The CEO of Slutty Killer

Chapter 13: Buskers don't sell themselves


After walking out of the main entrance, Luo Ye stuffed the two bodies into the trunk of a black business car.

Before that, he had searched quickly, and apart from a mobile phone, there was no clue on the two bodies. The cleaner the corpses, the more cunning the master behind them—but Luo Ye didn't want to care about it now.

When starting the black business car, Lin Wanyu was leaning on the pillar, looking at him blankly.

Luo Ye ignored it, stepped on the accelerator, and drove away from the Lin Family Villa without looking back. According to his estimation, the security guards who were knocked out by him should soon wake up, and they will take care of their little mistress.

Not long after driving out of the Lin family villa, the Lincoln car from Victoria rushed towards us.

Luo Ye stopped the car from a distance and waved at them. Then he leaned on the car door and lit a cigarette leisurely.

Tiger Xiong obviously saw Luo Ye and immediately braked suddenly-before the car stopped, Victoria opened the back door and jumped out.

"Ro!" The flames in her eyes almost burst out, "Do you know what you are doing?"

Luo Ye shrugged his shoulders calmly, "Smoke..."

"You bastard!" Victoria walked over angrily, and the waves on her chest were surging. Before she could get closer, she waved a punch and slammed Luo Ye's grinning face.

Luo Ye did not dodge, but calmly reached out and grabbed Victoria's wrist, then put the pink hand under his nose, sniffed vigorously, "Xiao Wei, I told you earlier, you If the rain does not nourish the Yin and Yang, it is very dangerous to go on like this."

Victoria wanted to free her wrist, but the harder she was, the tighter she was grasped by Luo Ye, and after a few struggles, the whole person was leaning against Luo Ye's arms.

"Let go of me!" Victoria said angrily: "Tiger Bear, what are you doing in a daze, come and help!"

Huxiong turned around directly, pretending to have a rag in his hand, and wiping the car leisurely. As a bodyguard from special forces, if Victoria is really in danger, he will definitely rush forward, but the current scene is only about Fengyue, he still pretends to be deaf and dumb, it is better not to be a light bulb.

"Tiger bear," Luo Ye suddenly thought of something. He loosened Victoria's waist and threw a key at Tiger Bear. "There are two corpses in the trunk. Go and deal with it."

"Yes, Brother Luo." Huxiong took the key, got into the black business car, quickly drove off the road, and drove towards the barren mountain.

Victoria opened her mouth wide. Is this still her bodyguard

Luo Ye smiled badly and touched the face of Victoria, who was still in a daze, "Well, Xiaowei, there is no one else here. It's time to settle the matter between the two of us."

Victoria struggled to suppress her urge to take a deep breath, "Wait, what's the matter with the two corpses you just mentioned? Are you in trouble?"

Luo Ye nodded, "Two kidnappers who are the same as your CIA target."

"So, someone is staring at Lin Wanyu?" Victoria frowned and said to herself: "Strange, why didn't the agent we arranged near her report this news?"

"The CIA's intelligence is not as good as the two kidnappers." Luo Ye laughed.

Victoria pursed her lips. "Anyway, you should not act without authorization. You have to understand that you are now employed by the CIA and you must abide by the CIA's discipline."

Luo Ye kicked the empty suitcase under his feet, "I have already got the things you want, and the rest has nothing to do with me. I want you to help—"

Victoria shook her head heavily, and said with a sneer: "It's not that simple. You promised me the task but got top-secret information. This task could not be completed. You can't get away."

Luo Ye smiled, he had already expected this result.

Victoria tried to keep the calm expression on her face, but Luo Ye's smirk still made her feel hairy. She wanted to control this man, but now she felt like she was riding a small boat delusional to control the entire ocean.

"You are leading me into the vortex step by step." Luo Ye said, "but you have to be careful, because I am a bigger vortex."

This sentence is very light, as light as a lover's whisper. But Victoria felt chills.

"You didn't listen to my orders and acted privately to make things like this." She raised her chin, pretending to be forceful and said: "All the consequences should be borne by you."

Luo Ye stared into Victoria's eyes and began to wonder how many secrets he didn't know about this woman.

"Okay." Luo Ye threw away the cigarette butt and wiped it out with the sole of his shoe. "I will listen to your orders, but you have to promise that I will proceed to handle my request from now on."

Victoria breathed a sigh of relief, but said forcefully: "I will communicate with my superiors as soon as possible."

"Why not communicate now?" Luo Ye asked, tilting his head.

Victoria made a pretty face, took out the phone, walked a few steps away, and dialed the number. She reported what had happened before in English, and then quietly listened to the training on the side of the microphone.

After a few seconds, she pursed her lips slightly, but the almost imperceptible expression of disappointment disappeared quickly. After hanging up the phone, she quickly sorted out her thoughts and walked towards Luo Ye again.

