The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 164: Clean up the internal dirt of the Chu family


"Go aside and talk." Chu Mu said to Qin Meng'er.

Qin Meng'er nodded, summoned Yanniao back and followed behind Chu Mu, ignoring Chu Ying who made trouble for no reason.

"Chu Mu, where do you want to go without training!" Chu Ying blushed with anger. In the past, when this eldest lady troubled Chu Mu, Chu Mu had an indifferent attitude, but now, Chu Mu completely treats her cousin, Chu Ying, as nothing!

"Sister Meng'er keeps running to us recently, she still follows this kid like before..." Chu He glanced at Chu Mu and Qin Meng'er who were walking aside, and said slowly.

Chu Xing nodded and said, "It's good for them to have a small relationship. At the beginning, the two families planned to..."

When Chu Xing said this, he suddenly stopped, realizing that there was no need to mention these things now, so he just raised the corners of his mouth.

"Hmph, isn't it just a matter of marriage? What's the big deal? If I knew that my fiancé had lost his soul and had been missing for four years, I would have cut off all ties with him long ago!" Chu Ying said.

"Little sister, you can't be so snobbish. It can be seen that Meng'er sister has always cared about Chu Mu. After the news of Chu Mu's loss of one soul spread, she is still very kind to Chu Mu. If Chu Mu can really marry Such a good wife..." Chu Xing said with a bit of envy.

Qin Menger is naturally beautiful, and always gives people a feeling of elegance and refinement. Many people like it very much, including Chu Xing himself, but Chu Xing knows that Qin Menger has always liked to be by Chu Mu's side, so it should be For those who like Chu Mu more, Chu Xing will not have too many thoughts.

"What's wrong with her, huh, big brother knows how to praise others!" Chu Ying also flung herself away in a fit of anger, put away her red bird, and didn't want to train anymore.

Chu Mu and Qin Meng'er didn't go far, they went to the side to talk, and Chu Mu's hearing was very good, and he could hear the conversations of several people.

In fact, Chu Mu also knew that if there were not so many accidents, Qin Meng'er would marry him at the age of twenty. It's just that after Qin Meng'er was selected by Luo Yumen, Chu Mu himself was reduced to the Green Nightmare Demon Island. In four years, both of them had some changes, and there were also many estrangements. The marriage contract made by that family is a big deal, not to mention that the marriage contract should have been dissolved long ago.

"Any news?" Chu Mu glanced at Qin Meng'er and asked.

"Yes, I should be very sure. I really didn't expect that the Chu family has been regressing all these years, and it would be because of them..." Qin Menger said in a low voice.

"I felt something was wrong before, it really was them." Chu Mu smiled indifferently.

The decline of a family is often not broken by people, but eaten by internal moths. Chu Mu still understands this simple truth, and the route of the Chu family's caravan is known to the Yang family, and the territory is tried when it is weakest. The destruction, and Chu Yi being traumatized when the recommendation came, these seem to have happened inadvertently, but if they are related to the word "inner ghost", these seem not to be strange.

Before, Chu Mu got some information about the situation of the Chu family from He Lang in recent years, many things that should not have happened happened inexplicably, and even felt that the Yang family and the Zhou family knew everything about the Chu family well...

Chu Mu has never shown his full strength in the family. It is precisely because Chu Mu guessed this possibility. If he had let the Yang family and Zhou family know his strength early, they would definitely take corresponding measures. All kinds of conspiracies and tricks.

What the Nightmare Demon Palace can understand is also limited, so Chu Mu specially asked Qin Menger to use the Qin family's information resources to learn more about this matter.

The Qin family has stood in Gangluo City for decades, and the Chu family has deep connections in various trade contacts and human resources. If you investigate carefully, you will definitely be able to find out some weird and strange movements of the four major families in Gangluo City. Sure enough, Qin Meng'er brought back to Chu Mu the news that he was very sure that there was an inner ghost, and who the inner ghost was.

"What are you going to do?" Qin Menger asked in a low voice. If there is an inner ghost in the family, it is difficult to find out that it is the same thing, and it is even more difficult to clean it up. If the inner ghost still has a lot of power, it will also involve the interests of the entire family. But also can only pretend.

"There are some things that need to be resolved." Chu Mu said flatly.

"You have to clean them up... They are yours anyway..." Qin Menger stared at Chu Mu, and suddenly felt that Chu Mu had really changed a lot. If it was the old Chu Mu, it would be absolutely impossible for him to do such a thing. of.

"After the recommendation, I will leave here. The affairs here must be cleaned up." Chu Mu said. Qin Menger is also someone Chu Mu trusts more, and Qin Menger already knows her identity, so there is no need for Chu Mu to shy away from her about dealing with the Chu family.

