The CEO’s Villainess Childhood Friend

Chapter 55: Want to be on top


Really have kids!

Xing Yichen felt that his breath was tight, he took a step forward and walked to Qiao Moyu: "Moyu, whose child is it?"

He asked, didn't he frame her! Ye Peicheng is still there, maybe she will feel that she and Xing Yichen had a relationship before!

Qiao Moyu suddenly became angry: "Didn't you make it clear that day? Why are you here again? And what do you mean by asking, I have nothing to do with you at all!"

However, before Xing Yichen spoke, Ye Peicheng opened his mouth instead, his eyes fell silently on Xing Yichen, and his tone was dull: "The child is mine."

After saying that, he turned around, carried Luo Luo to Qiao Moyu's house, knocked on the door, and handed Luo Luo to Yu's wife first.

Seeing that Xing Yichen's eyes followed Luo Luo and disappeared, Qiao Moyu knew that this matter must be resolved. She rushed to Xing Yichen and said, "Wait for me."

After all, she had hurried to the room, and after a while, she took out a file bag.

"Mr. Xing, do you still remember the audition for "Light Before Dawn"? At that time, I met you in the bathroom. I pretended to fall, but I actually took the opportunity to pull out your hair." Qiao Moyu raised her eyes and locked Xing Yichen : "Indeed, I wondered if the child was yours at the time, because it was an accident more than three years ago, and I didn't see Luo Luo's father. And that hotel is a hotel you often go to, I thought it was you, So, I did this identification report."

After she finished speaking, she handed over the file bag: "In the end, you can see for yourself!"

Xing Yichen remembered that time, he thought Qiao Moyu deliberately flopped to throw her arms around. At that time, when his scalp hurt, he thought she had scratched it accidentally, but—

He took the file bag and looked directly at the conclusion.

"The two genetic samples do not conform to the laws of genetics and are not parent-child relationship."

Xing Yichen read the report three times, and at this moment, he felt that a basin of ice water was poured on his head, and his body was instantly cold.

There is a date on the report, which is the original time. Therefore, Qiao Moyu did not lie.

The child is not his, not only because of this report, but also because he was so close just now. After looking at the child carefully, it was obviously not like him.

The only hope in his heart was cut off like this, and his brain was in a trance for a moment.

At this time, Ye Peicheng opened his mouth and chuckled: "Mr. Xing, if you have time to take care of other people's children here, why not take care of your own housework, what do you think?"

In a word, the scandal that was hotly searched today was revealed, and Xing Yichen felt that he had been slapped hard!

The chill in his eyes could almost kill him.

But Ye Peicheng didn't care at all, he pretended to be very sympathetic: "Mr. Xing, this kind of thing, my condolences."

After saying that, he hugged Qiao Moyu's shoulder and walked into the room.

Xing Yichen saw that the door in front of him was closed, and found that he had completely lost his position in front of Qiao Moyu, and if he went to say a word to her, it was just his own humiliation!

At this time, his cell phone rang, and the assistant called: "Mr. Xing, have you decided? Do you want to remove Miss Qiao's hot search?"

"No." Xing Yichen's eyes were full of cold and cold breath: "Let her be nailed to the pillar of shame!"

Even if the video is deleted and the hot search is withdrawn, those public opinions and topics still exist in everyone's heart. In the future, everyone who sees him will remember that the girlfriend he was in love with gave him a cuckold!

Xing Yichen's anger and humiliation transferred because of the child returned to him again, and he wished that the Qiao family would be destroyed now!

And the assistant's voice came from the receiver: "Mr. Xing, what about the recording of "I am not an actor" tomorrow?"

"I won't go again." Xing Yichen said.

That night, Jiang Zian, the director of the program group, was caught off guard.

Because the second episode of the show will be recorded the next day, but Qiao Ruohuan is involved in the video door, and Xing Yichen is wearing a green hat, so there are obviously two guests who will not be able to come in this episode!

He is very big, and he can only find someone to replace him temporarily, and the lineup can't be too shabby!

That night, he kept asking his assistant to call, but he didn't expect that the popular composer Lu Beige agreed to participate in the recording of the program and take Xing Yichen's place!

The original position of Qiao Ruohuan was to find a third-tier actor Wang Xiaonan.

The guests were finally settled, Jiang Zian breathed a sigh of relief, and personally called Huang Chu, the special guest this time.

Huang Chu was originally going to attend Father Ye's family banquet today, but his flight yesterday was temporarily cancelled, and he didn't return to China until after 10 o'clock tonight. He regretted not being able to see Luo Luo and was full of depression. Get there and exit.

After receiving a call from Jiang Zian, his mood finally improved: "Well, Director Jiang, I will gather at the airport on time tomorrow morning!"

The next morning, as soon as Qiao Moyu got up, she saw a message from Ye Peicheng: "Little Moyu, wait for me at home, and I'll pick you up to the airport in a while."

Ye Peicheng's car arrived at the airport on time. Perhaps because of the temporary substitution, Jiang Zian arrived early. Seeing Qiao Moyu and Ye Peicheng come in together, his heart moved slightly, but he didn't show anything.

Lu Beige had also arrived. Seeing other guests greeted the two of them, he also came over and smiled at Ye Peicheng first: "Peicheng."

