The CEO of Slutty Killer

Chapter 35: Hole cards


Monica looked at Luo Ye's eyes in astonishment, and Luo Ye's provocative words lingered in her ears.

"Sleep a woman like you."

This sentence was clearly insulting, but Monica felt inexplicably excited. The cigarette in her hand was about to burn to the end, but she didn't care at all.

The man lost two games at the poker table and was deliberately mocked by her twice, but he was actually unscathed. There is a dangerous aura in him, the kind of danger of "close to death", but for Monica, this danger has a fatal attraction, coupled with the ambiguous and provocative statement just now , Unexpectedly made Monica's heartbeat speed up unprecedentedly.

She withdrew back, struggling out of Luo Ye's fatal breath, "Boy, if you know who I am, you wouldn't dare to be so presumptuous to me."

Luo Ye laughed, "If you were slept by me, you wouldn't dare to be so presumptuous to me."

Monica pursed her lips. No one dared to speak to her like that, no one! "You are just being brazen," she resumed her arrogant attitude. "At most eight rounds, I will let you go out naked from here! Dealer, deal!"

Feng Yujia has already shuffled the brand-new playing cards, "One hundred thousand ante bet, unlimited betting is possible. If you have any special requirements, please make it clear before the cards are dealt."

Everyone had no objections and threw the ante into the betting pool.

Feng Yujia dealt the cards in a clockwise order. Wang Xinmai has won twice in a row, and his face is full of triumph. As soon as he got the two cards in his hand, he hurriedly grabbed them. After looking at it, his smile was a little rigid and his eyes were a little scattered, but he concealed it in time.

Li Yifeng looked at the cards for the second time. He had a chance to win last time, but he took the chips into consideration and finally gave up. Before looking at the cards, his face was full of expectation. After looking at the cards, his shoulders were a little loose-it seems that the cards are not very good.

Luo Ye picked up the hole cards, ace of spades and 10 of spades, which may become a "Royal Flush".

Royal flush is the largest card in Texas Hold'em. It consists of five akqj10 cards, and these five cards must be of the same suit. If you can make a royal flush, then Luo Ye will definitely come back-this is a good hole card.

"Blind," Monica said again, "Three million." As she said, she would raise the blinds every time.

Wang Xinmai laughed, "Monica, you have given out a gift of 3 million, and this time you lose 6 million! I will follow—" He said, pushing the 6 million chips into the betting pool.

Li Yifeng looked bitter. He is the same as Luo Ye now, except for allin, he has no chance to call to see the community cards. But Allin's risk was too great, he couldn't bear it. "Not with."

Luo Ye followed closely, deducting the card, "Don't follow." Although the hole card is good, the lack of chips is a flaw. If he has as many chips as Monica, this card must be followed to the end, but now is not a good time, he can't allin.

52 poker cards can form hundreds of millions of combinations, and the probability of making a royal flush is one in 100 million. This probability is too low. Once the community cards can’t make a flush, he will completely lose and bet. It seems that you are betting with others, and you win other people's money, but in fact you are betting with yourself. How much pressure can you withstand from other people, and how strong are you to resist the fantasy of "good cards" With self-control, you are so hopeful that you will have the last laugh.

Monica sneered coldly, "Sure enough, you two still fold." She didn't call them "counseling" anymore, because this trick didn't work.

At the end of the first round of betting, the dealer Feng Yujia opened three community cards, a 3 of hearts, a 7 of squares, and a king of clubs.

At the first glance of his hole cards, Wang Xinmai's eyes were a little lost, while Li Yifeng pursed the corners of his mouth, a little regretful. It seems that his hole cards should at least be able to make up a pair with the community cards—but now these community cards have been matched. He has nothing to do.

Luo Ye's expression did not change the slightest, and the ending was similar to what he expected. The community cards and his hole cards failed to make a straight or flush. His caution was correct.

Wang Xinmai reminded: "Monica, it's your turn."

Monica used her slender fingers to hold the cards, 6 of hearts and q of clubs, bad cards, and no one was next to the community cards.

"How is it?" Wang Xinmai asked, staring into her eyes.

Monica directly pushed 10 million face-value chips into the betting pool, and said calmly: "Raise 10 million."

A raise of 10 million means that if you want to see the "turn" of the fourth community card, you must also call for 10 million. Similarly, if you want to see the "river card" of the fifth community card, you can at least get Ten million. Wang Xinmai only has more than 20 million in his hand, which is equivalent to forcing him to allin.

What a spicy woman!

Wang Xinmai took a deep breath and involuntarily glanced at the man beside him. The man shook his head slightly.

Wang Xinmai hesitated for a long time, and finally sighed, "Don't follow, give up."

"Thanks a lot." Monica smiled faintly and threw the card into the card pool with a buckle. Hole cards are the most true heart of the gambler. Whether they win, lose, whether the cards are good or not, they cannot be easily shown to others, unless the last five community cards have been dealt out and they have to be compared. when.

