The CEO of Slutty Killer

Chapter 107: Wolfish


"I have proven my worth."

After finishing speaking, Luo Ye fell silent, while Lin Wanyu sucked in air-conditioning vigorously. The two of them trudged forward in the knee-deep snow without hurries.

Lin Wanyu waited for Luo Ye to continue. There were many doubts in her mind, such as: what exactly is Luo Ye’s true identity and why there are "parents" who trained him so cruelly — Lin Wanyu believes that no matter what Luo Ye’s training purpose is , Certainly not to become a bodyguard; for another example, why his value allows his "parents" to send Apache helicopters to kill a thousand soldiers, what kind of organization is behind his "parents"; of course, the most important question is .

Is Sasha still alive

Lin Wanyu had been courageous several times, but did not dare to ask. She felt an ominous premonition from Luo Ye's silence.

Regarding the plot of the assassination of the warlord, Luo Ye's story was calm and did not boast, as if he had done an extremely simple thing. But Lin Wanyu knew that when a ten-year-old boy faced a warlord who killed and killed innocent warlords, he must be ready to die. It is hard for Lin Wanyu not to imagine the scene at the time—the body of the headless maid fell in a bath full of blood, the brutal warlord was nailed to the wall, and outside the house were thousands of soldiers who were frightened and frightened with guns and live ammunition.

-But Luo Ye is still alive, what about Sha

Lin Wanyu took another breath. If she remembers correctly, this is her tenth time. The silence originally surrounded the two of them like clear pool water, but now it is gradually evolving into another gloomy silence. After this kind of silence lasted for a long time, Lin Wanyu finally couldn't help but ask: "Since you have proven your worth, then..."

"It's dead." Luo Ye said softly.

Lin Wanyu was stunned in place. She didn't expect the blow to come so quickly, as if she had predicted that the wall would collapse, but she hadn't expected it to fall and fall. Lin Wanyu felt a trace of self-blame in Luo Ye's voice, but if Sha really died like that, Luo Ye didn't need to blame himself at all, he had done everything he could.

"Wait," she grabbed Luo Ye by the sleeve, "I don't believe you will let Sha die like this."

"Ha," Luo Ye laughed out loud, "Do you think you know me?"

Lin Wanyu heard the sadness in the laughter, and she firmly said: "I don't know you, but I know you will do everything possible to get your friends. Didn't the rescue team search for stinky water like you said? Ditch?"

Luo Ye's eyes became hollow. "I did think of anything, but what can I really do? I was just a child at the time. I was helped into the ambulance helicopter and the doctor was not allowed to treat me. I threatened the crew members, but it was of no use. My parents are cold and ruthless. For them, a child who survives is already fruitful. They don't care about the people in the stinking ditch.

Lin Wanyu's eyes were full of tears. "They are damned!"

"Yes," Luo Ye nodded, "They really deserve to die. They pretended to be a couple and bought me from the orphanage at a very low price, but they never gave me warmth. The so-called father is just that. The master who taught me how to fight and kill, the so-called mother is a teacher who taught me how to be smart and cunning. I have to admit, they taught me well. I kill people like hemp, my heart is like steel, and I never stay when I hear people's pleadings and screams. Tears, I can see all traps and conspiracies, and I will set up all traps and conspiracies. If it weren’t for them, I wouldn’t be who I am today. If I hate them, I actually hate myself because I am them. All their essence is reflected in me without reservation. Without them, there will be other people who pretend to be couples to adopt me and train me. So I don’t hate them now, they are just huge It’s just a small chess piece in the company. And, what they owed me has already been paid off."

"You... killed them?" Lin Wanyu held his breath.

Luo Ye did not answer directly, but calmly said: "Two years after coming out of the slum, I can finally perform the task officially. But I must pass the final assessment of the company. I will face the simultaneous attack of my parents alone. They must be defeated within the stipulated time, so that they can admit that I can do the job. What everyone could not expect is that while I defeated them, I suffered the assassin. My mother died on the spot, and my father had my throat cut off. In the end, after emergency rescue, he barely saved his life, but he could only rely on the throat sounder to speak. I committed a big taboo, and I should be put to death, but my value is for the company that trained me It is so important. Ten thousand children like me survived me. They were not willing to punish me at all.

I was kept in a dark confinement room with a shortage of ten square meters for a whole month. There was no sunlight, no one to talk to, and only three regular meals a day. I thought I was over at the time, and all I was thinking about was the scene of the farewell to Shasha, but a month later, they opened the door of the confinement room and let me out. I never saw my father again, I heard that he has retired, and I got a new code name that inspired me: Yeluosa. "

"Ye Luo... Sha." Lin Wanyu murmured and repeated.

