The Card Apprentice

Chapter 72


"What's the matter? A set of card shadows can make a fuss of our dignified Bianyun card maker?" Someone next to him joked, except for Qingqing, they would joke around at will.

Bian Yun's expression became more and more serious, and the casualness just now had disappeared. He focused his eyes on the small card in his hand.

Affected by him, the laughter of the people around gradually became smaller, and then quieted down. Everyone's eyes were on Bian Yun. Among them, when it comes to card knowledge, no one can match Bian Yun.

The card that can make Bian Yun so cautious is naturally not an ordinary product. But no matter how they figured it out, there was nothing to study about the one-star magic card.

After more than ten minutes, Bian Yun let out a long breath. Everyone who had been curious for so long asked hurriedly, "Old man, is there anything weird about it?"

Holding the corner of the card, Bian Yun held the card up to the light, squinted his eyes and looked at it carefully, and continued their words: "This card is not simple!"

Qingqing didn't expect that even Bian Yun said it was not easy, which was a bit beyond her expectation, showing surprise for the first time.

Bian Yun saw the doubtful faces of the crowd, put down the card, and explained: "The one-star magic card, logically, has been studied so thoroughly that it can't be understood, and its structure has always been so many changes. But this one-star magic card Magic card, there are some strange structures on it, I can't understand it."

This remark surprised everyone, seeing Bian Yun's serious face just now, they thought it was not easy. At this time, I was even more surprised to hear him admit that he didn't understand.

"Who has a card video player?" Bian Yun glanced at the crowd, and they all shook their heads. As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Bian Yun knew that he had asked the wrong person. How could this group of people be interested in Kaying

Yinchenjiu stood up and said, "I'll borrow one." After speaking, he went out immediately. Yinchen Jiu is gentle and delicate, and he is one of the most popular among the first batch of exchange students.

After a while, he came back with a video card player. The card video player is also a kind of product that has appeared with the gradual rise of card video in these years. It can express the effect of Kaying more smoothly and in more detail, but its price is not low. In a way, it's a luxury.

In addition to the Kaying player in his hand, Yinchenjiu also held a set of Kaying in his hand, and said immediately: "The friend I went to borrow the playing player happened to be very fond of Mulei's Kaying, it is said that this set of " "Legend of Masters" is also their work, so I just borrowed it."

Everyone scrambled to make room, they were very curious about Ka Ying, who can make Bian Yun say that it is not easy, there is something different about it.

"Encounter" started, but the onlookers were all men except Qingqing, who was a woman.

By the time the show was over, several people could not help falling asleep. Asking them to watch such a delicate emotional drama is indeed a kind of torture. On the contrary, Qingqing's eyes flickered, and she was fascinated by it.

"Very powerful card maker!" Bian Yun spoke highly of himself.

"I don't see what's so powerful." Among the few people who just opened their sleepy eyes, someone couldn't help but mutter.

Bian Yun shook his head: "In terms of meticulous production, this Kaying is really nothing. The real mystery of this Kaying lies in its capacity. Generally speaking, with so many images, the illusion it needs The number of cards far exceeds the number of shadow cards in this set. In other words, the image released by each magic card in this set of shadow cards is far more than that of ordinary one-star magic cards. And you have not noticed that the dynamic performance of its images It is extremely good, and it is one of the works with the smoothest dynamic performance among the low-level fantasy cards I have seen."

Seeing the expressions of disapproval on everyone's faces, Bian Yun said seriously: "Don't look down on low-level magic cards, the lower the level, the more mature its structure, and it is not easy to make any changes. It's pretty scary to see so many improvements on the card!"

Everyone sat upright one after another. Obviously, the word "terrible" greatly stimulated them. Although their understanding of card making is not as good as Bian Yun's, they still understand this principle.

Flipping through the "Legend of Masters" Kaying borrowed by Yinchenjiu, Bian Yun said: "Well, the first two episodes also used this structure, and the latter ones are useless."

"Old Bian, if they are as powerful as you said, they are still used to make Ka Ying?" Yinchen Jiu couldn't help being a little suspicious.

"I don't know, maybe it's just for fun." Bian Yun shrugged and stared at his copper bell eyes, but with his body shape, there was no humor at all in doing this action, but it was extremely funny.

Qingqing, who had been listening quietly by the side, suddenly interjected: "It is said that many people in Dongwei Academy wanted to crack this set of card shadows, but instead, several instruments were damaged. This situation also happened to Zuo Tingyi."

"Damaged the instrument?" Bian Yun's eyes widened, and he immediately said excitedly, "Then I will try."

He took out the card case that he carried with him. His card case was like his body shape, and it was several times larger than that of ordinary people. Fortunately, everyone on the side has long been used to it, and they are no strangers to it.

He carefully took out a card with a bright red pattern on the surface from the card case, and put it into his meter. His measuring instrument is many times larger than that of ordinary people, and he made it himself. It can insert five cards at the same time, and only he can use such a big guy. If it is used for fighting, it is as bulky as a brick.

