The Champion of the Big Exam: Draw the Protagonist’s Halo at the Beginning

Chapter 104: Lack of oxygen at the bottom of the sea, threat of suffocation! (Additional update!…


Ji Qingyue slapped the table and stood up, shouting loudly: "Everyone starts to act separately according to the plan. We must rescue all the hostages and annihilate the Marauder pirate group. To bring glory to the country, Dragon Soul will win!"

All the soldiers agreed in unison: "To win glory for the country, the Dragon Soul will win!"

It was late at night, the endless ocean was shrouded in darkness, the wind was blowing, and the turbid waves were emptying, as if a tsunami would set off at any time.

In bad weather, 200 non-staff members of the Dragon Soul Group boarded three battleships and rushed to the waters where the Marauder pirate group was located, preparing to launch a feint attack to buy Qin Feng and others time for rescue.

Next, Qin Feng and the members of the Dragon Soul Team prepared to board the submarine, then take a detour from the bottom of the sea, sneak attack the base of the Marauder Pirate Group, and rescue the hostages on the island.

Accompanied by the sound of crashing water, a magnificent military submarine slowly emerged from the sea.

The hatch of the submarine opened, and the members of the Dragon Soul Team entered the submarine one after another.

Qin Feng was just about to enter the submarine when he heard someone calling him from behind. When he turned around, it was naturally Ji Qingyue.

Ji Qingyue walked quickly to Qin Feng, worry and anxiety appeared on her cold face: "Qin Feng, don't think I'm nagging, you must pay attention to your safety!"

"Sister Qingyue, believe me, I will return safely, and I will not disappoint the organization's expectations." Qin Feng opened his arms and hugged Ji Qingyue.

Ji Qingyue also hugged Qin Feng's waist tightly. Although the two of them often quarreled, they had a deep relationship, and their comradeship and sister-sister relationship overlapped with each other.

After the hug, Qin Feng looked up at the sky with a solemn expression and murmured to himself: "The weather is really unkind. Judging from the air humidity and cloud thickness, it is estimated that a strong typhoon will hit this sea area in the near future. It seems that This mission is very difficult~"

"Qin Feng, what are you mumbling about?"

"Sister Qingyue, I didn't murmur anything. Don't worry, no matter how difficult this mission is, I will use my personality to guarantee that I will definitely complete the mission assigned to me by the organization!"

A true king of soldiers, no matter how bad the environment is, never complains and ensures that the mission is completed.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Feng and Ji Qingyue waved goodbye and entered the submarine. The submarine's hatch closed automatically and it began to dive.

With a burst of waves, the huge submarine quickly submerged completely into the sea water, and the sea surface returned to calm.

Ji Qingyue clenched her fists and frowned. This was Qin Feng's first S-level mission, and she was even more nervous than Qin Feng.

However, as the commander-in-chief of this mission, Ji Qingyue cannot think randomly now. She must return to the information command center to take charge of the overall situation and strategize.

In the deep sea, the submarine moves forward quickly...

The members of the Dragon Soul Team gathered in the submarine's conference room, and everyone was sorting out combat equipment.

Although Qin Feng is the deputy captain of the Dragon Soul Team, he is young, junior and lacks actual combat experience, so the members of the Dragon Soul Team are comforting Qin Feng.

Tieniu put his arm around Qin Feng's shoulders and said boldly: "Brother Qin, you are a new recruit. You must be a little nervous on the battlefield for the first time. Don't be afraid, Brother Tieniu is protecting you!"

Rose gathered up her long red hair and tied it into a high ponytail. She looked at Qin Feng and smiled softly: "Qin Feng, don't be nervous. We are your seniors. If you are in danger, we will definitely protect you."

Busty cute girl Bubu also came close to Qin Feng, smiling, "Hehe, brother Qin Feng, relax, I was also scared when I first performed the mission, but after experiencing life and death, I I won’t be afraid anymore!”

