The Cannon Fodder Strikes Back

Chapter 66


The two of them ate dinner in unusual silence. Gu Yan did not continue the topic just now, but kept looking for topics to make him happy.

But Yun Jinshu has experienced too many turmoils in the past few days. He can no longer treat Gu Yan as a brother and chat casually like before. Basically, he just answered whatever Gu Yan asked him. He didn't take the initiative to find topics or joke with him like before.

Gu Yan understood that Yun Jinshu just couldn't accept the current situation for a while, so he didn't force him.

Although he didn't understand what the entanglement between Yun Jinshu and Han Jiang was, he knew that Yun Jinshu had suffered a lot of trauma in his heart. This kind of wound might not be visible to the naked eye, but from time to time, blood would pour out, causing him heartache. .

Therefore, he wanted to give Yun Jinshu a new start, so that he could stay away from Han Jiang, a dangerous man, and just live an ordinary and peaceful life.

He would spend his whole life trying to heal him, so he was in no rush for a clear answer.

Maybe he, Gu Yan, was despicable, but he didn't regret it at all. From the beginning to the end, Han Jiang gave him a chance. If he had not hurt Yun Jinshu, if he had not been entangled with Wen Zeyun and those messy people, then he would not have put all his efforts into forcing Yun Jinshu to see the reality clearly.

In Yun Jinshu's heart, he was still the man with a slight smile when they first met him. He should hold his hand and care for him with all his heart, instead of wasting his love by pulling him in and pushing him away again and again.

While Gu Yan was lost in thought, Yun Jinshu's cell phone rang.

At first, he thought it was Han Jiang calling, so his fingers froze slightly and he immediately picked up, but Zhang Ma's anxious voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Where is the book? Come back quickly. Kidney Bean has a high fever. He is crying and refusing to go to the hospital. He is clamoring to come back!"

Yun Jinshu's head was buzzing, and he felt like he was almost out of breath. Why were so many things piled up at the same time

He forced himself to calm down and said calmly, "Mother Zhang, don't worry, put a cold towel on Kidney Dou and tell him to go back right away."

Putting the phone on, Yun Jinshu stroked half of his face and said to Gu Yan, "Douzi is sick and has to go back. Brother Gu... I'm sorry today."

Gu Yan said nothing, picked up the coat on the back of the chair and put it on, "Take it home, just in time to see how the beans are doing."

Yun Jinshu was in trouble. He didn't want Gu Yan to drag his feet at this time. He shook his head and said, "I want to take a taxi back."

Gu Yan knew what Yun Jinshu was thinking, but he raised the corner of his mouth bitterly, "Jinshu, just because of what you said before, are you now not even qualified to see the kidney beans? I won't force you to give an answer, it's just simple If I want to see my child, if Douzi is seriously ill, I can drive him to the hospital, isn’t this okay?”

This sentence blocked all Yun Jinshu's reasons. Gu Yan had helped him so much, and he might not be able to repay it in a few lifetimes, not to mention that he had always loved Kidney Dou. If he refused coldly at this time, he would be like those ungrateful people again. What's the difference

Gu Yan's words made him compromise, and he finally nodded. Gu Yan smiled, took his coat and followed Yun Jinshu in the car quickly to the apartment.


Kidney Bean's illness came suddenly without any warning. Yun Jinshu felt anxious. After running home, Zhang Ma returned.

In her hometown, Kidney Bean has always treated her as her grandson. Now she saw that Yun Jinshu had finally come back. She felt relieved. As she hurriedly came to greet her, she caught sight of Gu Yan behind Yun Jinshu. Her expression immediately changed. Becoming a little weird.

Yun Jinshu didn't see her expression. He just looked at the burning kidney beans lying on the bed and asked anxiously, "Mama Zhang, how long have the beans been burning? Did the cold towel not work? Why are they still so hot?"

Zhang Ma came back to her senses, politely nodded to Gu Yan, came over and said guiltily, "Six more people started after dinner. Maybe he caught a cold after giving him a bath today. I'm sorry... it's all my fault."

Yun Jinshu tried her best to help him take care of the child. Yun Jinshu didn't mean to blame her, "Mother Zhang, it's not my fault. Children of this age are prone to getting sick. It's been a busy day today. It's so late. You should go home quickly." , just Douzi will take care of it.”

Zhang's mother was reluctant to leave at first, but her son called to urge her, so she had no choice but to leave Yun Jinshu's home with guilt.

Only two adults, Gu Yan and Yun Jinshu, were left in the room. Yun Jinshu picked up Kidney Dou and wrapped him in two more quilts. The guy was already burned out. When he opened his eyes and saw clearly that it was Yun Jinshu, he began to whimper in aggrieved manner. His hands tightened. Holding the quilt tightly, she said pitifully, "Baba... Baba... it's hard... it's uncomfortable..."

"Don't be afraid. Where is dad? Let's go to the hospital, okay?"

Yun Jinshu knew that since the last fire, Kiddou would cry non-stop every time he heard about the hospital, but now that his fever was so severe, there was nothing he could do without going to the hospital.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." Kidney Bean whimpered, her legs kept moving, as if she didn't want to go to the hospital.

