The CEO of Slutty Killer

Chapter 110: Bait


The howling of the wolf was getting closer. From the different calls, Lin Wanyu can distinguish at least five wolves. Among them, the howling of one wolf is exceptionally deterrent. Compared with it, the other wolves are incomparable.

That should be the wolf. A pack of wolves is a team, and the head wolf is the captain of the team. The fierceness of the wolves determines the fierceness of the wolves-it seems that a cruel fight is destined to take place here.

Lin Wanyu tensed his nerves and shrankly leaned against a half-person-high tree hole to avoid the wind and snow. Her thoughts haven't fully jumped back from Luo Ye's story to reality. She wants to know what happened four years ago, who put Luo Ye and Cha into a dangerous situation, and who killed Cha again— But Luo Ye's expression was like a frozen lake. Lin Wanyu knew that he couldn't ask more, and would not get an answer if he entangled.

In any case, she was very satisfied to hear Luo Ye tell her story. This is a good start, and a good start can only be maintained in a gradual manner. After all, a good man is like a deep ocean, and it is impossible to see it at a glance.

She leaned against the opening of the dwarf tree, trying to ignore the wolf howling in her ears and the hunger in her belly. According to common sense, it’s nothing if people don’t eat for a day, and women are more hungry than men. This is scientifically proven. Lin Wanyu thinks that he can cope without eating, but Luo Ye still insists on giving wolves to wolves. Set up traps.

Luo Ye told her that there was no way to deal with robbers with live ammunition on an empty stomach.

That's right, if you want to rescue Li Yifeng and others, you can't be hungry. In the end, Lin Wanyu could only agree to Luo Ye's plan-even if she disagreed, Luo Ye would not care about her opinion. Thinking of this, Lin Wanyu was a little discouraged, this man couldn't control it at all.

Lin Wanyu sighed faintly, and the howling of the wolf approached a lot. She subconsciously tightened the heavy snow-proof suit on her body tightly, wrapping her whole person tightly. The snow-proof suit was taken off by Luo Ye from the tall robber, and there was a neat knife edge and a large pool of frozen stiff blood stains behind it. The tall robber who wanted to insult her was killed by Luo Ye, and he didn't even yell for mercy. Lin Wanyu couldn't help thinking about what the tall robber was thinking in his head in the last few seconds. Was it more fear or surprise? Or is it more emotional to miss the world

She shook her head quickly, driving away the thoughts in her mind. Recalling that the tall robber made her feel an urge to vomit, his body had been chopped into pieces by Luo Ye. If she had never touched anything from the robbers before hearing the story of Luo Ye, but since listening to the story of Luo Ye, she felt that if she could live, she should be grateful and cherish everything in front of her.

All the way to escape, Lin Wanyu's exhaustion gradually reflected. She leaned against the tree hole and narrowed her eyes slightly. The surrounding temperature is very low, even if it is wrapped in a snow-proof suit and a jacket, it still can't stop the cold from attacking. Cold wind is the most powerful knife in the world, and it almost penetrates everywhere.

Lin Wanyu felt that the current temperature should be at least 20 degrees below zero. In this case, if you doze a little, you may never be able to wake up. She subconsciously licked her chapped lips and looked anxiously in Luo Ye's direction.

Luo Ye set up a trap not far from her. He didn't rush, didn't panic, and turned a deaf ear to howling wolves approaching. He set up a simple trap, used a bloody hunting knife to clear the snow of a gully, and piled up the side close to Lin Wanyu, so that when the wolves rushed over, they would pay attention due to the visual deviation. Less than one meter deep gully. After finishing this, he placed the minced meat near the trap from far to near, until Lin Wanyu's side.

Lin Wanyu frowned and asked in astonishment: "Why put those baits in front of me? Are you planning to let the wolf eat me?"

"Don't worry," Luo Ye said with confidence: "The trap in front is not easy to be found in a snowy day. Only the strongest wolf can cross the gully and rush to you. The other wolves can't jump. Turn around and go back."

"Wolf!?" Lin Wanyu arched her eyebrows, "Isn't a wolf a wolf? Wouldn't a wolf eat me?"

"Of course it will." Luo Ye smiled slyly, "but it's easier to deal with a wolf than with a pack of wolves. Moreover, wolves are the most muscular, and they must taste delicious."

"You..." Lin Wanyu asked angrily: "Don't you think about my feelings?"

"Of course I thought about it," Luo Ye shrugged, "As a reward, I will give you the wolf waist and wolf whip."

"I'm not talking about this!" Lin Wanyu bit her lip, and asked with horror: "What if the wolf bites me? Or if your trap can't stop the wolves, let them all rush up. What should I do?"

"You can cry, or you can fight back." Luo Ye replied simply.

"How to fight back?" Lin Wanyu asked in annoyance: "Do you bite with your teeth?"

