The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 1722: Totem girl!


"There is a drop of divine dew in the Tiangong. Under normal circumstances, if I want to enter the tenth stage, I have to practice for a full ten years, and I cannot pass external force. If I get this drop of divine dew, I can enter the tenth stage smoothly." Yu Sa changed the subject.

"Are we going to break into the Heavenly Palace?" Princess Jinrou asked.

"You have to stay here." Yu Suo said to Princess Jinrou.

"Me?" Princess Jinrou pointed to herself.

"Well, there is still a restriction in Tiangong, only people from Tiangong can enter. You have to do something for me." Yu Suo said.

"What's the matter?" Princess Jinrou asked.

Yu Suo opened the space ring and handed a scroll to Princess Jinrou.

Princess Jinrou looked at the scroll with doubts on her face, and found that there were lines similar to city graphics drawn on the scroll.

"This is the Celestial City I drew from memory. The positions of the twelve large formation eyes and the thirty-six small formation eyes are marked on it. For these twelve places, you sneak to the closest place you can , sprinkle these seeds on the ground randomly. Then there are thirty-six small array eyes, where the guards are not so strict, you have to sprinkle these flower seeds to the precise place." Yu Suo said.

Princess Jinrou held the scroll and seeds, still looking puzzled.

"This is a big guarantee for us to leave here safely. You can transform into a ghost form, and you can even attach to one of them. Only you can easily break into these formations." Yu Suo explained, seeming to know Chu Mu would be worried about Princess Jinrou's safety, so she continued: "Don't worry, there aren't many masters in Tiancheng, even if there is her, she can handle it. The real danger is inside Tiangong. After Shenlu helped me enter the tenth stage, I can set up a life formation to continue Bai Jinrou's life. Although I can't achieve complete resurrection, it shouldn't be too much of a problem to last for a few years."

Since it is related to the continuation of Princess Jinrou's life, Chu Mu will of course make a breakthrough.

"Okay, then you have to be careful." Princess Jinrou nodded.

Most of the defenders of Tiancheng gathered in this direction of the town when the monsters devoured the food.

This also gave Chu Mu and the others a chance to break into Tiancheng easily.

Entering Tiancheng, they don't need to hide and hide and mix directly with the crowd of Tiancheng, and they won't have any big problems.

There will be a lot of people coming and going in the streets of Tiancheng, which is no different from most human cities, but Chu Mu always feels that something is missing.

After entering Tiancheng, Princess Jinrou separated from the two of them, and planted the seeds according to the location of the formation eye indicated in the painting scroll.

This was related to whether Chu Mu could walk out of the Heavenly Palace safely, and Princess Jinrou didn't dare to be careless.

Yu Suo told Princess Jinrou that there are some specially dressed female soul pet masters guarding each position of the formation. All she has to do is to choose a person with weak willpower and attach herself to her, so that she can relax more easily. Enter the more center of the formation eye.

When Princess Jinrou flew to the eye of the first big formation, she really found some heroic female soul pet masters in holy blue.

These female soul pet masters are all dragons who control the silver color, and each of them seems to be quite strong.

For some reason, Princess Jinrou felt that these female soul pet masters in holy blue clothes seemed to have some relationship with Yu Suo, otherwise why would their dressing style be somewhat similar to Yu Suo.

Flying over Tiancheng, the white Tiangong, which is like an altar or temple, is close in front of you.

Looking at this incomparably gorgeous palace, Chu Mu once again had a shocking picture of the God of the White Sea rolling up a huge wave and swallowing it towards this majestic palace.

"How do we get in?" Chu Mu asked.

There is a restriction in Tiangong, and Chu Mu can clearly feel the strength of this restriction.

You must know that even the undead-level White Sea God was not able to destroy the ethereal and mysterious palace in front of him, which is enough to show that there are truly undead-level strongmen in this heavenly palace, and the restrictions outside the heavenly palace must not be restricted by any power. crushed.

"Just walk in." Yu Suo said.

"Go in?" Chu Mu was stunned.

Yu Suo walked in front, a veil covering her face.

The white staircase of Tiangong is in front of you, Yu Suo walks up the staircase with light steps...

After walking up a large step, the white Heavenly Palace Guardians on both sides of the jade-white wide platform still stood there like sculptures, and did not take a second look at Yu Suo and Chu Mu.

Continue to go up, also without any Tiangong guards blocking.

Seeing Yu Suo's relaxed appearance with her chest up and her head raised, Chu Mu felt that she was like a queen who had returned to her palace. She didn't feel a little bit out of place for sneaking in. On the contrary, it was the first time for Chu Mu to come here. Some are uncomfortable.

