The Card Apprentice

Chapter 91


Chen Mu was thinking while sitting on the long train. This journey is undoubtedly the time of final disembarkation. If he can overcome this barrier, then he will not be far from real security.

From Dongshang Weicheng to Amei City, it takes six hours to take a long shuttle train. The entire journey is underground and there will be no stops in the middle.

Sitting on the seat, Chen Mu looked around carefully. He has taken this long shuttle train many times, and he is no stranger to it.

Sitting next to him was a lady in her thirties. This lady was dressed plainly without too many decorations, and she looked like a kind-hearted lady.

"Legend of Masters" is still playing in the carriage. After the staff of this long shuttle train found that it was well received, it has basically become a reserved program and must be broadcast every time.

The lady next to her watched Kaying with relish. It was obviously her first time watching Kaying, so she was very involved in watching it. She sometimes covered her mouth and exclaimed, and sometimes frowned, worrying about the protagonist's fate.

He glanced around covertly, but found no suspicious person. Fortunately, everything was normal, which made Chen Mu feel a little relieved.

He closed his eyes. Today's series of unexpected situations gave him a strong sense of urgency, which also made him feel a little tired. He needs to rest. It is unknown what will happen to him. Tiredness will make his reaction sluggish.

Suddenly, without warning, something seemed to be wriggling under the skin! A creepy feeling spread all over Chen Mu's body, and he opened his eyes all at once.

Suppressing the rapid heartbeat, Chen Mu glanced at the wife beside him. She was so absorbed in watching that she didn't even glance at him.

Carefully rolling up his sleeves, Chen Mu's expression immediately changed!

An extremely thin light blue thread was faintly visible under his skin, and it was slowly wriggling. The strange feeling Chen Mu felt just now was caused by wriggling it. This light blue thin thread is extremely thin, like hair, it is difficult to detect if you don't look carefully.

It's that green wire! Chen Mu seemed to be struck by lightning, and his heart was surrounded by great fear. He would never forget the scene of the devil girl pulling out the green thread from the corpse in the forest.

Chen Mu's eyes were a little lost. I don't know if it was because of fear, but the feeling of this green thread squirming became clearer, which made his back drenched with sweat.

Although Chen Mu guessed that the devil girl would do something in his body, he never thought that it was this murderous thing! Compared with it, those slow poisons I guessed before are like harmless snacks. What exactly this green thread was, he didn't know. But Chen Mu had witnessed its terrifying power.

It's wriggling! What will it do next? Drill into your own veins? Or pierce your own heart

Although his mental capacity was much greater than before, this time he still felt deep fear and despair.

Chen Mu had the urge to cut open his own skin and pull out the green thread. However, he quickly dispelled his idea, and he will study it carefully after he is safe.

The slowly wriggling thread seemed to have accidentally touched Chen Mu's pain-sensing nerves, and he felt a bone-deep pain coming from under the skin, and he couldn't help but groan.

This muffled snort also woke up the lady who was watching Kaying, she hurried over and asked with concern: "Student, what's wrong with you?" Chen Mu's age can easily make people think that he is a student.

pain! Chen Mu's mind was buzzing, and everything in the outside world seemed to be far away from him. He didn't hear what the lady beside him said, and the severe pain in his whole body made him completely unable to react at this moment.

It's a severe pain all over the body! Not just his arm, this light green thread as thin as a hair is tens of meters long, enough to cover his whole body.

The severe pain made Chen Mu curl up involuntarily.

"Student, what's wrong with you?" The wife next to Chen Mu was obviously frightened by his painful appearance.

The boy beside him didn't make any sound, but his curled up body trembled violently. She knew that this would only happen if it was very painful.

She suddenly became anxious. There are no doctors on the shuttle train, and there will be doctors only after Ama City. But there are still two hours before arriving in Amei City. Judging by the appearance of this young man, danger may appear at any time.

The kind lady leaned down and patted the back of Chen Mu, who was already bowed into a ball, hoping it would make him feel better.

Soon, she realized that her method seemed to be effective, and the trembling of the boy eased little by little. This made her very happy, and she kept patting Chen Mu's back with her left hand.

Finally, half a minute later, the boy gradually calmed down.

Chen Mu's slack gaze began to focus little by little, and the sensations in his body, the sound of the shuttle, and the voices of the people around him became clearer little by little. The sweat-soaked clothes clung tightly to the body, which was uncomfortable.

If it wasn't for reminding him with so much sweat, Chen Mu would have wondered if it was just a dream he had after falling asleep. Because the pain came as violently as the tide, and went away like the wind, without a trace immediately.