"This is the analysis card I made. Its detection ability, hehe, is very powerful." Bian Yun looked proud, this is his proud work.

Carefully inserting it into the huge instrument, and then, he inserted the phantom card of "Encounter" Kaying into another card slot.

Didi, there was a soft sound, and a light curtain appeared in front of Bian Yun. Various curves on the light curtain kept jumping, and Bian Yun stared closely at it, engrossed.

Suddenly, the speed of the curve jump suddenly increased. All the curves on the light curtain suddenly became chaotic, they were like balls of twisted threads.

This sudden change has attracted everyone's attention.

"What's going on? Old Bian?"

Bian Yun's forehead began to sweat a little bit, his expression was tense, he stared at the light curtain tightly, and said nothing.

The curves on the light curtain jumped faster and faster, and became more and more chaotic. Suddenly, the light curtain darkened and disappeared from everyone's eyes.

A wisp of blue smoke came out of Bian Yun's huge brick-style instrument, and the room was filled with a burning smell.

Bian Yun's face was pale, and his eyes were a little absent-minded. This was a big blow to him. Although he felt sorry for his speedometer and analysis card, it was more of a blow to his confidence. Just like two knights confronting each other, he was defeated in this confrontation.

Now everyone knows how powerful this seemingly insignificant Kaying is!

The Sixth National Congress is undoubtedly at the forefront in terms of card theory. There may be differences in the direction of emphasis among them, but when it comes to the degree of advancement, there is not much difference. So that's why the card makers from the six major universities are the most sought-after talents, and the outstanding ones like Bian Yun are favored by countless large groups.

However, the card maker who was able to rank among the top three in the star academy was blocked by a small magic card. This is unimaginable in their hearts. Even Qingqing, who has always been calm, couldn't help showing a look of shock.

This world really is a hidden dragon and crouching tiger! Qingqing and Wang Ze looked at each other, and they decided in an instant that they must find this person.

Producer: Wood.

Where is this wood sacred

Wang Ze made a decisive decision: "Chen Jiu, you know them best, so go and inquire about this wood immediately."

Yinchen took a long look at Bian Yun, who was a little bit out of his mind, nodded, turned around and went out.

Seeing my companions, you look at me, and I look at you, all of them are surprised.

Seeing this, Wang Ze was secretly happy. This also let them know that there are masters everywhere, so it's good to let them sober up, lest they keep their eyes above the top, which is dangerous.

Wang Ze secretly decided that such a talent must be recruited.

The star academy has gradually declined over the years. One of the important reasons is the problem of personnel training. Compared with the other schools, the talent training method of the Star Academy is more stringent, which directly leads to a longer training period for them. The lack of high-level talents has always been an important problem that has plagued Star Academy over the years.

Wang Ze has been very worried about this issue.

He knew that he had been completely incorporated into the system of the Star Academy. Both politically and economically. Not only Wang Ze, but all the students understand the truth that they can live a good life only if the Star Academy can maintain its current status. It's a win and a loss.

This is also the characteristic of the six majors. But all those who can enter the Sixth National Congress are talented and intelligent. From the moment they entered the Sixth National Congress, they have been branded with the Sixth National Congress. After they graduate, they will join the interest groups represented by their respective institutions. Not only do they have to study extremely seriously, but when they encounter such a master, they will also try their best to win over them.

This is not only beneficial to their collective interests, but they themselves will also be rewarded by the group, which will also greatly benefit their future development within the group.

Chen Mu didn't know that the students of the Star Academy were now looking around for his whereabouts. He needs to deal with a lot of things now, such as buying a more advanced instrument. The degree instrument he is wearing now is still the most primitive model used before, and it does not match his current identity as the son of a nouveau riche.

The devil girl is very unfamiliar with Du Yi, so she didn't notice this problem. This also caused Chen Mu to be dressed in high-end goods now, but the Duyi in his hand was a cheap one, but it was unusually eye-catching.

Well, it seems that I am getting more and more familiar with this role.

Chen Mu looked himself up and down again, and felt that something was wrong.

The smoky gray casual clothes matched Chen Mu's bronze skin, just right. A pair of black and brown flip leather shoes on the feet, the style is simple and there is no fancy place.

What's wrong? After a while, Chen Mu couldn't react again.

His clothes cost a full three hundred thousand oudi, and this is also the most expensive clothes he has ever worn. All hand-sewn, high-grade fabrics... At that time, the lady whispered a lot in his ear, and he remembered these two words.

Suddenly, he understood what was wrong.

This suit was undoubtedly very decent, and even Chen Mu's ordinary face also brought out a bit of strength. But the question is, now that he is the son of a nouveau riche, why would he wear such a suit

In this respect, Chen Mu's own taste is not high enough, but he also knows that this suit adds a lot to him. After looking in the mirror for a while, Chen Mu had an idea.

