The CEO of Slutty Killer

Chapter 75: Blood trough


Luo Ye's careless attitude made Lin Wanyu very hurt. She really couldn't understand. Isn't her attractiveness worse than a roast suckling pig!

"You just said it was my personal bodyguard," Lin Wanyu bit her lower lip lightly, "but you let me go by myself, then what kind of personal bodyguard?"

Luo Ye replied with a joking expression: "Didn't I have posted on your body this morning? Do you want to be posted by me again? Can't you leave some space for each other?"

"You!" Lin Wanyu flushed angrily, and said angrily: "Well, you can stay and spend time with the pig. I'll just leave when the time comes."

This was just her angry words, the snow outside was still falling, and she didn't mean to stop, she couldn't leave at all.

Luo Ye laughed, "You scolded both masters, it's not good—"

"Where did I curse?"

"You just said let me accompany the pig—" Luo Ye raised his eyebrows at Hu Jiyao and Li Yifeng badly.

"I, I didn't mean that!" Lin Wanyu hurriedly explained to Hu Jiyao, who laughed without saying a word, "I'm talking about the pig on the table—"

"You said you are competing with a suckling pig for favor." Luo Ye shook his head and sighed.

"I, I don't!" Lin Wanyu wanted to stand up and throw her hands away. Although she had a good etiquette education, she still couldn't bear being so teased by Luo Ye.

Hu Jiyao took Lin Wanyu's hand, "Sister Wanyu, you need to relax and rest. Dingxin is a mature and big company, and everything needs to be done slowly."

This sentence sounds simple, but the hand she placed on the back of Lin Wanyu's hand made Lin Wanyu feel warm.

Li Yifeng also took the opportunity to say: "Yeah, cousin Wanyu, don't worry about leaving. The Snowflake Party is still very interesting. What's more, our cousins have not seen each other for more than ten years. I am sad."

Lin Wanyu frowned in embarrassment. She didn't understand that now is the critical period for the company's personnel transfer. Luo Yeming knows this, why must she stay here

Is it really for a suckling pig? !

Luo Ye looked at Hu Jiyao with a smirk, "I think it would be more appropriate for Xiao Yao to be the president of Dingxin."

Hu Jiyao was shocked, and the hand placed on the back of Lin Wanyu's hand trembled. This sentence went straight to the point, and she had to use a hasty smile to cover up her uneasy emotions, "Mr. Luo, you can really make a joke."

Li Yifeng looked at Luo Ye with caution, "Brother Luo, is the joking a bit too big? The Li family has already withdrawn from Dingxin Company, and will not return to Dingxin to take up any position—"

Luo Ye asked: "Are you married?"

It's another depth bomb. Hu Jiyao suddenly felt that everything they had pretended and said before was done and said in vain. In front of Luo Ye, it seemed useless to cover up—fortunately, this feeling was fleeting.

Li Yifeng was a little uncomfortable, "No." He waited for Luo Ye to continue to ask questions, and then explained with the excuses he had thought of long ago—

Luo Ye just smiled and didn't speak any more-his purpose of questioning had been achieved.

Lin Wanyu's heart moved, "Cousin Ji Yao, oh no, sister Ji Yao, would you like to come to Dingxin Company to help me? Since you are not married yet, this is not a violation of the Li family's rules."

Hu Jiyao blinked, and after about a few seconds, she smiled and replied, "I don’t like to show up, but it’s not good to refuse you on this ground. Please let me consider it and ask you to stay for fun. Can you play?"

Lin Wanyu nodded, so that it made sense to stay. Hu Jiyao is dignified, unhurried, gentle and decent, but she is definitely not the kind of person who can be manipulated at will. If she can be invited to serve as the minister of the Ministry of Supervision, whether it is from social status or management ability, very suitable. She smiled, "Okay, since sister Ji Yao said so, I will stay."

Hu Jiyao also smiled at her, but this smile looked a little far-fetched.

"Just stay." Li Yifeng showed a relaxed smile on his face, "Cousin Wanyu, at night, you will understand that your decision is very correct. In addition to the ranch, Nanshan Manor also has Ice lake, ski resort, hunting ground-in the afternoon, we will go to the ice lake to set up tents and have an ice bonfire barbecue, and then go to the ski resort and hunting ground-skiing at night, hunting at night, it will be quite exciting!"

Lin Wanyu remembered the snow fox mentioned by the gatekeeper, and asked, "Is there really a prey like a snow fox in Nanshan Manor?"

Li Yifeng said: "Of course, we don't know where it came from, but I have seen it with my own eyes-it is all white, the color is exactly the same as snow, it is very beautiful, and very cunning. That snow fox often bites. We made a lot of traps for the wild pheasant in the dead manor, and we didn’t even catch it after several large-scale hunts-it is too powerful."

Aunt Wu, the maid on the side, was full of contempt.

Lin Wanyu asked confusedly: "What do you use to catch it? Gun?" In this country, private possession of firearms is not allowed.

Li Yifeng smiled and shook his head, "The sound of the gun is too loud, so we shoot with bows and crossbows."

"Bows and arrows and crossbow shooting?" Lin Wanyu asked: "Like ancient people?"

