The Card Apprentice

Chapter 93


Mixed in the crowd, Chen Mu left the platform safely. The exit of the platform was in chaos, and panicked crowds could be seen everywhere. What a spectacular scene to see thousands of people pouring out of the exit of the platform. Chen Mu is inconspicuous among them, no one will notice him.

I sighed softly in my heart, but I didn't know how many innocent people died in the chaos. He felt a little dark in his heart, and he didn't expect the situation to become this chaotic. If the Kaxiu he killed hadn't exploded, although there was chaos, no one would die. If those few Kaxiu were killed, he wouldn't feel any discomfort, but he felt sorry for these innocent passengers being affected.

He quickly put aside the distracting thoughts in his mind, took a step, and quickly left the exit of the platform.

As soon as he entered a street, there was a warning sign. Before he had time to react, a group of people rushed towards him obliquely and surrounded him in the middle.

When he caught a glimpse of the speed instruments in the hands of several of them, and their right hands were all shrouded in light, Chen Mu immediately chose to cooperate rationally.

"Brother Dong, it's this guy! I can see clearly that it's him. It's him who made the first move that caused such a big mess! Two people from the Zuo family were killed by him. Be vigilant, this guy is very aggressive ruthless."

A short, cunning young man jumped out, pointed at Chen Mu and said. When the others were reminded by him, they all felt like they were facing a formidable enemy.

There are about seven or eight people in this group, all of them are men. The age gap between them is very large. The oldest one is about forty years old, with a white face and no beard. blade.

The moon-white wave blade was the size of half a palm, floating quietly above his raised palm. From the very beginning, the wave blade in his hand had appeared, and from the beginning to the end, this wave blade was extremely quiet.

This hand alone showed his proficiency in wave blade control.

However, this middle-aged man is not the leader of this group, their leader is a young man who looks only seventeen or eighteen years old. The vast majority of these people are young men of this age.

This young man has a burly figure and straight eyebrows. Although he is still young, he already has a lot of bearing.

When he found Chen Mu's eyes on him, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and said coldly: "The grievances between your Excellency and the Zuo family have nothing to do with us, but you caused such a catastrophe in Amei City, just like this Why don't you leave?" He immediately shouted at the short boy, "Ah Xing, get off his body."

"Okay!" The short boy gave Chen Mu a provocative look, and walked in front of him swaggeringly.

After a little consideration in his heart, Chen Mu understood the current situation, and he had no room to resist. As long as he made a slight movement, he would be torn into pieces immediately, and he had been firmly locked by the perception of this group of people.

And judging from the actions and expressions of these teenagers, their strength should not be underestimated.

Chen Mu could only smile wryly in his heart, he thought that he had just escaped from the prison, but he unexpectedly fell into the tiger's mouth again.

Ah Xing's technique was extremely agile, and he took off Chen Mu's Duyi in the blink of an eye.

Ah Xing's eyes were smooth. Just as he was about to pull out the card from Chen Muduyi, the young man in charge stopped him: "Ah Xing, the result hasn't come out yet, so you can't just touch other people's things! Take it here."

Ah Xing stuck out his tongue, and honestly handed Chen Mu's Duyi to the leader.

"Let's go, let's take him home. As for the result, the patriarch will naturally judge."

A group of people flew into the sky, and the wind kept pouring into Chen Mu's mouth and nose. This was his first time flying, even though he was carried by two people.

The feeling of flying is really wonderful. If he is still alive, he must learn how to control the airflow card, Chen Mu couldn't help thinking.

After flying for about twenty minutes, he was taken to a large manor.

The style of the garden is retro, and rock carvings corroded by the years can be seen everywhere, and many rocks are covered with moss or vines. Around a lake, there is a long square pavilion, which is completely made of wood, and the pillars of the pavilion are already gray and old, which shows that it is no longer young.

The ancient and mysterious atmosphere came oncoming, and every plant and tree here made Chen Mu full of curiosity.

"A-Dong, who is this guy?"

This was the most frequently asked question by their group along the way.

They walked on a wooden corridor about 300 meters. This promenade is built against the wall, and each pillar is carved with exquisite patterns, and some places are even pasted with golden mosaics. The 300-meter-long wall is like a huge scroll, with many vivid paintings on it. figure.

Such a long corridor, even a person like Chen Mu who doesn't know the market, knows that it will cost a lot.

All the way, he remained silent. He still doesn't understand what this group of people are doing. From his current observation along the way, this is obviously a very powerful, financially strong family with a long history.

"Brother Dong, it's a good thing you came back early, otherwise you wouldn't have seen your sister-in-law." A middle-aged man who looked like a servant rushed forward when he saw Ning Dong.

