The CEO of Slutty Killer

Chapter 106: value


Hearing this, Lin Wanyu was already crying. "I hope this is just a story, I really hope..."

Luo Ye fiddled with the flames, "Well, I also hope this is just a story."

Lin Wanyu asked anxiously while wiping her tears, "What happened later?"

Luo Ye shrugged, "I have crawled out of hell, otherwise what you see now is a ghost."

Lin Wanyu shook her head, "I didn't ask you, of course I knew you survived. I asked Sha, he... did he survive?"

Luo Ye was silent for a while. Until the flames weakened, he said again: "It's late, we have to continue on our way, find some food for you, and sleep beautifully. Tomorrow will be a very exciting day." Then he stood up. Come, get ready to step on the fire pile with your feet.

"You haven't told me the ending!" Lin Wanyu grabbed Luo Ye by the trouser legs, "What happened afterwards?"

"Not every story has the ending you expect." Luo Ye smiled.

"But I know you will definitely not give up Sha, right?" Lin Wanyu stared at Luo Ye's eyes.

Luo Ye sighed, avoiding the weight and then said lightly: "We really have to go on our way."

"I won't leave until you finish talking!" Lin Wanyu sat stubbornly in the icy snow.

"I carry you like a chicken, are you afraid of you rolling all over the floor?" Luo Ye said with a smile.

"You..." Lin Wanyu gritted her teeth.

"Okay, okay," Luo Ye said helplessly: "Will I tell you while walking?"

Lin Wanyu nodded and stood up quickly. Her injured ankle was massaged by Luo Ye all the way before, and it has been visibly improved, her physical strength has also recovered, and she can almost walk by herself.

Luo Ye packed up his things, extinguished the fire with snow, and then supported Lin Wanyu to move forward in the originally planned direction.

"What happened later?" Lin Wanyu asked hurriedly, "Did you climb it?"

Luo Ye stared at the darkness ahead and said as he walked: "Yes, I climbed up. When I had given up my hope of life, I would cut my own flesh to let me eat. If I don't try my best to climb up, I The lives of two people will be wasted.

My own life is in tatters and is not worthy of nostalgia, but the life of Sha is very precious to me. I crawled for a whole day, sticking my fingers in the soft rock, and kept falling from a height, getting up again, falling off again, getting up again...

I dare not stop, I am afraid that once I stop, I will face a smile of relief.

When all my ten fingers could see the bones inside, I finally crawled out of hell. I sat high up and wept loudly, because I left the brake below, and I couldn't help him come up.

I crawled back to the cave where I was hiding in a sad mood. As I expected, the cave was just blocked by a few gravel blocks. The food inside was intact and intact except for the rotten fruit.

I broke the remaining small piece of chocolate into two pieces, and habitually set aside half for Shake, only then realized that I was the only one left in the whole world.

I eat the half of the chocolate that belongs to me. Chocolate can give me the most energy I need, but I don’t even touch the last half, as if the life of Se is there. Eating it means...

I carefully hid the last half of the chocolate next to my skin, ate something else, and finally fell asleep faintly.

I was too tired and sleepy. When I woke up, it was late at night the next day. The Venus star hung high in the night sky, and there was silence all around.

My physical strength has recovered, and my brain power has also recovered. I knew that I had to do something to pull Shah up from hell.

But I don't have a rope that is more than ten meters long. Even if I do, I can't guarantee that I will have enough strength to pull the brakes that are already immobile. I must think of another way.

If my estimation is correct, the assessment will end in three days and someone will come to rescue the survivors. I can live easily for three days by hiding in the hiding place, but Sasha will definitely not work, he has only one day of life at most.

My brain is running fast, and a decision is made quickly. I want the rescue team to arrive early, and I want Sha to survive.

I wrapped the food I could eat and two small bags of drugs in a shirt stolen from the warlord, and then dived back to the smelly ditch. Even though I was used to the smell, I still felt dizzy while standing by the stinking ditch.

I beat the stones rhythmically, hoping that Sasha could respond.

After a few minutes, there was finally a comforting knocking sound from below. I let out a long sigh of relief and threw the food down in the direction of the sound source.

There is a lot of shortage of things now, water, food, medicine, and the most important thing is top-level medical care. I can't do anything else, the only thing I can give is food. I hope he can hold on for two more days.

But I have never been a person who likes to pin my destiny on hope. My parents once told me that if I can prove that I am valuable, the rescue team will arrive early to protect the value that is beneficial to the company. I know how to show my value-I want to kill the frenzied warlord, kill the ruler of the entire region, and I want to destroy the entire barracks with my own power.

If I live, Sha will get medical assistance, if I die—at least I die before my brother.

I didn't stay too much in the smelly ditch, but quickly went back to the hideout and ate all the food left-actually not much, but it was undoubtedly a big meal for me at that time.