Gu Yan filled the bottle with hot water and brought it over. He also had a cold towel in his hand, "Give him some water first. It's easy to get dehydrated when you have a fever. If you're in such a state, you have to go to the hospital."

Yun Jinshu's exhausted head tried to comfort the crying Kidou, and he was confused for a moment.

Gu Yan patted him on the shoulder, "Go and drive, put on some more clothes for Douzi, it's windy outside."

After finally coaxing Kidney to sleep, it was already past eleven at night, so the two took the opportunity to go to the hospital together.

But trouble came again at the door of the hospital. "Exaggeration" had just been released today, and the scandal about Gu Yan and Yun Jinshu was still very popular. Gu Yanyiding didn't bring any of his disguises, and there was a car accident near the hospital because of a celebrity. A large number of reporters had gathered. If the three of them went in at this time, they were definitely looking for death.

When they were clean before, Yun Jinshu could laugh off the scandals, but now after Gu Yan said those words, he never dared to make a mistake again. He was afraid that the more this happened, the more Gu Yan would press on her. , had no choice but to try his best to persuade him to leave.

Gu Yan was helpless. He still wanted to persevere, but he received a call from his manager. In desperation, he felt deep reluctance in his heart. He couldn't help but hugged Yun Jinshu tightly in the car when he wasn't prepared, and drove the car. The car reluctantly left.

After signing up and paying the money, the emergency doctor examined Kidney Dou and found out that he had acute bronchitis, which caused a high fever and required hospitalization.

Yun Jinshu's heart was agitated. After Kiddou got a fever-reducing injection and finally fell into a deep sleep on the hospital bed, he breathed a sigh of relief from physical and mental exhaustion.

So many things happened that day, and it seemed that every one of them had to tear his heart out of his chest, and he was satisfied only by watching him become restless.

Lying on the empty bed next to him, he looked at the dark ceiling and listened to the occasional gurgling sound from the oxygen tube next to him. He felt so complicated that he couldn't fall asleep. At this time, his phone that had been idle all day suddenly vibrated, and the screen displayed A phone call from a complete stranger.

Due to the special nature of his work, he basically wouldn't answer such unfamiliar numbers. He simply pressed reject and threw the phone aside, but it rang again without mercy.

Yun Jinshu looked at his watch. It was already half in the morning. Who was calling at this time

He hesitated for a moment and finally pressed the answer button, put the phone to his ear, looked at the ceiling and said softly, "... hello"

"..." There was no movement on the other end of the phone. It was as quiet as a pool of stagnant water. Only the faint sound of radio waves could be heard passing by.

Yun Jinshu didn't know why, and was about to hang up the phone, but suddenly he heard an extremely subtle sound of breathing from the radio waves, and a gentle tap on his ear made his heart lift slightly.

"who is it?"

He asked again in a low voice, but there was still no response. Yun Jinshu didn't speak again and raised his hand to hang up the phone.

Suddenly there was a very soft sigh from the other side, and then a low and rough voice came from the phone, and he called, "Jinshu..."

Yun Jinshu sat up immediately when he heard the voice. He checked several times before he was sure that he heard it correctly. He would probably never forget this voice for the rest of his life.

"Han Jiang?"

A gentle laughter came from the other end of the phone, accompanied by a vague cough, and the silence spread in the ward, "Jinshu... I miss you very much."

Yun Jinshu's fingers trembled slightly, feeling that his nasal cavity was a little sore. He stabilized his voice before asking softly, "Where? Why don't you have your own phone?"

Han Jiang smiled and coughed a few more times, "I thought I would question those men about it, but sure enough..." Sure enough, he never cared, so he didn't even want to mention it.

He didn't say the next words, so Yun Jinshu asked him stubbornly, "Where exactly?"

Han Jiang didn't seem to pay attention to Yun Jinshu's question this time. He kept smiling and thinking about himself, "I watched "Exaggerated" today. The acting was really good, even better than last time. It's a pity that I can't congratulate him in person. Gu Yan is very good to him, he should be very reliable, and... "

Yun Jinshu couldn't listen anymore, so he interrupted him and said eagerly, "Where on earth?!"

Han Jiang stood against the wall. There was an open window next to him, and cold wind blew in, making his coat rustle.

"I'm probably completely disappointed with you. Those things are all true. They're very fickle. Falling in love with someone you meet, and falling in love with someone else. Look, it's never a good thing."

A tear fell from Yun Jinshu's eyes. He felt something was wrong with Han Jiang, but he still managed to hold on and said:

"What on earth do you want to talk to?! What on earth are you doing on this phone call!?"

Han Jiang curled his lips and looked at Yun Jinshu who was sitting in the ward through the glass window, leaning against the cold wall and still minding his own business, "What is Gu Yan holding in the car? Maybe I shouldn't ask this, it should be, I am willing to follow He's together... right?"

Yun Jinshu's lips trembled rapidly, he stood up and opened the door to the ward, and immediately saw Han Jiang standing not far from the corridor.

In such a cold late autumn, he only wore a thin jacket and a hat of the same color on his head, with blue stubble showing on his chin, making him look extremely isolated and helpless.

