The Cannon Fodder Strikes Back

Chapter 57


Wen Zeyun's scandal came to an end. The police finally detained him for more than ten days on charges of drug possession and then sent him to a drug rehabilitation center for a month of forced drug rehabilitation.

More than a month has passed in the blink of an eye, the days have flown by like water, and the scorching summer is finally coming to an end. The autumn mood is gradually getting stronger, and the occasional gust of wind is mixed with coolness, quietly getting into my bones.

On this day, there was a rare pouring autumn rain in S City. As if to extinguish all the last heat of summer, it continued continuously since early morning. The temperature dropped sharply, and the green leaves were blown all over the ground. With the pounding rain, the asphalt road circled.

In order to wait for this rare rainy day, the crew started working at four in the morning. Such heavy rain made everyone soaked and shivering even without the use of sprinklers.

Gu Yan, who had just returned from Cairo, was wearing a gray shirt and was sitting under the shed listening to Zhou Rui telling him a play, but he looked a little distracted.

"The only kissing scene with Jin Shu in this drama is also the climax and breakthrough of the whole plot. His acting skills are trustworthy, but... I know I have never played a gay character before, so kissing someone of the same sex might be possible There are some difficulties, but I hope we can overcome them. Let’s go and communicate with Jinshu again, and we must not feel any psychological pressure.”

Gu Yan pursed his lips and said nothing. The expression on his face was very complicated. The original scornful look was gone. Zhou Rui thought he just couldn't adapt to this kind of plot, so he walked away very considerately. .

Gu Yan lowered his head slightly and looked at the script in his hand, looking very calm, but he was the only one who understood how nervous he was.

Quietly, he turned his head and looked at Yun Jinshu, who was standing not far away talking to Zhou Rui. Today, in order to match the role of Yue Qige, he specially put on a plaid shirt. His hair was cut shorter, making him look particularly refreshing and clean. Complementing the role of Yue Qige.

We haven't seen each other for more than a month, why does he miss this so much

Gu Yan turned around in a panic, feeling that his heartbeat was a little chaotic, and he could no longer read the script in his hand. Until Zhou Rui called to start filming, and when he and Yunjin Bookstore were reviewing their lines in the heavy rain, he still didn't After regaining consciousness, I ate NG four or five times in succession.

The most dedicated and conscientious actor in the industry, Actor Gu, has always had the reputation of "zero mistakes", but he forgot his words again and again and got stuck, which made Zhou Rui feel helpless.

"Brother Gu, if that doesn't work, just take a rest. I know there are knots in my heart that I can't get over, but the plot is like this, and we have to keep filming."

"Sorry, do it again."

Gu Yan touched the rainwater on his face in embarrassment. Yun Jinshu, who was standing opposite and was soaked in the rain, couldn't help but smile and turned to Zhou Rui, "Director, if you can't do it, just borrow your seat. Don't force yourself." , in fact, it’s also very stressful, what should I do if I’m worried that everyone will laugh after being so familiar with each other for a while?”

Yun Jinshu's teasing words made the depressed staff around him laugh. Gu Yan felt a little uncomfortable, but he forced a smile on his face, "Try again, try not to laugh."

After not seeing each other for a few days, Yun Jinshu felt that Gu Yan was getting weirder and weirder, but he didn't care. He raised his hand and patted his shoulder, "It's better to borrow your seat. I'm afraid we will both be embarrassed."

This time Gu Yan didn't say anything. Zhou Rui had no choice but to discuss it with several drama managers around him, and finally adopted Yun Jinshu's advice, readjusted the position of the camera, zoomed out and shouted "ACTION"

Gu Yan ran out of the teaching building, looked at the shadow in front of him and shouted, "Yue Qige, what do you want?"

Yun Jinshu stopped, his whole body was wet from the heavy rain, his black hair had strings of water droplets stuck to his eyelashes, and he had a very sad expression on his face.

"I don't want to do anything, I just think it's pointless for us to continue like this. Qian Ming, it's time for us to put an end to this."

After saying this, Yun Jinshu walked forward without looking back, his thin back made a little embarrassed by the vortex of rain. Gu Yan caught up from behind and grabbed his wrist, looking particularly impatient, "Finish it!? What do you want? Let's end it, isn't it good that this is the case? No one will be involved, and everyone will be better off."

