The Card Apprentice

Chapter 115


From the strokes of this card, it can be seen that this card maker has extremely rich card making experience. Such precise lines can only be formed after hard work.

The strokes of the card pattern can sometimes reveal the style of the card maker. For example, this one, it gave Chen Mu the first feeling of precision, that kind of exactness, every detail of precision. But like the mysterious card, it gave Chen Mu a sense of vastness.

Card makers are different from card makers, and the cards they make are naturally also different.

Will's sensory control is too weak to exert the power of this card.

The real power of this card is far more than that, even though it is only a three-star magic card.

Chen Mu inserted the bipolar thunderball card into his speed meter and activated the speed meter. He closed his eyes and carefully felt the energy changes in the meter.

Two fist-sized balls of light appeared around Chen Mu's body, chasing happily. However, unlike the thunderball formed by Will, the electric light on the surface of the thunderball formed by Chen Mu is light blue, and the hissing sound is almost nonexistent.

Chen Mu has never been clear about what level his perception is. He has never conducted a special perception test.

Soon, Chen Mu was immersed in the exploration of the bipolar Thunderball card.

His perception is much finer and more sensitive than before. He carefully experienced the flow of energy in the instrument. Twelve energy beams gathered from all directions and passed through different structures. They were like strands of liquid metal flowing through pipes with different functions, and finally forged out their characteristics. Various metals.

It is not difficult to operate these two thunderballs, and he can easily control them in various ways. But Chen Mu tried it, and the two thunderballs could only be five meters away from him. If they were any further away, he would lose control of them.

I saw two light blue thunderballs speeding up for a while and slowing down for a while. Sometimes clockwise, sometimes reverse.

Suddenly remembering the light shield that Will had performed, Chen Mu tried to make the two thunderballs approach each other and move in a circle in front of him.

The two thunderballs are like two mischievous elves, chasing each other, having a great time. But the energy shield that Chen Mu wanted has been missing for a long time.

what happened? Chen Mu was a little dumbfounded, and suddenly remembered that he hadn't asked Will how to use this card, so he couldn't help but smile a few times.

He was not discouraged, he had seen many situations like this before. Failure is commonplace for him. And for him, exploration is inherently a pleasure.

Adjust the perception to the fastest speed that he can control at a constant speed. At this time, his perception is in the most sensitive state.

Putting all his attention on these two thunderballs, Chen Mu immediately found out. These two lightning balls don't look much different from ordinary energy balls. But under the scanning of Chen Mu's perception, its special features finally revealed its clues.

They consist of countless tiny beams of energy combined in a curious grid. It's just that these grids are extremely fine. In a sense, the thunder ball is like a honeycomb, or a rattan ball made of rattan.

There are many holes on the surface of the thunderball, the holes are big and small.

Their size distribution is very regular, and there are two largest holes. Followed by smaller holes, there are four, Chen Mu called them secondary holes. The smaller holes have eight. Such holes are almost as small as Chen Mu's thinnest perceptual thread, and Chen Mu calls them tertiary holes.

The third-level hole is the limit that Chen Mo can detect.

From big to small, there is a distribution of two, four, and eight, which is very regular at first glance. Chen Mu immediately concluded that the key to the operation of the two thunderballs was these tiny holes.

Now that the target was locked, Chen Mu began to try.

He carefully separated two bundles of perception threads. One bundle of perception threads went into the largest hole in one of the thunderballs, while the other bundle of perception threads went into one of the two largest holes in the other thunderball.

A wonderful scene happened!

Suddenly, the two thunderballs started to swim with their tails fast. The speed was extremely fast. In a short while, an energy shield was formed in front of Chen Mu. It's just that this energy shield is not quite the same as Will's. The surface is light blue, and a trace of electric light can be seen flashing on the surface of the energy shield from time to time.

Chen Mu was refreshed, and he kept adjusting the intensity of the thin wires that penetrated into the two thunderballs, only to see that the shape of the energy shield in front of him was constantly changing.

Mirror, Arc, Heart, Rhombus…

The energy shield in front of him was like a ball of soft plasticine, which he changed into shapes as he wished. In the end, it became the most classic and common individual energy shield shape. It is slightly thicker in the middle and expands in an arc on both sides, which can protect the whole person.

