The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 152: Territorial Crisis (Part 1)


For three months, Chu Mu's primary goal was to increase the strength of the Night Thunder Dream Beast, the Demon Tree Warrior, and Mo Ye, so that Chu Mu would have more capital, even in the face of some opponents other than the younger generation. Experts don't need to worry too much.

Of course, one of the best ways to quickly improve your strength is to spend a lot of money to buy soul crystals for your soul pets for training.

Chu Mu still kept the soul crystal of the Demon Tree Warrior, and he planned to train the Demon Tree Warrior when it reached the fifth and eighth stage.

And the Thunder Dream Beast of the Night has already been trained, and it is difficult to absorb the energy of the soul crystal in a short time. However, Chu Mu owns the Sky Demon Orchid, so he only needs to spend 50,000 gold coins to buy Fairy Tears, and then spend another With 50,000 gold coins, the pharmacist can prepare the Heavenly Demon Tears for himself, and feed the Night Thunder Dream Beast with the Heavenly Demon Tears, so that it should not be a problem to raise it to rank six within three months.

As for Xiao Moye, Chu Mu felt that it was very necessary for him to spend a large sum of money on it, buying a bunch of excellent soul cores, soul crystals, and spiritual objects, so as to strengthen Xiao Moye's beast attributes and improve its combat effectiveness .

The first thing to buy is naturally a sixth-level beast-type insect-type dual-attribute soul crystal, mainly with beast attributes, first to make up for the shortcomings of the little guy's beast blood.

There is also a little Moye of excellent blood in Chu Mu's ring. The value of this little Moye should be close to one million gold coins. Chu Mu is also short of funds now, so Chu Mu plans to send Xiao Moye anonymously. There is a soul pet palace, which is obtained by the person with the highest price in exchange for sufficient funds.

Chu Mu is also very familiar with Gangluo City, and he found the Soul Pet Palace very easily. To Chu Mu's surprise, when he arrived at the Nightmare Demon Palace, he happened to see Ting Yu take out the Gale Demon Bureau from the Soul Pet Palace, like is where to go.

"Master Chu..." Ting Yu immediately burst into a smile when he saw Chu Mu.

Just now Ting Yu got the news from his subordinates that Chu Mu had returned to the Chu family, and was about to go, but he didn't expect that Chu Mu had already appeared.

"Young Master Yan!" The two men in black behind Ting Yu immediately knelt down and saluted Chu Mu.

Chu Mu nodded, and said to Ting Yu: "It's just right that you are here, I got a high-quality Moye, you help me get it to the auction, and the money you get from the auction can help me buy a sixth-level beast, Insect-type soul crystals, and then buy Fairy Tears, ask the pharmacist to configure Sky Demon Tears, and then see if there are any spiritual objects that can make up for the defects of beast attributes... "

"Master..." Ting Yu had a resentful look on her face. Chu Mu told her such a lot of trivial things just after meeting, and Ting Yu didn't even have time to care about Chu Mu's falling into the Broken Forest.

"Aren't you also short of a soul pet? It just so happens that I'm going to hunt pets this time, and if I see a suitable one, I'll capture one for you." Chu Mu said.

Ting Yu was naturally happy when there was a reward, and said with a smile: "Master, just now I heard that there seems to be a magic tree heart in the exchange in Gangluo City. This thing can be used by your magic tree fighters."

"Oh?" Chu Mu raised his eyebrows.

Chu Mu's Demon Tree Warrior is also a highly talented soul pet, barely comparable to a low-level commander.

But this is definitely not enough for Chu Mu. And the Heart of the Demon Tree is a spiritual thing that can greatly enhance the wood attribute of the wood soul pet. If it can be used by the Demon Tree Warrior, the Demon Tree Warrior's ability to control the Wood Element will definitely become stronger. Facing the leader level at the same stage may not necessarily be defeated!

"The price is expensive, right?" Chu Mu asked.

"Well, the reserve price is already 500,000 gold coins." Ting Yu said.

Chu Mu shook his head with a wry smile. It seems that the funding is still insufficient. He originally wanted to have spare money to add some extravagant soul outfits to his soul pet, but it seems that it is not possible.

Now Chu Mu wants to feed five soul pets. The soul cores of the 150,000 gold coins he spent in Nightmare Demon City last time have all been eaten up by his big appetite soul pets. There are 200,000 gold coins to buy a month's food for your soul pet.

It takes about 100,000 gold coins to complete the Sky Demon Tears, and the starting price for buying the Heart of the Demon Tree is 500,000. If it is less than 1 million, I am afraid that it will not be settled at all. After all, it is a spirit that greatly increases the ability of wood attributes.

There is also Xiao Moye's sixth-level soul crystal, which costs at least 200,000 gold coins.

That is to say, even if Excellent Mo sold 1 million gold coins, Chu Mu still still needs to earn 500,000 gold coins...

"The two of you follow her and protect her safety." Chu Mu said to the two demon servants who had a fifth-level title in the Nightmare Palace.