"Sister-in-law is back?" Ning Dong was overjoyed, then turned around and said to the others: "Let's go back first." After saying that, he lifted Chen Mu with one hand and rushed forward, and the others immediately dispersed.

Ning Dong excitedly carried Chen Mu into the patriarch's room. His sister-in-law rarely returned to the manor. She lived a simple life and liked to live outside alone.

"Sister-in-law!" When he saw the sister-in-law sitting on the chair talking to his father, he immediately threw Chen Mu on the ground, and then rushed up.

His father immediately frowned, and said in a displeased tone: "It's not big or small, such a big man is still so impolite."

"Ah!" Chen Mu heard a familiar voice, raised his head with difficulty, and suddenly saw Mrs. Ning sitting on the chair, covering her mouth and looking at Chen Mu on the ground in surprise.

Seeing Mrs. Ning's expression, Ning Dong couldn't help asking strangely: "Sister-in-law, do you know him?"

Madam Ning quickly regained her composure and nodded, "Well, he was the one who repaired father's Variety Mask." Her father is Grandpa Ning Dong's cousin, and the two grew up together, and they have a deep relationship . Mrs. Ning's father passed away when she was in her prime. At that time, Mrs. Ning was still young, and she spent her childhood in this manor.

Ning Dong's father sighed: "Ayin, why do you need to find outsiders for this matter, there are many card making masters in the clan. You still remember what happened back then."

Madam Ning looked indifferent: "I forgot what happened back then." She suddenly turned her face and asked Ning Dong: "A Dong, what's going on?"

Seeing his sister-in-law asking, Ning Dong hurriedly recounted the scene that happened in the underground passage. Mrs. Ning needed to go back to the manor because she had something to do, so she was taken to the manor just after leaving the station, and she didn't know what happened afterwards.

Hearing the tragic situation described by Ning Dong, the kind-hearted Mrs. Ning looked at Chen Mu with extremely disappointed eyes.

Meeting Mrs. Ning's gaze, Chen Mu had an unprecedented urge to defend himself, but when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them abruptly. Because he found that although these people were not killed by himself, they had a direct connection with him.

However, for some reason, Chen Mu really didn't want this lady who cared for him to be disappointed.

"I'm leaving." Madam Ning's tone was very indifferent, even more indifferent than before: "After all, he once helped me repair my father's belongings. Ah Yin is here to ask you for mercy, don't make things difficult for him."

After finishing speaking, she patted Ning Dong's head and walked out.

Chen Mu on the ground looked ashen, his mind was buzzing.

It wasn't until night that he slowly regained consciousness. The many grievances in my heart gradually turned into a little bit of coolness at this time, but my heart was filled with bitterness.

What can I do by myself? Do you just tie your hands? he asked himself wryly.

His eyes gradually returned to the coldness of the past, looking around, he was locked in a cell. Everything on him was searched, and it was impossible to escape from this cell.

Unlike the retro style in the manor, this cell is completely modern. Now that it's here, it's safe, and Chen Mu doesn't want to think too much about it. Perhaps, even the slightest concern of Mrs. Ning should not belong to him, he was in a daze.

Feeling bored, Chen Mu began to practice gymnastics. The cell space was too small to practice other exercises. There are three meals a day, and someone will deliver them at regular times. The food is quite good, and Chen Mu eats it with gusto.

He spent a whole week in the cell.

Suddenly, he saw Ning Dong.

"Since sister-in-law begged for you, father doesn't want to kill you. We don't care about the grievances between you and the Zuo family. But Amei City is under our jurisdiction. We have sent people to question the Zuo family. You are the main criminal, of course. You will be punished. Let me ask you, are you willing to use labor instead of punishment?"

Ning Dong stared at Chen Mu solemnly.

"What is labor instead of punishment?" Chen Mu asked calmly. Unlike his superficial calm, he was quite surprised in his heart. Judging from Ning Dong's tone, it seems that this is not the first time they have dealt with such a matter. Could it be that in Amei City, they are already strong enough to replace the Police Department? Even if the Zuo family is in Dongshang Weicheng, it is far from reaching this point.

"Since you can repair the Variety Cover Card, then your card making level should be good. After you have repaired two hundred cards, we will let you go. How about it?" Ning Dong's expression was meaningful.

"Okay." Chen Mu said without hesitation, no matter what, come out first.

"This is your stuff, it's all here." Ning Dong handed the bag to Chen Mu, and when he saw the surprise in Chen Mu's eyes, he felt complacent and proudly said: "Our Ning family , I won’t take other people’s things casually.”