Although he looked so haggard, he still had a smile on his face and his back was as straight as a strong tree, silently withstanding the erosion of wind and rain.

How could this man become like this

Yun Jinshu almost shed tears with sadness. The Han Jiang he loved should always be graceful and intangible, but now that he is far away, he is just an ordinary man. Although he is still strong and cannot be affected by anything, He looked defeated, but he finally took off his "gorgeous" disguise in front of him, revealing his truest side.

Han Jiang saw Yun Jinshu, so he walked over step by step, as if he had walked through thousands of mountains and rivers.

He gently raised the corners of his mouth and smiled very gently, "I just wanted to see Kidney Bean, but I didn't expect that he was discovered."

He didn't tell the truth, he just found the most upright excuse. He would not tell Yun Jinshu how he completely broke up with Han Zhongtian at the cusp of the storm, nor would he tell Yun Jinshu that he just wanted to see him, so the cold wind rustled How long have you been waiting for him downstairs

He hated what he had done that had ruined the happiness he was so close to getting. When the huge wave hit, he was pushed to the forefront of the storm before he could even react.

He was already so close, and he could grab Yun Jinshu's hand just by stretching out his hand. The plan to break away from the Han family was also very close, but overnight, his already fragile relationship with Yun Jinshu was torn apart by this fatal blow. Broken, he believed that Yun Jinshu would not give him a third chance.

Therefore, when he saw Gu Yan coming back from delivering Yun Jinshu downstairs and following him upstairs openly, Han Jiang almost thought that his heart would stop beating.

At that time, he clearly understood that the so-called happiness was completely broken before he could touch it...

Yun Jinshu pursed his lips tightly, his black eyes lowered and he didn't know what he was thinking. After a while, he whispered, "Since you are here, come in, Kidney Bean has already fallen asleep, be gentle."

Han Jiang was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Yun Jinshu didn't have any resentment and let him in happily.

Does this mean that he really never did, or that he was willing to give himself a little face because he once saved a child's life.

No matter which possibility it was, the result was good. Han Jiang followed Yun Jinshu into the room softly, and Kidney Bean slept soundly.

Han Jiang originally wanted to touch the child's forehead, but he realized that his hands and feet were already cold after standing in the cold wind for so long. If he put it there like this, he might wake up Kidney Bean, so he could only take it back awkwardly.

Yun Jinshu was sitting next to him, and he seemed to have lost some weight. His old shirt was swaying a little. Han Jiang walked next to him, squatting down and looking into his eyes.

A tear fell down, falling right on Han Jiang's face.

"Jinshu, why...are you crying?"

Yun Jinshu wiped his cheeks randomly. At this moment, he didn't know what he should do with Han Jiang. This man is simply his nemesis, and once he appears, he will disrupt everything around him.

He also wanted to start over, but he simply couldn't fall in love with the second person, and he couldn't convince himself to accept Han Jiang again.

What should be done? This man is so terrible, he has been affected for two lifetimes but he is still not satisfied!

Yun Jinshu's tears fell one by one. Han Jiang panicked. He squatted on the ground, kissed Yun Jinshu's lips from bottom to top, kissed away his tears, and stretched out his strong arms to hug his body tightly. .

"Jinshu, leave when it gets daylight, don't do this."

Yun Jinshu still didn't say a word, pursed his lips in silence, and Han Jiang hugged him tightly, "Looking downstairs for a long time, until he and Gu Yan came out holding kidney beans. Looking from a distance, they felt like a family. Same, I can't get in at all, but I know it's shameless, but I still follow you like a peeping tom. Sorry... Jinshu, I'm just looking at Kidney Bean. This is the last time. I probably won't bother you again in the future. Chaos, go far away, and you and Gu Yan will probably be happy."

At this point, Han Jiang seemed to have remembered something interesting again, and suddenly laughed with red eyes, "I think we are quite similar to each other. After the fire, do you still remember that Dr. Sun? He told Kidney Bean that he had the same blood type. He also suspected that Kidney Bean was his illegitimate child, isn’t that funny?”

"Farewell..." Yun Jinshu reached out and pushed him away, but Han Jiang did not let go and held his waist stubbornly.

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms,

"I guess I don't even want Douzi to see him again in the future, but I can't bear to let him go, so... I just came to see him, well, I just came to see him."

In the end, Han Jiang himself didn't know whether he was listening to Yun Jinshu or to himself. His voice was hoarse and low, floating in the dark ward.

Yun Jinshu felt like his breathing was numb. The man who had once driven him to a dead end was half-kneeling on his lap, speaking the most heart-wrenching words in the most gentle and affectionate manner.

His tears kept flowing down, dripping on Han Jiang's hair, and then disappearing into his scalp.

At this moment, the two of them no longer have the energy to struggle, they just want to absorb the last warmth and wait for a new tomorrow, whether it is good or bad...

The author has something to say: We are finally about to reach the biggest turning point! ! ! My HE! My sweet chapter, please come quickly, you can’t afford to hurt OTZ when you kneel down...

Thank you 11. Yu, Bencake, Aki, and eilyluo for throwing mines (づ ̄ ̄)づ