Yun Jinshu turned around after a long time, wiped the water on his face with his hand, and suddenly laughed, "Not good, not good at all, Qian Ming, I don't know if I don't believe it, I like it, I always like it! I don't want to What the hell are you doing, brother, just want to..."

Speaking of which, Gu Yan only had to step forward and hug him in line with the plot, and the scene would be over if the camera zoomed out, but Gu Yan did not.

He didn't even wait for Yun Jinshu to finish the entire line. He held his head with both hands and kissed him. Yun Jinshu's eyes widened suddenly, and the line was stuck in his throat and was suddenly silenced.

The whole audience was also shocked. Zhou Rui was stunned for a moment and didn't even call stop.

Gu Yan held Yun Jinshu's chin and held his lips with his lips. His whole heart was beating violently, but he didn't want to let go. He had risked everything to take this step, how could he be willing to let go.

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms,

Yun Jinshu was so shocked by his behavior that he broke into a cold sweat, but that was how the script was written, so he had no choice but to continue acting seriously, raising his hands and quietly hugging Gu Yan's neck.

With the sound of rain falling in his ears, Yun Jinshu couldn't hear anything clearly. When they separated, the whole place exuded a strange atmosphere. He glanced at Zhou Rui at a loss, but found that he was even more embarrassed than himself. , the corner of his mouth turned to the side, his face was tangled as if he didn't know what to do.

Yun Jinshu followed his line of sight, and through the layers of rain curtains, he saw Han Jiang standing not far away.

He was still wearing a black coat as before, and the assistant next to him gave him a black umbrella. I don't know whether it was because of the rain or some other reason. His face was as pale as a piece of paper, but his eyes were burning. He stared at Yun Jinshu, holding a box in his hand, not knowing what was inside.

Yun Jinshu suddenly lost his voice, his whole back stiffened, and he subconsciously raised his hand to wipe his lips. Han Jiang's eyes became even gloomier after seeing this.

Of course, Gu Yan, who was standing aside, also saw Han Jiang. His face was also ugly. He looked at Han Jiang without flinching. It wasn't until the manager next to him handed him a bath towel and asked him to leave that he looked away. Keep up.

The weird and awkward atmosphere between the three made the rest of the crew feel uneasy. Although they didn't understand what was going on between them, they all wisely put away their thoughts on gossip and hurriedly left with their photography tools. to the scene.

Yun Jinshu wiped the rain from his hair and stood there without taking shelter from the rain or stepping forward. He didn't know what to say when facing Han Jiang.

Han Jiang took the umbrella from his assistant and walked over, opening both ends, "It's easy to catch a cold if you get wet like this."

Yun Jinshu pursed his lips, and his fingers began to tremble unconsciously again, but he asked without much expression on his face, "Why are you here?"

Han Jiang smiled, looking a little tired, "Nothing, I just came to take a look, and brought Qiuli loquat syrup. I didn't expect... to see the kissing scene."

He put the box in Yun Jinshu's hand. There was no rain on the box, but it was still warm.

Yun Jinshu held the box and felt inexplicably weak. He subconsciously said, "This scene is very important and must be filmed on a rainy day."

Han Jiang hid the tightly clenched fists in his sleeves and showed a gentle smile on his face. "No need to explain this to me. I won't interfere in my work. It's just... I still feel uncomfortable after seeing it."

In the end, he smiled to himself, and his well-groomed face was a little cracked.

Yun Jinshu took a deep breath, still frightened when he thought of the things he had done to provoke the Dong and Han families. Hearing Han Jiang's words at this time was as uncomfortable as a slap in the face.

He didn't want to get entangled in emotional matters, so he changed the subject and said, "It's almost the end of the month, and my company should be very busy. I've collected the things. Thank you. The weather is bad, so go back early."

Han Jiang grabbed his wrist and prevented him from escaping successfully. "There will always be time squeezed. Whether you are willing to spend time to do something depends on whether it is worth doing."

His subtext was very obvious. It wasn't that Yun Jinshu didn't understand, but he just smiled and pretended not to answer.

At this time, Gu Yan had already come out of the shed. He had changed his clothes and looked like he was going to catch the next scene. When he passed by Yun Jinshu and Han Jiang, he smiled and waved to Yun Jinshu, "I have to go. Let's meet up when you have time. I haven't seen you for so long and I have a lot to talk about."

Yun Jinshu smiled and nodded, talking to him a few more words without seeing Han Jiang's increasingly unhappy expression.