The kindness and concern conveyed by the hands patted on the back made Chen Mu feel very warm. He slowly straightened up, and sincerely thanked the lady beside him: "Thank you!"

"Do you feel better? What happened just now? It scared me." Madam asked with concern, she was indeed scared by Chen Mu's painful appearance just now.

Chen Mu could only vaguely say: "It's nothing, it's just some old problems." He hasn't figured it out yet, and how can he explain such things clearly.

"Ah!" Madam was taken aback, and then looked at Chen Mu sympathetically: "Could it be that it happens often? How painful it is!" She paused for a moment, and then said: "I know some famous doctors..."

Chen Mu glanced at his wife gratefully, but still interrupted her: "It's okay, it's really just a small problem." His situation is special, if he just went to the doctor like this, he didn't know what would happen. The weird and unpredictable green line will make those doctors very curious, but for him now, too much attention is fatal.

Moreover, Chen Mu also believed that it would be very difficult for ordinary doctors to treat her successfully with the method of the devil girl.

Seeing that Chen Mu insisted, the lady changed the topic.

Chen Mu is full of gratitude to this kind lady, he can feel her concern for him, which is a feeling he hasn't experienced for a long time.

Ever since the Zuo family hunted down, Chen Mu has become increasingly gloomy, and this is even more obvious after meeting the devil girl. In addition, he is always in danger, his nerves are always tense, and he keeps a careful distance from the people around him at all times, which also makes his personality much colder than before.

If it is said that life some time ago was like being in a dark abyss, then this lady's concern is like a ray of sunshine shining into the abyss, making Chen Mu feel very warm. In Chen Mu's eyes, Madam is undoubtedly the most beautiful woman in the world.

Chen Mu suddenly saw something familiar around Madam's neck, and he couldn't help asking: "Madam, can you show me what you're wearing?"

"Is this what you're talking about?" The lady's fingers picked up a card hanging on her chest, and she took it off when Chen Mu nodded, and handed it to Chen Mu, smiling and saying, "This is the card my father left for me." My relic was just repaired some time ago, so I brought it with me."

It was only after Chen Mu received it that he suddenly realized that it was familiar to him. It turned out that this was the three-star energy shield magic card he had repaired. The structure contained in it benefited Chen Mu a lot.

I remembered that the owner of the card said by the shopkeeper was Madam Ning, could this be Madam Ning

Chen Mu asked carefully: "You are Mrs. Ning?"

The lady was taken aback, and looked at Chen Mu strangely: "Do you know me?"

Chen Mu smiled slightly, but the muscles on his face were a little stiff, and his smile was uglier than crying: "I repaired this card, and the owner once conveyed your invitation to me. I didn't expect you to be Mrs. Ning, really Sorry."

Madam Ning covered her red lips in surprise: "Ah! Are you that intermediate card maker? Oh my god, you are already an intermediate card maker at such a young age! It's amazing!"

For some reason, Chen Mu felt very relaxed when talking with Mrs. Ning, and she was not as nervous as she was at school. He shook his head: "I'm not an intermediate card maker, I'm just a student of Dongwei Academy."

"But, isn't it only an intermediate card maker who can repair the three-star magic card?" Madam Ning's expression was a little puzzled, but she soon broke into a smile: "But no matter what, thank you for repairing my father's relics. grateful."

"You are too polite, this is what I should do." Chen Mu responded quickly. I don't know if it's because of being far away from Dongshang Weicheng, but Chen Mu felt very relaxed, and he even spoke these kind words much more fluently than before.

After learning that Chen Mu was the one who had restored her father's card, Madam Ning was very happy. She said enthusiastically: "I've always wanted to treat you to a light meal to thank you, but the shopkeeper said you've been busy all the time. Since I met you today, you must sit in the humble house. You can't refuse today."

After speaking, she looked at Chen Mu expectantly.

Chen Mu thought to himself, he is in trouble, so don't involve this rare and kind lady, so he smiled wryly: "I'm afraid it's inconvenient today, I have some important things to do. If I have time next time, I will definitely go visit."

Chen Mu knew that what he said about his next visit was nothing but a lie, after he got off the shuttle bus and passed this last difficulty, he would leave Ami City as quickly as possible. After all, it is too close to Dongshang Weicheng, and it is not safe here.

Mrs. Ning could also hear the evasion in Chen Mu's words, and she was keenly aware of the worry in his eyes, knowing that something was wrong with him, she only said disappointedly: "That's really a pity. But you must come next time ah."

The two chatted for a while, and before they knew it, the long train had already driven into the underground platform of Amei City.