The Cannon Fodder Doesn’t Want to Die

Chapter 53: My tears are pearls 11


Early the next morning, Yu Ze ate a delicious fresh fish breakfast, and sat on the sofa to read the reviews. Netizens' attitude towards the mermaid has changed drastically, and they have turned to condemn Tian Xing's violent hunting behavior.

Tianxing's reward order was also forcibly revoked, and the military department said: "There is no evidence that Brewer's poisoning is related to the mermaid. The descendants of martyrs should be protected."

"Drip..." He was watching, when Leon's message sound came from beside him.

Yu Ze looked at Leon, Leon read the message and said, "Father asked me to take you to the military headquarters."

Yu Ze changed his lazy sitting posture and straightened his back: "What are you going to do?"

Leon: "Reissue your ID card, and the relics of your parents will be handed over to you."

At nine o'clock, Yu Ze followed Leon into the military building, and received many surprised and curious eyes along the way.

The paternity test is ready-made, the ID card application process is very simple, and the relic handover is very complicated. After all, after many years, many things have been confiscated or used for other purposes, and there are not many things that can actually be handed over.

It was almost noon before all the formalities were completed.

It was the first time Yu Ze stood for such a long time, his feet were sore and limp, he held Leon's sleeve: "Can I go back?"

Leon nodded, took Yu Ze to greet Admiral Oude, and then left.

Yu Ze sat in the co-pilot, stretched his feet forward, and gently squeezed his legs.

Leon frowned angrily: "Does your foot hurt?"

Yu Ze tilted his head and smiled at him: "Fortunately, it's a little sore, I'm not used to walking on my feet, just practice more."

Leon drove the car very fast, and returned to the villa not long after. He went around the front of the car and opened the passenger's door, and reached out to Yu Ze.

Yu Ze froze for a moment, curled his mouth, and put his hand on his.

Leon held his hand firmly, led him out of the car, and looked down at him: "Can I carry you in?"

Yu Ze blinked his eyes quickly, his face flushed slightly: "My feet are fine, I can walk by myself."

Leon: "You will be uncomfortable, I don't want to see you uncomfortable."

His tone was the same as usual, very steady, but Yu Ze's heartbeat suddenly accelerated: "Then I will trouble you."

Leon bent down, hugged him softly and neatly, and kissed in his ear: "It's not troublesome at all, you are very light."

Leon carried Yu Ze directly to the swimming pool, and put him by the pool: "You relax in the water, and I'll get you something to eat."

Yu Ze was in a great mood, his eyes rolled up: "Okay."

While Leon was taking the food, Yu Ze took off his T-shirt, jumped into the water, his feet turned into tails, his eyes narrowed comfortably, and he gently wagged his tail in the water.

After lunch, Leon received a call, hung up and said to Yu Ze, "Father said, Admiral Bevin invited you and me to the dinner hosted by Mrs. Bevin."

"Admiral Bei Wen?" Yu Ze was puzzled.

Leon: "One of the three generals, has always maintained a neutral attitude towards mermaids. I saw you at the military headquarters today."

Yu Ze couldn't make up his mind: "What does Admiral Ode mean? Does he agree with me?"

Leon nodded: "Ketuo people's impressions of mermaids come from legends, prejudices or established impressions, and many people in the high-level military department are like this. Getting along with real mermaids makes it easier to change their cognition, which is conducive to submitting mermaids for protection. get their support when it comes to regulations."

Yu Ze thought for a moment, and felt that what Leon said made sense. Humans are always afraid of the unknown. Nowadays, online comments are much more friendly to mermaids, but there are still some people who are afraid of mermaids' abilities and worry that mermaids will use human spiritual power as food.

"When does the dinner start? Do you want to make any preparations?" he asked.

Leon: "7:30, I will prepare the dress, you should rest more."

At 6:30 in the evening, Leon and Yu Ze had dinner at the villa, then changed into their dresses to tidy up their appearance, set off at 7:10, and arrived at Bevin's house before the dinner.

As soon as the two entered the banquet hall, all eyes fell on them. Leon was worried that Yu Ze was afraid, so he shook Yu Ze's hand to comfort him.

Yu Ze tilted his head and smiled, indicating that he was fine.

The two greeted their master first, and then went to General Ode and his wife. Mrs. Ode pulled Yu Ze and kept praising: "Ze Ze is so beautiful."

Yu Ze was wearing a white suit and looked like a little prince. He smiled shyly and complimented each other back.

After a while, someone came over to say hello, and after saying some polite words, he couldn't help but look at Yu Ze: "Are you a mermaid?"

Yu Ze nodded calmly and smiled politely: "Yes, hello."

The people who were paying attention to this movement were stunned, thinking that he looked too much like a human being, completely different from the mermaid in their impression, and couldn't help but want to find something different from human beings in him.

Mrs. Ode brought Yu Ze to meet a lot of people, many of them were the family members of General Huo Lai's former subordinates. They all had a good attitude towards Yu Ze, but there was inevitably surprise in their eyes. After the chat, they fell in love with the well-behaved Yu Ze. Terrific, especially thinking of his life experience, the aunts couldn't help feeling pity for him.

Yu Ze was dragged by Mrs. Ode to dance the first dance. At the end, Leon was about to snatch him away, but an aunt took the lead.

After the dance, Leon quickly walked up to Yu Ze and took him over.

Leon walked out with Yu Ze in his arms: "Are your feet tired?"

