The CEO of Slutty Killer

Chapter 53: deceive


Huxiong's eyes were full of excitement. "Miss, this is a good thing. Brother Luo will definitely be very happy to know."

Victoria was indifferent to the tiger bear's excitement. She stared into the darkness ahead, her handsome face being overwhelmed by the cold night wind. "But the above asked me to conceal this news from Luo Ye."

"Why, why?!" Tiger Xiong asked in astonishment.

"It's not because they are afraid of Luo Ye." Victoria smiled softly, and said in a self-deprecating way: "Yeah, Ye Luosha, who is not afraid?"

Huxiong frowned, "Then why did you send the incubator over again since you didn't plan to let Brother Luo know?"

"They were afraid that Luo Ye would give up the task after he got what he wanted, but they were even more afraid that he would get into trouble if he didn't meet Luo Ye's requirements, so they threw the trouble to me." Victoria's mouth twisted into a smile shape, The expression similar to a wry smile revealed sorrow and helplessness, completely deviating from her always tough character.

Huxiong closed his mouth tightly, not knowing how to comfort his mistress.

"Tiger bear, if you were me, what would you do?" Victoria asked.

"Miss," Tiger Bear said calmly, "I'm not you."

"Yeah." Victoria shook her head slightly and laughed out loud, "You are not me."

Huxiong pursed his gloomy lips, "Miss, no matter what you decide, I will support you unhesitatingly." His voice was as rigid and determined as his expression.

"Um..." Tiger Bear's attitude plunged Victoria into a painful silence, but this silence did not last long. Once the spine that refuses to bend has yielded, it is the spine that is most able to obey orders. This is what Tiger Bear did to her, and so did her orders to the CIA.

She can't defy this order, let alone the incubator has been shipped.

Victoria gave a miserable smile, "Tiger bear, go to the joint location and bring the incubator back."

Tiger Bear nodded, and then asked suspiciously, "Brother Luo..."

"I want you to be tight-lipped." Victoria ordered.

"I understand." A hint of disappointment flashed in Huxiong's eyes, but it disappeared after a long time. He respects Luo Ye, but Victoria is what he really wants to serve his master. When necessary, he will stand firmly on Victoria's side and be an enemy of Luo Ye-even though he would rather die than see that day.

"Also," Victoria paused, and said, "Don't go too close to Luo recently."

Hu Xiong was startled, "Is this an order?"

"Yes—" Victoria frowned suddenly and quickly overturned her previous statement, "No, it is not. This is not entirely an order, you can treat this as... advice."

Huxiong nodded and turned to leave. Although Victoria had tried her best to control her tone, he could still hear the warning in her tone.

As the engine sound of the Lincoln car drifted away, Victoria cowered in the corner of the safety ladder, unhurriedly. She is like an adolescent girl who hates her stupid behavior, holding her arms tightly, leaning her head against the wall, and closing her eyes in pain. She felt that the whole world was turning away from her, and all she could grasp was weak self-comfort.

Time passed...

Victoria heard the sound, opened his eyes, and saw Luo Ye's figure appear on the safety ladder. His steps were heavy enough to awaken the stones on the roadside, and he did not have the qualities that a killer should have.

Victoria subconsciously wanted to avoid Luo Ye. She was not ready yet, and didn't want Luo Ye to notice her concealed expression, but Luo Ye had already approached and she couldn't avoid it, so she had to try to keep her face calm. "You're back." She hoped that Luo Ye hadn't noticed that her uneasy fingers were stroking her hair.

Only silence responded to her. Luo Ye closed his mouth tightly, and he was exhausted, as if he had just experienced a battle of life and death.

Victoria looked at him suspiciously. "Luo, what happened?"

Luo Ye shook his head, sat upright next to Victoria, and sighed softly.

He is so tired, this long day is heavier than all the things he has experienced in the past four years combined.

Victoria didn't dare to look at Luo Ye's eyes, and deliberately said jokingly: "Unexpectedly, Yeluosha also has a tired side."

Luo Ye did not respond to her ridicule, but leaned back, supported his body with his arms, and looked at the starry sky above his head.

"It's no wonder," Victoria continued to ridicule: "It's strange that you are not tired when dealing with so many girls, watching people take off their clothes, playing cards, attending birthday parties, and instigating little girls to fight."

"Xiaowei..." Luo Ye sighed softly.


"Stop talking, just sit with me for a while."

The corner of Victoria's mouth was pulled slightly, and the arch of the eyebrow that had just been raised slowly lowered. If she could stay with Luo Ye forever, she would rather not speak for the rest of her life.

Time passed for a long time, and the two of them sat silently, thinking about their own thoughts.

Luo Ye was very tired, and he was so tired for the first time since he last executed the "company" killing mission.

Fighting with the security team, confronting the bodyguards of the umbrella company, gambling with Monica, and attending the birthday party with Yang Qiushui—this series of things is actually nothing, but when Lin Wanyu gently puts it on his back , He felt like a camel crushed by the last straw. His firm line of defense almost was touched softly, and a crack was almost opened.

Until now, his back is still tight, as if Lin Wanyu's warm cheeks are pressed against it.

He stayed in a stalemate like that for more than an hour, until he sent Lin Wanyu back to the Lin family villa to be relieved. When he got home, Lin Wanyu was already going to sleep in a daze, but still murmured, "Meggie Soup is really ugly," those silly things that are not marginal.