"How is it?" Luo Ye asked.

"The above agreed to consider your request." Victoria looked unhappy because of this, "but they also have a request."

Bargaining is reasonable. "Let's talk." Luo Ye is already mentally prepared, "What do you want me to do this time?"

"...Seduce Lin Wanyu." Victoria finally squeezed a word from her throat.

"What?!" Luo Ye was almost stunned. He immediately showed the appearance of the weak, pear-like, and rainy Lin family in his mind, "No, no! I'm a former professional killer who only sells crafts and not sells himself. !" His head shook like a stringed rattle.

This kind of reaction made Victoria's mood a lot more happy. Instead, she persuaded: "I didn't let you sell yourself, just let you have a relationship with her. It's best to be her bodyguard, protecting her while investigating information..."

"That won't work either." Luo Ye said distressedly, "You don't know, that Miss Lin even bargained for the money to buy her own life, and she always asks questions, like a curious baby-anyway, I don't want to see you It's her."

Victoria smiled, "You can't bear to deceive the innocent girl. For a cold-blooded killer, this seems a bit unprofessional? Sometimes I really can't see what kind of person you are..." She felt Luo Ye's eyes were fixed on her face, but she did not dare to meet his gaze directly, worried that he would see the chagrin in her eyes.

The confident smile on Luo Ye's face disappeared at this time, and he said seriously: "Give me a different task, Xiaowei, even if I let me seduce you."

Victoria angrily said: "Seduce me? Are you saying that I am not innocent than Lin Wanyu?! Hmph, no, no matter what method you use, I must be close to Lin Wanyu. With her, there will be top secret information-this is the case. Now!" She put her hands on her hips with an arrogant expression.

"Are you so relieved to let me contact other girls?" Luo Ye frowned and said, "And she is still a very beautiful girl worth tens of billions—"

"I only worry about whether you can handle her and complete this task." Victoria snorted. She turned her face to cover up her anxiety.

"Don't use aggressive tactics on me." Luo Ye shook his fingers.

"I didn't use aggressive methods," Victoria increased her tone. "That's what I think in my heart."

"All right." Luo Ye sighed, "I promise you." Regardless of whether Victoria is really as she said, in order for the CIA to take the incubator through customs for him, Luo Ye could only agree. .

Victoria nodded rigidly. What she needed was this result, but when Luo Ye really agreed, she couldn't be happy. She and Luo Ye are not love, but it is not pure desire, it is between the two, a kind of emotion that is difficult to express, the more contact with Luo Ye, the more restless she becomes.

The two did not speak again. After a while, Tiger Bear walked back.

"Miss, Brother Luo," he said calmly, "I've already dealt with it." His calm tone revealed full confidence.

"Well. Let's go to the airport." Victoria glanced at Luo Ye, "Go and pick up the assistant that the CIA arranged for you."

This is another condition that Luo Ye had to accept. He sighed helplessly and got into the car door that Tiger Bear opened for them.

A few hours later, they arrived at the Jinghua City Airport.

Before the car stopped, I saw a very young foreigner with a natural yellow curly hair and a thin, long face like a bamboo pole. He knocked on someone's car window and shouted in Chinese: "You are the CIA Sent to pick me up? Are you sent by the CIA to pick me up? Are you—"

His Chinese pronunciation is very poor, and his intonation seems to be stuck in his neck. Every time he passed a car, he would call it again, for fear that others would not know that he was a member of the CIA.

Luo Ye almost didn't laugh out loud, "Is this the assistant you found for me?"

Victoria explained: "Don't underestimate him, according to the information, he is a world-class hacker, never forgetting..."

"Yes, a hacker with insufficient brain hard disk space." Luo Ye said teasingly: "In a while, the entire Jinghua City will probably know about your CIA hacker."

"Tiger bear," Victoria said, frowning, "Go and drag that idiot into the car."

Huxiong opened the door, grabbed the collar of the foreign man, and involuntarily stuffed it into the back seat.

The long-faced foreigner stared with horrified blue eyes, "You, what are you doing?!"

Before Victoria spoke, Luo Ye threw out a throwing knife and placed it on the foreigner's apple, "Tell me, what did the CIA send you to do?"

"A good man, please!" He yelled this sentence very purely in Chinese. He shouted loudly: "The CIA asked me to help a dominatrix and her former concubine to obtain a top-secret information. In fact, I am only here for soy sauce!"

"Mother Yaksha?!" Victoria gritted her teeth and said, "How did you pass the confidentiality manual assessment?"

The foreigner stared at Victoria in dismay, "Who are you?"

Luo Ye put away the knife, smiled and patted the foreigner on the shoulder, "She is the dominatrix you said."

"Then, what about you?" the long-faced foreigner asked tremblingly.

"Is this unclear?" Luo Ye grabbed Victoria's shoulders and said affectionately: "I am her former concubine in the legend."