Yu Ze shook his head: "I'm not tired." At this time, a new song started, and Yu Ze tugged on Laleon's sleeve, "Would you like to dance to one?"

Leon confirmed to him again that he knew that his feet were fine, he dragged him onto the dance floor and jumped up.

The two faced each other very close, Yu Ze whispered, "How is my performance?"

Leon: "Very good," he seemed to feel that the words were too perfunctory, and added, "very flattering."

Both Yu Ze, the client, and Leon, who was keen, noticed the eyes that had been falling on Yu Ze all the time. Both of them were very calm, and they knew that being scrutinized was essential before they came.

Leon was worried that Yu Ze would be nervous at first, but he didn't expect Yu Ze to be very calm. Yu Ze's attitude was natural and very friendly, not stiff and rigid at all, and he was a real character at first glance.

If he doesn't think about it deliberately, he even thinks that the good boy next door, the gentle boy, can't think of the mermaid known as the sea monster at all.

Yu Ze smiled and was very happy. The main task tonight is to let everyone meet him, change everyone's established impression of mermaids, and let everyone know that mermaids are not scary and can live in peace with humans.

After dancing a song, Leon pulled Yu Ze to sit and rest for a while. Mrs. Bevan came over and looked at Yu Ze tenderly: "I'll take you to the rest room for a rest. There are foot bath facilities in the rest room."

Yu Ze was stunned for a moment, and Mrs. Bevan said: "I know your father, he often sits in a wheelchair, and he will never dance two pieces in a row at the dance. I thought his foot was injured before, but now I know what happened. I see you have danced three dances in a row, are your feet tired?"

Yu Ze smiled politely: "It's okay, madam, you're welcome."

Mrs. Bevan glanced at him: "Then you remember, go to the rest room if you feel uncomfortable, don't be cautious."

Yu Ze nodded: "Thank you Ma'am."

Mrs. Bevin went to entertain other guests, Leon lowered his head and asked, "Do you want to go to the rest room?"

"No need," Yu Ze pointed to the corner, "We can just sit there for a while, I want to drink something."

Leon had no objection, the two sat down in the corner, and soon someone came to talk to them, some were looking for Leon, and some were looking for Yu Ze.

After the crowd dispersed, Yu Ze drank a lot of water unknowingly. He said, "I'm going to the bathroom."

Leon: "I'll accompany you."

Yu Ze laughed: "No, I'll be right back."

The bathroom in the banquet hall is very private, with all compartments.

After Yu Ze finished solving, he was about to come out of the cubicle when he suddenly felt a sharp mental wave, short but powerful, which made him immediately recall that the morning he contacted Jin Jiao, when he withdrew the mental wave, he felt that the same Types of mental waves.

His heart trembled suddenly, and a dull cry of pain came from the next door, followed by two crashes in succession.

His complexion changed, and he immediately opened the door. There was no one in the bathroom, and the door of the cubicle was closed. At this time, there was no movement at all.

He knocked on the door of the compartment quickly: "Is anyone there?"

The sound of the door sounded muffled, and his heart sank instantly. Something was behind the door. Thinking of the sound just now, he had a bad guess that the person in the compartment should have fallen on the door.

He withdrew his hand and turned around to call for someone. A group of people rushed in. In the front was a terrified young man, the young master of the Bevin family.

Master Bevan pulled the security guard's sleeve with a pale face: "Someone really screamed. I heard it right after I went out. It scared me to death."

"I heard it too. I was about to go into the bathroom, and I was frightened."

"You, why are you here!" A person looked at Yu Ze and asked in surprise.

Yu Ze: "...I'm going to the bathroom." Don't they think mermaids don't have to deal with physical problems

The security guard looked at Yu Ze: "Did you hear someone calling?"

Yu Ze nodded and pointed to the door of the cubicle: "It came from here."

The security guard called a colleague, and quickly got the person out of the cubicle, who was already out of breath.

Master Bevan recognized the victim at a glance, tears came out immediately, and he looked terrified: "It's Kerry, he is in good health, how could he be like this all of a sudden!"

Admiral Bevin heard the movement and immediately ordered someone to control the bathroom and related personnel, and arranged for a doctor to examine Kerry.

When Mrs. Cree heard the news, she cried to death, and the choking sound made people feel sore.

After the doctor's examination, he reported: "Brain dead."

There was a gasp all around.

"Okay, why is it brain dead."

"It's terrible, it's sudden."

Admiral Bevin asked the security guard: "Who were in the bathroom when the incident happened?"

The security guard reported truthfully that besides Kerry, there were only Master Bevan and Yu Ze.

Admiral Bevin asked his youngest son seriously: "Did you find anything wrong when you went into the bathroom?"

Master Bevan's voice trembled: "No, everything is normal. I only heard the cry when I was going out."

"What about you?" Admiral Bei Wen asked Yu Ze.

Thinking of that mental wave, Yu Ze was hesitating whether to say it, when a shrill voice sounded: "Did you kill my son?"

Yu Ze looked over and saw that Mrs. Cree was rushing towards him, but Leon grabbed his shoulder and restrained him.

Yu Ze frowned and denied, "It has nothing to do with me."

"Brain-dead! When Admiral Holly and Colonel Keqi died, all the Zerg around them were brain-dead!" Someone suddenly said in a startled tone.

Suddenly, many eyes fell on Yu Ze, full of suspicion.

The author has something to say: Thank you for your support (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~Thank you for voting for me during 2020-06-02 17:24:46~2020-06-05 21:15:41 Little angel of nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: 5 bottles of Yebiyebiye;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!