Luo Ye patted his forehead, "Ha, I forgot about it." He wiped the blood from his hands and threw the captured ak47 in front of Lin Wanyu. "Here you are, if a wolf rushes towards you and I haven't been able to kill it, then you will kill it with a gun." His tone was lightly written, as if he was talking about something simpler than clicking a mouse. The same thing.

Lin Wanyu tremblingly stretched out her hand and hooked the heavy ak47. The steel was heavy and cold, and the wooden butt stock was so slippery that I didn't feel at ease at all. She fiddled with the heavy gun handle, and then took a deep breath, "But I, I don't know how to use a gun." Of course she can't use a gun. All she learns is social etiquette, how to lift a champagne glass. , How to fiddle with knives and forks, how to politely refuse a man's courtesy, she never thought in her life that she would wear blood-stained clothes and face the beast with a real gun.

A faint smile brushed Luo Ye's lips.

Being laughed at by Luo Ye was something that irritated Lin Wanyu, but she had nothing to do with that smile. "You have to teach me how to use it."

Luo Ye smiled. Just as he was about to open his mouth to speak, Lin Wanyu interrupted him again and said first: "Teach me hand in hand."

Luo Ye sighed helplessly, walked to Lin Wanyu's side, and hugged her with his arms from behind. "Is this all right?"

Lin Wanyu felt the heat from Luo Ye behind her ears, and the pores all over her body couldn't help but tighten together. She bit her lip and nodded gently.

Luo Ye didn't pay attention to the change in Lin Wanyu's expression. He grabbed Lin Wanyu's catkins with big hands, and taught her the basic posture of holding a gun. "That's it."

"That's it?" Lin Wanyu said in surprise: "What then?"

"Then pull the trigger." Luo Ye released his hand and replied as a matter of course: "You just have to remember one thing: don't point the gun at yourself."

"It's that simple?" Lin Wanyu took a breath of disbelief. She originally thought that a "killer" would teach her some unknown and powerful skills. "Don't you need three points, one line, adjustment of breathing or something?"

"No need at all." Luo Ye released his hand. "Just pull the trigger."

"But..." Lin Wanyu asked suspiciously, "What if I hit you?" She felt that Luo Ye was perfunctory.

"Hahaha!" Luo Ye laughed unscrupulously. The recoil of ak47 is very strong, and every shot will cause the muzzle inertia to rise. For a weak girl like Lin Wanyu, the bullet will inevitably hit the sky and give her ak47, nothing more than to make her bold.

"What are you laughing at?" Lin Wanyu said very seriously: "What if I hit you?!"

"If you can hit me, congratulations," Luo Yeqiang suppressed a smile, pretending to be serious: "My position on the world's killer list can be replaced by your name."

Lin Wanyu gave Luo Ye an annoyed look, reached out and grabbed a ball of snow, trying to throw it on Luo Ye's lifeless face. But she immediately realized that this was wrong. In just a few days with Luo Ye, she herself was about to become a violent person—she was a lady and had received more than ten years of Western lady education. How can it be easily changed by a man

She sighed and stuffed the snow ball into her mouth. She hasn't drank water for a long time, and her stomach is very hungry. She thought Xue Tuan would relieve her urgent need.

Luo Ye slapped the snow ball out of her hand.

"What are you doing?" Lin Wanyu asked with rounded eyes.

"You can't eat snow when you are hungry and thirsty. This is common sense for survival." Luo Ye replied: "Snow does not have any calories. Although it can be converted into water in your mouth, this physical process will consume a lot of water and calories in your body. It's very uneconomical. The more you eat, the more hungry and thirsty you get."

Lin Wanyu knew what Luo Ye said was right, but still held her head stubbornly, "I just moisturize my lips."

"Your lips are already beautiful and don't need to be moisturized."

"Really?" This was the first time Luo Ye appreciated her appearance, and Lin Wanyu couldn't help being a little excited. "Thank you-"

Luo Ye didn't answer, and replaced it with the howling wolf that got closer and closer. It is not difficult to guess from the distance of the sound that the wolves are already close at hand and will soon appear in front of them.

Luo Ye didn't panic at all, humming an incomprehensible tune, turned to the back of the big tree, and pulled out a few saplings.

"Show me your scratches." Luo Ye said to Lin Wanyu. Although the tone is not very soft, it can be regarded as the most tender words in a period of time.

Lin Wanyu hesitated for a moment. In the previous chase with the robbers, her trouser legs were torn in many places, and wounds on her calves and thighs abound. In fact, the blood on the wound has solidified, and there is nothing wrong with it. Now the treatment is completely unnecessary. She wants to remind Luo Ye that he should focus on the wolves that are getting closer and closer, not on his thighs—but , She didn't say anything, just stretched her leg out quickly—

At this time, obedient and obedient is the best policy.