The Card Apprentice

Chapter 14


With the guidance of the tutorial in this card, Chen Mu made rapid progress in making the magic card. The card knowledge mentioned in the tutorial opened Chen Mu's eyes. Aside from training and making energy cards, the rest of the time, he was immersed in the magical illusion of mysterious cards.

The rest of the time is spent observing things around you. Tutorials always teach theoretical knowledge, and a lot of practical experience is needed to improve it. Observation is the first step. The so-called seeming real and illusory, if you don't even have the concept of real objects, how can you do this. And to do this, it requires a lot of careful observation.

This is what must be accumulated to make low-level fantasy cards.

This also brought him serious sequelae. For example, when eating bread, he would always stare at the bread in his hand in a daze for six or seven minutes.

Once he observes something carefully, he will easily fall into a long period of sluggishness, which is the so-called ecstasy. Whenever this time, his reaction will become extremely slow, and everything around him seems to be isolated from him.

One time when we went to Leizi's, the two chatted and drank clear water with a cherished look on their faces. While drinking, Chen Mu suddenly lost his voice. Lei Zi called him for a long time without any response, only saw him staring at the cup in his hand, standing there in a daze. Thinking that something happened to Chen Mu, Lei Zi's face turned pale with fright.

Card maker is an extremely money-burning profession, which is the characteristic of this profession, because every time a card is learned, the card maker needs a lot of practice. Chen Mu doesn't have much money on hand, so he can't afford to burn it like those rich kids. He had no choice but to observe more and prepare adequately so that he could reduce consumption when making magic cards. Except for the first time to touch the blue card in the illusion, Chen Mu never touched the so-called "chip card" making tutorial. Just kidding, the knowledge he has now is enough for him to digest for a long time.

Chen Mu has always restrained himself from chewing too much.

Chen Mu cherishes and attaches great importance to every opportunity to actually make a magic card, and he has revised dozens of times every time he made a plan in advance. He will not let go of every detail. Only when everything is well thought out will he act. Such a cautious posture, if someone sees it, they will never think that what he made is just a mere one or two star magic card.

But the facts proved that Chen Mu's method was effective. Now the phantoms released by the magic cards he made can be extremely realistic. But he was not satisfied yet, every time he thought of the almost terrifying vision in that mysterious card, the pride in his heart immediately disappeared.

Of course, the phantoms of one- and two-star magic cards cannot be compared with the phantoms of high-level magic cards, and he knows this. The difference between the two is not the difference in color, light and dark form, but the difference between virtual image and substance. This is not within the scope of his ability.

But since I can't do work in this area, I will work hard on the level of realism.

He plans to make a magic card billboard for Uncle Hua.

When he thought of Uncle Hua, he felt a little heavy in his heart. Uncle Hua's health was getting worse day by day, his cough was getting worse, and his complexion was getting worse day by day. During this period of time, Chen Mu also ran more and more frequently to Uncle Hua's small shop, and sometimes he would accompany Uncle Hua to take care of the shop and chat. But Chen Mu has always been clumsy with words, most of the time Uncle Hua is talking and he is listening.

Chen Mu has always wanted to give Uncle Hua a magic card billboard, a perfect and flawless billboard, but he has never tried it. He feels that his strength is not enough, which is also one of the reasons for his rapid progress during this period of time. one.

However, the progress during this period made him feel that it was time, and there was still a deep worry in his heart, which was Uncle Hua's body. So he made this decision. Another important reason is that some time ago, he finally made a breakthrough in the production of dynamic illusion cards. This problem has troubled him for quite a long time.

Compared with the static magic card, the magic card that releases the dynamic illusion has only one more circle structure. But as long as you are a card maker, you know that the difficulty of making dynamic magic cards is much higher than that of static magic cards. The most intuitive manifestation of this is the price. The price of the dynamic magic card billboard is more than three times that of the static magic card.

How to make the phantom move smoothly and naturally is a difficult problem for novices.

For example, the image released by a magic card is a waterfall, and the illusion made by many novices is like uncooked silver noodles. To be truly realistic, many details are needed, such as the ripples and folds when the water flows, the splashing water, the small water mist in the air and so on. Only experienced card makers can complete all these well, and many high-level card makers are not as good as those low-level card makers who specialize in making dynamic magic cards in this regard.

In the card industry, there is a famous saying - the details determine the result.

This is hard work, and there is no room for falsification.

However, Chen Mu is very patient. This has a lot to do with his childhood experience. If a street child is not patient enough, getting food is not an easy task. And for a "master" in the vagabond world who can survive a long-term vagabond life like him, his patience is outrageous enough.

Observation, long-term observation, he will not feel boring.

His progress was so fast that he himself was a little surprised. For the first time, he wondered whether he was actually quite talented in card making.

The eagle flies and the rabbit walks, the wind moves the water, the sun rises and the sun sets...

The dynamic magic cards he made are all vivid and unusual. The animation cards he made the most resembled were not these, but busy pedestrians, cats and dogs wandering at night... These childhood scenes have been deeply imprinted in his mind, and he can hardly think about them Show it, and it has also become one of his precious assets.

Today, he plans to make a magic card billboard for Uncle Hua. However, because it was the first time to make a magic card billboard, Chen Mu, who had no experience, planned to go shopping in the streets to see what other people's magic card billboards looked like.