The Card Apprentice

Chapter 99


Taking a deep breath, Chen Mu put his perception five meters away again.

In the blink of an eye, the simple water world disappeared, and the ever-present water pressure also disappeared without a trace. Chen Mu only felt light all over, but he was not used to it.

Surrounded by a vast expanse of whiteness and mist, you can't see your fingers. Chen Mu was a little dumbfounded. Apart from the extremely thick white mist, he couldn't see any other objects.

With a thought, Chen Mu vaguely caught something in his mind. Almost subconsciously, he activated the shuttle-like sensory vortex in his body, and the sensory filaments were then released outside the body.

All of a sudden, the invisible white mist began to change as if it was suddenly stimulated by something.

Like living beings, they were activated all of a sudden, surging and crashing, and doing seemingly disorderly movements. However, for some reason, Chen Mu always felt that the movement of the white mist seemed to imply some unknown law. He simply closed his eyes and tried hard to capture the white mist.

The effect of his adjustments was quite obvious. He immediately noticed that the white mist was divided into many small torrents, some of which clashed with each other, some twisted with each other, and some slowly penetrated each other...

"Test result: Perceptual sensitivity index 35. Suitable for elementary level training." The old voice suddenly sounded, waking Chen Mu awake.

As soon as the voice fell, the dense white mist around it quickly faded at a speed visible to the naked eye, until it disappeared completely. Immediately, Chen Mu found himself standing in the void again, and in front of him, there were five cards of different colors floating.

I was overjoyed that the long-awaited thing finally appeared. According to previous experience, Chen Mu stretched out his fingers to touch each card once.

"Preparation method of folded Yemboka: a sensory sensitivity index of 60 is required."

"Intermediate card raising theory tutorial: Perceptual sensitivity index 70 is required."

"Dynamic demonstration of the seven major energy structures: a sensory sensitivity index of 80 is required."

"One-breath perception training method: the sensory sensitivity index needs to be 90."

"Energy structure deduction model: The conditions are insufficient and cannot be triggered."

This series of information made Chen Mu's chest tight. Unexpectedly, none of them are available to me now. He noticed the information that popped up on each card. Except for the last one, a concept was mentioned in the other four cards: Perceptual Sensitivity Index. Chen Mu has never encountered this concept, even in other books, he has never encountered it.

But the result just now is that his perception sensitivity index is only a pitiful 35. For the information revealed by those cards, the perception sensitivity index is almost on a scale of ten. I even have a gap of 25 for the folding Yemboka, which has the lowest distance requirement. This is a gap of two and a half levels.

Chen Mu also noticed the last card "Energy Structure Deduction Model", which was the only one that didn't mention the perception sensitivity index, but directly judged that he was not qualified enough.

"Elementary level sensory sensitivity training starts." The old voice interrupted Chen Mu's thinking.

Before Chen Mu could react, and without asking for his opinion, the mysterious card forced him into the so-called elementary level perception sensitivity training.

The scene in front of him changed again. There were many tadpole-like energy bodies around Chen Mu that were constantly swimming at high speed. Their movements are very flexible and elusive.

Just when he was a little confused, a light curtain popped up in front of him. What is written above is very simple and is the so-called training rules. Chen Mu needs to judge the number of these energy bodies around him, the shorter the time it takes, the higher the score he will get.

In such a situation, it is completely useless to use eyes, only perception.

After reading it, Chen Mu decided to give it a try. He closed his eyes, releasing his perception with all his strength.

After exiting from the mysterious card, it was already three hours later. Although the training of perceptual sensitivity does not consume much physical strength, it undoubtedly consumes a lot of mind. After only two hours of training, he felt a little overwhelmed. Not only was the sensory control in his body struggling, but his brain seemed to be hollowed out, which was extremely uncomfortable.

After exiting, Chen Mu couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

It seems that this round of training seems to be completely unfamiliar, but after careful exploration, it is not difficult to find the connection with the previous round of training content.

In the previous round of mysterious cards, the core content was to train perception, and this round was to train the sensitivity of perception. The two clearly have a direct connection.