Wang Xinmai's face was gloomy. A minute ago, he had a net profit of more than three million yuan, but now he can only watch his six million chips being pushed to Monica's front.

Feng Yujia swept the old playing cards into the shredder, took out a new set of cards, and skillfully opened and shuffled the cards. "One hundred thousand ante bet, unlimited betting, if you have any special requirements, please make it clear before the cards are dealt."

No one raised objections, and the fourth round began.

After handing over the ante, Feng Yujia dealt the cards in a clockwise direction.

When Wang Xinmai looked at his trump card, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes. Pairs of 10, good luck, big wins.

Li Yifeng looked at his trump card calmly, and then put it on his face blankly. Pair 2, the point value is too small.

Luo Ye opened his hole cards, and then shook his head helplessly. Plum blossom 9, plum blossom 10, is temptation again.

"Blind." Monica continued to maintain her repressive posture.

Feng Yujia made a "please" gesture, "Speak first for the blind."

"Four million." Monica said lightly.

Wang Xinmai did not hesitate, and immediately shouted: "I follow! Eight million!"

Li Yifeng smiled bitterly and shook his head. Except for allin, he couldn't call at all, but for a pair of small 2allins, the risk was too great. "Don't follow, fold."

"Don't follow." Luo Ye followed closely.

Li Yifeng smiled at Luo Ye. "Difficult friends, look back and find time to have a bar together."

"No problem," Luo Ye said with a smile: "My little brother is going to open a bar, you can come and join us then."

"It must be..." Li Yifeng nodded naturally. Let Luo Ye and Yang Qiushui join this gambling game, but it is for Hu Jiyao not to be insulted, he felt very sorry for Luo Ye.

Monica just snorted coldly, and didn't taunt them, as if there was no need to do that.

Feng Yujia turned over three community cards, a square 10, a club 5, and a heart 2.

The smile on Wang Xinmai's face was wide open, "Monica, it's you!"

Monica picked up her hole cards, a square 8 and a 3 of hearts, it was so bad that it couldn't be bad. The corner of her mouth smiled slightly, "raise, 20 million."

"Twenty million!" Wang Xinmai almost jumped up from his seat, which simply forced him to allin when he drew the "turn card"! "Monica," he reminded, "I have three cards, three cards of the same size!"

"I know," Monica said calmly, "none of my cards are the same."

Wang Xinmai licked his dry lips subconsciously, and looked at the man beside him from the corner of his eyes. He is a person who doesn't have much assertiveness, and when faced with a choice, he often relies on the opinions of others.

His boyfriend pressed his lips tightly and did not make any comments.

The winning side of the three tens is still great, but no matter how big the three tens are, it is not as good as a straight. According to Monica, it seems that it is more likely to be a straight. If Monica really has a straight in hand, then there must be a 10 on the turn and the river to make up four in order to pass the straight or flush. But if you want to watch the turn and river, you must allin-Wang Xinmai is completely at a loss.

Monica was not in a hurry, crossing her green fingers, holding her chin, and looking at Wang Xinmai quietly.

The fine sweat on the tip of Wang Xinmai's nose leaked out. He opened his mouth several times and closed it several times. After a full minute, he said in frustration: "Fold." The risk of calling is too high. From his own observation, Monica folds the first two times because of bad hands, then Monica Raising now means that her hand is really hard-he doesn't want to be someone who has to take off his clothes.

Eight million chips were pushed in front of Monica. Wang Xinmai looked at his only 15 million and felt extremely disappointed.

At the beginning of the fifth game, Monica's blinds increased to 5 million. Wang Xinmai no longer dared to be rash. He folds together with Li Yifeng and Luo Ye. Monica didn't even look at the hole cards, and directly collected the ante in the betting pool.

The same was true for the sixth game and the seventh game. By the end of the eighth game, Luo Ye only had enough money for one ante.

Monica looked at him sarcastically, "Boy, if you fold in the ninth game, you can only call an ante in the tenth game, and you don't even have the right to allin."

"Oh," Luo Ye sighed deliberately, "That's no trick. The card has been bad, and there is no pair. As long as there is a pair, even if it is a pair of 2, I can fight it."

Monica looked up and smiled, "Haha, good luck, but at the gaming table, luck can't save you."

Yang Qiushui sighed heavily and stood up.

"What are you doing?" Luo Ye asked.

"What else can I do?" Yang Qiushui said angrily: "Prepare to undress—"

Luo Ye pulled Yang Qiushui back to the seat, "Don't worry, don't we still have another game."

"A round is only two minutes!" Yang Qiushui said with tears in his eyes.

Luo Ye smiled, "The first few games were mainly due to bad luck. Do me a favor and we can transfer."

"Transfer?" Yang Qiushui rekindled hope, "But, what can I do for you?" In terms of poker, she can only play against the landlord, or the kind of "no shamelessness can't win" style of play, against Germany. . State poker, a game that tests psychology and IQ, is totally ignorant.

Luo Ye smiled slyly, "I want you to use your heart, affection, and use everything to give me a kiss."