The CEO of Slutty Killer

Chapter 97: punishment


grim Reaper? ! This guy... actually claims to be a god of death!

It must be a bluff! The bald gangster’s teeth trembled in his mouth, and the hands holding the handle of the gun were full of sweat. He locked the muzzle firmly to Luo Ye, trying not to look at the body of the tall gangster—he died completely, the previous one. The second was still in high spirits, and the next second was lifeless. The bald gangster subconsciously swallowed his saliva and shouted in a sharp voice: "Don't move! Throw away your weapon! I will really shoot!" He opened the ak47 insurance. He only hoped that "Reaper" would also be afraid of bullets.

"Luo Ye! Be careful!" Lin Wanyu almost lost consciousness. The dead gangster's body was heavily pressed on her. She tried to push him away, but she didn't have any strength at all. This is very strange, when she thinks she is alone, she can fight back desperately, but when Luo Ye appeared, all her power disappeared instantly, as if liberated. Because she subconsciously believed that as long as Luo Ye was there, she would no longer be in danger. It's just that this bald gangster is more cunning than the tall gangster. Lin Wanyu hopes that his reminder will attract Luo Ye's attention.

Luo Ye's holding a bloody hunting knife, standing quietly in the white snow. He didn't look at Lin Wanyu, as if he didn't come for her at all, but for the two gangsters.

He smiled at the bald gangster, cold and cruel, as if amused by a very funny joke. His voice was very soft, cold, and sharp: "Is it faster than anyone else?" The hunting knife quickly pulled out a knife between his fingers, effortlessly, soft and flexible.

The bald gangster seemed to want to remove the gun, because he was not too sure that he could hit Luo Ye. Reason tells him that holding Lin Wanyu is the best policy. But Lin Wanyu was crushed under the body of the tall gangster, and he didn't have time to go up and get her out. After hesitating a little, he still shifted the muzzle to Lin Wanyu's direction-at least Lin Wanyu was a "fixed target" and would not move or disappear like the "Reaper". He tremblingly said in an obviously pretentiously tough voice: "I count to five. If you don't surrender obediently, I will kill her!"

"I only count to three." Luo Ye said gently.

The bald gangster looked at Luo Ye who was in the shadows, as if looking at a deep well at midnight. "No, you dare not..."

"One." Luo Ye had already started counting.

The bald gangster's face was pale, and he grabbed ak47 with all his strength, "I want to kill her! I want to kill her!"

"Two." Luo Ye didn't care and continued to count down.

The bald gangster suffered a sudden cardiac arrest, and his brain's thoughts were poured clean like buckets of water-there was only one thought left: even if he could really kill Lin Wanyu, he would definitely die. It doesn't seem to be a problem to kill Lin Wanyu, as long as he shoots a shot, but the problem is that he doesn't want to die.

"One… "

"Hold on! Hold on!" The bald gangster raised his hands and knelt on his knees, "I surrender! Don't kill me! I surrender!"

In the blink of an eye, Luo Ye had disappeared, leaving only a faint afterimage on the retina of the bald gangster. He just wanted to exclaim, but he was driving a cold hunting knife on his neck, and he realized that Luo Ye had flashed behind him.

"You..." he said tremblingly, "Who are you?" No, how can people be so fast

"Throw away the gun." Luo Ye's cold voice sounded from behind him, "Answer me a few questions."

"Will you really spare me not to die?" The bald gangster couldn't help but looked at the body of his companion who had started to stiffen. Just now, the tall gangster tried to force Lin Wanyu and was killed by Luo Ye. He was also an accomplice. He didn't believe that Luo Ye would really spare him.

Luo Ye's voice was as cold as iron, "I ask questions, and you only have the right to answer. In order to save unnecessary hide-and-seek and scheming, I think it is necessary for you to understand my attitude."

The bald gangster blinked in confusion. Before thinking about it, the pressure of the hunting knife on his neck suddenly disappeared, and then his right hand felt cold. Something fell on the snow, making a slight noise.

He looked at his right side in confusion, and saw that the first joints of the five fingers were neatly cut off!

"Ah!" The piercing pain made him hiss loudly, and he fell into the snow, writhing in the red snow like an indigestion python.

Luo Ye appeared in front of him, and the shadow spread from his body, like a black mist. He squatted down, grabbed the left hand of the bald gangster, and inserted the hunting knife into the first joint of his thumb. "Now, can we reach an agreement that only tells the truth and doesn't play any tricks?"

"Yes! Yes!" the bald gangster shouted in pain.

Luo Ye lightly patted the bald gangster's bald head, "The first question, how many of you are there?"

"Thirty-six people." The bald gangster hurriedly replied, "But five have died, and now there are only 31 people left. Dadong is our leader. He retired from the army and found out when he returned home. My home was forcibly demolished, and my old lady was left on the street for a whole night unattended, frozen to death alive, so we had this robbery plan. We didn’t intend to hurt people, we really just wanted to steal money from the rich, and then Escape from this country—"

Luo Ye nodded very satisfied, "Very well, you will all rush to answer. The second question, why rob Nanshan Manor?"

