The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 125: One day, challenge five people


The next day Chu Mu was not in a hurry to leave Nightmare City. Nightmare City is a tenth-level city, and it can be said to be the most prosperous city. Here, there will be a lot of things Chu Mu needs.

During the three years of living on Prison Island, Chu Mu also collected a lot of valuable things. If he sold all these things and bought them for soul crystals, his soul pet's strength would be greatly improved.

The training of soul crystals cannot last forever. After all, the body of the soul pet has a certain degree of saturation. If you absorb too much soul crystal energy in a short period of time, it will not be able to truly transform into the power you need. Pet's body caused some damage and wasted the extremely expensive soul crystal.

Chu Mu's current Mo Xie has reached the fifth stage and ninth stage. If he wants to break through to the sixth stage, it may take a long time if he only relies on fighting.

And Mo Xie hadn't been trained with soul crystals for a long time. If he could get a sixth-level dual-attribute soul crystal, it would be 100% possible for Chu Mu to enter the sixth segment, and the power of the attributes would be more pure.

In the first year of entering Prison Island, Chu Mu already had soul crystals worth 100,000 gold coins. Afterwards, Chu Mu faced more powerful men and obtained more valuable soul crystals from them. When the prisoners on Prison Island were dying, Chu Mu estimated that he had 600,000 gold coins of soul crystals.

If you add the book of soul skills, soul equipment, medicinal materials, and items obtained from those prisoners, you can barely have a million gold coins!

One million gold coins is enough to buy a highly talented commander-level soul pet.

However, Chu Mu would rather exchange all these gold coins for soul cores and soul crystals to make his existing soul pets stronger.

On the second day, Chu Mu planned to ask Ting Yu to take him to the extremely luxurious Nightmare Demon City Exchange, but Ting Yu gave Chu Mu a good suggestion, that is, to dedicate all these messy things to Nightmare Palace, in exchange for magic coins that measure the contribution to Nightmare Palace. When the Nightmare Coin reaches a certain level, you can directly use the magic coin to exchange for the required items.

The treasures in the Nightmare Palace were piled up like a mountain. This method did save Chu Mu a lot of trouble. Chu Mu dedicated all the things worth one million gold coins to the Nightmare Palace. Chu Mu quickly exchanged them for a value 300,000 level 6 fire and beast dual attribute soul crystals.

Afterwards, Chu Mu went shopping again, in exchange for a soul crystal worth 300,000, level 5 and three attributes of thunder, darkness, and demon spirit.

The Ice Sky Elf also reached the fifth stage and ninth stage, so Chu Mu also exchanged for a purest sixth-level ice attribute soul crystal worth about 200,000 gold coins.

Finally, there is the wood attribute soul crystal of the magic tree elf. The value of the wood attribute sixth-level soul crystal is not very high, and only needs 100,000 gold coins.

He bought the highest-quality soul cores in one go with the four-level dual-attribute soul crystals he got from Zhou Luleng and the remaining 100,000 gold coins in exchange for nightmare coins, so as to ensure that the food for his soul pets was the best.

Soul cores and soul crystals can be said to be the biggest consumables for soul pet masters. In order to make soul pets grow better, no soul pet master will be stingy with his money on the purchase of soul cores and soul crystals. And Chu Mu belongs to the kind of guy who spends money like water on the cultivation of soul pets. With the purchase of more than a hundred thousand soul cores for three months, even the patriarch of the big family in Gangluo City probably is not so rich!

Chu Mu was also wearing a fourth-level soul armor. This fourth-level soul armor could be said to have saved Chu Mu's life several times, and its value was close to half a million.

However, with the improvement of Chu Mu's current strength, the effect of the fourth-level soul armor has gradually decreased, and Chu Mu has already begun to consider that he should at least equip himself with a sixth-level soul armor.

The defense of the sixth-level soul armor reaches the sixth level, and if you apply the ice armor skill to yourself, the defense can reach the seventh level and close to the eighth level. During the battle, you can occasionally resist a few fierce attacks for your soul pet.

The price of the fourth-level soul armor has already reached 500,000 gold coins, and the price of the sixth-level soul armor is even more frightening. Five million gold coins, a tenfold increase.

Five million gold coins was an unattainable number for Chu Mu. Given his current consumption of soul cores and soul crystals, it would be quite difficult to save up to five million gold coins.

After purchasing the soul crystals and soul cores, Chu Mu also directly trained the soul crystals on his four soul pets.

Mo Xie still trains according to the strict 2:1 ratio of beast attribute and fire attribute. The sixth-level soul crystal, if nothing else happens, will definitely be able to raise Mo Xie to sixth-level, and the flame ability will definitely be improved a lot.

The Thunder Dream Beast of the Night is at the first level of the fifth stage, and it is only suitable for soul crystals of the fifth level. The Thunder Dream Beast of the Night has three attributes: thunder, darkness, and demon spirit. A lot of money. And after some training of this fifth-level soul crystal, it should be able to make the Thunder of the Night Dream Beast reach the fifth-level and fourth-level.