Gu Yan smiled and waved, and before leaving, he gave Han Jiang a very disdainful and provocative look. Han Jiang narrowed his eyes and made no move.

"There's nothing to do. Let's go in. We'll continue filming in the afternoon." Yun Jinshu casually found an excuse to leave.

Han Jiang stopped him, "Jinshu, I made an appointment with the orthopedic surgeon at the provincial hospital to have a look at my leg today."

Yun Jinshu was stunned for a moment, then raised his eyebrows and sneered, "It turns out that I feel guilty for going around in such a big circle because of my legs. Han Jiang, can't you just say it straight? There are too many twists and turns in my heart. It's really... I don’t have the energy to make wild guesses. If you are just doing this to make yourself feel better, then there is really no need. My legs are very clear to me and there is no need for follow-up consultation.”

"No." Han Jiang did not give in. "Whether it's guilt or peace of mind, the faction can tell you these things."

"I just figured out some things. Emotional matters can only be exchanged with feelings. Even between friends, can't we even have these greetings?"

Yun Jinshu was stunned and remained silent for a long time before finally saying, "Let's wait a while and go change clothes."

Han Jiang showed a smile, and even his eyebrows relaxed, "Okay, wait."


Han Jiang took Yun Jinshu to the provincial hospital. After an examination, the doctor determined that his leg had indeed injured a nerve, but he had recovered well after the injury, so there was still hope that he could dance again.

After hearing this, Yun Jinshu didn't say much, but Han Jiang was very happy and couldn't help but take Yun Jinshu to dinner.

The two of us went to a private restaurant. Since it was not yet lunch time, there were very few people here and it was a good place for conversation.

After sitting down, Han Jiang took the menu given by the waiter and handed it to Yun Jinshu without even looking at it. "Let's see what you like to eat. This restaurant's cooking is very good. We came early this time and there is still a seat. If it had been before, this place would have been full."

Because it was still early for lunch, Yun Jinshu had no appetite and was not very good at cooking. After symbolically ordering two stir-fried vegetables, he gave the menu to Han Jiang.

Han Jiang put the menu aside without even looking at it, raised his head and said to the waiter, "Add another portion of baked crab with hibiscus and two bowls of assorted clear noodle soup, thank you."

After the waiter left, Yun Jinshu looked at him doubtfully. Han Jiang smiled, crossed his hands and put them on the table, "Do you still remember the baked crab with hibiscus that you wanted to take with you when we first met? This is it. Let’s try it as a family, we like this method the best.”

Yun Jinshu was stunned for a moment, and smiled bitterly in his heart. What are you doing now

"It's hard to tell that he is stubborn. His relationship can persist for more than ten years, and he can even eat crabs for several years without changing his love for this method." But other than these, why do you treat others like throwing away garbage and throw it away so happily

Do you feel in your heart that some are worth less than crabs

He didn't say the next words. After hearing these words, Han Jiang took a while before speaking, "Isn't that what happens in the world? Only when you find the most suitable one can you make a decision."

Yun Jinshu was drinking water from his tea cup without replying. The two of them just sat quietly. It was not until the two bowls of assorted clear soup noodles came that Yun Jinshu was surprised.

There are thin white noodles lying in the clear and clear soup base, with a layer of scallions sprinkled on top. It is fragrant. Pick it up with chopsticks and double it, and you will find that there are things inside, shredded chicken, ham, matsutake and crab roe, there are many of them. When he picked up the spoon and took a sip of the soup, it tasted exactly like the noodles Yun Jinshu made for Han Jiang that night.

"This..." Yun Jinshu looked at Han Jiang in surprise. He didn't understand how this private restaurant knew about such a traditional Foshan recipe, and even the ingredients and freshness were exactly the same.

Han Jiang touched the tip of his nose at this time. He was a little surprised even though he was in his thirties, "Try it and see if it tastes exactly the same? I was originally worried that their cooking was not authentic, but since it comes naturally, it will be more convincing." "

Yun Jinshu's fingers began to tremble again, and his head was buzzing. The sweet memories and hatred of Han Jiang in his previous life were intertwined, making his heart throb violently.

He tasted the noodles and found that they were exactly the same. Trying to control the expression on his face, he asked, "How did you do it?"