The strength of the two demon servants is not inferior to that of the Yang family and Yang Jie. Chu Mu himself does not need their protection. As for Ting Yu, who is about to become his figure in Gangluo City, he naturally needs someone to protect him. The excellent little Mo Ye Ting Yu is easy to be jealous of some people.

"Yes!" The two demon attendants saluted immediately and continued to follow Ting Yu.

After leaving the Soul Pet Palace, after Chu Mu returned to the family, he deliberately borrowed a soul capture ring with a large enough capacity from the head of the family, Chu Ming, intending to go out this time to fully solve his current serious shortage of funds.

Chu Mu remembered that the Chu family's territory should be in Luo Yeling, and if Luo Yeling went further east, it would be Broken Forest. Broken Forest is full of crises, but soul pet resources are indeed very rich.

Chu Mu planned to take the opportunity of helping his little cousin find a suitable soul pet, and then go for a walk in Duanlin, first to exercise Xiao Moye, and second to solve his own financial problems!

"Brother, Brother Chu Mu..."

When the cousin Chu Yishui saw the handsome and unrestrained Chu Mu, she immediately burst into a lovely smile and called Chu Mu affectionately.

"Yishui, I haven't seen you for so many years, and she has grown into a beautiful girl." Chu Mu smiled and touched the little sister's cheek.

In the past, Chu Mu couldn't summon soul pets, and he was the most leisurely one in the family, and Chu Yishui's parents were not in the family, so this little girl went to Chu Mu, the only one in the family who would play with her if she had anything to do. , the relationship between the two is relatively good.

"Yeah, Yishui wanted to talk to my brother yesterday, but there were so many people around you that I couldn't get in the way... By the way, my brother is getting more and more handsome, and Yishui almost couldn't recognize him. . " Chu Yishui was young and didn't think about it so much, and soon became very close to Chu Mu.

Although it was Chu Mu who brought Chu Yishui to the territory, for the sake of Chu Mu's safety, Chu Ming specially sent Chu Si, the leader of the Chu family guard, to follow them to prevent the tragedy of four years ago from happening again.

The soul pet controlled by Chu Si is the Bright Horn Beast, which has reached the sixth stage and the third stage, and its combat power should be relatively strong. And what Chu Mu was driving was of course the Night Thunder Dream Beast. What made Chu Si ashamed was that when running at full speed, Chu Si's sixth-stage Bright Horn Beast was no match for Chu Mu's Night Thunder Dream Beast.

"Master Chu Mu, in my opinion, you don't need my protection at all, right?" Chu Si is also a person with extraordinary eyesight, knowing that Chu Mu's strength is by no means as simple as it is shown now.

When he was in Broken Forest, Chu Si remembered that the leader of the wolves died inexplicably, leaving the wolves without a leader. Killing the leader of the wolves is naturally Chu Mu's soul pet, so Chu Si is sure that Chu Mu should have a soul pet that is much stronger than the Night Thunder Dream Beast.

"Indeed, Uncle Chu Si can go about his own affairs, there is no need to follow." Chu Mu said with a smile.

"The Patriarch is very sensitive to the young master's safety now, so it's better to follow along. Send the young master and miss to the territory, and I will go back, and then the Chu family guards in the territory will send you back." Chu Si said seriously.

Luo Yeling is not too far away, if you set off in the morning, you will arrive around noon. In Luoyeling, there are still some members of the Chu family stationed in Luoyeling. These people prevent outsiders from entering the territory of the Chu family to hunt for soul pets.

At the foot of Luoyeling is a simple residence of the Chu family, which is used to protect the territory and the members of the Chu family who come here temporarily to capture soul pets. After Chu Mu and Chu Yishui entered the residence at the foot of Luoyeling, Chu Si completed the escort , back to the family.

The excited Chu Yishui had lunch, and couldn't wait to let Chu Mu drive the handsome Night Thunder Dream Beast into Luo Yeling. As a result, the soul pets of those retainers couldn't catch up with the Night Thunder Dream. The speed of the beast, it didn't take long to be thrown away.

As a result, the anxious voices of those retainers could be heard all over the mountains and plains: "Master~! Miss~! Where are you~!"

"I can't tell, you've reached the level of a fourth-minded soul warrior, so you can have a fifth soul pet?" Chu Mu was a little surprised when he learned about Yi Shui's strength.

"Of course." Chu Yishui revealed a slightly proud expression.

"Then what soul pet do you want? The soul pet resources in this territory seem a bit far-fetched. I will try my best to choose the best one for you." Chu Mu looked around and found that there are quite a lot of soul pets here. It's a pity that they all feel that the quality is average... Maybe Chu Mu's vision is too high.

"Brother, I want an evil flame six-tailed demon fox..." Chu Yishui said excitedly.

"..." Chu Mu was speechless.

It is of course impossible to help Chu Yishui find the Xieyan six-tailed demon fox, not to mention the Xieyan six-tailed demon fox, even seeing a six-tailed demon fox is considered very lucky.