Chu Mu pays more attention to the demon spirit attribute and dark attribute of the Thunder Dream Beast of the Night. The thunder element is purely used as a thunder element resistance, so the three attributes of the soul crystal thunder, darkness, and demon spirit he bought are dark 1:2:2 Ratio training.

Chu Mu will never add any useless attributes to the pure ice attribute of the Ice Sky Elf. According to Chu Mu's estimation, if the Ice Sky Elf has been cultivated with the ice attribute, his ice attribute skills will be shaken at a higher stage. It is absolutely possible to have a commander-level or even a monarch-level soul pet.

Racial level may not be the most absolute potential. If one-sided power is exclusive, a fire-type monarch-level soul pet will suffer a lot even if it is at the same stage as an ice-sky elf who uses ice-type skills to perfection.

So even if he reaches the soul master level and can control a commander-level soul pet, Chu Mu will not underestimate the warrior-level ice elf. After all, the current ice ability of the ice elf can already cause great damage to a commander-level soul pet. Keeping a distance to fight, the Ice Sky Elf is a commander-level ice-type soul pet of rank five and rank nine!

If the sixth-level ice attribute soul crystals are completely absorbed, it will not be a problem for the Ice Sky Elf to enter the sixth stage just like Mo Xie. If these two soul pets both enter the sixth stage, Chu Mu's strength will take another small leap.

As for the Demon Tree Warrior, Chu Mu also cultivated them with pure wood attributes, completely abandoning the effect of beast attributes, hoping that the Demon Tree Warrior could become a powerful soulmate who can control the situation on the battlefield.

When wood-type soul pets are fighting alone, except for the slight advantage against beast-type soul pets and demon-type soul pets, other things are difficult to be effective, but in team battles, wood-type soul pets are more effective Is the absolute battlefield overlord!

The Demon Tree Warrior is still at level 5 and level 6, so it is not very wise to use level 6 soul crystals now, so Chu Mu plans to train the Demon Tree Warrior with wood-type soul crystals when the Demon Tree Warrior reaches level 5 and level 9, so that it can Go directly to the sixth paragraph!

"Master Chu, this is already the twentieth one who wants to challenge you." Qing He put a stack of challenge books in front of Chu Mu's desk, and said with a bitter face.

"Oh, which ones are stronger?" Chu Mu asked.

The training period was over, and Chu Mu just needed some people to train him.

"This so-called strongest young man in the Nightmare Palace—Guo Xian, and this young master Ruanshan Yan, this young master of Fengjing City..." Qing He recited five of them in one breath, all of whom are well-known in the Nightmare Palace strong youth.

"Tell me about their strength." Chu Mu asked.

Qing He immediately searched it out, and told Chu Mu roughly about their soul pets: "Guo Xian's Green Nightmare has reached the sixth stage and fourth stage, and is the strongest main pet. Ruan Shan Nightmare is said to have a five A commander-level soul pet of the fourth rank. The young master of Fengjing City seems to be driving a blue bird of the seventh rank... "

"Oh, then these five, accept their challenge." Chu Mu said.

"Five." Qing He was stunned for a moment, thinking to himself: The young master is the young master, and he actually accepted five letters of challenge.

"Then how do you plan to arrange the battle period, Master Ruan Shanyan in the first week, and the young master of Fengjing City in the second week, or the time interval should be longer, so that you also have sufficient rest time for fighting." Qing Qing Ho asked.

Chu Mu raised his head and glanced at the naturally dazed maid Qing He, but said, "I don't have that much time, let's arrange them for tomorrow. I will leave here the day after tomorrow and go to Gangluo City in Luoyu."

"Ah? You want to arrange everything on the same day!" Qing He opened her small mouth in surprise, blinked her eyes, and looked at Chu Mu in a daze.

"Well, let's do it."

Before Qing He could react, she confirmed once again that Chu Mu really wanted to arrange these five opponents on the same day, and then sent the challenge letter back in amazement...

The 18-year-old King of Prison Island is already considered a very remarkable figure in the Nightmare Palace. Especially in the recent rumors, even in the huge Nightmare Demon City, many forces know about Chu Mu, the Eternal Sea Nightmare.

When a genius is born without any warning, it often causes surprise. After the surprise, many people are dissatisfied. They want to know whether this genius really has strength, or if he survived from prison island by luck. of.

For the sake of prestige and fame, there will definitely be many high-spirited people who will challenge the king of Prison Island.

However, precisely because of this challenging atmosphere, what the young masters of the entire Nightmare Palace did not expect was that a shocking news exploded in the Nightmare Palace!

In one day, accept the challenge of five young strong men!

There are a lot of arrogant people in the Nightmare Palace, especially those powerful figures in the younger generation. In this place where the strong are like clouds, there will never be a lack of amazing and incomparable events.

However, the event of fighting five young strong men in one day has never happened in the Nightmare Palace!

The challenge must be when the difference in the titles does not exceed one level, that is to say, those who are qualified to challenge Chu Mu are all young masters with sixth-level titles in the Nightmare Palace!

Accepting the challenge of five young masters with sixth-level titles in one day is absolutely unprecedented in the Nightmare Palace! The level of arrogance of Shao Henghai Yanshao has almost reached the point where all young masters can't stand it!