After eating, I poured the last few grams of drugs into the boiling water, drank it in one breath, then sat cross-legged, closed my eyes and rested, and two sharp sabers stood beside me.

When the nerves in my whole body started to excite, I lifted the military stab and walked out of the hiding place. The moonlight outside was very hazy. I judged from the position of the moon that it appeared at about three o'clock in the evening.

I walked silently on the crushed solid ground, using all the skills I learned, bypassing the dozing town guards, and rushing towards the warlord’s barracks.

The military barracks were very lax. Perhaps the slums were finally wiped out and the soldiers relaxed their vigilance. Only two soldiers on the high guard tower patrolled back and forth.

I climbed silently to a sentry tower. The sentry was yawning with his back to me. I stabbed him into his lungs, and the tip of the sword pierced out of his open mouth. He didn't even have time to scream, and collapsed softly to the ground.

The soldier in the other guard tower seemed to notice the strangeness and looked up here.

Hidden in the darkness, I held my breath, let my heartbeat stabilize, and then suddenly shot, quickly throwing out the military stab in my right hand.

The two sentry towers were separated by fifty meters. The sentry heard the sound of the wind and scratched his face in confusion. Before he could understand, the sharp military thorn passed directly through his throat. He could not make a sound and shook a few times. , Fell heavily towards the ground.

I heard the dull sound, worried that my deeds would be discovered by others. But after a full minute, nothing happened. I breathed a sigh of relief, quickly slid down the sentry tower, ran to the man's body, pulled out the military thorn, and dragged him into the grass.

Immediately afterwards, I found the armory. It was very easy to open the lock. After using the drugs, my thinking and hands and feet were not normal. It only took a few seconds to enter the armory. I found some c4 explosives and timing devices and set them to ten minutes. Then he placed a copy of the explosives in all important places in the barracks.

In order not to disturb my upcoming revenge plan, I found a few more iron chains scattered in the garage to lock the door of the barracks where the soldiers rested.

After everything was arranged, I carried the bloody army thorn and swaggered towards the warlord's living room.

I opened the door and heard the sound of splashing in the bathroom. I sneaked in silently, and saw two girls not much older than me scrubbing their backs for the warlords.

The warlord lay comfortably on the stone bath, like a fat pig still being slaughtered, unaware of my existence.

The two black girls had nothing, their bodies just developed, their breasts were only slightly bulging, and the pink breasts looked particularly charming on the oily skin of black pearls. Their delicate bodies were riding on the old man's arms, panting and rubbing their forearms back and forth, allowing the old man's hands to fumble between his legs.

I silently walked to the bathing table. The two girls hadn't noticed yet, and I could even feel the moisture on their faces. I lifted the thorns in my hand and cut off their heads mercilessly.

Their bodies became stiff, and then they fell straight into the water, and the clear pool was immediately dyed red.

The warlord screamed, turned his head and found me. His expression was shocked, and he couldn't believe that a thin Chinese boy dared to challenge him. He abruptly stood up from the bath, yelling loudly, and hitting my face with a fist.

I didn't dodge at all, and raised the army stab to meet his fist.

He thought it was too late to close his hand, so he screamed, and wanted to get rid of the sharp military thorn, I tried my best to nail the general thorn with his palm to the wall. He howled in pain, and attacked me with another fist like crazy, but I still had a military stab, which was used in an instant, I did the same, and nailed his other hand to the wall.

He cursed me loudly, and I could imagine that was the most vicious language. I smiled at him, and found the unkempt head that was soaked in the rain, a burst of hot water and then a burst of cold water sprayed on his wound.

He thought that there would be guards to rescue him, so he cursed me louder. He stopped cursing until there was a loud noise and the entire barracks exploded.

The ghosts were crying and howling outside, and there were burning wreckage everywhere. The soldiers were trapped in the barracks, and their panic caused them to push each other and fight.

I continue to torture the weakest nerves of the warlord, and all the misfortunes I have encountered these days have all turned into torture against him.

After a few back and forth, he finally cried out and begged for mercy in half-baked English. He said that he knew who I was. As long as I let him go, he could send me out of here, leave the company that trained me, and set me free.

I answered him, I don't need freedom.

Then, I gathered my strength and punched his heart, which directly stopped his heart from beating.

A few minutes later, I walked out of the warlord’s room empty-handed. The soldiers had rushed out of the barracks. Thousands of people held their guns and stared at me closely.

I laughed because I saw fear in their eyes.

I thought I would die, but a second later, I heard the sound of the propellers of the armed Apache helicopter. I quickly dodged and hid in the room—

Within two minutes, Apache fired a total of eight missiles and 10,000 rounds, destroying all the soldiers.

I stood up from the ruined wall and vaguely saw my parents step down from another helicopter.

I, proved my worth. "