She was so stupid—Luo Ye really wanted to wake her up severely. But in fact, he gently hugged Lin Wanyu and motioned the security guard and the maids to leave, for fear that they would wake her up.

When he hugged Lin Wanyu, who was cold all over, in the bedroom, Lin Wanyu smiled at him in his sleep. The smile was sweet and innocent, without any falsehood, and could even dispel all the pain. At that moment, he felt that he was fragile like a piece of glass, seemingly hard but very fragile glass...

"I lied to her." Luo Ye said suddenly and said softly.

Victoria was surprised, "Who?"

"Lin Wanyu." Luo Ye replied.

It turned out to be her. There was a sense of loss in Victoria's heart. She tried to suppress the rising disappointment, and said coldly: "It's nothing, she's just a goal."

"I didn't return to Dingxin Company to pick her up, but to find the secret information."

"Yes, you are absolutely right to do this." Victoria nodded and said admiringly: "If you can keep this idea, it won't take long for us to get top secret information."

Luo Ye shook his head, "But Lin Wanyu thought I was going back to pick her up, but I was unable to explain."

"Didn't you tell her that you were looking for a bicycle to drop by?" Victoria said freely.

"Yeah, because I can't find a more suitable excuse." Luo Ye said with a wry smile: "I should push her away, or prove to her that I am a bastard, and warn her not to get too close to me-but tonight I Failing to do it, my assassin state seems to have disappeared suddenly, I can't find myself anymore."

"You..." Victoria felt a pain. She saw the truest side of this man, but it wasn't for her.

Luo Ye looked up at Victoria, his black eyes full of frustration. He said: "My heart is softened."

Victoria was stunned in place, as if she had been casted by a hold magic.

Softhearted? She suddenly remembered a sentence that had been circulated many years ago: All the stones in this world may be soft-hearted, but Ye Luosha will definitely not soft-hearted. But now, Luo Ye said to her personally that he was softhearted, and it was because of another woman...

"No, you are not softhearted, you are just too tired." Victoria grabbed Luo Ye's arm forcefully, "After all, you haven't touched a knife in four years, and it's so long today. You are just tired. You are night. Rakshasa, the night Rakshasa that makes countless people worry about their heads as long as they close their eyes!"

"Xiaowei, you don't understand." Luo Ye smiled softly, "The real Ye Luosha, in fact, died four years ago."

"No, I'm not interested in knowing what happened to you four years ago," Victoria increased his tone. "In my heart, you will always be the top killer with one hand covering the sky, and you will always be scary. Night Raksha!"

She was a little excited. The news that the incubator had arrived was right on her lips, but she opened her mouth several times but couldn't tell.

"Xiao Wei," Luo Ye raised his hand and stroked Victoria's trembling lips. "It's nice to have you by my side."

Victoria sighed, "I believe you just need to rest. If you don't want to see Lin Wanyu for the time being, then don't go to Dingxin tomorrow, just ask for a leave, and wait until you recover completely."

Luo Ye smiled weakly, "Yes, I must be too tired. But tomorrow I will go to Dingxin as usual. I have to find the top-secret information before Dingxin's major forces are ready to move, and get out early. By the way, mine. Is there any news from the incubator?"

"Yes." Victoria took a breath, trying to control her heartbeat. "I just contacted the headquarters and they are preparing to consign the boxes-but they haven't arrived yet."

She held her breath, hoping that Luo Ye would not see through her thoughts.

Luo Ye looked into Victoria's eyes and slowly pressed his body towards her. "Thank you, Xiaowei."

Victoria felt that her brain was blank, she closed her eyes subconsciously and sent her lips out. She knew she was cheating on Luo Ye, but she didn't want to lose this kiss anyway—perhaps, after this kiss, she would muster the courage to tell Luo Ye the truth.

When his lips met, Luo Ye suddenly took a bite on Victoria's lips. Victoria let out a startled scream, and when she opened her eyes, she saw Luo Ye regaining her previous laughing and cynical attitude.

He smirked and said: "Look at you, the rain is not swelling, the yin and yang are not tuned, don't come to my room tonight—"

"You bastard!" Victoria went over with a scissor, trying to hang Luo Ye's neck and throw him off the safety ladder, but Luo Ye's skill was much more agile than her attack. He grabbed Victoria's calf. , Jokingly said: "Look, you raised your legs so high, and you said you don't want it?"

When Victoria pulled back his calf and wanted to continue his attack, Luo Ye had already floated into the combat training room.

"I will wait for you in the room tonight—"

"Go and die!" Victoria roared bitterly. There was a slight pain on her lips, and she suddenly had the urge to cry.

She deceived Luo Ye. She knew that one day she would have to pay for it, but she hoped that the later that day would come, the better.

The Lincoln car was parked in the backyard. Tiger Bear got out of the car and shook his head at Victoria worriedly.

With a tight heart, Victoria ran down the safety ladder a few steps, came to Tiger Bear, lowered her voice and asked, "What's the matter?"

"The box was taken away."

"What?!" Victoria bit her lip. "Who did it?" No matter who dares to touch her Victoria's things, she has to pay the price!

"U.S. Embassy," Huxiong whispered.


Thank you Gilda leather shoes, Chuncun, and dfghdd book friends for their rewards.