The Card Apprentice

Chapter 94


After a little inspection, everything was there, which made Chen Mu's heart drop. The most precious thing in him is that mysterious card, and now he has gradually begun to understand its value.

Suddenly, I was afraid for a while. At this time, I didn't have the ability to protect this mysterious card. Everyone is innocent, but he is pregnant with guilt. This kind of thing is not only heard, but he has seen it many times with his own eyes.

If... if anyone even notices this card...

Chen Mu suddenly shuddered!

"What's wrong?" Ning Dong keenly noticed Chen Mu's strangeness.

"It's nothing." Chen Mu answered calmly, but he was secretly awed in his heart, and he couldn't let himself go.

In order to distract himself, Chen Mu looked at the cell. The prison cell was made of extremely thick rocks, with heather gray and blue-gray colors, and looked extremely cold. Chen Mu had seen this kind of rocks before. They were very hard, and the thickness of the walls was at least three meters. Without powerful tools, it was impossible to escape in such a place.

Chen Mu noticed that there were some cut marks faintly visible on the flat and smooth surface of these rock blocks. These cut marks were not obvious, most of them were palm-sized, and they seemed to be cut by a small palm-sized tool.

Seeing that Chen Mu noticed these cut marks, Ning Dong explained: "These Ma Qingyans are all cut by the Ning family's children with wave blades. But all the children who learn to use wave blades must go to the quarry to cut Ma Qingyans. One year. Hehe, these Maqingites are extremely hard, even cutting them with a wave blade is not an easy task."

Chen Mu couldn't help being taken aback. Although he guessed that these rock bricks were cut with small tools, he didn't expect them to be cut with wave blades. How much time does it take for a palm-sized wave blade to cut a huge rock block several meters square. To cut out such a flat surface, it is no wonder that these children need to spend a year on it.

He couldn't help but sigh with emotion, these families with a long history are really unfathomable. This kind of practice will undoubtedly greatly enhance Kaxiu's ability to control the wave blade. But in this way, the cost of the light energy card is a huge amount. It can be seen that everything is based on money.

Following Ning Dong out of the manor, once out of the manor, it was like entering another world, and Chen Mu finally saw the tall buildings he was familiar with.

Shuttle cars shuttle between high-rise buildings, and from time to time you can meet some Kaxiu flying in the sky. But when these card repairs saw this shuttle car, they all paid tribute and gave way. At this moment, Chen Mu deeply realized the incomparably powerful control of the Ning family in Amei City.

The shuttle finally stopped on the roof of a silver-gray building in the southwest corner of Ama City. On the roof, there were already people waiting there.

Ning Dong and Chen Mu got off the shuttle.

"A-Dong, you woke me up early this morning, and now I've made me wait for you for so long, I'll be sorry if I don't kill you tonight!" The waiting people rushed away impatiently. come up. This man had a shaved head and a vigorous look, his long and narrow eyes flickered between opening and closing.

Ning Dong patted the man's shoulder with his broad palm, smiling: "Hey, then your plan is about to fail, the old man still has something to do, I'm leaving soon."

He then introduced to Chen Mu: "This is Ning Peng, he will tell you what to do. Two hundred cards, once you finish it, you will be free. But you can't leave here until you finish it."

"A Peng, I'll leave it to you. I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first!"

After speaking, Ning Dong hurried away in the shuttle.

"Boy, come with me." Ning Peng looked him up and down, and walked forward first. Chen Mu glanced around and immediately came to a conclusion. In this environment, the probability of him escaping successfully is too small. He immediately gave up this plan and followed Ning Peng obediently.

Ning Peng seemed very satisfied with Chen Mu's cooperation, and reminded him: "Here, you must carefully control your perception, otherwise, don't blame me for not reminding you if you are beaten to death or maimed by others."

"Why?" Chen Mu couldn't help asking strangely.

"Why?" Ning Peng laughed out loud as if he heard a very ridiculous question, but Chen Mu didn't see a trace of a smile in his eyes.

"Here, actively using perception to detect others is an expression of hostility. Hehe, you will know when the time comes."

Ning Peng's expression turned cold again.