The two knew each other very well, so Ye Peicheng patted him on the shoulder as a warm greeting.

Qiao Moyu and Lu Beige's eyes met, only to feel that the other's eyes were clear and pure, and seemed to have the power to understand people's hearts.

She was a little unsure whether Lu Beige would recognize her, or if she thought she was familiar, but she didn't expect her makeup skills to be so successful. Lu Beige smiled at her, politely: "Moyu, hello!"

Qiao Moyu breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled at Lu Beige: "Beige, hello!"

At this time, Qin Qianqian, who came back from the bathroom, saw the two with a smile in her eyes: "Mr. Ye, you are here! Moyu, you are so beautiful today!"

While Qiao Moyu was talking to her with a smile, Xing Wanshuang also arrived.

Compared with the last time, Xing Wanshuang looked a lot lower-key. Last time, she was proud of her spring breeze, her brother was a male guest, and her sister-in-law was also one of the female guests.

However, after Xing Yichen left the show last night, Qiao Ruohuan's reputation was completely stinky, and the show team would not invite her again.

This night, Qiao Ruohuan's fans felt cheated, and they all scolded her on Weibo. Even if there are still a few who support her, they have long been scolded by the army of public opinion and can't answer a word.

But this is just the beginning. Qiao Ruohuan, the spokesperson of the Xing Group, naturally doesn't need to think about it, and other brands are expected to terminate their contracts with Qiao Ruohuan one after another. Movies, TV shows and more...

Therefore, if Qiao Ruohuan can't handle this incident, for her, I am afraid it will ruin the whole career.

After all, although it will come out after a few years, maybe everyone has forgotten about these things, but now the entertainment industry is changing so fast, we still don't know what the situation will be.

Xing Wanshuang glanced at Qiao Moyu, but did not go over to say hello. Although she was grateful to Qiao Moyu for saving Xing Yichen in the first place, they had been fighting each other for so many years, and once something cracked, it would be difficult to repair it.

And she, Xing Wanshuang, has her own pride, so she will not take the initiative to go to Qiao Moyu. However, she can think of a way to operate and push the big heroine movie that Qiao Ruohuan received to Qiao Moyu, so that all Qiao Ruohuan's hopes will be lost!

Everyone was saying hello when they saw a staff member walking over with a man in a Tang suit.

In the huge airport hall, all kinds of passengers are walking in a hurry, but this man who looks about fifty years old, but his steps are slow and slow, as if walking on a simple and quiet bluestone road, washed away forever hustle and bustle.

He was dressed in a Tang suit and his unfathomable bearing, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Just when everyone was speculating about his identity, the staff approached and introduced everyone: "Everyone, this is the guest on our live broadcast platform [Chen Yu CP Ashes], his surname is Huang!"

As soon as a word fell, the whole place was quiet.

Everyone can't believe that such a man with bearing and knowledge has such a nickname! What's wrong with this world? !

However, after a brief silence, everyone immediately reacted and smiled politely at him. Although this fan is a bit older and dressed a bit weirder, he is a real fan and has spent tens of thousands of dollars in the live broadcast room!

Since the show needs to build momentum, in fact, before Qiao Moyu's arrival, the photographer has already turned on the live broadcast.

At this moment, all the fish fans who were immersed in the excitement of seeing Qiao Moyu and Ye Peicheng together, just finished a circle of barrage, and were suddenly shocked by what they saw.

"Fuck, what did I see? I thought I crossed!"

"Yeah, that millet fan turned out to be the age at which even a child can find a wife!"

"Shu Shu has a good personality, how about we call him Master?"

"Well, I also think we should call him Master Huang! It feels like a fortune teller!"

"Is Star Chasing so old now? It seems that I'm still a green onion!"

"I didn't realize that Master Huang has been looking at brother Yu, but he has not looked at my male god? I feel that Master Huang probably wants to replace the male god and form a CP with brother Yu!"

"I found it! Master Huang is very scheming. On the surface, it looks like Chenyu CP's ashes, but in fact it looks like brother Yu begging for marriage! We deceived all of us Chenyu fans!"

At this moment, Father Ye, who was standing in front of the live broadcast room, looked at the barrage and felt that his decision was right.

Although he really wants to be in the same frame with his son and daughter-in-law, he will lose his vest!

You see, now Mr. Huang has been stripped to pieces by everyone. Especially the last comment, it's eye-catching!

Father Ye didn't dare to think that if he was on the show, then when he went back to negotiate to meet clients, he would be laughed at and said he was worried that his son would not be able to marry a daughter-in-law, and he went into battle himself!

In the airport, seeing that everyone was there, the assistant went to apply for the boarding pass, and everyone entered the security check channel together.

At this moment, the photographer finally left a close-up of everyone's back, and then closed the live broadcast room.

Seeing the last picture, Father Ye was so angry that he wanted to blow his beard.

That guy Huang Chu didn't go to help his son chase his wife at all, but took advantage of the opportunity to rise to power!

In the picture, Qiao Moyu was originally with Ye Peicheng on one side and Qin Qianqian on the other. However, Huang Chu suddenly went up, talked to Qiao Moyu, and forced Ye Peicheng away!

It just so happened that there could only be two people side by side at the security check, so the final scene was Huang Chu and Qiao Moyu walking side by side, chatting while walking!