The CEO of Slutty Killer

Chapter 22: Toad


Luo Ye moved his shoulders in front of the mirror, and said casually, "Not bad."

The shopping guide girls around are going crazy, young, stylish, and most importantly, they have a black card! This man is simply the treasure in the world! They surrounded Luo Ye in the middle, and took advantage of the opportunity of finishing Luo Ye's collar to wipe the oil on his body vigorously.

Xia Xiaoya stayed where she was, and the idea of wanting to escape the scene came up in her head. She originally thought Luo Ye was just an ordinary customer, an ordinary person like her, but she did not expect that he was so rich, and after changing into a suit, he is simply the male protagonist that can only be seen in Taiwan. Wan Korean TV series— She felt that even looking at him more was a kind of "blasphemy."

Luo Ye turned his head to Xia Xiaoya and said, "What do you think?"

"Huh?" She was stared at by those eyes that were as dark as midnight, her heart immediately stopped beating, her mind was completely blank, she didn't know anything.

The two people looked at each other in this way. In just a few seconds, Xia Xiaoya felt like she had gone through several reincarnations, and each reincarnation was a touching and happy love story. She actually forgot to answer, and gradually indulged in Luo Ye's eyes.

It is really a pair of eyes that can make thousands of women unable to extricate themselves.

It is deep, dark, and calm, and it also faintly reveals a sense of mystery, just like the night sky, empty and invisible to the edge, but the occasional wave of fluctuations is like a meteor suddenly passing by the night , People can't help but want to find out.

Male color, it turns out that it can be so attractive.

"Are you okay?" Luo Ye bent down fiercely and leaned closer to her.

"No, nothing!" She regained her senses suddenly, jumping back like a frightened deer, but her heart banged wildly in her chest.

She hates her cowardice. If such an opportunity is given to any other shopping guide girls, especially the one with heavy makeup, she will definitely seize the opportunity to change from Cinderella to princess, but she can’t do it, her body is trembling. It’s almost impossible to control itself.

Luo Ye said indifferently, "Let's do it. Don't worry about the rest of the clothes, hurry up and tailor them before they open."

The glamorous shopping guide girl ran into the locker room and pointed to Luo Ye's changed clothes and said, "Mr. VIP, do I need to throw away these broken clothes for you?"

"Throw it away?!" Luo Ye gave her a blank look. "I bought this for hundreds of dollars myself!"

People who can brush a million in one go still care about hundreds of dollars? The glamorous shopping guide took a deep breath, feeling that her throat was very dry. "Then I'll install it for you—oh! It's so heavy!" She squeezed, her cheeks full of tender powder turned red, and she barely lifted a corner of her clothes.

Luo Ye smiled faintly, this dress was filled with flying knives and daggers, of course the weight was heavier. "I'll come." He picked up the clothes easily, then took the black card that the cashier reluctantly handed over, and made a "walking" look at the relish yellow dog and crab standing aside, and turned and walked out. Armani store.

"Welcome to visit next time!" All the shopping guides in the store bowed and shouted.

As soon as the voice of Gongsong fell, the group of chirping shopping guide ladies hulked Xia Xiaoya in the middle, scrambling to express their thoughts.

Some people admired that Xia Xiaoya had a good fate. She met a big benefactor just one week after coming here. The achievement of one million yuan is only 50,000 yuan. Seeing that the next store manager will be her. Xiaoya made friends, and even wanted to introduce her brother to her as her boyfriend—

Xia Xiaoya stood awkwardly among the crowd, not knowing how to answer.

The glamorous shopping guide lady leaned against the cashier, and said with a frosty face: "Huh, I think Xia Xiaoya is a super idiot. I can't catch such a good opportunity. If it's me, I promise to let him that night. Climb to my sex and buy me a Mercedes the next day—"

While talking, he saw Luo Ye frowning and returning to the Armani store.

The glamorous shopping guide girl's eyes lit up, and she yelled at her companions: "Don't grab anyone with me this time! My old lady let you see what fishing is called!" After finishing speaking, she deliberately pulled down her collar and twisted her waist. Walking towards Luo Ye with hips. "Mr. VIP, you are welcome to visit again—" she whispered, her long false eyelashes flickering.

Luo Ye looked at her, "The shopping guide just now—"

"Oh," the glamorous shopping guide girl took Luo Ye's arm, "Don't you say that you will find me next time. Let me serve you this time. No matter what you ask, I will satisfy you." Yours." She charmingly lifted her chin towards Luo Ye and licked her upper lip with the tip of her pink tongue.

"Really?" Luo Ye smiled, "I can meet any requirements?" He took off his coat as he said.

The shopping guide glanced behind her triumphantly, then turned her head, pretending to chuckle and said: "Oh, there are some things that are not easy to do in front of so many people—"

"I don't think there is anything bad to do." Luo Ye handed her a suit of 300,000 yuan. "This dress is too cold for me to wear. You can warm me up."

