The CEO of Slutty Killer

Chapter 113: Knife and hug


"What should we do now? How can we find the secret communication station?" Lin Wanyu stared at the wolf head in Luo Ye's hand blankly, "I can't interrogate a machine that was broken by you, right?"

"Of course the manipulator doesn't want us to find it. He doesn't speak, and I really can't help it." Luo Ye shook the wolf's head slightly, then stopped and took a closer look.

"What are you looking for?" Lin Wanyu asked.

"Wireless receiver—" Luo Ye replied casually: "According to the strength of the signal, we can roughly tell which direction we should go." After speaking, he put his hand in the wolf's ear and digged it hard. what.

Lin Wanyu felt a burst of violence in her stomach, she looked away, but happened to see the corpse of another wolf on the snow. She turned her back quickly, held onto the heavy tree trunk, and almost vomited.

She almost forgot that Luo Ye killed a real wolf just now and killed him with a single blow. The wolf's death was very miserable, and the red and white flowed all over the place, and it was particularly frightening against the white snow.

Luo Ye came over and touched her shoulder, and threw a small device into her arms.

"This is..." Lin Wanyu saw the signal pattern on the small LCD screen of the device.

"Wireless receiver." Luo Ye replied: "The manipulator relies on this to control the wolf. He designed it very cleverly. It was hidden in the inner ear of the wolf's head. I almost couldn't find it."

The thought that this was taken out of the wolf's ears, even though he knew it was a robotic wolf, the scene still made Lin Wanyu's face blue. "But what did you give me this thing for?" She compared it all around. "The strength of the signal hasn't changed at all."

Luo Ye smiled badly and patted the rough and solid tree trunk, "You can climb to the top of the tree and look again."

"What?" Lin Wanyu almost jumped up, "You want me...climb a tree!?"

Luo Ye looked up and down at Lin Wanyu with an almost exaggerated expression, "If you have long arms and legs, it would be wasteful not to climb trees."

How can anyone make an unreasonable request to a lady to climb a tree! Lin Wanyu gritted her teeth bitterly. Although she did climb a tree while being chased by the robbers, it was completely different then compared to now! "I won't climb!" Lin Wanyu objected: "I don't have the strength, and I can't climb that high."

"Okay," Luo Ye shrugged indifferently, "If you don't climb a tree, the result is nothing more than the robbers killing your cousin Yifeng. Anyway, it has nothing to do with me."

Lin Wanyu's heart became tangled immediately, but she soon figured out that Luo Ye was just scaring her, and he couldn't just sit back and watch Li Yifeng and others get into danger. But then she became worried again. If the manipulator is really from Nanshan Manor, then neither Li Yifeng nor Hu Jiyao can escape the suspicion. She really wants to end all this soon...

Seeing Lin Wanyu frowned and said nothing, Luo Ye sighed helplessly. "Well, I'll climb the tree, you clean up the wolf's body, take out all the internal organs of this real wolf, and strip off the skin, leaving only the bloody bones and meat-this is all right?" said Then, he handed the blood-stained hunting knife up.

Lin Wanyu glanced at the bloody real wolf subconsciously, and his brain was dizzy. She shrank her hand and didn't pick up the hunting knife. "I'm going to climb a tree." She has climbed at least once, and it's not much worse than rock climbing.

Luo Ye's mouth curled up, a triumphant expression of triumph. Lin Wanyu couldn't do anything with him, so she had to take off the thick snow-proof suit, move a little bit, and then climbed up the thick tree trunk.

Halfway through the climb, she stopped to rest for a while. She took out the wireless receiver in her pocket and saw that the signal still remained unchanged. She vented a sigh of relief. At the same time, she looked down and could vaguely see Luo Yezheng's proficient dissection of real wolves. The contrast between the red blood and Bai Xue was very dazzling and eye-catching. Lin Wanyu took a breath of cold air and continued to climb higher, regardless of physical fatigue.

She made enough effort to climb to the highest tree trunk, the momentum of the wind and snow has weakened, but the branches at the heights still shook a bit violently. She hugged the tree trunk tightly while looking around, trying to figure out where they were first.

There was a lot of white snow all around, and the valley was quiet and dark. With the help of night vision glasses, I could just see the blurry and beating light on the opposite side. Lin Wanyu felt that the fire from the bonfire in the direction of the ice lake—so, they should be in the valley opposite the Nanshan Manor.

Lin Wanyu tried to continue climbing until the branches couldn't bear her weight. For a pampered, pampered eldest lady, it is not easy to take the risk of doing so. Even she herself is a little proud. Although such an adventure may not be worth mentioning in Luo Ye's eyes, she has indeed changed, becoming stronger and braver.

