The CEO of Slutty Killer

Chapter 105: hell


"The cave where Shasha and I hid is in a barren mountain. The whole mountain is bare, with almost no decent trees and vegetation. The poor people eat everything that can be eaten, and the remaining weeds are either poisonous. , Or just can't swallow at all.

Even such a barren mountain, the warlord did not let it go. I think it was probably because he discovered that we had stolen his food, and he worried about his safety, so he wanted to get rid of us at all costs.

Sagu and I didn't think much about it, and ran all the way, with more and more gunfire and footsteps behind them. We panicked and didn't choose our way, and finally ran to the vicinity of the smelly water ditch. Perhaps those soldiers consciously drove us to the stinking ditch, so that after killing us, there is no need to laboriously move the corpse.

Shayao and I couldn't escape. The soldiers were all around. I heard the sound of heavy machine guns pulling the bolt behind me. I didn't have time to think about it and pulled Shasha and jumped.

The smelly ditch is more than ten meters deep, the terrain is complicated, and there are piles of dead bodies. The soldiers will definitely not bother to search. However, the height of ten meters is still a big challenge for the two thin-faced children. I fell on a pile of half rotten corpses and bones, bounced and fell, broke a few ribs, and the brakes fell on me. Not far away, his knee fell on a hard rock, and I saw him gritted his teeth and insisted not to yell.

The soldiers above shouted and fired at the bottom of the ditch. We were motionless, letting the bullet pass by.

An idiot soldier threw a grenade into the bottom of the ditch. The rotten meat and stench were blown up more than ten meters high and scattered on me like raindrops. I heard other soldiers scolding loudly, clutching their noses and leaving the stinking ditch.

No one can stand this smell, this is hell in hell.

I try to hold my breath and not pay attention to the suffocating rancid smell. I waited until there was no more sound from the smelly ditch before I held the stone wall with my hand and tried to stand up slowly.

My ribs hurt and I can't straighten my waist at all. In this state, it seems a bit difficult to climb from the bottom of the ditch, but it is not impossible. What worries me the most is the situation of Shi. His arm injury has not fully recovered, and his knee has suffered a comminuted fracture. It is a problem whether he can stand up, let alone climb a steep cliff.

In any case, the most important thing is to rendezvous with Sasha first. I staggered forward, the distance of five meters was as far away as the sky.

I only took three steps, and my feet suddenly tightened, a pair of rough hands grabbed my ankles from below, and slammed me to the ground.

I stared at Venus, and I was so frightened that I almost cried out like a child—I forgot, I was indeed a child.

I struggled to turn over and saw the blond boy pushing away the corpse covering his body, looking at me with red eyes, fierce eyes, but a terrifying smile on his mouth, seeing me as if he had seen food. The blood on his face made him look as if he had a beard, adding a strange and strange coldness to his young and immature face.

I took a breath, I didn't expect that this guy hadn't died yet. It stands to reason that he should have been thrown into the stinking ditch more than ten days ago. How did he survive

Before I could open my mouth, he kicked my stomach fiercely. I twitched in the sewage, and saw Cha roar in a daze, stood up, and desperately threw the blonde hair to the ground.

When we escaped from the hiding place, we were too rushed, and we didn't even bring the army stab. Now we can only rely on hand to hand combat.

Blond hair is a head taller than me and Sha, and his muscles are up to adult standards. Sha Sha rides on him, only punches him, and he pushes him away and hits the rock hard. I stood up and hit his blood-red eyes with a fist. As soon as I raised my hand, my ribs felt like a fractured pain again.

His movements were obviously more flexible than mine. He flashed to my right side, and used his left elbow to push hard on my head, and everything around me immediately began to spin frantically.

When I was slightly awake, I was already on the ground, and Sha's second attack was easily cracked by the blonde.

If it were under normal circumstances, anyone in Shazhong and I would be sure to beat Blond. He was arrogant and stupid. He could beat him with only a few skills, but the situation is completely different now. We were just chased down to the bottom of the ditch by soldiers. We were weak and seriously injured, so we had to be at the mercy of the blonde.

I deliberately mumbled a few sentences in Chinese that I couldn't hear to attract the blonde's attention. If we can make peace and blond can help us climb up, I will give him half of the food left in the hiding place-of course, provided that the hiding place is not destroyed. This is very likely because the hiding place Very secretive, even if they are discovered by soldiers, they would not want to drill into a cave that an adult can't enter at all.

