The CEO of Slutty Killer

Chapter 93: resentment


The battle seemed to have begun a few centuries ago, but it ended in just a few seconds.

With a punch, a kick, and a weird dodge, the two sides are superior in strength.

When and at what angle the knife pierced the body was completely unimportant at this moment. Luo Ye's killing skills were almost seamless, and Yuan Xingmei's stabbing was almost destined.

Fate—the moment the knife was hit, Yuan Xingmei's mind suddenly flashed these two words.

As a person who treats blood and danger as commonplace, the happiest thing is not to live long, but to die under the sword of a master. This stabbing made Yuan Xingmei feel relieved, as if all the troubles and resentments in life had been cut off by this heavy knife.

But this was just the feeling of a moment when the hunting knife pierced into it. When the hunting knife was pulled out of the abdomen, the serrations and blood grooves on the back of the knife made her groan. Now, Luo Ye's hunting knife was still resting on her neck, and her cold touch awakened her thinking again.

Yuan Xingmei's chest was ups and downs, her white fingers pressed tightly on the damaged spleen, trying to curb the speed of blood flow. She thought it was an easy assassination, but she didn't expect Li Yifeng to hide a top master. With just a few tricks, she shortened the lifespan of a special forces member who had been training for more than ten years to five minutes.

five minutes. Yuan Xingmei smiled sadly-really amazing.

She realized that she had encountered an experienced assassin who knew where to stab the human body with a knife, so that people could not die. The importance of the spleen is self-evident. It is one of the softest tissues in the human body and the tissue with the largest amount of bleeding. If the human body loses 50% of the blood, it will die. If the spleen is pierced, it is likely to cause shock and death due to excessive bleeding within a few seconds. In fighting, the spleen is even more important than the arteries.

Most of the novices who fight on the street are often inexperienced and don’t understand the importance of the spleen. They often stabbed with a knife when they didn’t agree with each other. Originally, they just wanted to scare people and didn’t mean to kill. Hit the opponent's spleen, leading to tragedy. The veteran will pay special attention to this kind of thing, and will be careful, so the street melee is not afraid of encountering an enemy who cuts off your finger, and is afraid of encountering a novice who doesn't understand anything.

Luo Ye stabbed her in the spleen. Obviously, it was not a "novice on the street", but deliberately. His control of strength and angle has reached its peak, superb, and even reached the level of controlling the length of life.

What kind of killer is he, he is simply a god of death.

Once the spleen is punctured and there is no timely hemostasis treatment, which can last from a few days to a few seconds, death will come and life will stop.

Five minutes is long and long, and short and short. It can make Yuan Xingmei die or make her alive. Everything is in the hands of the young and cold death god in front of him.

Obviously, these five minutes are the interrogation time. If Yuan Xingmei wants to survive, she must give Luo Ye a satisfactory answer within two minutes, and then use the remaining three points to receive treatment, otherwise--

But Luo Ye didn't open his mouth to question, he just pressed the blood-stained hunting knife tightly against Yuan Xingmei's neck. A faint suffocation and a slight surprise were revealed between the eyebrows.

At this time, Yuan Xingmei already understood the confusion in Luo Ye's heart. She opened her mouth and said, "My target is Li Yifeng, not your Lin Wanyu." She took a weak breath, and the blood from the spleen was still flowing out uncontrollably.

"Explain." Luo Ye's voice was quiet and frightening. His knife relaxed slightly, or he didn't really relax, but deliberately let Yuan Xingmei see the hope of survival.

"Private grievances." Yuan Xingmei's body began to tremble slightly, she felt that she was not far from shock. In order to assassinate Li Yifeng, she defied the order of her superiors and left the team without authorization. Even if she survives a catastrophe today, she will face the trial of the "Southwest Falcon" special forces in the future.

As the country's best special forces, they will never tolerate her such violations easily.

She spent her entire life as a bet in order to kill Li Yifeng, and she has no regrets until now when the blood is flowing. Thinking of this, her eyes began to become firm. "Unless I die, I will definitely kill Li Yifeng by myself."

"Are you alone?" Luo Ye asked.

Yuan Xingmei was a little startled, and then realized Luo Ye's worries. "Yes, those truck workers just came to steal money, it has nothing to do with me."

Luo Ye nodded slightly, although the hunting knife in his hand was still resting on Yuan Xingmei's neck, the muscles were obviously loosened. He didn't want to get involved in Li Yifeng's grudges. What he was looking for was the killer who assassinated Lin Wanyu, and then uncovered the black hand behind the scenes, found top-secret information, and completed his mission in the CIA. As for Yuan Xingmei's assassination of Li Yifeng, it has nothing to do with him. A woman killing a man is nothing more than a romantic debt. Although there seems to be another secret from the contact between the two, Luo Ye has no time to care about it.

