The Champion of the Big Exam: Draw the Protagonist’s Halo at the Beginning

Chapter 684: The Earth's core stops spinning and the magnetic field disappears!


Qin Feng and Lin Shiyun had been flirting on the bed for a long time when suddenly the cell phone ringing next to them rang.

"Sister Shiyun, please sleep a little longer and I'll answer the phone."


Lin Shiyun was pregnant and felt sleepy 24 hours a day. She lay down with her sister Lin Ruoxue in her arms and fell asleep after a while.

Qin Feng answered the phone, and Phoenix's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Qin Feng, come to the headquarters hall, there is an emergency."

For three months, the Noah's Ark fleet was hidden deep in the sea and escaped countless natural disasters.

But today's Phoenix's tone was serious and even a little anxious.

Qin Feng realized something was wrong and immediately put on his clothes and left the room.

The space of Noah's Ark is very huge, like a huge deep-sea island. Each Noah's Ark can accommodate 50 million people.

Qin Feng took the elevator to the command center hall of Noah's Ark. Fenghuang and Ji Qingyue, wearing Chinese military uniforms, were already waiting for him.

"Sister Huang, what happened?"

Qin Feng sat at the conference table, and Phoenix pointed at the big screen: "Since last night, the global sea area has been heating up rapidly, and now the sea water has begun to boil."

On the big screen, footage taken by satellite is being played.

On Earth, all sea areas began to boil inexplicably, sea water evaporated in large quantities, and the climate became extremely abnormal.

Qin Feng felt a little strange when he saw this. The global catastrophe period has lasted for three months. It stands to reason that the earth's ecological environment should enter a recovery period.

“What do oceanographers say?”

Ji Qingyue replied: "No oceanographer can find out the reason. The sea water has been boiling now. According to this evaporation rate, other large-scale natural disasters will also occur."

Qin Feng stood up and said, "Leave this matter to me. I'll go out and take a look."

Fifteen minutes later, a figure rushed out of the sea, standing proudly in the sky with a fairy sword at his feet.

Qin Feng looked down and saw that the earth was devastated.

The sea water boils, the air is so hot, even the steel bars can be baked...

Only Qin Feng, who has the aura of the protagonist, can adapt to this harsh environment.

Qin Feng looked up at the sun, and the hot sunlight enveloped his whole body.

Slowly closing his eyes, Qin Feng let go of his consciousness and carefully felt everything around him.

At this time, a man wearing a black coat flew in front of Qin Feng out of thin air.

Qin Feng opened his eyes and found the cause of the vision. And the man in black standing in front of him out of thin air was also an old acquaintance.

"Mr. Qin, long time no see."

The man in black who was confronting Qin Feng in the air was none other than Zeus, the leader of the Celestial Alliance.

Qin Feng was surprised at first, and then smiled lightly as if seeing an old friend: "Zeus, why are you here?"

The seawater stirred up a wave, and a high-tech submarine slowly surfaced.

On the deck of the submarine, stood a group of people. They were members of the Celestial Alliance.

Since the earth entered the catastrophic period, Qin Feng had not seen anyone from the Celestial Alliance again. Three months later, they reunited. It was not yet clear whether the two were enemies or friends.

Zeus didn't waste any time and went straight to the point: "Mr. Qin, you are the ruler of the earth now, and you should stay in Noah's Ark and take charge of the overall situation. But you appear here. It seems that you have also discovered the seriousness of the problem."

Qin Feng nodded and said: "Zeus, your abilities are space teleportation, magnetic field control and predicting the future, which means you are also aware of the problem."

Zeus: "Yes, since a few days ago, I have sensed that there is something wrong with the earth's magnetic field. Now the earth's magnetic field is gradually disappearing."

The gradual disappearance of the earth's magnetic field may not sound like a big deal, but the consequences will be a devastating blow to mankind.

Once the earth's magnetic field disappears completely, the atmosphere will be stripped away, and solar wind and cosmic rays will drive straight into the earth.

At that point, the network and power will fail, and all satellites and machines will stop functioning.

Just imagine, once all Noah's Ark stops, billions of human beings will perish.

Qin Feng asked again: "What is your purpose of coming to me now?"

Zeus talked eloquently: "Mr. Qin, do you know the reason why the earth's magnetic field is gradually disappearing?"

Qin Feng had just used his clairvoyance ability to detect it, and without thinking, he blurted out: "There is something wrong with the earth's core."

Zeus: "Mr. Qin is indeed extraordinary. There is indeed something wrong with the earth's core."

Qin Feng said calmly: "The earth's core is divided into an inner core and an outer core. The outer core is a circle of hot metal that is constantly rotating around the inner core, so there is an electromagnetic field."

"The role of the electromagnetic field is to protect the earth from radiation from solar wind and cosmic rays. Now, when the earth's outer core stops rotating, the electromagnetic field will gradually disappear. The consequence is... "

"The earth is scorched."

After Qin Feng finished speaking, the turbid air seemed to become even hotter.

Zeus tilted his mouth and asked meaningfully: "Mr. Qin, times are developing, and some things are irreversible. You built Noah's Ark and saved billions of humans. But what can you do now? Is it possible? Can you restore Earth’s magnetic field?”

Qin Feng said displeased: "You came to me just to mock me?"

Zeus smiled and shook his head: "No, no, no, I'm here to invite you again to join our Alliance of Gods. Taking advantage of this opportunity, we can rule the earth."

Qin Feng understood what Zeus meant. If the earth's magnetic field disappears, human beings will undoubtedly die.

The supernatural mutants of the Celestial Alliance have unique physical talents and can survive in this harsh environment.

So if Qin Feng doesn't come up with a solution, the Celestial Alliance will rule the earth.

Qin Feng naturally would not give Zeus this chance, and a powerful murderous aura suddenly burst out from his body.

"Zeus, you have no chance to rule the earth, because next I will rule your Celestial Alliance!"

In the wasteland of the apocalypse, human life is humble.

Qin Feng came up with his sword and started a fierce battle with the Celestial God Alliance.

Although the earth is in critical condition, Qin Feng does not intend to give up on this planet.

Because Qin Feng didn't want to lose his home when the child was born.