The CEO of Slutty Killer

Chapter 25: Key hints


Lin Wanyu blushed and walked back to the noisy meeting room. When Luo Ye was pressed against the wall just now, she thought he wanted to—

If he did that, she felt that she would scream loudly, she would, she would!

Luo Ye brought a chair by himself, and put it down next to her seat. There was still a bad smile on his face, as if nothing had happened just now.

Lin Wanyu frowned and said to Luo Ye in a low voice, "You can't sit here."


Luo Ye's chair happened to be between her and Fang Tianming. This position was quite sensitive. All the directors stopped their movements and watched quietly.

"Because—" Lin Wanyu bit her lip and whispered: "When someone saw us sitting side by side, they thought we were in that kind of relationship."

"We are what we are."

Many directors have begun to whisper.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Lin Wanyu said anxiously, "We are not in that kind of relationship!"

Luo Ye smirked and said, "Am I not your bodyguard?"

Lin Wanyu was stunned. It was obvious that Luo Ye was referring to the "bodyguard" relationship. She breathed a sigh of relief, "Yes, shouldn't the bodyguard sit behind me?" The meeting room was spacious enough, and the directors respected her. I deliberately vacated the seats around her. There was no one behind her seat. It was a pure blind spot. It was a very correct decision to let Luo Ye stay behind and feel at ease without fear of him making things strange.

Luo Ye said carelessly: "I'm not a personal bodyguard, of course I have to sit next to you."

The directors present here are already giving pointers unscrupulously.

Lin Wanyu tensed her face, and she began to realize that any more conversations with Luo Ye would only allow him to take advantage. So she took the initiative to reach out and move Luo Ye's chair behind her, flicked her hair, turned and sat down, and said to Fang Tianming beside her, "Go ahead, Uncle Fang."

Fang Tianming calmly looked at Lin Wanyu, who was blushing, and nodded calmly, but a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. Lin Wanyu, an ordinary man would make you panic like this. You are so tender...

Luo Ye pulled the chair forward, resting his head on the back of Lin Wanyu's chair, his eyes just looking at Fang Tianming.

Fang Tianming was a little sullen. Luo Ye stared at him with unobstructed eyes, as if he wanted to see him through. Such behavior is very rude, and also full of provocation.

As the vice president of a giant company, Fang Tianming has long learned to bear it. He snorted and turned his head to the side, not familiar with Luo Ye.

Luo Ye turned his head and blew into the hair behind Lin Wanyu's ears.

Lin Wanyu was shocked by the heat behind her ears. She wanted to turn her head to teach Luo Ye a few words, but when she thought that the directors were staring at her, she had to hold back. She can only try to focus on the directors who are at the same table with her.

Sadly, these directors are hardly familiar to her, and there are very few who can match her name in her memory. Her father had introduced some people to her, but at that time she felt that the day to take over was still early, and she didn't care about it at all.

However, this group of people should not be underestimated. Among them, the worst also owns 1% of Dingxin Company. Calculated based on the company’s market value of 22 billion, 1% is 220 million. In other words, the people in this conference room are the lowest Is also a billionaire—except of course the "jerk" behind her who blows into her ears.

Shopping malls are like battlefields. Without the skills and means, these people simply cannot become billionaires. What they think is one set in their hearts, what they say is one set, and what they really do is another set. Lies and fraud are the most basic rules of survival, and what she lacks is precisely this kind of "means", let alone eating. She lacks the ability to protect herself even if she loses others. She is the richest person here, and at the same time the most dangerous person.

The best way is to entrust her shares to Fang Tianming as she thought before, so that at least there is no need to worry about being eaten by others.

Although Fang Tianming is no different from other people, he is the person his father relied on most during his lifetime, and the unique veteran of the company. It is undoubtedly the best policy to hand over his father's company to him.

But what would my father think? Lin Wanyu sighed. When Luo Ye appeared in her life, this kind of thinking was quickly encroaching on her brain: her father absolutely didn't want to see her company fall into the hands of others, and she should take her own responsibility.

"Wan Yu—" Fang Tianming's voice interrupted her thoughts, "Say a few words for your father in heaven."

Lin Wanyu was startled, and when she looked up, all the directors clapped.

Why should we applaud? Why do you have to confide your sadness to a group of strangers? Lin Wanyu felt the pain in her chest burning like a flame.

After a pause for a few seconds, she said angrily: “First of all, I don’t want to tell strangers my grief, and there are many deaths of my parents—” Just as she was about to say the word “doubt,” suddenly Feeling Luo Ye's fingers swimming behind her.

She took a deep breath and was stunned-what is this bastard doing? She can't look back now, doing that will only attract the attention of others. She can only endure the fine itching of her fingertips over her body, and secretly pray that Luo Ye will never do anything out of the ordinary.

All the directors were looking at her. They could only see the panic on Lin Wanyu's face, but they could not see what was happening behind her.