The bald gangster froze for a moment, and extreme fear spread in his heart, and his faint voice was intermittent under the influence of pain. "I don't know... No, no, I'm serious. I really don't know why Nanshan Manor was robbed. Maybe Dadong knew that there was such a party for the rich, and knew that the security measures here were in vain."

Luo Ye made a soothing gesture. "Hmm, don't be afraid, I know you won't lie to me. As long as you answer the third question honestly, I can let you go."

A glimmer of hope flashed in the eyes of the bald gangster. "what is the problem?"

Luo Ye said softly, "Did you participate in hurting this girl?"

The bald gangster's heart was frozen in his chest, and he said in horror: "No, no, this is a misunderstanding. I just grabbed her and didn't want to hurt her. It was all that tall man—"

Lin Wanyu couldn't bear to watch cruel things happen again. She hurriedly said, "Luo Ye, they didn't hurt me, let him go." She gathered some strength and tried to push away the tall gangster's body again, but it was still in vain. When he retracted, his hands were covered with cold, sticky blood.

Luo Ye still ignored Lin Wanyu's words, as if she didn't exist at all. He grabbed the bald gangster's left hand again, "Which hand did you hold on her?" His voice was flat, as if the teacher asked the student a simple question.

The bald gangster looked at Luo Ye dullly, "Both hands, both..."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a palpitating chill at the base of the left thumb, and then the pale bones appeared. Luo Ye's movements are very slow, just like slow motion in a movie.

"No! No!" The bald gangster couldn't stand the pain of torture. He struggled to get rid of Luo Ye's hand. To his surprise, Luo Ye didn't exert any effort, but let him pull out his severed finger. He knew that this matter was far from over, so he begged for mercy: "I'm just an accomplice at best, not a mastermind!" The tall gangster was killed by Luo Ye, and his accomplice had to endure such cruel torture. . "It's not fair!"

"Most of the time, accomplices are more hateful than the mastermind." Luo Ye's voice suddenly became as severe as an iron rod: "Because you know that you are guilty, you also deliberately help the sin. People are always unaware of gratitude when they are alive-to be with the mastermind. Than, at least you are still alive and can shout loudly. For this, you should be grateful."

"Please—" The bald gangster's arms trembled violently, and he begged: "I already know that I was wrong, please let me go."

Luo Ye shook his head lightly and sighed. "I can't count the number of people begging for mercy. Do you think your begging for mercy is different to me from others? Accepting your due punishment is the smartest move." He reached out to the bald gangster." Here, there are four more fingers."

The body of the bald gangster was stiff and numb due to the excessive pain. He could not control his trembling left hand and slowly placed it on Luo Ye's palm. He expects a relief.

Luo Ye smiled satisfied with him, but the hunting knife was still slow and ruthless.

The bald gangster screamed, feeling the pain of the steel being cut through the bone. By the time of the last finger, his throat was completely silent.

After the last finger was cut off, the tension in the air instantly disappeared, and the whole body of the bald gangster fell soft. He fell forward and supported the snowy ground with his severed fingers. The sweat on his face rained down on the snow, and his eyebrows prolapsed and stuck to his face.

"You can go now." Luo Ye said with a smile.

"Thank you..." The bald gangster stood up tremblingly, put his severed finger mixed with ice-cold snow into the bag with difficulty, and then quickly left this place of horror that made him unforgettable.

"Luo Ye, get me out quickly." Lin Wanyu said in a weak voice. She has been pressed in the snow for more than ten minutes, and her body is almost frozen.

Luo Ye did not answer her, but calmly walked to the corpse of the culprit, dragged the corpse off Lin Wanyu, and then began to search for it. He first searched for two magazines and four tactical grenades, and then found a kettle with a small water cup from his backpack.

Lin Wanyu struggled to support her body and sighed heavily. She tried to ignore the blood that had solidified on her body. "Fortunately, you arrived in time." Without Luo Ye, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Luo Ye stripped off the snow-proof camouflage uniform of the tall gangster, stuffed all the warm clothes into his army bag, and then cut the stiff corpse of the gangster with a hunting knife.

"What are you doing?!" Lin Wanyu screamed. She looked at the corpses that were divided like steaks, her stomach twitched, and she couldn't help but vomit.

"I'll prepare dinner for you again." Luo Ye tied a few corpses with a rope, then picked up the ak47 on the ground, weighed it, turned and left.

"Hey!" Lin Wanyu exclaimed. She didn't expect Luo Ye to ignore her at all. She wanted to stand up and follow, but her body didn't even have any strength. She panicked and shouted: "Luo Ye, what do you mean-"

Luo Ye did not turn his head.

he is very angry.