The CEO’s Pregnant Wife

Chapter 14: Love robbery


It had been three days on the carriage, Chu Zhuyu lifted the curtain of the carriage and looked at the approaching city wall outside. On the city wall, the two characters hanging high are "Changping" instead of "Chongzhou".

"Is it really okay for you to come to Changping?" Chu Zhuyu once again glanced at Xiao Zhizhi who was sitting in the carriage.

"To pacify the chaos, sometimes it's better to be late than early." He was holding a scroll of scriptures in his hand, and he was looking at the scriptures he had already memorized by heart. He has asked Liu Xiaowei to bring the 50,000 army to Chongzhou, and what he really wants to use is the 3,000 elites in his hands. Not directly to Chongzhou, but bypassing Changping and going to Chongzhou, just to see who is the real black hand behind the Chongzhou rogue rebellion.

Chu Zhuyu didn't understand these military matters at all, she just excitedly looked at Delicate outside the carriage, and kept mumbling: "When I arrive at Changping in a while, I have to go to the tea shop to have a good look, Changping. The most famous one is black tea, I don't know what good tea I will encounter this time…”

"Zhuyu?" Xiao Zhizhi closed the scriptures in his hand, lifted the curtain through Zhuyu, and looked at the sky outside, "Are you going to see my master?"

"Your master?" She suddenly remembered that his master, General Xiao, was not the same as—"You mean the eminent monk Huiwu?"

"Master is in this Buddhist temple in Changping. Since he is here, it's better to go and see his old man."

"Can I see Zen Master Huiwu?" Chu Zhuyu asked in surprise. He was an eminent monk who had attained the Tao. It is said that once the emperor came in person, Zen Master Huiwu did not go to see him because he retreated.

"Of course." He smiled lightly. "Besides, you are the one I chose, so I should let Master take a look."

All the way, the carriage has entered the Changping City. On the second day, Chu Zhuyu finally saw this eminent monk who was praised by the world. Kindness is her first feeling. White beard, white eyebrows, in those eyes of wisdom, there is great wisdom and great compassion. It's just that the other party's thin body is a little different from what she originally imagined.

It is said that Xiao Zhizhi is the most beloved disciple of Zen Master Huiwu. It is said that Zen Master Huiwu taught Xiao Zhizhi all his peerless martial arts. I only sigh that it is difficult to find someone with a higher understanding than Xiao Zhizhi at this time...


There are countless rumors that it is enough to see that the relationship between Zen Master Huiwu and Xiao Zhizhi is not an ordinary master and apprentice, but at this moment, this pair of master and apprentice stared wide-eyed in front of the Buddhist temple.

"It's her?" Hui Wu's eyes were fixed on Chu Zhuyu, and the seemingly waveless eyes were actually infinite.

"Yes." Xiao Zhizhi answered with certainty.



"Does she know?" Zen Master Huiwu kept his eyes fixed on Chu Zhuyu, as if he didn't want to miss the slightest bit.

"I don't know." Xiao Zhizhi shook his head, while Chu Zhuyu was inexplicable. What they were talking about seemed to have something to do with her... er, something.

"Decided to let her know?"



With an extremely firm tone, Zen Master Huiwu sighed lightly, "Jueqing, I have something to say to you alone, come in."

After saying that, he took the lead in walking into the Buddhist temple.

After Xiao Zhizhi gave Chu Zhuyu a "wait for me a moment" look, he also followed into the hall.

Zen Master Huiwu led Xiao Zhizhi into a meditation room in the temple, then sat down and said slowly: "Since you have made a decision, I don't have much to say as a teacher, but I have already reminded you. , in your life, there will be a big calamity. If you are not emotional in this life, you can be at peace, if you are emotional, then…”

"Will he die?" Xiao Zhizhi raised his eyebrows, without showing any fear on his face, "If you can't get what you want in this life, then life and death are not much different."

"You fell in love with this woman, she is yours, you died for her, won't you regret it?" Back then, he spied on the secrets of heaven and figured out the greatest catastrophe that his most beloved disciple would encounter in his life.

"If she really died because of her, it would be good."

"If she knew that she was your calamity and would harm you, would she still stay by your side?" Hui Wu looked at the disciple who was already deeply in love. He once thought that this cold-hearted disciple would not encounter emotional obstacles. But people's calculations are not as good as God's calculations. If you don't love, it doesn't mean you won't love. Once you love, the obstacle will be deeper.

"She won't know." Xiao Zhizhi swiped the beads one by one across his fingertips. Having the beads in hand has become a habit for many years, "Even if she finds out, I won't let go."

The sound as clear as running water sounded like this in the meditation room. Xiao Zhizhi got up and walked out of the Zen room, while Zen Master Huiwu closed his eyes and recited the scriptures over and over again.


The word love, some people can see through it, and some people can't penetrate it in their entire life.

Whether it is affectionate or ruthless, no one in this world can tell.

Chu Zhuyu was standing outside the hall. The weather in April was still a little cool. She shrank slightly and rubbed her hands together to create some warmth.

Suddenly, she saw Xiao Zhizhi walking out of the hall, but she didn't see Chan Master Huiwu, "What's the matter, Chan Master Huiwu didn't come with you..."

The next moment, her body had been embraced into that warm embrace, and his strong arms were strangling her bones, almost holding her breathless.

"It's so uncomfortable, don't hold it so tightly, I'm almost out of breath." She protested.

As if he hadn't heard of it, he just hugged her tightly and whispered in her ear, "I won't let go, I won't let go no matter what!"

"What happened? Let me go now?" His unusual behavior made her a little uneasy.

He stiffened, slowly raised his head and stared at her, "Zhuyu, in this life, I can't let go of you."

Maybe it was because his eyes were too serious, and his expression was too serious, she said sternly: "I don't understand, I just have an ordinary appearance, I don't know martial arts, and I don't have any talent. I only know how to make tea."

"I don't know either. At first, it was just the smell of your tea that attracted me, and then your tea made me feel good, and holding you made me feel very comfortable. Over time, I didn't want those things to let others come. Replace. I just want to drink the tea you made all the time and hug you to sleep, I feel very happy. Then, your voice, your smile, I want to own and monopolize all of them. Only then did I know that I have I fell in love with you." Xiao Zhi said word by word, even if she was his robbery, he couldn't let go.

"But... But aren't there many women who like you?"

"If it's not what I want, what's the point of having so many people like me." All his feelings were already attached to her, and it was impossible to share the slightest bit with others. So... "Zhuyu, you love me too, okay?"

Chu Zhuyu stared blankly at Xiao Zhizhi, can she love him? This man is admired by the world like a god of war.