The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 160: Robbing Yang Mantian and his son (Part 2)


Yang Shang met Chu Mu at the auction house. Although he had the same face now, it made Yang Shang feel that they were two completely different people.

At this time, Chu Mu's whole body was full of murderous aura, and those eyes were filled with the most terrifying fierce light, like a wild beast that could burst out with terrifying power at any time!

Yang Mantian's face was completely sunken, he would never have thought that this useless person who should have died four years ago would show such a terrifying aura now, and now he has secretly started to control his blood beast, Ready to give Chu Mu a fatal blow at any time.

Yang Mantian's blood beast is no different from ordinary soul pets, it already possesses the aura of ghost blood. When the blood beast releases the aura of ghost blood, its combat power can be greatly improved!

"Mo Xie!"

Chu Mu naturally knew that Yang Mantian's seventh-stage blood beast was not easy, so he immediately asked Mo Xie to unleash all his power!

The scorching red flames of the demon fire suddenly sprang up from Mo Xie's flame hooves, and the raging flames created a more terrifying heat wave, mixed with a huge monster aura, and spread crazily towards the burning forest. Suddenly all the flames tilted!

Clusters of flames were whipped by the strong wind, constantly swaying and swaying!

The powerful demonic energy and fire waves immediately suppressed Yang Mantian and his son, Yang Mantian's blood beast took a step back, and the soul pet of the seventh stage became afraid of the soul pet of the sixth stage!

"Evil Flame Six-Tailed Demon Fox!" Yang Shang stared in horror at Chu Mu, a soul pet that had unleashed all its power. Originally, he wanted to summon his sixth-stage blood beast, but now he didn't have the guts to summon him at all!

Yang Mantian could naturally see the horror of Chu Mu's evil flame six-tailed demon fox, he didn't dare to hesitate at all, and immediately summoned his other soul pet!

"Wow~!" The sixth-level and fifth-level Dire Wolf rolled up a gust of wind and slowly appeared in Yang Mantian's summoning pattern.

Yang Mantian's seventh-stage blood-winged three-eyed beast had been reduced to ashes while protecting Yang Shang, and it was impossible for him to summon a third soul pet when his third soul was frustrated.

When Yang Mantian summoned his soul pet, Chu Mu and Mo Xie were both preparing for it at the same time!

"Rage Flame!"

The silver-white hair was suddenly dyed crimson, and Mo Xie's body seemed to be completely on fire, but the pair of silver-white eyes in the raging fire appeared extremely strange!

"Woooooooo!" Mo Xie raised his head and let out a high-pitched cry. Suddenly, a violently burning demon fire and evil flame rose suddenly, and the temperature of the entire forest burning with flames rose again terrifyingly!

"Favorite-Rage Flame!"

When Mo Xie finished releasing the anger flames, Chu Mu completed the spell at the same time!

That pair of black pupils burst out with a bewitching luster of demon fire, and the extremely terrifying pale soul flame burned from Chu Mu's body, and as Chu Mu raised his hands, the pale flame turned into a terrifying The fire skill - Raging Flame, is intertwined with the Raging Flame of Mo Xie's demon fire and evil flame!

Bright red, bewitching white!

The two kinds of flames are completely fused, that is, there is the scorching heat that burns the body, and the coldness that penetrates into the soul!

Fury is a level 6 fire skill. Under the action of demon fire and evil flame, its power is comparable to level 7 fire attack.

And now it is superimposed with the White Nightmare Devil Flame whose strength has reached the sixth stage and fourth stage!

The White Nightmare is a terrifying monarch level. The power of its magic flame is terrifying. When combined with Mo Xie's demon fire, the flame damage will be doubled. The superposition of this pair of anger flames and double flames is definitely reaching Level 8 flame attack effect!

"Hoo hoo hoo ~!"

The ice armor released by Yang Mantian had no effect, and was easily melted by the pair of anger flames. Yang Mantian's two main pets hadn't displayed any skills yet, and were immediately engulfed by the terrible flames. Whether it was the sixth-stage Dire Wolf or the seventh-stage Blood Beast, they all let out the most painful howls!

Yang Mantian's face was pale, and the burning of the pale soul demon flame made his soul also suffer from burning, and the two soul pets were even more seriously injured under this terrifying attack!

"You bastard, if you haven't summoned your soul pet, you're going to die!" Yang Mantian yelled furiously at Yang Shang who was hiding behind him!

Yang Shang's fifth-stage blood-winged three-eyed beast had already been buried in the flames of the Nightmare Demon. After Yang Mantian yelled at it, Yang Shang trembled in fright. He chanted two or three spells in a row before finally calling The sixth-stage blood beast appeared!

Yang Shang's blood beast is not as good as his father's, although it has six stages, it can only be said to be a little bit stronger than most warrior-level soul pets.

After summoning the blood beast, Yang Shang chanted the spell again in a panic, and summoned another seventh-stage slave-level soul pet bloodthirsty beast.

These two soul pets are not at the same level as Yang Mantian's soul pets in terms of stage and level. This kind of soul pet may still be a little threatening to Chu Mu a year ago, but now, as long as the Demon Tree Warrior can easily solve.