"Yes, the executioner in the myth." Luo Ye snorted himself mockingly. "Since I killed the warlord by myself, my courage and behavior have left a deep impression on the company's high-level organization. "

Lin Wanyu blinked in pain. "So, Sasha is really dead?"

Luo Ye opened his mouth, but did not make a sound immediately. He looked at Lin Wanyu and paused for a long time. "If that makes you feel more relaxed, then I can tell you that he didn't die alone in the stinking ditch, he didn't die from wounds, ulcers or malnutrition. Two years later, when I took the name of the Night Rakshasa When I was officially performing the mission, I almost failed and died. At a critical moment, a shadow hidden in the dark helped me and let me successfully kill the target."

"Sara? Is it Sara? That is to say, he was still alive... at least at that time?" Lin Wanyu almost exclaimed in excitement. She and Sha didn't really know each other, but they were very concerned about his fate.

Luo Ye’s eyes showed a faint pain of memory, "He is standing in the dark, he is much taller than two years ago, and of course I am the same. We have all grown up a little bit, and I am stunned. I don’t know what to do. You should cry or laugh. I approached him, but he retreated into the shadows. The closer I got, the more he backed away. I was very angry and desperately caught him. When I took off the black mask on his face, I I feel my heart has stopped beating."

"What happened?" Lin Wanyu asked eagerly.

"Sara's face can be described as horror. The skin seemed to be ripped off a long time ago. No one can recognize him. Except for me, I can still see his familiar smile. I cried aloud, I didn’t dare to imagine what Shah went through in the past two years, but I immediately understood the real meaning of the code name Yeluaksha—Shah is my shadow, a shadow that can support me at any time, cooperate with me, and even sacrifice for me. ."

Luo Ye said softly: "Shadows don't need faces."

Lin Wanyu tried his best to control her grief and anger, and said comfortingly: "But anyway, he is still alive, isn't he?"

"No, it's dead. Four years ago, I was trapped. He wanted to save me..." Luo Ye turned around and continued to walk forward. The tragedy that happened four years ago seemed to be right in front of his eyes. He tried not to Let anger and sadness show through. "Although the experience in the slum is tragic, it still leaves me with many good memories. The incident four years ago is what I least want to remember. This account, one day, I will train me. The company got it back."

"You..." Lin Wanyu felt cold in his hands and feet, "You are not a bodyguard, you are a killer, and your so-called company is not a bodyguard company, but a killer company, right?"

Luo Ye continued to move forward, "You still have time to fire me now."

Lin Wanyu bit her lip and followed Luo Ye tightly. "I'm not stupid. Now that the wind and snow are blowing, you have led me to a strange place. I fire you now. Doesn't that mean freezing myself to death here? Besides, what kind of person you were before? I don’t care, what matters is who you are now."

"Oh? What kind of person do you think I am now?" Luo Ye asked thoughtfully.

"I don't really know you yet," Lin Wanyu said sternly: "But I know I don't have to worry about being afraid when I'm with you." Walking warmed her body slightly, but her injured ankle was still numb like wood.

Luo Ye stopped suddenly and stood in front of a wooden sign covered with snow. The wooden sign was flooded with snow, and only the upper part of the sign was exposed.

"Why stop?" Lin Wanyu asked puzzledly, "Did I say something wrong?"

"Here." Luo Ye wiped away the snow on the wooden sign, revealing the warning sign that "wild beasts are fierce, no strangers should come near".

Lin Wanyu breathed a sigh of relief involuntarily, and followed Luo Ye's footsteps. There were a few wolves howling in the wind of the call sign, and her nerves couldn't help tightening, "Why are you here?"

"Get you a decent dinner." Luo Ye tugged the pieces of the corpse tied to the rope. "In this kind of weather, if the herbivores do not come out for food, the carnivores will have to hungry, and the meat will treat them. That’s the best bait."

"But I'm not hungry!" Lin Wanyu said emphatically. As soon as she finished speaking, her stomach grunted in protest. She was a little hungry since she entered the forest. Later, she focused on escaping and put her hunger behind her. Now, after listening to the story of Luo Ye, her hungry chest was on her back.

Luo Ye gave a loud and short laugh. "Eat the wolf, or let the wolf eat you, you can choose for yourself."

"Don't you have meat or pieces of meat?" Lin Wanyu shivered. "Throw your meat to the wolf, and then we leave. Can no one eat anyone?"

Luo Ye smiled faintly, "Do you know the biggest difference between a wolf and a dog?"

"What?" Lin Wanyu asked suspiciously.

Luo Ye used a hunting knife to cut the meat and replied: "Dogs will wag their tails around you when they are full, and wolves will wag their tails around you when they are full, but instead of wagging their tails at you, they will continue to eat. Time to bite your throat again.

-Dogs live by pleasing people, and wolves live by themselves. "