"It's a demon spirit butterfly, I want this..." Chu Yishui wanted almost any cute soul pet he saw, and Chu Yishui had said this sentence no less than twenty times this afternoon.

"Demon Spirit Butterfly, high-level warrior, wind attribute, sensitive soul pet, fourth stage and third stage, very good growth." Chu Mu made a judgment on a demon spirit butterfly parked on a long-leaved tree at a glance .

The demon spirit butterfly should be a soul pet that is more popular with women. This kind of soul pet has an elegant and beautiful appearance, and at the same time has a strong ability to control the wind element. Its evasion ability and agility often make many soul pets angry, but In the end, he was consumed by the ubiquitous wind skills, and then defeated.

To deal with this kind of soul pet, Chu Mu naturally didn't want to let his original four warriors.

Chu Mu asked Mo Xie to go back to the soul pet space to sleep, and began to recite the mantra, and opened the soul contract with Mo Ye.

A black pattern slowly appeared at the feet of the Thunder Dream Beast of the Night, and the stubborn little Mo in a black ink armor also slowly appeared, standing calmly in the black halo, his eyes staring at the front indifferently.

"Moye? Little Moye of the second stage?" Chu Yishui blinked immediately, looking at the extremely thin little guy in front of him, and seemed to want to touch Xiaomo's smooth armor with his hands.

If the soul pet master does not have enough experience, it is indeed possible to make a mistake in judging the stage of the soul pet. Of course, the stubborn little Moye is indeed a little smaller, so it is not surprising that the inexperienced Chu Yishui would regard him as a second stage.

"Zhan Ye, Yao Lingdie is an agile soul pet, so handle it carefully." Chu Mu also said to Xiao Mo.

Zhan is also the name Chu Mu gave Mo Ye. Chu Mu felt that there seemed to be nothing better than "Zhan" to describe the character of this stubborn little Mo Ye.

"Hoho~!" Zhan Ye slowly took a step forward, and those black eyes immediately locked onto the perched demon spirit butterfly.

"Brother, aren't you the little Moye who bullies you? That demon spirit butterfly is at the second stage of the fourth stage." Chu Yishui thought that Chu Mu might have summoned him wrong, so he reminded Chu Mu.

"Don't worry, it can deal with this kind of opponent." Chu Mu smiled, but he also had full confidence in Xiao Mo.

Chu Yishui was dubious, watching with big beautiful eyes that Chu Mu commanded the extremely thin little Mo to also go to fight the demon spirit butterfly who had already shown some demonic aura. Scrape out.


When Xiao Mo also angered Yao Lingdie, Yao Lingdie launched a whirlwind, immediately threw Mo out, and then fell heavily to the ground from a high altitude, Chu Yishui felt a burst of distress.

Generally speaking, Mo Ye's body size is already close to 1.5 meters, and the power of the wind demon butterfly whirlwind should not be able to easily roll up the body of the commander-level Mo Ye, but Chu Mu's Zhan Ye is too thin and thin Already...

Chu Mu didn't care about Zhan Ye's fall injury, Zhan Ye had a self-healing speed six times faster than other soul pets, this kind of whirlwind fall injury might have recovered before the battle was over.

"Brother, let's change to a soul pet, the little guy is so pitiful." Chu Yishui felt more and more distressed the more he looked at it.

"Even if I want to take it back, it may not come back." Chu Mu said.

Indeed, Chu Mu's little Mo is also very stubborn, as long as it thinks it can defeat an opponent, it will never give up.

"But..." Chu Yishui was just about to persuade him, when he suddenly noticed that Chu Mu's Mo also suddenly took a step, and his speed increased instantly. With the help of his thin and agile body, he jumped directly to the height of ten meters from the long-leaved tree. high!

Chu Yishui was stunned!

This Mo was thrown so badly by the whirlwind of the demon spirit butterfly just now, so nothing happened, as if he had just been summoned to fight!

Fighting will not launch an attack easily, once an attack is launched, it is absolutely fatal!

Smashing Claws!

The thick black-armored long claws slapped the demon spirit butterfly fiercely, smashing it to pieces, almost completely shattering the demon spirit butterfly's wings!

"Roar!" After Zhan Ye's blow, the body like a tiger and leopard trampled down fiercely, pushing the demon spirit butterfly from the air to the ground!

"Boom!" The dust flew up immediately! The demon spirit butterfly is deeply buried in the rock mud, and it is difficult to spread its wings and fly!

Chu Yishui stared at this scene with wide eyes, and couldn't speak for a moment. He never thought that this little Mo would be able to burst out with such strength under the condition of being continuously traumatized, defeating the fourth-stage second-order in one fell swoop. demon butterfly.

"This demon spirit butterfly is very ordinary." Chu Mu called Zhan Ye back, but he didn't kill the demon spirit butterfly, but he didn't let Chu Yishui choose this soul pet either.

"Oh, oh..." Chu Yishui hadn't recovered from that surprise, but just nodded silly.