"Magic Tree Warrior!"

Chu Mu's Demon Tree Warrior is not an ordinary warrior-level soul pet now, the attack power of the Demon Tree Warrior who controls the Demon Tree has become very terrifying, enough to display a level 7 wood-type skill!

"Root piercing!"

With the demon tree attached, the damage of the magic tree warrior's wood skills doubled, and even the number of piercing roots increased a lot!

Fifty demon tree roots suddenly stabbed out from the ground covered with flames, piercing through Yang Shang's two soul pets almost instantly, and countless blood holes appeared on Yang Shang's two soul pets immediately!

After the control of the wood attribute is strengthened, the magic tree warrior can also micro-control the skills like Bing Kong!

Yang Shang, who was so pale with fright, didn't even notice that a root of the demon tree was aimed at his back like a javelin!

"Ah!" A scream suddenly echoed miserably in the woods!

The roots of the demon tree pierced down fiercely, and the ice armor on Yang Shang's body was melted when the anger flames ignited, and he didn't release any defensive skills after that. The roots of the monster tree penetrated his body with great joy!

If Yang Shang could overcome his previous fear, he might be able to persist in front of the Demon Tree Warrior for a while, but this guy showed too many flaws, and Chu Mu, who is extremely good at killing people, would never let go of this guy who could directly kill the soul. Opportunity for a pet teacher!

The roots passed through the body, and the blood splashed on Yang Mantian's face. Yang Mantian seemed to lose his soul in an instant, and he stared blankly at the slowly falling Yang Shang!

Bloodshot gradually filled Yang Mantian's eyes...

"I'm going to tear you to pieces!"

Suddenly, Yang Mantian roared angrily!

Yang Mantian's pupils were all red. At this moment, Yang Mantian would no longer have any guesses, and even ignored the trauma of his soul that was still being burned, he recited the spell!

Crazy blood pupil!

When Yang Mantian released the blood-pupil madness, he seemed to be possessed by this terrible bloody murderous aura, and his whole body was like a beast on the verge of eruption!

The blood pupil maniac formed a layer of blood shadow, covering the seventh-stage blood beast. The blood beast is a blood beast, and the blood pupil maniac applied it to it, and the fighting power increased even more terrifying!

Seeing that Yang Mantian was completely insane, Chu Mu smiled calmly. The seventh-stage blood beast has been burned to the point where it has almost no combat power due to the anger of the eighth-level effect, and the blood-pupil madness applied to it is just a dying struggle!

Chu Mu's soul power is limited, so it is very difficult to use Blood Pupil Maniac after casting Fury Flame, and Chu Mu also felt that there is no need to use Blood Pupil Maniac to deal with Yang Mantian, so he directly ordered Mo Xie to step on the magic flame to deal with the two people who had been severely injured by the Fury Flame. Kill the soul pet!

After the fighting power of the demon tree warrior increased, he became extremely fierce. After Yang Shang's two soul pets were pierced by successive roots, they fell bloody in a pool of blood, completely losing their fighting power.

Soon, the Demon Tree Warrior who could attack from a long distance began to release the roots frantically, and launched a frenzied attack on a fifth-stage and ninth-order low-level commanding-level soul pet that Yang Mantian forcibly replaced!

On the road, blood was sprinkled all over the ground, magic flames of different colors swayed in the wind blowing from the forest, and corpses were piled up messily.

"Burn!" He Lang, the killer leader of the Nightmare Demon Palace gave an order, and the five Blue Nightmare Demons unleashed dark blue magic flames at the same time, burning the corpses of the twenty Yang family masters and their soul pets to death!

"My lord, the one who escaped just now should be their leader. He is very powerful. Let Young Master Yan go alone, will it be..." A Nightmare Palace killer whispered to He Lang.

"Well, you guys, go and have a look." He Lang used to be Xia Guanghan's subordinate, but now he is Chu Mu's deputy. If something happens to Chu Mu, his deputy is also to blame.

"Yes!" The three Nightmare Demon Palace killers immediately summoned the wing-type soul pet to them, and quickly jumped onto the soul pet.

However, just as the three killers were about to take off, they suddenly noticed a black figure slowly walking from the shadow of the nearby forest.

All the killers showed a bit of surprise, because these well-trained killers didn't realize when this Eternal Sea Nightmare would come back at all!

"Changing another route, transport the soul core and soul crystal worth 5 million gold coins to the Soul Pet Palace in Gangluo City, convert them all into gold coins, and send them to the auction house," Chu Mu said.

"Yes!" The twenty-one assassins would not ask any questions, and immediately saluted and executed.

After finishing speaking, Chu Mu jumped onto Mo Xie's back, and galloped along the road towards Gangluo City!

Seeing this Chu Mu driving the Night Thunder Dream Beast away, all the killers were also in awe!

The strength of the leader of the Yang family has already been clearly investigated by these killers. The fact that the king of Prison Island can be eliminated in such a short period of time is enough to show his tyrannical strength and terrifying killing methods!