Chen Mu's room is on the thirty-seventh floor. The room is very large and the facilities inside are very complete. Chen Mu can see all kinds of card making tools that he has used, and there are many tools that he has never used. He couldn't help feeling once again how rich the Ning family was, the amount of money needed for the equipment here far exceeded the total amount of money he had earned so far.

"This will be your room from now on. You will stay here until you leave. You can use all the equipment here. If you need to use more advanced equipment, you need to pay contribution points." After finishing speaking Ning Peng handed Chen Mu a light yellow one-star magic card: "There is a detailed schedule here, you can take the time to read it yourself and understand."

Chen Mu took the magic card and asked, "What are contribution points?"

"You can see it by yourself." Ning Peng said impatiently, but he immediately added: "The two hundred cards are not included. As for which cards to repair, we will naturally give you. Of course, you can also Take the initiative to apply, but once you apply, you must complete it, otherwise, you cannot apply for the next one, understand?"

Before Chen Mu could answer, Ning Peng waved his hand: "Go and see the details yourself." After speaking, he turned and left, muttering: "Grandma, I actually became a nanny once."

The situation is not too bad, this is the first thought in Chen Mu's mind. Looking around the room, Chen Mu couldn't help but smile wryly, this is the best room he has ever lived in so far.

The metal-style furnishings are simple and clear, but under the bright white light, there is not much warmth. Chen Mu knows very little about the metal material, because it is not used often in cards. I only know that it has excellent physical properties, low price and easy processing.

This is a typical card maker room, and all the facilities in it are prepared for card creators. Except for a bedroom and living room, the other rooms are all workshops.

Chen Mu quickly fell in love with this place. His eyes fell on the card-making pen holder. There were all kinds of card-making pens, big and small, of various types, much more than he knew, and all of them were high-end products. Containers made of high-purity crystals come in various shapes, and they are advanced instruments for preparing ink.

Chen Mu dreamed of owning a set of such an instrument very early on, but the high price made this only a dream.

Unexpectedly, after he became a prisoner, this dream came true, which made him a little bit dumbfounded.

Inserting those light yellow magic cards into his instrument, he carefully checked the "details".

It took him more than an hour to read the "details". He watched very carefully, any detail could determine his own fate. My current situation may be dangerous at any time.

After reading the details, he understood what Ning Peng said.

In this building, the 30th and 40th floors are the living quarters for card maker repairers, while the lower 30th floor is the living quarters for card repairers. In addition, there is also a residential area for people who specialize in card making Wait for some other crowds to live in the area. Every residential area has a very complete commercial area. For example, in the commercial area of the card making area, you can buy all kinds of materials needed by card making makers. Of course, this requires you to pay contribution points.

In fact, this place is very similar to the low-level magic card club in Dongshang Weicheng. It's just that the rules here are more complete than that, and the scale is larger. Here, there is no need to spend any contribution points for food and accommodation, but everything else needs to cost contribution points.

It is not forbidden to go out here, but they have a very strict registration method.

Of course, this does not apply to him, he cannot go out, this is actually house arrest in disguise.

As for the contribution points, the structure of the Ning family is huge and requires a large number of products. This place is equivalent to a production base with a large number of card makers serving them. And those card repairers need to find various resources for the Ning family under the leadership of the Ning family card repairers, so as to obtain corresponding contribution points.

They do the most dangerous jobs.

Chen Mu didn't understand where the Ning family had collected so many card repairs.

Here is the real survival of the fittest, only those strong and experienced card repairers can survive and live longer. And here, they can also get rich rewards. To some extent, they are equivalent to the vassals of the Ning family.

The prosperity of the Ning family is built on the bones of these vassal card repairers and card creators.

If Chen Mu wanted to earn contribution points, he had to complete some task commissions, most of which were card making and repair commissions, or trade with other members in this building.

The 200 cards he needs to repair are not included, that is to say, he is doing voluntary labor for those 200 cards and will not get any rewards. And only when he completes them can he be free again.

The situation is stronger than others, it's because my own strength is too weak! Unprecedented, Chen Mu suddenly had a strong desire in his heart.

Become stronger! Only by becoming stronger can you live freely!

Taking a deep breath, he was full of fighting spirit.

Although he lost his freedom in the short term, it was undoubtedly an opportunity for him. Compared with the low-level Magic Card Club, this is a higher-level, larger, and more complete platform. Here, I can become stronger faster and faster!