The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 102: Brilliant in the rain


In one year, three thousand prisoners have become eight hundred prisoners. In the past few months, the names of a few prisoners have been dimmed almost every day, and the rest can survive on the prison island for a year. People are by no means ordinary people.

There were twenty scrolls in total, and Chu Mu got one from the prisoner just now. Last month, Chu Mu killed two members of the Yang family and got two scrolls from them.

Chu Mu had four scrolls on his body alone, which should be considered as the most among the prisoners.

Braving the rain, Chu Mu continued to walk alone in the vast mountains, and now he was going to a beach marked on the map. Before the prisoner died, he told Chu Mu a very important message, that is, Cao Yi was on that beach. The beach tries to capture a water beast that lives on a submerged reef.

The island is huge, and the chance of meeting Cao Yi next time is very small, so Chu Mu didn't want to let go of the chance to kill this guy.

Chu Mu would never forget the humiliation of Green Nightmare Island and the tricks Cao Yi used against him in the arena.

Chu Mu knew about Cao Yi's four soul pets. First of all, Cao Yi must have a not weak Green Nightmare Demon, and he could already call for battle.

On Prison Island, Chu Mu met many prisoners who could summon the Green Nightmare to fight, and he was no stranger to the Green Nightmare.

Chu Mu had never seen Cao Yi summon the Green Nightmare, and a year had passed, and the strength of Cao Yi's Green Nightmare should have improved a lot.

Cao Yi's main favorite at the soul level should be the dire wolf that was summoned back then when he was on the Green Nightmare Demon Island. Chu Mu remembered that the dire wolf was at level three, but it took only a year. If Cao Yi's dire wolf If there is no death, the strength has also improved a lot.

And when the boat sailed to the island of the Lord of the Green Nightmare, Chu Mu remembered that Cao Yi had also summoned a water elemental. The water elemental was a medium servant-level soul pet, which should be Cao Yi's soul pet at the soul apprentice level. I don't know for now, but it is said that the talent is good.

The other one was the blue bird that Cao Yi had once summoned. The blue bird was a high-level servant, and should be Cao Yi's master pet at the soul disciple level, but it was killed by Xia Guanghan.

Soon Chu Mu arrived at the beach. The beach on Prison Island was not all cliffs, but it was full of reefs and weird whirlpools. Even a soul pet of the water system would find it difficult to pass through this particularly dangerous sea area.

"The light is bright, it seems that Cao Yi also has a scroll in his hand." A smile appeared on Chu Mu's face, and he began to look for Cao Yi's location according to the strength of the light of the scroll.

"The scroll is bright again." Cao Yi quickly noticed the light from the scroll, and immediately showed a sinister smile on his face, and glanced coldly at the girl next to him who looked a bit ragged.

The girl standing beside Cao Yi is Xinxue. Xinxue is the same girl who became a slave with Chu Mu back then.

In fact, when she was on Green Nightmare Island, Xinxue often went in and out of Cao Yi's wooden house at night.

Xinxue's own ability is not very strong, and she was able to survive mainly because of her dedication, and she got a good soul pet from Cao Yi.

Cao Yi offended Xia Guanghan and was ordered to be thrown on this prison island. Cao Yi knew that he was doomed, so through his own relationship, he shamelessly dragged Xinxue into this list, and after bribing the person in charge of escorting them, let Xinxue became his slave of the death row and was sent to this island together.

Cao Yi knew the harsh conditions on Prison Island, so he brought Xinxue with him for a purpose, and it could be said to be a way for him to survive.

"You should know how to do it, right?" Cao Yi glanced at Xinxue and said in a commanding tone.

Xinxue's eyes were gloomy, obviously she had suffered all kinds of abuse at Cao Yi's place, and she was afraid of Cao Yi.

She carefully took the glowing scroll from Cao Yi's hand, and walked towards the position where the light became stronger under Cao Yi's gaze.

Xinxue's expression was gloomy. Every time she was ordered to do this, Xinxue felt terrified and humiliated...

Moving on, Xinxue walked into the jungle, and when she felt the light approaching, she stood where she was, put the scroll on the ground, and started to untie her ragged clothes in a daze.

This is not the first time she has done this, Xinxue is very numb, but in order to survive, she can only sell her dignity and body cheaply.

And Cao Yi used her to kill many prisoners on the island, gained a lot of benefits, and greatly improved his strength...

Half unraveling Luo Shan, Xinxue knows how to arouse a man's desire, especially on such a closed desert island, every prisoner has a very strong desire in his mind besides struggling in the killing. desire, so in the past, almost no one could resist Xinxue's temptation.

Although Xinxue's skin was stained a little, it still couldn't hide the attractive fairness. Her good development made her able to make many men's blood boil at the age of seventeen.

After the clothes were undone, her upper body was completely naked, the drizzle fell on her body, the wet hair stuck to her body, and the rain slid down the trembling curve of her chest, giving people an even more awe-inspiring feeling. visual stimulation...

The rain seeped into her thin clothes little by little. Although the ragged pants on the lower body were not untied, they were still tightly attached to her body because of the wetness, and outlined the curve of her small buttocks, which were upright and round .

Standing in the rain, such a glamorous scene was exposed to his eyes, Chu Mu was also very different, and felt a certain desire in his heart to walk in front of this girl, and then taste it at will...

Chu Mu is already sixteen years old. Seeing such a scene, he will naturally react like a man, especially the long-term killing, which makes him, like most prisoners, have a very strong desire in his heart. Women don't know much about it, but once they see it, this desire is out of control.

Chu Mu is also in the state of burning desire now, but he will never rush up irrationally like those prisoners, wantonly ravaging the seductive girl in front of him, not to mention, Chu Mu has already changed his mind from his appearance. I recognized that it was Xinxue.

Xinxue could feel that the approaching prisoner was also infected by desire. She was used to the greedy gaze of these prisoners, and even the wanton abuse that would soon come. She glanced at the approaching prisoner numbly. , I want to pretend to have an expression of joy with desire.

However, when Xinxue saw this man walking in the drizzle, the numbness on her face gradually disappeared, and she was gradually occupied by horror!