Jin Fai opened a bloody brake, and walked towards me with heavy steps. He picked up my hair and picked me up like a broken doll. I wanted to negotiate with him, but I saw that there was almost no reason in his blood-red eyes. I saw him pull out a handful of polished sharp iron pieces from behind. I saw his grinning smile and the corners of his mouth slowly dripping. Drool.

I suddenly understood why he could survive such a lack of food.

He was eating human flesh. At first, he ate fresh companions. After escaping into the stinking ditch, he could only eat rotten and spoiled human flesh.

He has lost his normal consciousness, and the carrion has turned him into a monster without a brain.

I yelled and slammed my forehead against the blonde's face, and I heard a crisp crack, and the pain followed.

The blonde screamed, released me, and covered his nose. His nose was completely broken by me, and the bridge of his nose was crooked to one side. Sha didn't know when he crawled over, holding his blond legs tightly and dragging him to the ground.

Blond kicked him desperately, but Shah just didn't let go.

I grabbed it almost, twisted his neck with my legs, pressed his knife arm with both hands desperately, twisting his joints forcefully.

The blonde yelled in pain and kicked Sasha with more violent force, but Sasha stuck to the blonde like a plaster, giving him no chance to breathe. I broke off the blond fingers, elbow joints, wrist joints, and then the fingers, snatched the sharp blade out of his hand, and thrust it into his heart with a single knife.

He opened his mouth in despair, trying to push me away. There was a tearing pain in my chest, but I resisted the sharp pain and used my whole body strength to turn the handle of the knife—

He finally stopped struggling and completely lost his anger.

I panted heavily, trying to pull the sharp blade out of his body, but I found that most of the knife was broken inside.

I threw away the broken blade and crawled over to Chao Cha. His face was full of blood, but he smiled easily, as if this hell-like situation was nothing-as long as both of us were still alive.

I checked his wound and he was already unable to move. I cleared a place on a relatively dry stone wall that could accommodate two people sitting and lying down, and then dragged the brake over. We were huddled together, the wound pain was unbearable, while praying to rain quickly to wash away the stench and blood from our wounds, while hoping not to rain, because with the heat in our body, I am afraid that the coldness brought by rain cannot .

Two days later, I was hungry, dizzy and dehydrated. The brakes are not much better. If this continues, we will definitely not get through the end of the assessment, and we must climb up.

But it is harder to climb a ten-meter-high cliff than to climb into the sky from hell. Even if I can climb up, I can't stop. Despair began to spread in my heart. I had no interest in everything, but hoped that death would come sooner.

I ignored him even when Sha was talking to me. It's not that I don't want to talk to him, but that I'm already in a semi-free state, and I don't know what is true and what is an illusion.

I imagined myself wearing decent clothes, sitting at the grand dining table, full of food in front of me. I kept eating, eating, eating and eating. After I finished a plate, the plate became full again. I was very happy, but then I felt as hungry as before, so I kept eating again. Eat, but no matter how much I eat, I am always not full, not full at all.

My stomach is in the air, it hasn't rained for several days, and I haven't dripped in. There was originally water in the stinking ditch, but the water was not clean and it would be fatal to drink it. I once wanted to take a sip to moisturize my dry throat, but I finally gave up.

Another day passed, half-dead, and the dark sky finally started to rain.

I took a breath of relief, face up to the sky with my mouth open, hoping to drink more. He crawled to my side with difficulty, he was dying, his face was scary, and he suddenly looked like he had seen a ghost.

—I guess I'm not much better.

He smiled at me and shivered and stuffed something the size of a finger into my mouth.

I subconsciously chewed twice, and immediately reacted-it was meat.

I frowned, eating human flesh that has been dead for a long time will lose my mind, and my immune system will be eroded by rot, and I won't live long. I want to spit it out, but the meat tastes so beautiful—I don’t know how to describe the taste of that piece of meat. The chewy feel is like the most tender veal, and the taste is like tuna, delicate and tender. , I only ate one piece, and I felt infinite strength all over my body.

Seeing that I didn't vomit, I put another piece in my mouth.

I opened my mouth like a newly born baby bird, looking forward to the next after eating one piece. I never knew that human flesh was so delicious. I ate four whole pieces and didn't taste any rotten taste.

At the fifth block, I began to wonder and wanted to eat Shaya, but he shook his head and told me that only one of us can climb out of hell, and that person is me, not him.

He took out the sixth piece from the blanket again, and through the rain curtain, I could clearly see that there was still fresh blood on the flesh.

He is feeding me with his own meat..."