After that, Chengfeng and Zhanlang, two cold-hearted men who were not good at words, also said some words of comfort to Qin Feng, which made Qin Feng dumbfounded. In fact, he was not nervous at all, but a little excited.

Whenever Qin Feng performs tasks for the country as a special soldier, the various attributes of the Soldier King's halo will be improved. Therefore, Qin Feng is very excited now, his blood is boiling all over, and he can't help but "flex his muscles".

On the other side, at the southern seaport, is the Information Command.

Ji Qingyue is sitting in the central hall of the command headquarters. She can observe the positions of the members of the Dragon Soul Group through the big screen.

Suddenly, a staff member shouted urgently: "Commander, it's bad, there is a strong typhoon coming to the southern sea. The weather is extremely bad, and it is likely to trigger tsunamis and undercurrents!"

When Ji Qingyue heard this, her expression changed drastically: "Quickly, contact the members of the Dragon Soul Group!"

Five minutes later.

"It's not good. Due to the bad weather at sea, the signal is weak and we can't get in touch with the members of the Dragon Soul Group!"

"Commander, no luck, there's a tsunami in the southern sea!"

"Report! All signals are lost!"

In less than a quarter of an hour, Ji Qingyue witnessed with her own eyes that the coordinate data on the big screen turned into gibberish, and she punched the table in anger.


Ji Qingyue gritted her teeth. Now she could not contact Qin Feng. She had no way of knowing what Qin Feng's situation was.

At the same time, a violent undercurrent arose on the bottom of the sea, the submarine shook violently, and the members of the Dragon Soul Team began to panic.

Then Qin Feng and all the members came to the cab and asked the driver what happened.

Pilot: "Sir, we are very unlucky today. We encountered a strong typhoon. The seabed was affected by the typhoon cyclone, creating a violent undercurrent..."

Qin Feng pursed his dry lips. He had long expected that there would be problems with the weather tonight.

The extremely bad weather added another level of difficulty to this "S-level mission", which can be called an "S+-level" mission.

At this moment, there was a loud "bang" and an accident happened!

The submarine seemed to have hit something hard and vibrated violently. The lights in the cab flickered on and off. All the members of the Dragon Soul Team were dizzy and tossed around in the cockpit as if they had lost weight.

Qin Feng felt that his internal organs were shaken out of place, but he had to stay alert.

Tieniu: "Damn, what happened?"

Bubu: "The submarine's power system seems to have malfunctioned!"

Rose: "I seemed to hear the sound of water flowing..."

Qin Feng shouted: "Oops, the submarine was affected by the undercurrent of the seabed. It must have been hit on the sea rock just now. The external structure was damaged and leaked!"

Just because of the bad weather, an accident happened unexpectedly.

The submarine hit a rock on the seabed, its external structure was damaged, and seawater continued to pour into the cabin.

The power system also failed, the cabin flickered on and off, and with the influx of seawater, there was less and less oxygen...

In the deep sea, Qin Feng and the Dragon Soul Team suffered a great test and faced the threat of death!

Same time, different place.

The typhoon also made landfall in inland China, and it suddenly rained heavily in Tianjing City.

At eleven o'clock at night, Qingbei University was raining heavily. The huge campus became empty, and all the students were huddled in their dormitories.

Only Lin Ruoxue was still standing downstairs in the boys' dormitory building, despite the heavy rain, holding a cold milk tea in her hand, waiting quietly for the man.

The old janitor of the boys' dormitory tried to persuade Lin Ruoxue more than once, but Lin Ruoxue refused to stop and insisted on standing still and waiting.

The old man was helpless and could only hand Lin Ruoxue an umbrella.

Lin Ruoxue was holding milk tea in one hand and an umbrella in the other, standing in the heavy rain. Her delicate and fair face was slightly pale. She had already caught a cold.

Different place, same time.

Qin Feng and Lin Ruoxue's hearts were tightly connected.

Author's digression: Fifth update!

Thank you for your support. The update of Osmanthus fragrans is indeed a bit slow, but I have tried my best. I hope you can support me a lot. I will work hard to update more and more frequently!