The CEO of Slutty Killer

Chapter 63: Retreat as progress


The phone in the president's office rang, and the harsh ringing finally brought Lin Wanyu's falling heart back to reality.

"I'll pick it up." Yang Qiushui walked quickly to the phone. This was her job.

"Hello? Assistant of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?" Yang Qiushui opened his mouth in surprise, and his gaze flashed over Lin Wanyu, "Okay, I understand, I must tell." Don't worry about calling, there was an incredible expression on her face, "You are sure I can’t imagine—Fang Tianming is hospitalized. Ha," she said with a smile, "that old guy has today too!"

"Hospitalized?" Lin Wanyu blinked, which was not a thankful news. "Is it hospitalized at this time? Did you say what the disease was? Is it serious?"

If Dingxin Company is a huge machine, Fang Tianming is the operator who is most familiar with the operation of this machine. Although he is a bad operator, Dingxin cannot do without him. Once the position of the Minister of Internal Affairs becomes empty, the company will definitely be in chaos within a short period of time. This is the last thing Lin Wanyu wants to see-it is a good way to advance.

Yang Qiushui curled his mouth, "It is said that the old stomach disease has committed again."

"Stomach disease..." Lin Wanyu nodded thoughtfully. She had heard her father say a long time ago that Fang Tianming had a serious stomach problem, which was the root cause of the disease when she struggled with her father. "Did you say which hospital you live in?"

"Jinghua People's Hospital." Yang Qiushui replied.

Lin Wanyu stood up and cleaned up the papers on hand, "Luo Ye, accompany me to the hospital, I want to invite him back to work..."

"Isn't it?" Yang Qiushui said in surprise: "Please come back that old fox?"

"That's right," Lin Wanyu said, "He retreats to advance, so I have to step by step."

Yang Qiushui shrugged, expressing incomprehension.

Luo Ye yawned on the sofa, "Let Lao Wang take you there. I was woken up in the morning and I was about to get back to sleep."

"You..." Lin Wanyu tightened her lips, "Don't forget that you are my bodyguard."

"There is nothing wrong with you." Luo Ye replied.

These words were like a heavy punch to the internal organs, squeezing out all Lin Wanyu's sullen anger. "Do you have to wait for my accident to protect me!?"

She yelled at a man so loudly for the first time, completely forgetting the lady education she had received. After the roar, she trembled all over and stood silly on the spot, not knowing how to end it.

Yang Qiushui retreated wisely, she didn't want to be involved in this war.

Luo Ye sat up from the sofa and looked at Lin Wanyu calmly. After a few seconds, he smiled, "Are you really sure to catch Fang Tianming's trick?"

"Yes!" Lin Wanyu said pretentiously, but in fact, she had no clue.

"Well, anyway, I have never taken a girl to the hospital." Luo Ye raised his eyebrows.

Lin Wanyu walked out of the desk mechanically, stiffly like a puppet. Although she achieved the goal of letting Luo Ye accompany her to the hospital, the height of an eighty-story building is like eighteen layers of hell to her at this moment. How can she deal with Fang Tianming's moves

Yang Qiushui followed Lin Wanyu step by step.

"Hey, my car can only seat two people." Luo Ye's eyes crossed Lin Wanyu's shoulder and fixed on Yang Qiushui.

"It doesn't matter," Lin Wanyu said softly but firmly, "Qiu Shui will stay."

"Miss Wan Yu?" Yang Qiushui was shocked.

Lin Wanyu turned around and said to her: "There must be no one in the president's office. You can stay and help me with my daily work. If necessary, call my mobile phone." Although the tone of this sentence is very soft, the tone is already faint. Revealed the immature form of an imperial mistress.

Yang Qiushui nodded hurriedly, "Yes, I understand." Her face was calm as usual, but the slight anxiety in the ending betrayed her mood-after all, she was only a supporting role in this war. That's it.

"Can you go now?" Lin Wanyu asked Luo Ye back.

It was the first time that Luo Ye saw Lin Wanyu deal with a problem so decisively. He made an indifferent expression, "Then let's go."

Out of the door of Dingxin Company, Luo Ye took Lin Wanyu to Reventon's car.

"Much better than bicycles." Lin Wanyu commented: "But I still think bicycles are more suitable for you."

Luo Ye pulled the car door and said with a smile: "Why, in just a day's work, you have learned to sarcastic?"

Lin Wanyu pursed her lips, and sat short in Reventon's co-pilot seat. After pulling the car door and strapping on the seat belt, she breathed a sigh of relief, "I was in the office before and had a bad attitude towards you, I'm sorry."

"Well," Luo Ye said generously, "There are always a few days a month."

Lin Wanyu's melancholic smile added a little. She knew that Luo Ye was joking, and logically she should refute him, but when she was alone with him, she became more sluggish and absent-minded than she had imagined, not to mention, she had to think about what to do. Resignation to Fang Tianming.

When Luo Ye started the engine, Lin Wanyu was startled by the roar of Mad Cow's Heart, and she couldn't help clenching her long slender fingers.

