suddenly stopped.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Qiao asked in a loud voice.

The driver's reply came from outside the door curtain: "It's just in time for the wedding, there are too many people watching the fun, and the front is blocked."

"Welcome?" Jiang Qiao has a lively temperament, she immediately raised the curtains of the car when she heard this.

A gust of wind blew in from the window, instantly taking away a trace of boredom in the carriage.

It was crowded with people outside the car, and it was very lively.

Soon the sound of firecrackers came from a distance, and children screamed happily in the crowd.

Judging from this posture, it should be the son of a noble family who got married.

Seeing that there was no way to go ahead, and the carriage could not turn around for a while, the driver simply drove the carriage to the side of the road and waited for the team and the crowd to pass by.

Jiang Qiao leaned on the side of the car window with her cheeks on her back, and asked curiously, "I don't know whose family is having a wedding?"

Jiang Xi casually glanced out the window.

The welcoming team walked slowly from far to near, and the festive suona sound made the atmosphere even more enthusiastic.

At the front of the team sat the groom on a red silk horse. As the team got closer, the two sisters heard exclamations from all around.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect the third son of An Guo's mansion to be so handsome!"

"What's so strange about this, if you're not handsome, how can you let the unmarried little lady die with her..."

"You are wrong. A little lady from an ordinary family can have a private life with the son of the Duke's mansion. Even if this son has a pockmarked face, he may die together."

People's voices ranged from excitement to ridicule, and they were talking about the death of the third son of the Duke of Anguo and the daughter of the people who had been making a lot of noise some time ago.

This is a big gossip, and it is said that it even alarmed the saint.

Sitting in the carriage, the two sisters could already feel that the fire of gossip ignited by the people in the capital was about to burn into the carriage.

Jiang Qiao's face changed, she couldn't help but look at Jiang Si, and she was relieved when she saw her expressionless face and even turned her eyes away.

The relieved girl Jiang San simply stuck her head out and craned her neck to see.

"Third sister, what's so beautiful?" Jiang Si said helplessly.

"Don't bother me, I'll see what the eyeless man looks like."