Chen Mu was more interested in the five cards, each of which represented a content. Whether it is the intermediate card raising theory or the folded Yembo cards, he salivates.

As for the knowledge of energy structure, it is a bit too profound for him now. This has already touched on the core and most essential content of the card system.

It's just that the difficulty of this round is really too high, Chen Mu couldn't help but smile wryly. In the training just now, he was tortured to death, but the effect was minimal. This alternative use of perception was all too foreign to him.

Of those five cards, none of them could be triggered by him now. Not only that, but the distance between him and them is not close, which means that in the short term, he will not be able to trigger those five cards. The only thing he can use now is the reward from the swordfish challenge. Although there are not many specific skills, for him, something like this outline is still extremely valuable.

Just the few skills mentioned above made him feel a little bit surprised.

The maker of this mysterious card is indeed a pedantic celestial being, enough to make Chen Mumo admire him. For example, the skills mentioned above, such as how to maintain the absolute calm of perception during intense exercise, are all incredible. What surprised him the most was that, as mentioned above, he used his own perception sensitivity to test and find out the most suitable force-exerting technique for him.

If Chen Mu had seen this outline earlier, he would have easily completed the swordfish challenge. Compared with it, some of the little tricks that Chen Mu had honed in swordfish training were so crude that even he felt a little embarrassed.

If we say that what surprised Chen Mu the most this time is that he didn't find a way to make four-star cards.

Originally, he had high hopes for this mysterious card, hoping to find the production method and tricks of the four-star magic card in it. Because in this way, he can receive commissions to restore four-star cards. However, what I didn't expect was that there was no skill in four-star cards.

This made Chen Mu feel a little disappointed. Although the things in those five cards are good, they are not what I can save right now. What he needs most now is knowledge about four-star cards.

Turning over the card sent by Ning Yan, the wry smile on Chen Mu's face became a little bit heavier. Sure enough, there are always twenty cards in this stack, eighteen of which are four-star cards, and only two are three-star cards.

It was a bitter smile, but he had to do it, so he had to draw out the two Samsung cards.

Although these two 3-star cards are delicate, they are not complicated to Chen Mu, especially since he has the analysis tool of chip theory.

The two cards were quickly repaired, and early the next morning, Chen Mu rushed to the library here.

Since there is no knowledge about the four-star card in the mysterious card, I can only learn it through other means.

He is very aware of his situation. Although Mrs. Ning pleads for mercy, if he does not show a certain value, his situation will only get worse and worse. No one wants to raise a person who can only eat rice. This is the same no matter where you are.

Up to now, the materials he has consumed here is also an astonishing amount, although there are no precious materials. And once it is determined that he is worthless, will the Ning family send him away kindly

That's impossible! Chen Mu had a thorough understanding of the cruelty of society.

Fortunately, the library here has a lot of books on cards, and Chen Mu immediately threw himself into it.

During the period when Chen Mu was studying four-star cards, he also spent time making a Shuo card. This shuttle card is just an ordinary material, but on this card, Chen Mu almost used the chip theory he learned to the extreme.

The most direct result of this is that the power of this shuttle card is not much different from that of ordinary Samsung shuttle cards, but it has an amazing effect in terms of firing frequency.

Theoretically, as long as the user's card repair perception is strong enough, it can launch five energy shuttles in one second.

It is conceivable that this is enough to rain down on the battlefield, and the high-density strikes make it impossible for the enemy to avoid it. Compared with it, the tail shuttle is as slow as an old cow dragging a broken cart. He has made great progress in manipulating the Tail Shuka, but still needs a launch time of 1.2 seconds.

Still, the deadly power of a single blow from the tail-shuttle makes it a formidable weapon.

Chen Mu named this shuttle card "Yusuo Card", and then threw it to Lili for consignment. His price was thirty contribution points.

Here, he doesn't need to worry about using chips. On the contrary, he now shows his worth, which is better for his situation.

He didn't pay much attention to the matter of Yu Suoka. Now his time is extremely full, in addition to going to the library to learn the four-star card knowledge, he also has to do that perception sensitivity training every day. As for sensory exercise and gymnastics, that is unshakable. His busy schedule left him no time to focus on other things.