The shopping guide lady took over the suit jacket and opened her mouth in amazement, "Make it, make it, warm it up?" After working in this store for so many years, she was almost able to become a store manager, but she never met customers. This kind of request. "Oh, people won't do it anymore..."

"It's very simple," Luo Ye said, "take scissors to cut the inner lining, and then stuff the duck down-do you have duck down in your store?"

The shopping guide lady is completely stupid there. If you want to cut 300,000 suits, just cut them? Still stuff duck down? If an Italian designer knew about this, he would vomit blood and die in anger. She shook her head desperately, took out her innocent and coquettish expression and said, "Oh, there is no duck down in our store."

"Oh, there is no duck down..." Luo Ye blinked and opened his palm with a smirk. "Do you believe it or not that I can make a pile of duck down with my bare hands?"

Is this the legendary magic pick-up**! ? The shopping guide girl held the suit and shook her head curiously, "I don't believe it—"

"Don't believe it?" Luo Ye shouted, "If you don't believe me, don't you hurry up and buy it for me?!"

The shopping guide girl almost jumped up in shock, she didn't dare to provoke the VIP Heika to get angry, "Yes! I'm going now! I'm going!" Then she rushed out the door holding the suit.

Xia Xiaoya came over with the courage, "Sir, after cutting off the suit of 300,000 yuan, there will be no shape. Why do you need it?" In her opinion, Luo Ye's figure is matched with this figure. Expensive suits can kill any woman in seconds. Isn't it the ultimate goal of men to make women fall for themselves

Luo Ye smiled and shook his head, "Toad can't be a toad if he puts on a suit."

"Huh?" Xia Xiaoya couldn't understand this sentence at all. Don't all men want to be princes? Even if you can't become a prince, you must at least make yourself look like a prince, but why does this young man in front of him have to pretend to be a toad

Luo Ye smiled mysteriously and approached Xia Xiaoya and said, "Because only the swan meat eaten as a toad is the most fragrant."

Xia Xiaoya looked at him in surprise, and blurted out a word without thinking, "I am not swan meat..." After saying that, she quickly hung her head. God, what on earth are you talking about? !

Luo Ye shrugged, "My little brother's bar is open for Christmas. If you have time, let's take friends to have fun."

Is this an invitation? bar? She always rejects the kind of sensual and drunk place-Xia Xiaoya nodded quickly, "Okay, I will definitely go." She felt dizzy and suddenly realized that she was the one who wanted to eat swan meat. .

Before long, the charming shopping guide girl ran in with a big bag of duck down and didn't dare to talk to Luo Ye. She picked up the scissors, shiveringly cut the suit, and stuffed the duck down.

After re-sewing, the shopping guide girl held her "work" and walked to Luo Ye tremblingly, "Sir, is this okay?"

Luo Ye took the bulging suit, put on the buttons, and the shopping guide nodded, "Well, this is much warmer." After speaking, he turned and walked out of the specialty store.

"Welcome to visit next time—"

The shopping guide slammed to the ground, and the others helped her up. "Are you OK?"

"I'm scared, scared to death," the charming shopping guide lady said, clutching her heart: "Such men can't afford to spend..."

The yellow dog and the crab were waiting for Luo Ye in the car early. After seeing the 300,000 suit turned into a "special order" in a flash, their jaws almost fell off.

"Brother Luo—" Huang Gou pondered for a moment, and decided that it would be better not to talk about suits. "Where are you going now?"

"Dingxin Company." Luo Ye sighed, "People pay for our clothes, and I have to thank them in person."

"Yes." The yellow dog immediately started the car and drove towards Dingxin Company.

At the same time, in the high-level meeting room of Dingxin Company, the temporary board of directors has begun.

Lin Wanyu sat in the middle like a string puppet, nodding to the directors, listening to their pretentious condolences and care in her ears, but her thoughts flew outside the window.

After leaving Luo Ye for just an hour, her mood fell for an hour, and even she herself did not understand why her mood was so bad—perhaps because of these strange but deliberately familiar directors.

An elderly director was standing across from her generously speaking, vowing to inherit her father’s legacy, Barabala, and build Dingxin Company into Barabala—please, this old guy could be her grandfather, and he was still thinking about it. To inherit the will of her father.

She lowered her head, took out her mobile phone and hid it under the table, switched to silent mode, and quietly looked at the credit card consumption details she had just received.

one million…

Lin Wanyu almost laughed when the old guy made a grieving speech. This fellow Luo Ye-others are desperate to please her, wishing to give her a million begging her for flowers, but Luo Ye did the opposite, as if he wanted her to hate him and stay away from him.

Yeah, you hate it.

Luo Ye's wicked smiling face appeared in her mind, thinking about what Luo Ye would look like in a suit.

That must be, will, be different...