Yuan Xingmei felt Luo Ye's entire body slack off, and she was surprised at first. It was hard for her to imagine that a death-level killer would expose such a flaw. But the blood in the body was losing rapidly. She didn't have time to think too much. She quickly rehearsed the attack in her mind, and then immediately seized the opportunity to open the hunting knife with one hand, and at the same time smashed Luo Ye with the fist full of blood. Cheeks. Her movements are fast, accurate and ruthless, it is hard to imagine that it was a movement made by a seriously injured woman.

But her physical strength was only enough to sustain this move. After one move, she jumped and rolled directly towards the foot of the mountain. If Luo Ye pursued her, she would definitely die.

Luo Ye watched Yuan Xingmei disappear into the dark snowy night, and stroked his cheek with his teeth. It hurts, but not hard. The hard part is that he must, knowing that he can avoid Yuan Xingmei’s attack, resist the hunting knife in his hand from tearing Yuan Xingmei’s throat—

On the iris in front of him suddenly appeared the text of Peter Mart's question: "Roge, Victoria asked, why did you let the woman go?"

"Pretty." Luo Ye smiled badly.

As soon as the voice fell, a line of bright red text appeared on his iris. Luo Ye guessed that Victoria was in the battle personally. Victoria asked: "Don't let go of your identity! You can't reveal your identity, catch up and kill her!"

"It's the most poisonous woman's heart." Luo Ye jokingly shook his head, "I stabbed her to the point. Even if I don't chase her, she won't be able to hold on for long."

"The other party is the Southwest Falcon Special Forces! Even if there is only one second gap, she can survive!" Victoria's font quickly appeared in front of Luo Ye.

Luo Ye patted his head suddenly, "Ha, I forgot, you are from the CIA, and the Falcons are your enemy. Haha."

After a long pause, the Victorian font reappeared in front of Luo Ye. "you do this delibrately."

"She suddenly made a trick to steal the peach from the monkey, and I was not prepared." Luo Ye shrugged and made an innocent expression.

"What monkey steals a peach!" Victoria quickly typed a string of words angrily. After sending it several times without success, when she looked up at the screen, she only saw an electronic snowflake. "What's the matter?!" she asked Peter Mart loudly.

Peter Ma quickly tapped the keyboard, "Communication was forcibly interrupted."

"Luo Ye took off his eyes?" Victoria asked incredulously.

Peter Ma wiped the sweat from the tip of his nose and shook his head vigorously, "No, this is an external reason. All communication lines were cut off at the same time. No matter how awesome hackers are, they can't maintain communication without a signal. ."

"What about satellites?" Victoria asked, "Aren't there many satellites? Are not all weather satellites, scientific and technological satellites, and military satellites available?"

Peter Ma looked serious, as if he had been severely insulted, "Of course I know that new communication channels can be established through satellites, but there are strong signal interference sources near Nanshan. Without destroying the interference sources, I will not be able to restore communication."

Victoria pondered for a while, "It must be the workers, and they also have helpers outside."

Peter Mart nodded, "Then what shall we do now? Why wait?"

Victoria sneered coldly, "Waiting is not my style-tiger bear!"

Huxiong took a step forward. "Miss, please order."

"Notify the CIA Asia Pacific Division," Victoria continued as he walked towards the "Batley" heavy sniper rifle, "Let them prepare a helicopter for me."

"Yes." Huxiong bowed slightly and quickly exited the combat training room.

"Victoria, Miss Victoria," Peter Ma said uncomfortably, "Now the wind and snow are blowing and the visibility is very low. Forcibly flying will be very dangerous."

Victoria skillfully disassembled the Bartley sniper rifle and put it in a special suitcase, with a soft smile at the corner of her mouth, "I am the most dangerous..."

On the slope of Nanshan Mountain, Luo Ye blinked his eyes vigorously, but he was still unable to restore communication with the combat training room. When in the field, Peter Mart’s logistical guidance played a big role. Now, except for night vision, all other functions of contact lenses are useless.

He took out his cell phone and found that the signal of the cell phone was also restricted from calling.

At this time, a bright signal flare in the distance suddenly lifted into the sky, and then slowly fell, almost reflecting the entire Nanshan in red. Immediately afterwards, a red flare rose in the direction of the Binghu Campfire camp, echoing each other.

Luo Ye squinted his eyes towards the night sky, and muttered: "Nanshan Manor, you recruited the rich man and the robbers together, what trick do you want to play?"