Lin Wanyu wanted to scream, but she opened her mouth several times, but no sound came out from her throat. She has never been treated like this before when she grows up. Tears rolled in her eyes, and she was stupid in place, not knowing what to do.

Luo Ye's fingers stopped at her spine, and did not make any further movements.

After a pause for a minute, Lin Wanyu's thoughts finally calmed down. As long as Luo Ye doesn't move, she can still tolerate this kind of rude behavior for the time being. But after the meeting is over, she must make it clear to Luo Ye that he is just a bodyguard and can only do what the bodyguard does!

She breathed a sigh of relief, realizing that everyone was staring at her face and waiting for her to continue speaking, so she explained: "I don’t want to tell you the grief because I don’t want to spread the grief to you. I hope you are happy. And the death of my parents—"

She suddenly felt Luo Ye's fingers groping for her underwear hook belt behind her back, then pulled it back violently, and then gently loosened it.


A dull but fleshy voice echoed in the silent conference room. The directors looked left and right, not knowing what happened.

Lin Wanyu blushed to the bottom of her ears, and the hook strap of her underwear hit her back. It didn't hurt, but it was a little numb. It was like a punishment, and it was like a hint, suggesting that she shouldn't say what was in her heart in such a place.

Yes, she can't tell the truth here! Luo Ye is reminding her!

She opened her mouth and barely uttered a word for a long time: "As for the death of my parents, I hope they rest in peace. I...I'm done."

The directors all looked at each other, and after a few seconds of pause, they didn't know who took the lead and clapped.

"Miss Lin's speech is quite a father's style," a director exclaimed: "The words are concise and comprehensive."

Another director also said sensationally: "Yes, in just two sentences, Miss Lin stopped several times because of choking, which is enough to see her true feelings for her parents."

Other directors agreed, and the applause became more enthusiastic.

Lin Wanyu smiled bitterly. The level of flattering of these directors is too superb, right? She was choked and speechless, she was really speechless by Luo Ye's "mouse"! But she was very grateful to Luo Ye, if it weren't for his key hint, she might have made the scene out of control on impulse.

Thinking of this, her palms were filled with fine sweat. She secretly warned herself that when facing these hypocritical old foxes in the future, she must think twice before saying anything.

Fang Tianming was also quite surprised by Lin Wanyu's speech. When I heard her say the first sentence, I thought she was going to explode, but when she said the second sentence, the scene immediately turned around. He subconsciously glanced at Luo Ye, who was arrogant.

Luo Ye also looked back at him, with the same smile in his eyes.

Fang Tianming quickly retracted his gaze, cleared his throat, and said to the directors: "Today we are holding this temporary meeting. I believe that everyone is in a very sad mood. President Lin has built the aircraft empire with one hand. Unfortunately, although I am very sad now, I still want to remind you to elect a new president as soon as possible. I believe that only if we work hard to build Dingxin into a world-class aircraft manufacturing company, can we comfort President Lin’s spirit of heaven! Below, Let's vote, every one percent of the shares represents a vote—"

"I can't use voting anymore." A gray-haired director stood up and said with full anger: "The position of president is none other than Brother Tianming. Since the establishment of this company, Vice President Fang has always been He has been working hard for the company's development. He is the only one of the four King Kongs who started his business and is still alive today. Just ask, who else is more qualified to serve as the company's president?!"

As soon as this was said, more than half of the directors nodded and said yes.

Fang Tianming smiled slightly and stretched out his hand to signal the director to sit down. "Serving the company is what I should do. I don't want to say any more. I think Lin Wanyu is more suitable to be the president than me."

"Me?" Lin Wanyu was surprised by Fang Tianming's statement.

"Wan Yu is the only legal heir of President Lin, with 46% of the equity, and a top student of Wharton Business School-you know, the Wharton School of Business is the top business management school, and the students taught Almost all are leaders in the world economy. I believe that with these, Wan Yu will surely lead Dingxin to glory! Therefore," Fang Tianming said kindly, "I want to vote for Ms. Lin Wanyu with 20 votes representing my shares."

Lin Wanyu immediately understood that Fang Tianming didn't really want to elect her as the president. The reason why he voted for her was to retreat to advance, and exchange his own 20 votes in exchange for her forty-six votes.

As long as she voted for Fang Tianming with 46 votes, and randomly added a few directors’ votes, Fang Tianming would get more than half of the votes, and the position of president would naturally fall to him. In this way, he can not only become president, but also earn enough favors—

It's killing two birds with one stone, old fox.


Thank you Chuncun'er, ㄗhenhenooo, and the fallen emperor for your rewards.

In addition, another chapter will be added before 12 o'clock tonight, because the first rudder master dropped the rope! (Ah, why does my heart hurt so much when I talk about the word "additional", there is always a feeling that the day is about to begin...)

Okay, thanks again to all the book friends of the VIP official group (283954867), the group is very lively, um, I can see it, I hope you all get together for a hundred years...