"Just the same." Han Jiang smiled, his deep eyes curled up, "It took some effort to find out that this method is only found in Foshan, Guangdong. There are special restaurants there, and the noodles made are said to be... It’s exactly the same as what’s made for people to eat. Although I don’t know how they made it this way in Foshan, I still shamelessly spent a long time with the owner of that restaurant before they sold the secret recipe.”

"Then...why does this restaurant do it too?"

Han Jiang rubbed his nose awkwardly at this time, his expression showing a rare childish look, "Actually... I did this. I practiced it many times before to get it right. I probably won't follow him back to Jade Villa, so I can only borrow it." I’ve made an excuse to come to this restaurant in advance, just waiting to follow.”

Look, another scam, a well-designed scam.

Yun Jinshu couldn't help but laugh at himself and fell into Han Jiang's trap again, but this plot that was completely opposite to his previous life still kept him from getting back to his senses for a long time.

In his previous life, he worked hard to make a bowl of noodles for Han Jiang, just to make him happy. But if it happened again, the dignified young master would actually use the same technique and for the same reason to make an identical bowl for him. , even afraid that he would not come, so he just found such a lame excuse to ask himself out. Such a huge abnormality made Yun Jinshu really confused. His throat was so dry, as if it was filled with sand, and it was rough and rubbed. It hurts.

Han Jiang was silent while reading Yun Jin's book and couldn't help but say, "Don't get me wrong, I just thought of the bowl of noodles I made when I wanted to eat hibiscus baked crab. I thought the two would be delicious together, so I went to learn it. This time I brought I came here because my craftsmanship is relatively authentic and I wanted to help the judges judge it, that’s all.”

"Yeah, I know, this skill will be enough to fool others in the future." Yun Jin read, lowered his head and ate the noodles in the bowl, but clenched his fingers tightly under the table.

Han Jiang thought very much that he had only cooked for one person from beginning to end, and this one was not even Wen Zeyun, but he would not say this no matter what.

He had done so much, but he didn't actually expect Yun Jinshu to turn back, he just wanted to take action of his own.

Just like before, feelings can only be repaid as much as you pay. No one is willing to give up his sincerity in exchange for a pile of straw. Therefore, if he wants Yun Jinshu's sincerity, he must first give up his own sincerity in exchange. Maybe he can't exchange it. But if you don’t change, you won’t get it in your lifetime.

The subsequent conversation became long and boring, but at least Yun Jinshu didn't choke him with any more words. Han Jiang felt much more at ease. After dinner, he insisted on sending Yun Jinshu home, and even stopped on the way to buy cold medicine plugs. Give it to him. Yun Jinshu doesn’t want it, and he doesn’t care. He just says, “You must take medicine if you get caught in the rain. Otherwise, how can you expect Kidney Bean to save you if you get sick?”

This sentence successfully knocked back Yun Jinshu's last words. When he arrived downstairs in the apartment, Han Jiang stopped Yun Jinshu who was about to enter the corridor, "Are the crew busy tomorrow? I want to take a look."

Yun Jinshu was stunned for a moment, then turned his head, "Tomorrow the crew will go to the United States for filming. They won't be able to come back for about three to five days, so there's no need to look for him."

Han Jiang nodded and had no choice but to give up. He watched Yun Jinshu enter the cave and then drove away after turning on the headlights in the room.

When he reached the gate of the district, the security guard stopped him and said, "Comrade, stop the car. I keep seeing this car wandering around this area recently. Who are you looking for?"

Han Jiang touched the tip of his nose and smiled, "Oh, it's Mr. Yun's cousin in Building 9, 401. Come and see him."

The security guard looked at him suspiciously, took out a record book from the security room and handed it to him, "Register, leave your name, address and contact information. We do not allow outside vehicles to come in and out at will. Don't think that you can drive a good car." Make an exception, robbers can drive BMWs these days.”

Han Jiang couldn't laugh or cry. He was released only after the appointee wrote down his contact information. At this time, he didn't know that his careless stroke almost changed the fate of him and Yun Jinshu...

The author has something to say: To be honest, I was scolded every day and I could still keep updating. I myself felt that I was shameless. When I was loved by Han Jiang, I was called "the author who wrote such an article | a bitch mother". I let go and started to take revenge. , and someone said again that "the author who wrote this kind of article has no limits and no morals"_(:"∠)_Can everyone discuss it? I feel sorry for anyone, I have not sorry for anyone

PS: Double update today, this is the first update, there will be two updates later tonight^-^

PPS: Thanks Aki for throwing a grenade