The collar of the suit was crumpled by him, the snow-white shirt inside was replaced by a colorful vest, and the leather shoes under his feet were also thrown in the corner by him, and replaced by a pair of sneakers. The trouser legs were rolled up, and the cuffs of the suit were also rolled up by him, and the suit was opened, revealing the colorful vest inside.

This nondescript attire immediately made him feel like a different person. After looking at it carefully, he felt that there was nothing wrong with it, so Chen Mu walked out of the room Shi Shiran.

Dongwei Academy occupies a huge area, and the supporting facilities inside are also very complete. All the students here are from well-to-do families, and there are many sons and daughters of the rich, so the various luxury stores here are also dazzling, even jewelry stores.

With Chen Mu's weird attire, no matter where he walked, he was greeted with weird eyes.

I don't know if it's because I've been with the devil girl during this time, my skin has thickened a lot. Chen Mu looked calm, without any restraint.

He even went to the jewelry store to pick out a bunch of thick gold chains, hung them around his neck, and put on a gold and emerald ring on his finger. He looked like a complete upstart.

Many waiters covered their mouths and snickered, but Chen Mu looked calm.

In the beginning, he was actually a little cautious, but later on, he completely let go of his hands and feet. It's just that my heart is still as calm as water, unmoved by external objects. He is very clear about his purpose, and now, he is doing what suits his identity.

I have to accept this identity from my heart. Otherwise, it's easy to show your feet. Failure is often a detail, and unlike the superficial composure, Chen Mu is very energetic in his heart, not daring to be careless.

Who knows if there are caring people around? I only have one chance, if something goes wrong, then I will die!

Walk into a card supply store with swagger.

The waiter stepped forward respectfully, but Chen Mu could clearly see the trace of ridicule in his eyes. Turning a blind eye, he asked loudly: "Where is your Duyi here? What kind do you have? Show me."

His voice was quite loud, and several students who were shopping around immediately frowned and looked displeased. After seeing Chen Mu's attire clearly, all of them showed disdain.

"Sir, please." The waiter looked at the situation and quickly invited Chen Mu aside.

"This is the latest soft cloud meter this year. You see, it is very light and you can hardly feel it when you wear it on your hand. It is a meter specially designed for combat. It not only has many practical auxiliary functions , and it has four card slots, that is to say, in addition to energy cards, it can hold three kinds of combat cards at the same time. In addition, its stability is the highest among all styles. Whether it is from market feedback or user ratings , it is a very good choice.”

This whiteness meter is smaller than ordinary meters, and its design is very simple without too many decorations. Chen Mu likes it very much.

But he abruptly stopped his own thoughts, and pointed to another piece on the counter: "I want that one."

It was a measuring instrument studded with rubies and emeralds, with luxurious alligator leather as the buckle.

The young lady hesitated to speak, but Chen Mu pretended to be impatient and waved his hands: "I want this one."

After picking out a few more energy cards, Chen Mu walked out of the card supplies store. As soon as he left the store, he couldn't help but smile wryly. It was really painful to spend so much money on something he didn't like. He didn't know if it was necessary for him to do this, but he knew that he had no chance to come again!

Sometimes he even thought, if he finds a time to escape from Dongshang Weicheng. But he believed that with the scheming of the devil girl, how could she miss such an important point? She must be able to find herself!

This is Chen Mu's judgment. Although he still doesn't know how the devil girl will find him, he believes that she will find him.

Therefore, he didn't dare to run, he didn't dare to risk his life for such an attempt!

Suddenly, he felt restless. He felt like a puppet, being held by an invisible thread, unable to escape from Wuzhi Mountain of the devil girl! This feeling of helplessness and powerlessness made him very, very upset.

He knew that his current mood was wrong, and he just wanted to rush back to the dormitory as soon as possible. Perhaps, only the high-intensity training that made him exhausted made him have no time to think about it.

The speed under his feet accelerated, and he walked straight towards his dormitory.

"Hey, isn't this a bumpkin?" A woman's tall voice came from behind.

Chen Mu was annoyed, he didn't bother to pay attention, and walked forward with his head buried.

"Yeah, how dare you answer my mother's call?" The woman behind her suddenly raised her voice.

Chen Mu still ignored it and just quickened his pace.

Suddenly the woman behind shouted: "Yaya, help me block this bumpkin!"

Chen Mu looked up, and there was a tall and slender girl staring at him in front of him. She smiled at Chen Mu: "Little Baozi, why did you make Sister Feng unhappy?" After speaking, she spread her two slender legs and stretched out her hands to block Chen Mu's direction.

Chen Mu stopped.

The girl named Yaya smiled at him and called out, "Sister Feng, did this kid offend you?"

Chen Mu looked at Yaya calmly and didn't speak. Under the calm appearance, the irritability was suddenly lit up like a pile of dry thatch.

He just stared at the woman in front of him with eyes like water.