"What's going on, why didn't these people stop you?" Chu Mu asked with a spiritual voice.

This path of stairs is the only unrestricted entrance to the Heavenly Palace, but there are Soul Immortal-level powerhouses guarding both sides of each big step, and there are at least a hundred people at a glance.

In the human realm, Chu Mu was considered a rare opponent, but the powerful lineup of the Heavenly Palace Guardians made Chu Mu extremely afraid. If he was detected as an intruder, it would be almost impossible to leave here!

"They don't know me anymore, and I have the unique mark and breath of Tiangong members on me. They will only think that I am a member of the Totem Believers. You have a soul covenant with me, and you will also carry this kind of aura on your body." If it is Bai Jinrou, she will be stopped directly, even if she turns into a ghost and hides in your ring, she will be noticed." Yu Suo said.

"Totem girl, what is this?" Chu Mu asked.

"It's the Tiangong women who maintain the 12 large formations and the 36 small formations in Tiancheng. They have the same ability to arrange and repair formations as me, and they are the most respected people in Tiangong." Yu Suo said .

"So, you used to be the totem girl of Tiangong?" Chu Mu asked.

"Yeah." Yu Suo nodded.

Chu Mu suddenly realized.

No wonder Yu Suo is the only one in this world who can set up picture formations. It turns out that the picture formation culture came from the Heavenly Palace.

"You guys have something to do with Yingu's light array?" Chu Mu continued to ask.

"Zhengu is a very old thing. Maybe it's a racial curse created by a god-level totem believer. I'm not sure." Yu Suo said.

The only ones in this world who can set up a map formation are the totem believers in Tiangong. Chu Mu felt that he had already caught a clue that the Seven Sins Fox was cursed.

Yu Suo glanced at Chu Mu, guessed what Chu Mu was thinking, and said in a low voice: "There are indeed documents in the Totem Temple that record all the formations set up by the Totem Believers, especially the earth-shattering formations. But you You must know that the Totem Temple is the most heavily guarded place in the entire Tiangong, I do not recommend going there, we will leave immediately after taking the dew, Tiangong is more terrifying than you imagined."

"Aren't you a totem believer, can't you walk into the totem temple like you are now?" Chu Mu asked.

The matter of the Seven Sin Fox has been lingering in Chu Mu's heart, if it can't be solved, it seems that there is a knot in his heart that is always stuck.

Especially thinking of the two Kings of Light silently cuddling together and waiting for Yin Gu to collapse, Chu Mu's heart would always feel sore. It felt like watching two old friends leave without being able to do anything about it.

Yu Suo looked at Chu Mu's eyes eager to know the answer, and hesitated for a while.

"Okay. Actually, that document was placed on the bookshelf in my room before. It's just that I was not very interested in such ancient things at that age. I just read it a few times when I was bored and couldn't sleep. I only read it once. I haven't seen the diagrams of thousands of years of literature, and the diagrams of more than tens of thousands of years." Yu Suo said.

"..." Chu Mu was a little speechless.

Many unsolved secrets in the world are related to totems and totems. People have always been unable to explain who set up these totems and totems, and some people have worked hard to learn ancient characters and spells, just to To be able to unravel the mysteries of those diagrams...

It turned out that all these secrets were actually recorded in a document, which was placed on the bookshelf that a woman used to hypnotize herself before going to bed.

Stepping into the Heavenly Palace, Chu Mu felt that he had stepped into a giant's palace, and every carving on a jade-white pillar seemed to be about the same size as himself!

The palace is magnificent and quiet, everyone who walks in front of them is extremely serious, it seems that whoever makes a hearty laugh here breaks the silence of the palace is a sin.

Everyone spoke in low voices, and everyone maintained a steady and solemn pace. The only sounds that could be heard were the clanging of armor and the heels of noble women.

Walking through the silent white halls one after another, Chu Mu found that everyone here has a unique aura, which can make them stand out from the crowd when they stand among ordinary people. It is true innate superiority.

Just like some high-level soul pets, they are born with an aura that is superior to other weak creatures. The men and women here are like this. Most of them are handsome and beautiful, with arrogant and indifferent eyes.

"On the ground, there is also a group of people who have the same sense of superiority as these people." Yu Suo said to Chu Mu.

Chu Mu glanced at Yu Suo, and when he saw her inner emotions, she looked defensive and angry. But she has been prying into her inner thoughts through the covenant of the soul all the time...

"Who?" Chu Mu didn't bother to argue with her.

"Two great royal families." Yu Suo said.

"What do they have to do with Tiangong?"

"I said before that some of the people born here will stay in Tiangong and Tiancheng to become guardians. There are also some people who will be sent to the world..."

"They are what you call the human royal family."