"Leave here?" Qin Meng'er stared at Chu Mu with clear eyes.

"En." Chu Mu nodded, and then slowly walked towards the training ground.

Qin Meng'er looked at Chu Mu. For some reason, she felt that the Chu Mu four years ago was completely different from the Chu Mu four years later. He was wearing a cold mask that was hard to get close to, wise and indifferent. , calm, and rarely has any mood swings... The only thing that made Qin Menger feel familiar with Chu Mu was the emotion in his eyes when he stared at his soul pet...

Late at night, in the room of the old Patriarch Chu Ming, Chu Mu stood in front of the window in white clothes, staring at the distant mountains that could be seen outside the window.

Next to Chu Mu was Patriarch Chu Ming. Chu Ming was wearing a nightgown, his pale hair fluttering against the wind from the window.

"Do you have something to say to Grandpa?" Chu Ming looked at Chu Mu whose temperament was completely different from four years ago, and said slowly.

"Well, I think Grandpa should have noticed this, but he's not sure, or he's still hesitant." Chu Mu didn't beat around the bush either.

Chu Mu originally wanted to dispatch the killers of the Nightmare Demon Palace to get rid of the internal filth of the Chu family, but in the end he gave up. Chu Mu felt that if a family needs to be adjusted by forceful intervention from the outside, it will never be able to improve. Fundamentally solve all problems and change subjectively...

"The recommendation is coming soon, and I plan to clear up this matter before the recommendation, alas..." Chu Ming sighed, glanced out of the window, and spoke after a long time.

"Your arrival also made me make up my mind. Well, I think it's time for me to give up the position of Patriarch. People always worry about too many things when they get old."

Chu Ming's words caught Chu Mu a little surprised. He stared at the old man for a long time and felt a bit of bitterness. It seems that he was right not to dispatch the killer of Nightmare Demon Palace.

"In the future, your uncle will be in charge of the internal and external affairs of the family. Your uncle will do things cleanly and neatly. He will know how to solve the internal affairs of the family..." Chu Ming said in a long tone. Some hesitated.

Seeing Chu Ming's gloomy expression, Chu Mu also knew that it was indeed very difficult for Chu Ming to make this decision. After all, that person had also made a lot of contributions to the family...

"Go back and rest, and let Grandpa be quiet." Chu Ming waved his hand, telling Chu Mu to go back.

Chu Mu nodded. Now that Chu Ming has made up his mind, Chu Mu has nothing to worry about. It would be more appropriate for Chu Ming, the Patriarch, to resolve these matters...

For a month, Chu Mu was still improving the strength of Mo Ye and Night Thunder Dream Beast. Although Chu Mu would also appear in the Chu family's training ground, Chu Mu felt that practicing skills and strength was still not as good as A real battle can quickly increase the strength of a soul pet.

Therefore, Chu Mu spent most of this month in the Broken Forest, using the purest fighting and huge capital consumption to quickly improve Zhan Ye's strength.

During this month, the Chu family is still busy with matters related to connections, economy, prestige, and strength. It seems that there is not much difference from the recommendation in the past few years. However, people inside the family can clearly feel that the family There have been some changes.

This change is not very obvious, but some people who are more familiar with the family system can still perceive it.

Some of the main industries operated by the Chu family were gradually taken over by Chu Tianheng's people, and the Chu family's guards were all in Chu Tianheng's hands, and the Chu family's retainers were assigned to Chu Tianlin's hands. Powers were weakened in a short period of time.

As the recommendation approached, the members of the Chu family suddenly discovered that the forces under Chu Nan's banner suddenly withdrew from the important industries of the Chu family overnight, and were assigned to a relatively remote subsidiary city of Gangluo City. A small part of the Chu family industry.

At this time, everyone can see that the Chu family has undergone a major reshuffle in this short period of time. One-third of the industry originally controlled by Chu Nan suddenly collapsed, and the Chu family's economy once again appeared. Very serious setback...

The Chu family has already entered a trough, but this big reshuffle has dealt a heavier blow to the Chu family. Many people don't understand why the Chu family chose this time to carry out a very unwise rectification of the family.

"The big problem of the Chu family has basically been solved, but there are still some stains left, which will be removed bit by bit. However, such a vigorous effort to solve the problem will also bring about huge problems. If this recommendation doesn't bring out the momentum of our Chu family , our family will face another major crisis that is on the verge of collapse!"

"So, the fate of the entire family is in the hands of the five of you, and you must not let the family down!"

The voice of Chu Tianheng, who lives in the new home, echoed heavily in the ears of the five young Chu family members who participated in the nomination!