"You're the same as Yang Qiushui, you were so nervous the first time." Luo Ye smiled badly. He was clearly talking about sitting in Reventon for the first time, but the ambiguity in the words was like talking about a girl's sex.

Lin Wanyu's lips trembled and emphasized: "I am different from her."

Luo Ye didn't say anything. He stepped on the accelerator, and Reventon let out a low roar and rushed to Jinghua People's Hospital.

After the car stopped, Lin Wanyu released the seat belt, lifted the door, and walked down by herself.

Luo Ye stared at her and watched her take one step, two steps, three steps... As expected, Lin Wanyu was different from Yang Qiushui. When he reached the seventh step, his legs started to soften.

Luo Ye closed the door, leaned against the body, and asked jokingly: "Are you okay?"

Lin Wanyu only felt that his stomach turned inward, and there was no strength on her body, and her eardrums buzzed, as if the whole world was spinning, her face was sallow, and she was gasping for breath, unable to answer Luo Ye's question at all.

"If you can't, don't hold on, there is a hospital next to you." Luo Ye crossed his arms, still with an expression of nothing to do with him.

Lin Wanyu shook her hand, "I'm fine, I'll be fine soon." She didn't want to be weak in front of Luo Ye, and didn't want him to look down upon herself. She stubbornly supported her body and walked forward staggeringly-she just took a step, her calves would not listen, and her whole body also lost balance-


A pair of powerful arms supported her from behind her, saving her from the embarrassment of falling.

It's Luo Ye. He didn't care about her. She knew that no matter how he treated her, he would always show up when she needed it most.

"Thank you..." She wanted to stand up on her own, but her head was so dizzy that she couldn't use her strength at all, so she could only lean softly on Luo Ye's chest.

His chest is hard, cold and full of muscles, like a magnet.

Luo Ye sighed slightly. The scent of Lin Wanyu’s hair filled his nose, and his soft body encroached on all the nerves in his body. From the perspective of a professional killer, her movements were clumsy, blunt, and without aesthetics, which could hold her in her arms. For a moment, he was a little reluctant to let go.

"I'll help you sit in the car for a while." Luo Ye popped up the car door again.

Lin Wanyu leaned on the elk leather fighter seat, dry mouth and panting. "I don't usually do this. Maybe, maybe it's because of the pressure recently."

"Yeah." Luo Ye nodded. After leaving Lin Wanyu's physical contact, he felt as if he had unloaded a heavy burden, and his shoulders involuntarily relaxed a little.

"It's terrible," Lin Wanyu sighed, "I'm here to deal with Fang Tianming, but in my sick state, where can I win?" Every conversation with Fang Tianming will be a secret battle. Fang Tianming retreats for advancement, so she must come up with countermeasures that fit her identity.

"What do you want to do?" Luo Ye asked.

Lin Wanyu sighed, lowered her eyelids, and said weakly, "I... I haven't figured it out yet."

"Man is a knife, you are a fish," Luo Ye laughed, "I think you should wash it and wait for it to be slaughtered."

"I'm not fish." Lin Wanyu tightened her chin, and the dizziness slowly disappeared from her body.

"Well, you are a fish bowl." Luo Ye said.

Lin Wanyu bit her lip, "You don't seem to want me to meet Fang Tianming."

Because you will definitely lose. Luo Yejiang swallowed the words that had already reached his lips. "Wait, don't worry. When the people who should be there are all here, it's not too late for you to be slaughtered." He said with a chuckle.

"Waiting for everyone? Are you saying that someone else will come?" Lin Wanyu patted his forehead lightly, "Oh, I'm so stupid. Fang Tianming is in such a sensitive position and heard the news of his illness and hospitalization. , I, the president, come to see him, and other people will definitely come to see him."

This is a good opportunity to distinguish the strength of Fang Tianming's faction! Lin Wanyu couldn't wait any longer.

Reventon parked quietly, watching the traffic passing by at the intersection.

"Here." Lin Wanyu's face had already recovered a little blood. She pointed to a pair of drove cars and said: "These are the cars of Dingxin Company. I didn't expect so many people to come all at once—and they were still there. Work time!" She gritted her teeth, preparing to lift the car door.

Luo Ye grabbed her hand. "Are you in a hurry to die?"

"If I don't fight Fang Tianming, can I survive?" Lin Wanyu's mouth twisted slightly, forming a wry smile.

Luo Ye stared at her. After a long time, he said: "Wait a while, wait for them to talk for a while before going."

"Yeah." A bright color flashed across Lin Wanyu's face, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Luo Ye suddenly realized that he was still holding Lin Wanyu's hand, and he hurriedly released it, but the feeling of losing himself was still unstoppable from his fingertips.

The silence lasted for a long time. Luo Ye lifted the car door, "Can you go by yourself?" He said coldly, without a hint of questioning.

"I think it should be okay." Lin Wanyu seemed to have gotten used to Luo Ye's attitude. She adjusted her breathing and walked out of Reventon.

She hasn't figured out how to face Fang Tianming's "retreat as progress", but she is sure that as long as Luo Ye is there, she will be fearless.