With her frozen hand, she took out the wireless receiver again and turned it in turn according to the directions. To her surprise, she found that except for one position signal remained unchanged, the other positions had strengths and weaknesses. After remembering the position, she slowly crawled down, and couldn't wait to tell Luo Ye the news.

Climbing down is much more difficult than climbing up, because the eyes are long in front and you cannot see the path under your feet. What's more, the cold wind from high places has completely frozen Lin Wanyu. In order to pack lightly, she had to take off her heavy snowsuit. Now her body temperature is as low as the limit. Halfway through the climb, her feet slipped, her frozen fingers couldn't hold onto the rough tree trunk, and she fell down screaming.

She broke a few branches with her back, and was finally caught firmly by a firm arm.

She forgot to breathe, her eyes were full of horror, and when she reacted, she realized that she was safe. She was held in Luo Yeheng's arms, her posture was quite dramatic, just like the heroes and beauties in the movie.

Luo Ye tilted his head, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. "How many times did I save you?"

"Three times, four times? Or more times?" Lin Wanyu took a breath, avoiding Luo Ye's gaze, "I almost can't remember. But you are my bodyguard, isn't this all you should do? ?"

"Yeah," Luo Ye nodded, "but if you fall into my arms every time, I wonder if you did it on purpose."

Lin Wanyu's face flushed, struggling to stand up from Luo Ye's arms, and pushed him away. She pushed very gently, not rough at all, but the action was a bit blunt. This is one of the tricks taught by an experienced roommate when she was in college to seduce men-she never thought that she would really use it if she wanted to refuse it. When pushing him away, Lin Wanyu's own center of gravity was unstable, and then fell backwards.

She thought Luo Ye would definitely embrace her again, but Luo Ye just shrugged, didn't pick her up, didn't hug her, but let her fall on the thick snow.

"You..." Lin Wanyu got up with a flushed face. She would rather fall from a tree more than ten meters away than admit that she fell to the ground.

In fact, Luo Ye knows what Lin Wanyu’s gentle push means. If he grabs her and takes her back into his arms at this time, Lin Wanyu is only a few symbolic resistances at best—this is any man’s practice. Instinctive reaction. But Luo Ye can’t do this. If he embraces Lin Wanyu for no reason, then their relationship will go further towards a dangerous situation. She will treat him as a lover and care about him, love him, and even supervise him. He, restrain him.

Luo Ye only came to get the top-secret information. As long as he got the top-secret information, he could end the cooperation with the CIA and concentrate on dealing with the "company". As a professional killer, only dying is considered retirement. He will be in danger for the rest of his life, and he does not want to ruin Lin Wanyu. He admitted that he was really tempted by Lin Wanyu's gentleness and kindness, but liking someone does not mean holding her in his arms, as long as she is safe.

As a result, Luo Ye just smiled lightly, then turned around, ready to continue cleaning up the wolf's body. The internal organs of the wolf had been hollowed out, the skin was half peeled, and the flesh and bones were cruelly exposed.

Lin Wanyu was a little disappointed, but more angry. She climbed the tall tree, not because she was afraid of the bloody scene of skinning the wolf, but because she did not want Luo Ye to treat her as a worthless hostess, but Luo Ye always refused her to be thousands of miles away. . They were only less than one meter apart, and Luo Ye could reach her hand as long as he stretched out his hand, but the feeling of him turning around made Lin Wanyu feel that they were at the end of the world.

is not that right? One is a pampered wealthy daughter, and the other is a ruthless death killer. Are they not separated from each other

No matter what Lin Wanyu thinks, this fact is still hard to swallow like a bitter medicine. She now gradually understands why Luo Ye told her "childhood past". Those tragic stories are to tell her that they are not all the same, and the roads ahead will never overlap.

She looked at Luo Ye's back, bit her lip, and watched the hunting knife in Luo Ye's hand cut skillfully on the wolf. The wolf's blood hadn't completely cooled off yet, it was sprayed on Luo Ye's hand, steaming a little bit of heat.

"Why don't you..." Lin Wanyu summoned up the courage to ask: "Why didn't you hug me just now?"

"You are not a three-year-old kid. If you fall, you will get up by yourself." Luo Ye continued to peel the wolf skin without looking back.

"But you are my bodyguard." Lin Wanyu made the last excuse for the hug that he didn't get.

Luo Ye's hand movement stopped, but he didn't turn around, just raised the steaming hunting knife. "Did you see the knife in my hand?"

Lin Wanyu bit her lip and hummed softly.

"If I don't have a knife, I can't protect you, if I have a knife, I can't hold you."

She heard Luo Ye say coldly: "As a bodyguard, I should protect you with a knife, not abandon it to embrace you."

"You can hug me with a knife!" Lin Wanyu blurted out.

"No, that will hurt you."