Li Yifeng shook his head, "The style is similar, but the materials and workmanship of the weapons are quite different from the ancient times. All bows, arrows and crossbows are made of high-tech carbon steel, and the speed and accuracy are not inferior to thermal weapons. The power is even far superior to pistols and semi-automatic rifles."

Lin Wanyu slapped her tongue and said, "Is it so powerful?"

Li Yifeng quite proudly said: "If you have strong strength, you can use a recurve bow and a compound bow. If you want to pursue a sense of killing, you can use a crossbow. I once shot a hare in the woods of Nanshan with a crossbow. The golden crossbow arrow shot directly through its head and inserted it into the trunk. I couldn't pull it out with a lot of strength. In the end, I had no choice but to cut off a part of the trunk with an Indian hand axe, and finally got the prey. ."

Lin Wanyu frowned, she couldn't imagine the bloody scene at that time.

Li Yifeng continued: "I still remember the location of the tree. When the hunting starts in the evening, I will take you to see-by the way, Brother Luo, what kind of weapon do you like? A bow or a crossbow? I will give you at that time. Pick the best."

"Knife." Luo Ye answered as he watched the old maid skillfully cut the roast pork. The crispy skin crackled slightly under the sharp knife, and the hot oil slowly flowed out of the knife.

"Sword?" Li Yifeng was taken aback for a while, then laughed out loud, "Brother Luo, believe me, you can't hunt Nanshan animals with a knife. Let alone a snow fox, you can't hunt even a rabbit. They are very cunning and run fast, only the bow and crossbow can catch up to them."

"Who said I was going to hunt animals?" Luo Ye said lightly.

"Then what are you hunting?" Li Yifeng asked curiously.

"People." Luo Ye said: "A person who is invisible to everyone."

A trace of unease passed across Li Yifeng's face. "Brother Luo, you really love to make jokes, well, even if you are right, crossbows are better than swords when hunting people." He tried to shift the topic to hunting.

Luo Ye smiled lightly, "Bows and arrows can't bend, knives can. When the knife rises and falls, you can only see a perfect arc, followed by a gush of blood.

Lin Wanyu took a deep breath and couldn't help but recall the scene when Luo Ye dealt with dozens of security team members.

Cold, bloody, and without mercy—Although Luo Ye still has a smile on his face, Lin Wanyu can still feel that he is exerting psychological pressure on Li Yifeng.

Li Yifeng's brows moved, his mental quality was fairly good, and he did not show the slightest timidity. He pointed to the greasy knife in Aunt Wu's hand and asked, "Brother Luo, what do you think of this meat cleaver?"

This kind of knife is sharp, but it is held in the hands of an aging maid.

"This is not a knife, but a tableware." Luo Ye said: "Only a knife with a blood groove is a knife in the true sense."

"Ha!" Li Yifeng seemed to find a loophole in Luo Ye's words, and retorted: "But a knife without a blood tank can kill people. Look at how sharp the tip of this knife is!"

Luo Ye smiled softly, "You use this knife to kill a person who is weaker in strength and experience than you, or even unarmed. Of course, it’s okay. But since your opponent is weaker than you and has less experience than you, then even if you don’t A knife can also kill the opponent. But the problem is that you can't always encounter enemies with less strength than you."

Li Yifeng shrugged noncommittal, "Anyway, none of us has really killed anyone with a knife, and there is no point in arguing."

Lin Wanyu frowned slightly, "I listened to you for a long time, what is the blood trough?"

"It's just a groove in the blade," Li Yifeng explained: "I feel that it's just for the pursuit of beauty."

Luo Ye smiled and said, "The blood trough is a groove that allows blood to flow out more quickly, and is far from the pursuit of beauty."

Li Yifeng pressed his mouth tightly and did not refute, but his eyes were rather dissatisfied.

Luo Ye continued: "First, the blood trough will make the wound more complicated, rather than just opening a cut. A wound pierced by a knife with a blood trough will be more difficult to heal than a normal knife. Special scars."

Li Yifeng thought for a while, "I agree with this point, but crossbows can also be done." The disadvantage of crossbows is that they can't be bloodletted, so there are often situations where a few arrows still stand tall in the prey.

"Second," Luo Ye continued: "In actual close combat, the muscles of the whole body are extremely tense. The muscles will form a natural defensive shield. When the knife pierces the body, part of the body is pierced. The muscles will firmly suck the blade with an unimaginable tension in daily life. Ordinary knives will consume more power to be pulled out, and the amount of blood is not much bloodletting, and the overall attack smoothness will be greatly reduced, while knives with blood grooves The more you fight, the more courage you will be. This difference is subtle, but the impact is fatal."

Li Yifeng pursed his lips, and said not to be outdone: "Since Brother Luo is a bodyguard, and he likes knives so much, he must not leave his body, can I see your knives?"

"No—" Luo Ye refused bluntly: "When I hold the knife, it's when I'm ready to let the bloodletter."

When Li Yifeng was about to say something, a party car parked in front of Nanshan Villa.

Outside the window, the snow fell and heavier, and it didn't mean to stop at all.