With a thought in his mind, Chen Mu retracted the two sensory filaments that had penetrated into the thunderball. With a soft snap, the light blue energy shield turned into two balls of light.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Mu controlled a sensory filament to extend into a hole that had been inserted into the thunderball just now, while the other sensory filament extended to another thunderball, but this time it chose the other one of the two holes. The hole that didn't go through.

I saw two balls of light flying in front of him, one in front of the other, and suddenly, a long energy body appeared in front of Chen Mu.

What's this? Chen Mu was a little stunned. It looks like long breadsticks, but it still emits a faint blue light.

But he quickly realized that he remembered the situation where the energy shield changed its shape at will. He tried to change the intensity of his two sensory filaments.

Sure enough, the "blue bread stick" in front of him changed immediately.

After constant adjustments, Chen Mu finally managed to shape it into an energy sword. However, the appearance of this energy sword is a little ugly. It looks like a flat triangle with a pointed front and a wide back, without a tsuba or hilt. Like the front half of a sword, to be exact.

But Chen Mu is already very satisfied, what's wrong with "Half Sword"

He tried to control these two bundles of sensory filaments, hey, a light blue afterimage flashed across the air, Chen Mu's eyes blurred, and the blue "half sword" seemed to appear five meters away out of thin air!

So fast!

Chen Mu was slightly startled, even with his eyesight, he couldn't see clearly. He believed that if someone used this bipolar Raycard to sneak attack him, he would definitely be unable to dodge it.

The activation time of the bipolar lightning ball card is extremely short. If he is more proficient in his movements, I believe it will be around 0.5 seconds. And this speed is absolutely unpredictable. Fortunately, it has relatively high requirements for distance, otherwise this card is a real killing machine.

The stronger the perception, the stronger the "half sword" formed, and the more precise the perception control, the shorter the time it takes.

Chen Mu tried a few more times, and the two largest holes can only form these two kinds of energy bodies.

Chen Mu's eyes couldn't help falling on the smaller holes. There were four smaller holes on each thunderball. He did the same, extending a sensory filament into one of the secondary holes, and another sensory filament into one of the secondary holes of another thunderball.

Huh! Why no response

Thunderball is still Thunderball, nothing has changed. I tried twice more, but the two balls still didn't make a sound.

Fortunately, Chen Mu was never impatient, he started experimenting one after another without haste, trying one after another. He tried a dozen times, but nothing came of it. What's more, the number of holes has doubled now, two lightning balls have a total of eight holes, how many ways are there to arrange and combine them

Chen Mu's expression was still as calm as water, without any anxiety. In his heart, he silently counted the combinations he had already tried, and methodically controlled the sensory filaments, experimenting one by one.

Hard work paid off, half an hour passed, and Chen Mu finally made a new discovery.

When he inserted four sensory filaments into the four secondary holes of one thunderball at the same time, and inserted another sensory filament into one secondary hole of the other thunderball, the two thunderballs finally changed. !

There was a soft sound of Zila.

The two thunderballs suddenly split into five smaller thunderballs, each of which was connected to one of Chen Mu's sensory filaments.

However, what made Chen Mu feel strange was that although his sensory filaments were connected to these five small lightning balls, he couldn't control them. Chen Mu could feel them and knew exactly where they would appear next, but he couldn't control where they appeared.

The five little thunderballs are like five naughty children, completely disobedient. But these five small thunderballs are extremely lively, they are fast and slow, and they are moving around Chen Mu with incomparable agility. Moreover, unlike the two thunderballs, these five little guys seemed to move without any rules at all. The only thing that was more reassuring was that they were always moving within a certain range.

What surprised Chen Mu the most was that he couldn't withdraw his perception filaments from the five thunderballs, and the five perception filaments were firmly attracted by the five small thunderballs.

This was the first time he had encountered such a situation. The sensory filaments could not be pulled back, and he couldn't control the movement of the five small lightning balls. This was undoubtedly an extremely bad situation.

Now that he was passive, a wry smile appeared on Chen Mu's face. He didn't expect that such an unexpected situation would appear in his attempt this time.

He tried to close the meter, trying to cut off the meter's energy supply to the five small thunderballs. However, what made him dumbfounded was that the Duyi was turned off, and the five small thunderballs seemed to be unaffected at all, still swimming happily around his body. Looking at the five small thunderballs, Chen Mu couldn't help feeling troubled. Although so far, he has not found that this situation has any effect on his body. But do I want to go out with these five little thunderballs every day

What about eating? What about taking a shower? What about research